* Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "bfbs_gen_nim.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
// Ensure no includes to flatc internals. bfbs_gen.h and generator.h are OK.
#include "bfbs_gen.h"
#include "bfbs_namer.h"
// The intermediate representation schema.
#include "flatbuffers/code_generator.h"
#include "flatbuffers/reflection.h"
#include "flatbuffers/reflection_generated.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
namespace {
// To reduce typing
namespace r = ::reflection;
std::set<std::string> NimKeywords() {
return {
"addr", "and", "as", "asm", "bind", "block",
"break", "case", "cast", "concept", "const", "continue",
"converter", "defer", "discard", "distinct", "div", "do",
"elif", "else", "end", "enum", "except", "export",
"finally", "for", "from", "func", "if", "import",
"in", "include", "interface", "is", "isnot", "iterator",
"let", "macro", "method", "mixin", "mod", "nil",
"not", "notin", "object", "of", "or", "out",
"proc", "ptr", "raise", "ref", "return", "shl",
"shr", "static", "template", "try", "tuple", "type",
"using", "var", "when", "while", "xor", "yield",
Namer::Config NimDefaultConfig() {
return { /*types=*/Case::kUpperCamel,
/*filename_extension=*/".nim" };
const std::string Export = "*";
const std::set<std::string> builtin_types = {
"uint8", "uint8", "bool", "int8", "uint8", "int16",
"uint16", "int32", "uint32", "int64", "uint64", "float32",
"float64", "string", "int", "uint", "uoffset", "Builder"
class NimBfbsGenerator : public BaseBfbsGenerator {
explicit NimBfbsGenerator(const std::string &flatc_version)
: BaseBfbsGenerator(),
namer_(NimDefaultConfig(), NimKeywords()) {}
Status GenerateFromSchema(const r::Schema *schema,
const CodeGenOptions &options)
options_ = options;
ForAllEnums(schema->enums(), [&](const r::Enum *enum_def) {
ForAllObjects(schema->objects(), [&](const r::Object *object) {
return OK;
using BaseBfbsGenerator::GenerateCode;
Status GenerateCode(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &filename) override {
Status GenerateMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &filename,
std::string &output) override {
Status GenerateGrpcCode(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &filename) override {
Status GenerateRootFile(const Parser &parser,
const std::string &path) override {
bool IsSchemaOnly() const override { return true; }
bool SupportsBfbsGeneration() const override { return true; }
bool SupportsRootFileGeneration() const override { return false; }
IDLOptions::Language Language() const override { return IDLOptions::kNim; }
std::string LanguageName() const override { return "Nim"; }
uint64_t SupportedAdvancedFeatures() const FLATBUFFERS_OVERRIDE {
return r::AdvancedArrayFeatures | r::AdvancedUnionFeatures |
r::OptionalScalars | r::DefaultVectorsAndStrings;
void GenerateEnum(const r::Enum *enum_def) {
std::string code;
std::string ns;
const std::string enum_name = namer_.Type(namer_.Denamespace(enum_def, ns));
const std::string enum_type =
GenerateDocumentation(enum_def->documentation(), "", code);
code += "type " + enum_name + Export + "{.pure.} = enum\n";
ForAllEnumValues(enum_def, [&](const reflection::EnumVal *enum_val) {
GenerateDocumentation(enum_val->documentation(), " ", code);
code += " " + namer_.Variant(enum_val->name()->str()) + " = " +
NumToString(enum_val->value()) + "." + enum_type + ",\n";
EmitCodeBlock(code, enum_name, ns, enum_def->declaration_file()->str());
void GenerateObject(const r::Object *object) {
// Register the main flatbuffers module.
RegisterImports("flatbuffers", "");
std::string code;
std::string ns;
const std::string object_name = namer_.Type(namer_.Denamespace(object, ns));
GenerateDocumentation(object->documentation(), "", code);
code += "type " + object_name + "* = object of FlatObj\n";
// Create all the field accessors.
