// Little Color Management System
// Copyright (c) 1998-2023 Marti Maria Saguer
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
// to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
// the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
// and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
// is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "lcms2_internal.h"
// PostScript ColorRenderingDictionary and ColorSpaceArray
#define MAXPSCOLS 60 // Columns on tables
PostScript does use XYZ as its internal PCS. But since PostScript
interpolation tables are limited to 8 bits, I use Lab as a way to
improve the accuracy, favoring perceptual results. So, for the creation
of each CRD, CSA the profiles are converted to Lab via a device
link between profile -> Lab or Lab -> profile. The PS code necessary to
convert Lab <-> XYZ is also included.
Color Space Arrays (CSA)
In order to obtain precision, code chooses between three ways to implement
the device -> XYZ transform. These cases identifies monochrome profiles (often
implemented as a set of curves), matrix-shaper and Pipeline-based.
This is implemented as /CIEBasedA CSA. The prelinearization curve is
placed into /DecodeA section, and matrix equals to D50. Since here is
no interpolation tables, I do the conversion directly to XYZ
NOTE: CLUT-based monochrome profiles are NOT supported. So, cmsFLAGS_MATRIXINPUT
flag is forced on such profiles.
[ /CIEBasedA
/DecodeA { transfer function } bind
/MatrixA [D50]
/RangeLMN [ 0.0 cmsD50X 0.0 cmsD50Y 0.0 cmsD50Z ]
/WhitePoint [D50]
/BlackPoint [BP]
/RenderingIntent (intent)
On simpler profiles, the PCS is already XYZ, so no conversion is required.
Matrix-shaper based
This is implemented both with /CIEBasedABC or /CIEBasedDEF depending on the
profile implementation. Since here there are no interpolation tables, I do
the conversion directly to XYZ
[ /CIEBasedABC
/DecodeABC [ {transfer1} {transfer2} {transfer3} ]
/MatrixABC [Matrix]
/RangeLMN [ 0.0 cmsD50X 0.0 cmsD50Y 0.0 cmsD50Z ]
/DecodeLMN [ { / 2} dup dup ]
/WhitePoint [D50]
/BlackPoint [BP]
/RenderingIntent (intent)
CLUT based
Lab is used in such cases.
[ /CIEBasedDEF
/DecodeDEF [ <prelinearization> ]
/Table [ p p p [<...>]]
/RangeABC [ 0 1 0 1 0 1]
/DecodeABC[ <postlinearization> ]
/RangeLMN [ -0.236 1.254 0 1 -0.635 1.640 ]
% -128/500 1+127/500 0 1 -127/200 1+128/200
/MatrixABC [ 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -1]
/WhitePoint [D50]
/BlackPoint [BP]
/RenderingIntent (intent)
Color Rendering Dictionaries (CRD)
These are always implemented as CLUT, and always are using Lab. Since CRD are expected to
be used as resources, the code adds the definition as well.
/ColorRenderingType 1
/WhitePoint [ D50 ]
/BlackPoint [BP]
/MatrixPQR [ Bradford ]
/RangePQR [-0.125 1.375 -0.125 1.375 -0.125 1.375 ]
/TransformPQR [
{4 index 3 get div 2 index 3 get mul exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind
{4 index 4 get div 2 index 4 get mul exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind
{4 index 5 get div 2 index 5 get mul exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind
/MatrixABC <...>
/EncodeABC <...>
/RangeABC <.. used for XYZ -> Lab>
/RenderTable [ p p p [<...>]]
/RenderingIntent (Perceptual)
/Current exch /ColorRendering defineresource pop
The following stages are used to convert from XYZ to Lab
Input is given at LMN stage on X, Y, Z
Encode LMN gives us f(X/Xn), f(Y/Yn), f(Z/Zn)
/EncodeLMN [
{ 0.964200 div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind
{ 1.000000 div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind
{ 0.824900 div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind
MatrixABC is used to compute f(Y/Yn), f(X/Xn) - f(Y/Yn), f(Y/Yn) - f(Z/Zn)
| 0 1 0|
| 1 -1 0|
| 0 1 -1|
/MatrixABC [ 0 1 0 1 -1 1 0 0 -1 ]
EncodeABC finally gives Lab values.
/EncodeABC [
{ 116 mul 16 sub 100 div } bind
{ 500 mul 128 add 255 div } bind
{ 200 mul 128 add 255 div } bind
The following stages are used to convert Lab to XYZ
/RangeABC [ 0 1 0 1 0 1]
/DecodeABC [ { 100 mul 16 add 116 div } bind
{ 255 mul 128 sub 500 div } bind
{ 255 mul 128 sub 200 div } bind
/MatrixABC [ 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -1]
/DecodeLMN [
{dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 0.964200 mul} bind
{dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse } bind
{dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 0.824900 mul} bind
PostScript algorithms discussion.
