path: root/contrib/libs/libpqxx/src/binarystring.cxx
blob: 0091f48bafc6223c23005363e6887b1a1f50281e (plain) (tree)

/** Implementation of bytea (binary string) conversions.
 * Copyright (c) 2000-2019, Jeroen T. Vermeulen.
 * See COPYING for copyright license.  If you did not receive a file called
 * COPYING with this source code, please notify the distributor of this mistake,
 * or contact the author.
#include "pqxx/compiler-internal.hxx"

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <new>
#include <stdexcept>

extern "C"
#include "libpq-fe.h"

#include "pqxx/binarystring"
#include "pqxx/field"

using namespace pqxx::internal;

using unsigned_char = unsigned char;
using buffer = std::pair<unsigned char *, size_t>;

buffer to_buffer(const void *data, size_t len)
  void *const output{malloc(len + 1)};
  if (output == nullptr) throw std::bad_alloc{};
  static_cast<char *>(output)[len] = '\0';
  memcpy(static_cast<char *>(output), data, len);
  return buffer{static_cast<unsigned char *>(output), len};

buffer to_buffer(const std::string &source)
  return to_buffer(source.c_str(), source.size());

buffer unescape(const unsigned char escaped[])
#ifdef _WIN32
  /* On Windows only, the return value from PQunescapeBytea() must be freed
   * using PQfreemem.  Copy to a buffer allocated by libpqxx, so that the
   * binarystring's buffer can be freed uniformly,
  size_t unescaped_len = 0;
  // TODO: Use make_unique once we require C++14.  Sooo much easier.
  std::unique_ptr<unsigned char, void(*)(unsigned char *)> A(
	PQunescapeBytea(const_cast<unsigned char *>(escaped), &unescaped_len),
	freepqmem_templated<unsigned char>);
  void *data = A.get();
  if (data == nullptr) throw std::bad_alloc{};
  return to_buffer(data, unescaped_len);
  /* On non-Windows platforms, it's okay to free libpq-allocated memory using
   * free().  No extra copy needed.
  buffer unescaped;
  unescaped.first = PQunescapeBytea(
	const_cast<unsigned char *>(escaped), &unescaped.second);
  if (unescaped.first == nullptr) throw std::bad_alloc{};
  return unescaped;

} // namespace

pqxx::binarystring::binarystring(const field &F) :
  buffer unescaped{unescape(reinterpret_cast<const_pointer>(F.c_str()))};
  m_buf = make_smart_pointer(unescaped.first);
  m_size = unescaped.second;

pqxx::binarystring::binarystring(const std::string &s) :
  m_buf = make_smart_pointer(to_buffer(s).first);

pqxx::binarystring::binarystring(const void *binary_data, size_t len) :
  m_buf = make_smart_pointer(to_buffer(binary_data, len).first);

bool pqxx::binarystring::operator==(const binarystring &rhs) const noexcept
  if (rhs.size() != size()) return false;
  return std::memcmp(data(), rhs.data(), size()) == 0;

pqxx::binarystring &pqxx::binarystring::operator=(const binarystring &rhs)
  m_buf = rhs.m_buf;
  m_size = rhs.m_size;
  return *this;

pqxx::binarystring::const_reference pqxx::binarystring::at(size_type n) const
  if (n >= m_size)
    if (m_size == 0)
      throw std::out_of_range{"Accessing empty binarystring"};
    throw std::out_of_range{
	"binarystring index out of range: " +
	to_string(n) + " (should be below " + to_string(m_size) + ")"};
  return data()[n];

void pqxx::binarystring::swap(binarystring &rhs)

  // This part very obviously can't go wrong, so do it last
  const auto s = m_size;
  m_size = rhs.m_size;
  rhs.m_size = s;

std::string pqxx::binarystring::str() const
  return std::string{get(), m_size};