ForAllFields(object, /*reverse=*/false, [&](const r::Field *field) {
// Skip writing deprecated fields altogether.
if (field->deprecated()) { return; }
const std::string field_name = namer_.Field(*field);
const r::BaseType base_type = field->type()->base_type();
std::string field_type = GenerateType(field->type());
if (field->optional() && !object->is_struct()) {
RegisterImports("std/options", "");
field_type = "Option[" + field_type + "]";
const std::string offset_prefix =
"let o = self.tab.Offset(" + NumToString(field->offset()) + ")\n";
const std::string offset_prefix_2 = "if o != 0:\n";
if (IsScalar(base_type) || base_type == r::String ||
base_type == r::Obj || base_type == r::Union) {
GenerateDocumentation(field->documentation(), "", code);
std::string getter_signature = "func " + namer_.Method(field_name) +
"*(self: " + object_name +
"): " + field_type + " =\n";
std::string getter_code;
std::string setter_signature =
"func `" + namer_.Method(field_name + "=") + "`*(self: var " +
object_name + ", n: " + field_type + "): bool =\n";
std::string setter_code;
if (base_type == r::Obj || base_type == r::Union ||
field->type()->index() >= 0) {
RegisterImports(object, field);
if (object->is_struct()) {
std::string field_getter =
GenerateGetter(field->type(), NumToString(field->offset()));
getter_code += " return " + field_getter + "\n";
if (IsScalar(base_type)) {
setter_code += " return self.tab.Mutate(self.tab.Pos + " +
NumToString(field->offset()) + ", n)\n";
} else {
// Table accessors
getter_code += " " + offset_prefix;
getter_code += " " + offset_prefix_2;
std::string field_getter = GenerateGetter(field->type(), "o");
if (field->optional()) {
field_getter = "some(" + field_getter + ")";
getter_code += " return " + field_getter + "\n";
if (!field->optional()) {
getter_code += " return " + DefaultValue(field) + "\n";
if (IsScalar(base_type)) {
setter_code += " return self.tab.MutateSlot(" +
NumToString(field->offset()) + ", n)\n";
code += getter_signature + getter_code;
if (IsScalar(base_type)) { code += setter_signature + setter_code; }
} else if (base_type == r::Array || base_type == r::Vector) {
const r::BaseType vector_base_type = field->type()->element();
uint32_t element_size = field->type()->element_size();
if (vector_base_type == r::Obj || vector_base_type == r::Union ||
field->type()->index() >= 0) {
RegisterImports(object, field, true);
// Get vector length:
code += "func " + namer_.Method(field_name + "Length") +
"*(self: " + object_name + "): int = \n";
code += " " + offset_prefix;
code += " " + offset_prefix_2;
code += " return self.tab.VectorLen(o)\n";
// Get single vector field:
code += "func " + namer_.Method(field_name) + "*(self: " + object_name +
", j: int): " + GenerateType(field->type(), true) + " = \n";
code += " " + offset_prefix;
code += " " + offset_prefix_2;
code += " var x = self.tab.Vector(o)\n";
code +=
" x += j.uoffset * " + NumToString(element_size) + ".uoffset\n";
code += " return " + GenerateGetter(field->type(), "x", true) + "\n";
// Get entire vector:
code += "func " + namer_.Method(field_name) + "*(self: " + object_name +
"): " + GenerateType(field->type()) + " = \n";
code += " let len = self." + field_name + "Length\n";
code += " for i in countup(0, len - 1):\n";
code += " result.add(self." + field_name + "(i))\n";
(void)IsSingleByte(vector_base_type); // unnused function warning
// Create all the builders
if (object->is_struct()) {
code += "proc " + namer_.Function(object_name + "Create") +
"*(self: var Builder";
code += GenerateStructBuilderArgs(object);
code += "): uoffset =\n";
code += AppendStructBuilderBody(object);
code += " return self.Offset()\n";
} else {
// Table builders
code += "proc " + namer_.Function(object_name + "Start") +
"*(builder: var Builder) =\n";
code += " builder.StartObject(" + NumToString(object->fields()->size()) +
ForAllFields(object, /*reverse=*/false, [&](const r::Field *field) {
if (field->deprecated()) { return; }
const std::string field_name = namer_.Field(*field);
const std::string variable_name = namer_.Variable(*field);
const std::string variable_type = GenerateTypeBasic(field->type());
code += "proc " + namer_.Function(object_name + "Add" + field_name) +
"*(builder: var Builder, " + variable_name + ": " +
variable_type + ") =\n";
code += " builder.Prepend" + GenerateMethod(field) + "Slot(" +