1D interpolation algorithm
1D interpolation (float)
val2 = Domain * Value;
cell0 = (int) floor(val2);
cell1 = (int) ceil(val2);
rest = val2 - cell0;
y0 = LutTable[cell0] ;
y1 = LutTable[cell1] ;
y = y0 + (y1 - y0) * rest;
PostScript code Stack
{ % v
<check 0..1.0>
[array] % v tab
dup % v tab tab
length 1 sub % v tab dom
3 -1 roll % tab dom v
mul % tab val2
dup % tab val2 val2
dup % tab val2 val2 val2
floor cvi % tab val2 val2 cell0
exch % tab val2 cell0 val2
ceiling cvi % tab val2 cell0 cell1
3 index % tab val2 cell0 cell1 tab
exch % tab val2 cell0 tab cell1
get % tab val2 cell0 y1
4 -1 roll % val2 cell0 y1 tab
3 -1 roll % val2 y1 tab cell0
get % val2 y1 y0
dup % val2 y1 y0 y0
3 1 roll % val2 y0 y1 y0
sub % val2 y0 (y1-y0)
3 -1 roll % y0 (y1-y0) val2
dup % y0 (y1-y0) val2 val2
floor cvi % y0 (y1-y0) val2 floor(val2)
sub % y0 (y1-y0) rest
mul % y0 t1
add % y
65535 div % result
} bind
// This struct holds the memory block currently being write
typedef struct {
_cmsStageCLutData* Pipeline;
int FirstComponent;
int SecondComponent;
const char* PreMaj;
const char* PostMaj;
const char* PreMin;
const char* PostMin;
int FixWhite; // Force mapping of pure white
cmsColorSpaceSignature ColorSpace; // ColorSpace of profile
} cmsPsSamplerCargo;
static int _cmsPSActualColumn = 0;
// Convert to byte
cmsUInt8Number Word2Byte(cmsUInt16Number w)
return (cmsUInt8Number) floor((cmsFloat64Number) w / 257.0 + 0.5);
// Write a cooked byte
void WriteByte(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsUInt8Number b)
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%02x", b);
_cmsPSActualColumn += 2;
if (_cmsPSActualColumn > MAXPSCOLS) {
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "\n");
_cmsPSActualColumn = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- PostScript generation
// Removes offending carriage returns
char* RemoveCR(const char* txt)
static char Buffer[2048];
char* pt;
strncpy(Buffer, txt, 2047);
Buffer[2047] = 0;
for (pt = Buffer; *pt; pt++)
if (*pt == '\n' || *pt == '\r') *pt = ' ';
return Buffer;
void EmitHeader(cmsIOHANDLER* m, const char* Title, cmsHPROFILE hProfile)
time_t timer;
cmsMLU *Description, *Copyright;
char DescASCII[256], CopyrightASCII[256];
Description = (cmsMLU*) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigProfileDescriptionTag);
Copyright = (cmsMLU*) cmsReadTag(hProfile, cmsSigCopyrightTag);
DescASCII[0] = DescASCII[255] = 0;
CopyrightASCII[0] = CopyrightASCII[255] = 0;
if (Description != NULL) cmsMLUgetASCII(Description, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, DescASCII, 255);
if (Copyright != NULL) cmsMLUgetASCII(Copyright, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, CopyrightASCII, 255);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%%\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% %s\n", Title);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% Source: %s\n", RemoveCR(DescASCII));
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% %s\n", RemoveCR(CopyrightASCII));
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% Created: %s", ctime(&timer)); // ctime appends a \n!!!
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%%\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%%%%BeginResource\n");
// Emits White & Black point. White point is always D50, Black point is the device
// Black point adapted to D50.
void EmitWhiteBlackD50(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsCIEXYZ* BlackPoint)
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/BlackPoint [%f %f %f]\n", BlackPoint -> X,
BlackPoint -> Y,
BlackPoint -> Z);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/WhitePoint [%f %f %f]\n", cmsD50_XYZ()->X,
void EmitRangeCheck(cmsIOHANDLER* m)
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup 0.0 lt { pop 0.0 } if "
"dup 1.0 gt { pop 1.0 } if ");
// Does write the intent
void EmitIntent(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsUInt32Number RenderingIntent)
const char *intent;
switch (RenderingIntent) {
case INTENT_PERCEPTUAL: intent = "Perceptual"; break;
case INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC: intent = "RelativeColorimetric"; break;
case INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC: intent = "AbsoluteColorimetric"; break;
case INTENT_SATURATION: intent = "Saturation"; break;
default: intent = "Undefined"; break;
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RenderingIntent (%s)\n", intent );
// Convert L* to Y
// Y = Yn*[ (L* + 16) / 116] ^ 3 if (L*) >= 6 / 29
// = Yn*( L* / 116) / 7.787 if (L*) < 6 / 29
// Lab -> XYZ, see the discussion above
void EmitLab2XYZ(cmsIOHANDLER* m)
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangeABC [ 0 1 0 1 0 1]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/DecodeABC [\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{100 mul 16 add 116 div } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{255 mul 128 sub 500 div } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{255 mul 128 sub 200 div } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/MatrixABC [ 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -1]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangeLMN [ -0.236 1.254 0 1 -0.635 1.640 ]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/DecodeLMN [\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 0.964200 mul} bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 0.824900 mul} bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
// Outputs a table of words. It does use 16 bits
void Emit1Gamma(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsToneCurve* Table)
cmsUInt32Number i;
cmsFloat64Number gamma;
* On error, empty tables or lienar assume gamma 1.0
if (Table == NULL ||
Table->nEntries <= 0 ||
cmsIsToneCurveLinear(Table)) {
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 1 } bind ");
// Check if is really an exponential. If so, emit "exp"
gamma = cmsEstimateGamma(Table, 0.001);
if (gamma > 0) {
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ %g exp } bind ", gamma);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ ");
// Bounds check
// Emit intepolation code
// PostScript code Stack
// =============== ========================
// v
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " [");
for (i=0; i < Table->nEntries; i++) {
if (i % 10 == 0)
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "\n ");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%d ", Table->Table16[i]);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "] "); // v tab
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup "); // v tab tab
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "length 1 sub "); // v tab dom
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "3 -1 roll "); // tab dom v
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "mul "); // tab val2
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup "); // tab val2 val2
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup "); // tab val2 val2 val2
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "floor cvi "); // tab val2 val2 cell0
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "exch "); // tab val2 cell0 val2
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "ceiling cvi "); // tab val2 cell0 cell1
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "3 index "); // tab val2 cell0 cell1 tab
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "exch "); // tab val2 cell0 tab cell1
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "get\n "); // tab val2 cell0 y1
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "4 -1 roll "); // val2 cell0 y1 tab
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "3 -1 roll "); // val2 y1 tab cell0
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "get "); // val2 y1 y0
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup "); // val2 y1 y0 y0
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "3 1 roll "); // val2 y0 y1 y0
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "sub "); // val2 y0 (y1-y0)
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "3 -1 roll "); // y0 (y1-y0) val2
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup "); // y0 (y1-y0) val2 val2
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "floor cvi "); // y0 (y1-y0) val2 floor(val2)
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "sub "); // y0 (y1-y0) rest
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "mul "); // y0 t1
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "add "); // y
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "65535 div\n"); // result
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " } bind ");
// Compare gamma table
cmsBool GammaTableEquals(cmsUInt16Number* g1, cmsUInt16Number* g2, cmsUInt32Number nG1, cmsUInt32Number nG2)
if (nG1 != nG2) return FALSE;
return memcmp(g1, g2, nG1 * sizeof(cmsUInt16Number)) == 0;
// Does write a set of gamma curves
void EmitNGamma(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsUInt32Number n, cmsToneCurve* g[])
cmsUInt32Number i;
for( i=0; i < n; i++ )
if (g[i] == NULL) return; // Error
if (i > 0 && GammaTableEquals(g[i-1]->Table16, g[i]->Table16, g[i-1]->nEntries, g[i]->nEntries)) {
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup ");
else {
Emit1Gamma(m, g[i]);
// Following code dumps a LUT onto memory stream
// This is the sampler. Intended to work in SAMPLER_INSPECT mode,
// that is, the callback will be called for each knot with
// In[] The grid location coordinates, normalized to 0..ffff
// Out[] The Pipeline values, normalized to 0..ffff
// Returning a value other than 0 does terminate the sampling process
// Each row contains Pipeline values for all but first component. So, I
// detect row changing by keeping a copy of last value of first
// component. -1 is used to mark beginning of whole block.
int OutputValueSampler(CMSREGISTER const cmsUInt16Number In[], CMSREGISTER cmsUInt16Number Out[], CMSREGISTER void* Cargo)
cmsPsSamplerCargo* sc = (cmsPsSamplerCargo*) Cargo;
cmsUInt32Number i;
if (sc -> FixWhite) {
if (In[0] == 0xFFFF) { // Only in L* = 100, ab = [-8..8]
if ((In[1] >= 0x7800 && In[1] <= 0x8800) &&
(In[2] >= 0x7800 && In[2] <= 0x8800)) {
cmsUInt16Number* Black;
cmsUInt16Number* White;
cmsUInt32Number nOutputs;
if (!_cmsEndPointsBySpace(sc ->ColorSpace, &White, &Black, &nOutputs))
return 0;
for (i=0; i < nOutputs; i++)
Out[i] = White[i];
// Hadle the parenthesis on rows
if (In[0] != sc ->FirstComponent) {
if (sc ->FirstComponent != -1) {
_cmsIOPrintf(sc ->m, sc ->PostMin);
sc ->SecondComponent = -1;
_cmsIOPrintf(sc ->m, sc ->PostMaj);
// Begin block
_cmsPSActualColumn = 0;
_cmsIOPrintf(sc ->m, sc ->PreMaj);
sc ->FirstComponent = In[0];
if (In[1] != sc ->SecondComponent) {
if (sc ->SecondComponent != -1) {
_cmsIOPrintf(sc ->m, sc ->PostMin);
_cmsIOPrintf(sc ->m, sc ->PreMin);
sc ->SecondComponent = In[1];
// Dump table.
for (i=0; i < sc -> Pipeline ->Params->nOutputs; i++) {
cmsUInt16Number wWordOut = Out[i];
cmsUInt8Number wByteOut; // Value as byte
// We always deal with Lab4
wByteOut = Word2Byte(wWordOut);
WriteByte(sc -> m, wByteOut);
return 1;
// Writes a Pipeline on memstream. Could be 8 or 16 bits based
void WriteCLUT(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsStage* mpe, const char* PreMaj,
const char* PostMaj,
const char* PreMin,
const char* PostMin,
int FixWhite,
cmsColorSpaceSignature ColorSpace)
cmsUInt32Number i;
cmsPsSamplerCargo sc;
sc.FirstComponent = -1;
sc.SecondComponent = -1;
sc.Pipeline = (_cmsStageCLutData *) mpe ->Data;
sc.m = m;
sc.PreMaj = PreMaj;
sc.PostMaj= PostMaj;
sc.PreMin = PreMin;
sc.PostMin = PostMin;
sc.FixWhite = FixWhite;
sc.ColorSpace = ColorSpace;
if (sc.Pipeline != NULL && sc.Pipeline->Params != NULL) {
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "[");
for (i = 0; i < sc.Pipeline->Params->nInputs; i++)
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " %d ", sc.Pipeline->Params->nSamples[i]);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " [\n");
cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(mpe, OutputValueSampler, (void*)&sc, SAMPLER_INSPECT);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, PostMin);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, PostMaj);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "] ");
// Dumps CIEBasedA Color Space Array
int EmitCIEBasedA(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsToneCurve* Curve, cmsCIEXYZ* BlackPoint)
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "[ /CIEBasedA\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " <<\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/DecodeA ");
Emit1Gamma(m, Curve);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " \n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/MatrixA [ 0.9642 1.0000 0.8249 ]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangeLMN [ 0.0 0.9642 0.0 1.0000 0.0 0.8249 ]\n");
EmitWhiteBlackD50(m, BlackPoint);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, ">>\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
return 1;
// Dumps CIEBasedABC Color Space Array
int EmitCIEBasedABC(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsFloat64Number* Matrix, cmsToneCurve** CurveSet, cmsCIEXYZ* BlackPoint)
int i;
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "[ /CIEBasedABC\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/DecodeABC [ ");
EmitNGamma(m, 3, CurveSet);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/MatrixABC [ " );
for( i=0; i < 3; i++ ) {
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%.6f %.6f %.6f ", Matrix[i + 3*0],
Matrix[i + 3*1],
Matrix[i + 3*2]);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangeLMN [ 0.0 0.9642 0.0 1.0000 0.0 0.8249 ]\n");
EmitWhiteBlackD50(m, BlackPoint);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, ">>\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
return 1;
int EmitCIEBasedDEF(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsPipeline* Pipeline, cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsCIEXYZ* BlackPoint)
const char* PreMaj;
const char* PostMaj;
const char* PreMin, *PostMin;
cmsStage* mpe;
mpe = Pipeline->Elements;
switch (cmsStageInputChannels(mpe)) {
case 3:
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "[ /CIEBasedDEF\n");
PreMaj = "<";
PostMaj = ">\n";
PreMin = PostMin = "";
case 4:
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "[ /CIEBasedDEFG\n");
PreMaj = "[";
PostMaj = "]\n";
PreMin = "<";
PostMin = ">\n";
return 0;
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n");
if (cmsStageType(mpe) == cmsSigCurveSetElemType) {
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/DecodeDEF [ ");
EmitNGamma(m, cmsStageOutputChannels(mpe), _cmsStageGetPtrToCurveSet(mpe));
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
mpe = mpe ->Next;
if (cmsStageType(mpe) == cmsSigCLutElemType) {
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/Table ");
WriteCLUT(m, mpe, PreMaj, PostMaj, PreMin, PostMin, FALSE, (cmsColorSpaceSignature) 0);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
EmitWhiteBlackD50(m, BlackPoint);
EmitIntent(m, Intent);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " >>\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
return 1;
// Generates a curve from a gray profile
cmsToneCurve* ExtractGray2Y(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsUInt32Number Intent)
cmsToneCurve* Out = cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(ContextID, 256, NULL);
cmsHPROFILE hXYZ = cmsCreateXYZProfile();
cmsHTRANSFORM xform = cmsCreateTransformTHR(ContextID, hProfile, TYPE_GRAY_8, hXYZ, TYPE_XYZ_DBL, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE);
int i;
if (Out != NULL && xform != NULL) {
for (i=0; i < 256; i++) {
cmsUInt8Number Gray = (cmsUInt8Number) i;
cmsDoTransform(xform, &Gray, &XYZ, 1);
Out ->Table16[i] =_cmsQuickSaturateWord(XYZ.Y * 65535.0);
if (xform) cmsDeleteTransform(xform);
if (hXYZ) cmsCloseProfile(hXYZ);
return Out;
// Because PostScript has only 8 bits in /Table, we should use
// a more perceptually uniform space... I do choose Lab.
int WriteInputLUT(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsUInt32Number dwFlags)
cmsHTRANSFORM xform;
cmsUInt32Number nChannels;
cmsUInt32Number InputFormat;
int rc;
cmsHPROFILE Profiles[2];
cmsCIEXYZ BlackPointAdaptedToD50;
// Does create a device-link based transform.
// The DeviceLink is next dumped as working CSA.
InputFormat = cmsFormatterForColorspaceOfProfile(hProfile, 2, FALSE);
nChannels = T_CHANNELS(InputFormat);
cmsDetectBlackPoint(&BlackPointAdaptedToD50, hProfile, Intent, 0);
// Adjust output to Lab4
hLab = cmsCreateLab4ProfileTHR(m ->ContextID, NULL);
Profiles[0] = hProfile;
Profiles[1] = hLab;
xform = cmsCreateMultiprofileTransform(Profiles, 2, InputFormat, TYPE_Lab_DBL, Intent, 0);
if (xform == NULL) {
cmsSignalError(m ->ContextID, cmsERROR_COLORSPACE_CHECK, "Cannot create transform Profile -> Lab");
return 0;
// Only 1, 3 and 4 channels are allowed
switch (nChannels) {
case 1: {
cmsToneCurve* Gray2Y = ExtractGray2Y(m ->ContextID, hProfile, Intent);
EmitCIEBasedA(m, Gray2Y, &BlackPointAdaptedToD50);
case 3:
case 4: {
cmsUInt32Number OutFrm = TYPE_Lab_16;
cmsPipeline* DeviceLink;
_cmsTRANSFORM* v = (_cmsTRANSFORM*) xform;
DeviceLink = cmsPipelineDup(v ->Lut);
if (DeviceLink == NULL) return 0;
dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_FORCE_CLUT;
_cmsOptimizePipeline(m->ContextID, &DeviceLink, Intent, &InputFormat, &OutFrm, &dwFlags);
rc = EmitCIEBasedDEF(m, DeviceLink, Intent, &BlackPointAdaptedToD50);
if (rc == 0) return 0;
cmsSignalError(m ->ContextID, cmsERROR_COLORSPACE_CHECK, "Only 3, 4 channels are supported for CSA. This profile has %d channels.", nChannels);
return 0;
return 1;
cmsFloat64Number* GetPtrToMatrix(const cmsStage* mpe)
_cmsStageMatrixData* Data = (_cmsStageMatrixData*) mpe ->Data;
return Data -> Double;
// Does create CSA based on matrix-shaper. Allowed types are gray and RGB based
int WriteInputMatrixShaper(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsStage* Matrix, cmsStage* Shaper)
cmsColorSpaceSignature ColorSpace;
int rc;
cmsCIEXYZ BlackPointAdaptedToD50;
ColorSpace = cmsGetColorSpace(hProfile);
cmsDetectBlackPoint(&BlackPointAdaptedToD50, hProfile, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0);
if (ColorSpace == cmsSigGrayData) {
cmsToneCurve** ShaperCurve = _cmsStageGetPtrToCurveSet(Shaper);
rc = EmitCIEBasedA(m, ShaperCurve[0], &BlackPointAdaptedToD50);
if (ColorSpace == cmsSigRgbData) {
cmsMAT3 Mat;
int i, j;
memmove(&Mat, GetPtrToMatrix(Matrix), sizeof(Mat));
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
Mat.v[i].n[j] *= MAX_ENCODEABLE_XYZ;
rc = EmitCIEBasedABC(m, (cmsFloat64Number *) &Mat,
else {
cmsSignalError(m->ContextID, cmsERROR_COLORSPACE_CHECK, "Profile is not suitable for CSA. Unsupported colorspace.");
return 0;
return rc;
// Creates a PostScript color list from a named profile data.
// This is a HP extension, and it works in Lab instead of XYZ
int WriteNamedColorCSA(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hNamedColor, cmsUInt32Number Intent)
cmsHTRANSFORM xform;
cmsUInt32Number i, nColors;
char ColorName[cmsMAX_PATH];
cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* NamedColorList;
hLab = cmsCreateLab4ProfileTHR(m ->ContextID, NULL);
xform = cmsCreateTransform(hNamedColor, TYPE_NAMED_COLOR_INDEX, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, Intent, 0);
if (xform == NULL) return 0;
NamedColorList = cmsGetNamedColorList(xform);
if (NamedColorList == NULL) {
return 0;
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "(colorlistcomment) (%s)\n", "Named color CSA");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Prefix) [ (Pantone ) (PANTONE ) ]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Suffix) [ ( CV) ( CVC) ( C) ]\n");
nColors = cmsNamedColorCount(NamedColorList);
for (i=0; i < nColors; i++) {
cmsUInt16Number In[1];
cmsCIELab Lab;
In[0] = (cmsUInt16Number) i;
if (!cmsNamedColorInfo(NamedColorList, i, ColorName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
cmsDoTransform(xform, In, &Lab, 1);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " (%s) [ %.3f %.3f %.3f ]\n", ColorName, Lab.L, Lab.a, Lab.b);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, ">>\n");
return 1;
// Does create a Color Space Array on XYZ colorspace for PostScript usage
cmsUInt32Number GenerateCSA(cmsContext ContextID,
cmsHPROFILE hProfile,
cmsUInt32Number Intent,
cmsUInt32Number dwFlags,
cmsIOHANDLER* mem)
cmsUInt32Number dwBytesUsed;
cmsPipeline* lut = NULL;
cmsStage* Matrix, *Shaper;
// Is a named color profile?
if (cmsGetDeviceClass(hProfile) == cmsSigNamedColorClass) {
if (!WriteNamedColorCSA(mem, hProfile, Intent)) goto Error;
else {
// Any profile class are allowed (including devicelink), but
// output (PCS) colorspace must be XYZ or Lab
cmsColorSpaceSignature ColorSpace = cmsGetPCS(hProfile);
if (ColorSpace != cmsSigXYZData &&
ColorSpace != cmsSigLabData) {
cmsSignalError(ContextID, cmsERROR_COLORSPACE_CHECK, "Invalid output color space");
goto Error;
// Read the lut with all necessary conversion stages
lut = _cmsReadInputLUT(hProfile, Intent);
if (lut == NULL) goto Error;
// Tone curves + matrix can be implemented without any LUT
if (cmsPipelineCheckAndRetreiveStages(lut, 2, cmsSigCurveSetElemType, cmsSigMatrixElemType, &Shaper, &Matrix)) {
if (!WriteInputMatrixShaper(mem, hProfile, Matrix, Shaper)) goto Error;
else {
// We need a LUT for the rest
if (!WriteInputLUT(mem, hProfile, Intent, dwFlags)) goto Error;
// Done, keep memory usage
dwBytesUsed = mem ->UsedSpace;
// Get rid of LUT
if (lut != NULL) cmsPipelineFree(lut);
// Finally, return used byte count
return dwBytesUsed;
if (lut != NULL) cmsPipelineFree(lut);
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------ Color Rendering Dictionary (CRD)
Black point compensation plus chromatic adaptation:
Step 1 - Chromatic adaptation
X = ------- PQR
Step 2 - Black point compensation
(WPout - BPout)*X - WPout*(BPin - BPout)
out = ---------------------------------------
WPout - BPin
Algorithm discussion
TransformPQR(WPin, BPin, WPout, BPout, PQR)
Wpin,etc= { Xws Yws Zws Pws Qws Rws }
Algorithm Stack 0...n
PQR BPout WPout BPin WPin
4 index 3 get WPin PQR BPout WPout BPin WPin
div (PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
2 index 3 get WPout (PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
mult WPout*(PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
2 index 3 get WPout WPout*(PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
2 index 3 get BPout WPout WPout*(PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
sub (WPout-BPout) WPout*(PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
mult (WPout-BPout)* WPout*(PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
2 index 3 get WPout (BPout-WPout)* WPout*(PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
4 index 3 get BPin WPout (BPout-WPout)* WPout*(PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
3 index 3 get BPout BPin WPout (BPout-WPout)* WPout*(PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
sub (BPin-BPout) WPout (BPout-WPout)* WPout*(PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
mult (BPin-BPout)*WPout (BPout-WPout)* WPout*(PQR/WPin) BPout WPout BPin WPin
sub (BPout-WPout)* WPout*(PQR/WPin)-(BPin-BPout)*WPout BPout WPout BPin WPin
3 index 3 get BPin (BPout-WPout)* WPout*(PQR/WPin)-(BPin-BPout)*WPout BPout WPout BPin WPin
3 index 3 get WPout BPin (BPout-WPout)* WPout*(PQR/WPin)-(BPin-BPout)*WPout BPout WPout BPin WPin
sub (WPout-BPin) (BPout-WPout)* WPout*(PQR/WPin)-(BPin-BPout)*WPout BPout WPout BPin WPin
exch pop
exch pop
exch pop
exch pop
void EmitPQRStage(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, int DoBPC, int lIsAbsolute)
if (lIsAbsolute) {
// For absolute colorimetric intent, encode back to relative
// and generate a relative Pipeline
// Relative encoding is obtained across XYZpcs*(D50/WhitePoint)
cmsCIEXYZ White;
_cmsReadMediaWhitePoint(&White, hProfile);
_cmsIOPrintf(m,"/MatrixPQR [1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m,"/RangePQR [ -0.5 2 -0.5 2 -0.5 2 ]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% Absolute colorimetric -- encode to relative to maximize LUT usage\n"
"/TransformPQR [\n"
"{0.9642 mul %g div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop} bind\n"
"{1.0000 mul %g div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop} bind\n"
"{0.8249 mul %g div exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop} bind\n]\n",
White.X, White.Y, White.Z);
_cmsIOPrintf(m,"%% Bradford Cone Space\n"
"/MatrixPQR [0.8951 -0.7502 0.0389 0.2664 1.7135 -0.0685 -0.1614 0.0367 1.0296 ] \n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangePQR [ -0.5 2 -0.5 2 -0.5 2 ]\n");
// No BPC
if (!DoBPC) {
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% VonKries-like transform in Bradford Cone Space\n"
"/TransformPQR [\n"
"{exch pop exch 3 get mul exch pop exch 3 get div} bind\n"
"{exch pop exch 4 get mul exch pop exch 4 get div} bind\n"
"{exch pop exch 5 get mul exch pop exch 5 get div} bind\n]\n");
} else {
// BPC
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "%% VonKries-like transform in Bradford Cone Space plus BPC\n"
"/TransformPQR [\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{4 index 3 get div 2 index 3 get mul "
"2 index 3 get 2 index 3 get sub mul "
"2 index 3 get 4 index 3 get 3 index 3 get sub mul sub "
"3 index 3 get 3 index 3 get exch sub div "
"exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{4 index 4 get div 2 index 4 get mul "
"2 index 4 get 2 index 4 get sub mul "
"2 index 4 get 4 index 4 get 3 index 4 get sub mul sub "
"3 index 4 get 3 index 4 get exch sub div "
"exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{4 index 5 get div 2 index 5 get mul "
"2 index 5 get 2 index 5 get sub mul "
"2 index 5 get 4 index 5 get 3 index 5 get sub mul sub "
"3 index 5 get 3 index 5 get exch sub div "
"exch pop exch pop exch pop exch pop } bind\n]\n");
void EmitXYZ2Lab(cmsIOHANDLER* m)
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RangeLMN [ -0.635 2.0 0 2 -0.635 2.0 ]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/EncodeLMN [\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 0.964200 div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 1.000000 div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 0.824900 div dup 0.008856 le {7.787 mul 16 116 div add}{1 3 div exp} ifelse } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/MatrixABC [ 0 1 0 1 -1 1 0 0 -1 ]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/EncodeABC [\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 116 mul 16 sub 100 div } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 500 mul 128 add 256 div } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "{ 200 mul 128 add 256 div } bind\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
// Due to impedance mismatch between XYZ and almost all RGB and CMYK spaces
// I choose to dump LUTS in Lab instead of XYZ. There is still a lot of wasted
// space on 3D CLUT, but since space seems not to be a problem here, 33 points
// would give a reasonable accuracy. Note also that CRD tables must operate in
// 8 bits.
int WriteOutputLUT(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsUInt32Number dwFlags)
cmsHTRANSFORM xform;
cmsUInt32Number i, nChannels;
cmsUInt32Number OutputFormat;
cmsPipeline* DeviceLink;
cmsHPROFILE Profiles[3];
cmsCIEXYZ BlackPointAdaptedToD50;
cmsBool lDoBPC = (cmsBool) (dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_BLACKPOINTCOMPENSATION);
cmsBool lFixWhite = (cmsBool) !(dwFlags & cmsFLAGS_NOWHITEONWHITEFIXUP);
cmsUInt32Number InFrm = TYPE_Lab_16;
cmsUInt32Number RelativeEncodingIntent;
cmsColorSpaceSignature ColorSpace;
cmsStage* first;
hLab = cmsCreateLab4ProfileTHR(m ->ContextID, NULL);
if (hLab == NULL) return 0;
OutputFormat = cmsFormatterForColorspaceOfProfile(hProfile, 2, FALSE);
nChannels = T_CHANNELS(OutputFormat);
ColorSpace = cmsGetColorSpace(hProfile);
// For absolute colorimetric, the LUT is encoded as relative in order to preserve precision.
RelativeEncodingIntent = Intent;
if (RelativeEncodingIntent == INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC)
// Use V4 Lab always
Profiles[0] = hLab;
Profiles[1] = hProfile;
xform = cmsCreateMultiprofileTransformTHR(m ->ContextID,
Profiles, 2, TYPE_Lab_DBL,
OutputFormat, RelativeEncodingIntent, 0);
if (xform == NULL) {
cmsSignalError(m ->ContextID, cmsERROR_COLORSPACE_CHECK, "Cannot create transform Lab -> Profile in CRD creation");
return 0;
// Get a copy of the internal devicelink
v = (_cmsTRANSFORM*) xform;
DeviceLink = cmsPipelineDup(v ->Lut);
if (DeviceLink == NULL) {
return 0;
// We need a CLUT
dwFlags |= cmsFLAGS_FORCE_CLUT;
_cmsOptimizePipeline(m->ContextID, &DeviceLink, RelativeEncodingIntent, &InFrm, &OutputFormat, &dwFlags);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/ColorRenderingType 1\n");
cmsDetectBlackPoint(&BlackPointAdaptedToD50, hProfile, Intent, 0);
// Emit headers, etc.
EmitWhiteBlackD50(m, &BlackPointAdaptedToD50);
EmitPQRStage(m, hProfile, lDoBPC, Intent == INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC);
// FIXUP: map Lab (100, 0, 0) to perfect white, because the particular encoding for Lab
// does map a=b=0 not falling into any specific node. Since range a,b goes -128..127,
// zero is slightly moved towards right, so assure next node (in L=100 slice) is mapped to
// zero. This would sacrifice a bit of highlights, but failure to do so would cause
// scum dot. Ouch.
lFixWhite = FALSE;
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/RenderTable ");
first = cmsPipelineGetPtrToFirstStage(DeviceLink);
if (first != NULL) {
WriteCLUT(m, first, "<", ">\n", "", "", lFixWhite, ColorSpace);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " %d {} bind ", nChannels);
for (i=1; i < nChannels; i++)
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "dup ");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "]\n");
EmitIntent(m, Intent);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, ">>\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "/Current exch /ColorRendering defineresource pop\n");
return 1;
// Builds a ASCII string containing colorant list in 0..1.0 range
void BuildColorantList(char *Colorant, cmsUInt32Number nColorant, cmsUInt16Number Out[])
char Buff[32];
cmsUInt32Number j;
Colorant[0] = 0;
if (nColorant > cmsMAXCHANNELS)
nColorant = cmsMAXCHANNELS;
for (j = 0; j < nColorant; j++) {
snprintf(Buff, 31, "%.3f", Out[j] / 65535.0);
Buff[31] = 0;
strcat(Colorant, Buff);
if (j < nColorant - 1)
strcat(Colorant, " ");
// Creates a PostScript color list from a named profile data.
// This is a HP extension.
int WriteNamedColorCRD(cmsIOHANDLER* m, cmsHPROFILE hNamedColor, cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsUInt32Number dwFlags)
cmsHTRANSFORM xform;
cmsUInt32Number i, nColors, nColorant;
cmsUInt32Number OutputFormat;
char ColorName[cmsMAX_PATH];
char Colorant[512];
cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* NamedColorList;
OutputFormat = cmsFormatterForColorspaceOfProfile(hNamedColor, 2, FALSE);
nColorant = T_CHANNELS(OutputFormat);
xform = cmsCreateTransform(hNamedColor, TYPE_NAMED_COLOR_INDEX, NULL, OutputFormat, Intent, dwFlags);
if (xform == NULL) return 0;
NamedColorList = cmsGetNamedColorList(xform);
if (NamedColorList == NULL) {
return 0;
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "<<\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "(colorlistcomment) (%s) \n", "Named profile");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Prefix) [ (Pantone ) (PANTONE ) ]\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, "(Suffix) [ ( CV) ( CVC) ( C) ]\n");
nColors = cmsNamedColorCount(NamedColorList);
for (i=0; i < nColors; i++) {
cmsUInt16Number In[1];
cmsUInt16Number Out[cmsMAXCHANNELS];
In[0] = (cmsUInt16Number) i;
if (!cmsNamedColorInfo(NamedColorList, i, ColorName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
cmsDoTransform(xform, In, Out, 1);
BuildColorantList(Colorant, nColorant, Out);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " (%s) [ %s ]\n", ColorName, Colorant);
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " >>");
_cmsIOPrintf(m, " /Current exch /HPSpotTable defineresource pop\n");
return 1;
// This one does create a Color Rendering Dictionary.
// CRD are always LUT-Based, no matter if profile is
// implemented as matrix-shaper.
cmsUInt32Number GenerateCRD(cmsContext ContextID,
cmsHPROFILE hProfile,
cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsUInt32Number dwFlags,
cmsIOHANDLER* mem)
cmsUInt32Number dwBytesUsed;
EmitHeader(mem, "Color Rendering Dictionary (CRD)", hProfile);
// Is a named color profile?
if (cmsGetDeviceClass(hProfile) == cmsSigNamedColorClass) {
if (!WriteNamedColorCRD(mem, hProfile, Intent, dwFlags)) {
return 0;
else {
// CRD are always implemented as LUT
if (!WriteOutputLUT(mem, hProfile, Intent, dwFlags)) {
return 0;
_cmsIOPrintf(mem, "%%%%EndResource\n");
_cmsIOPrintf(mem, "\n%% CRD End\n");
// Done, keep memory usage
dwBytesUsed = mem ->UsedSpace;
// Finally, return used byte count
return dwBytesUsed;
cmsUInt32Number CMSEXPORT cmsGetPostScriptColorResource(cmsContext ContextID,
cmsPSResourceType Type,
cmsHPROFILE hProfile,
cmsUInt32Number Intent,
cmsUInt32Number dwFlags,
cmsUInt32Number rc;
switch (Type) {
rc = GenerateCSA(ContextID, hProfile, Intent, dwFlags, io);
rc = GenerateCRD(ContextID, hProfile, Intent, dwFlags, io);
return rc;
cmsUInt32Number CMSEXPORT cmsGetPostScriptCRD(cmsContext ContextID,
cmsHPROFILE hProfile,
cmsUInt32Number Intent, cmsUInt32Number dwFlags,
void* Buffer, cmsUInt32Number dwBufferLen)
cmsIOHANDLER* mem;
cmsUInt32Number dwBytesUsed;
// Set up the serialization engine
if (Buffer == NULL)
mem = cmsOpenIOhandlerFromNULL(ContextID);
mem = cmsOpenIOhandlerFromMem(ContextID, Buffer, dwBufferLen, "w");
if (!mem) return 0;
dwBytesUsed = cmsGetPostScriptColorResource(ContextID, cmsPS_RESOURCE_CRD, hProfile, Intent, dwFlags, mem);
// Get rid of memory stream
return dwBytesUsed;
// Does create a Color Space Array on XYZ colorspace for PostScript usage
cmsUInt32Number CMSEXPORT cmsGetPostScriptCSA(cmsContext ContextID,
cmsHPROFILE hProfile,
cmsUInt32Number Intent,
cmsUInt32Number dwFlags,
void* Buffer,
cmsUInt32Number dwBufferLen)
cmsIOHANDLER* mem;
cmsUInt32Number dwBytesUsed;
if (Buffer == NULL)
mem = cmsOpenIOhandlerFromNULL(ContextID);
mem = cmsOpenIOhandlerFromMem(ContextID, Buffer, dwBufferLen, "w");
if (!mem) return 0;
dwBytesUsed = cmsGetPostScriptColorResource(ContextID, cmsPS_RESOURCE_CSA, hProfile, Intent, dwFlags, mem);
// Get rid of memory stream
return dwBytesUsed;