NumToString(field->id()) + ", " + variable_name + ", default(" +
variable_type + "))\n";
if (IsVector(field->type()->base_type())) {
code += "proc " +
namer_.Function(object_name + "Start" + field_name) +
"Vector*(builder: var Builder, numElems: uoffset) =\n";
const int32_t element_size = field->type()->element_size();
int32_t alignment = element_size;
if (IsStruct(field->type(), /*use_element=*/true)) {
alignment = GetObjectByIndex(field->type()->index())->minalign();
code += " builder.StartVector(" + NumToString(element_size) +
", numElems, " + NumToString(alignment) + ")\n";
code += "proc " + namer_.Function(object_name + "End") +
"*(builder: var Builder): uoffset =\n";
code += " return builder.EndObject()\n";
EmitCodeBlock(code, object_name, ns, object->declaration_file()->str());
void GenerateDocumentation(
const flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String>>
std::string indent, std::string &code) const {
documentation, [&](const flatbuffers::String *str) {
code += indent + "# " + str->str() + "\n";
std::string GenerateStructBuilderArgs(const r::Object *object,
std::string prefix = "") const {
std::string signature;
ForAllFields(object, /*reverse=*/false, [&](const r::Field *field) {
if (IsStructOrTable(field->type()->base_type())) {
const r::Object *field_object = GetObject(field->type());
signature += GenerateStructBuilderArgs(
field_object, prefix + namer_.Variable(*field) + "_");
} else {
signature += ", " + prefix + namer_.Variable(*field) + ": " +
return signature;
std::string AppendStructBuilderBody(const r::Object *object,
std::string prefix = "") const {
std::string code;
code += " self.Prep(" + NumToString(object->minalign()) + ", " +
NumToString(object->bytesize()) + ")\n";
// We need to reverse the order we iterate over, since we build the
// buffer backwards.
ForAllFields(object, /*reverse=*/true, [&](const r::Field *field) {
const int32_t num_padding_bytes = field->padding();
if (num_padding_bytes) {
code += " self.Pad(" + NumToString(num_padding_bytes) + ")\n";
if (IsStructOrTable(field->type()->base_type())) {
const r::Object *field_object = GetObject(field->type());
code += AppendStructBuilderBody(field_object,
prefix + namer_.Variable(*field) + "_");
} else {
code += " self.Prepend(" + prefix + namer_.Variable(*field) + ")\n";
return code;
std::string GenerateMethod(const r::Field *field) const {
const r::BaseType base_type = field->type()->base_type();
if (IsStructOrTable(base_type)) { return "Struct"; }
return "";
std::string GenerateGetter(const r::Type *type, const std::string &offsetval,
bool element_type = false) const {
const r::BaseType base_type =
element_type ? type->element() : type->base_type();
std::string offset = offsetval;
if (!element_type) { offset = "self.tab.Pos + " + offset; }
switch (base_type) {
case r::String: return "self.tab.String(" + offset + ")";
case r::Union: return "self.tab.Union(" + offsetval + ")";
case r::Obj: {
return GenerateType(type, element_type) +
"(tab: Vtable(Bytes: self.tab.Bytes, Pos: " + offset + "))";
case r::Vector: return GenerateGetter(type, offsetval, true);
const r::Enum *type_enum = GetEnum(type, element_type);
if (type_enum != nullptr) {
return GenerateType(type, element_type) + "(" + "Get[" +
GenerateType(base_type) + "](self.tab, " + offset + ")" + ")";
} else {
return "Get[" + GenerateType(base_type) + "](self.tab, " + offset +
std::string Denamespace(const std::string &s, std::string &importns,
std::string &ns) const {
if (builtin_types.find(s) != builtin_types.end()) { return s; }
std::string type = namer_.Type(namer_.Denamespace(s, ns));
importns = ns.empty() ? type : ns + "." + type;
std::replace(importns.begin(), importns.end(), '.', '_');
return type;
std::string Denamespace(const std::string &s, std::string &importns) const {
std::string ns;
return Denamespace(s, importns, ns);
std::string Denamespace(const std::string &s) const {
std::string importns;
return Denamespace(s, importns);
std::string GenerateType(const r::Type *type, bool element_type = false,
bool enum_inner = false) const {
const r::BaseType base_type =
element_type ? type->element() : type->base_type();
if (IsScalar(base_type) && !enum_inner) {
const r::Enum *type_enum = GetEnum(type, element_type);
if (type_enum != nullptr) {
std::string importns;
std::string type_name = Denamespace(type_enum->name()->str(), importns);
return importns + "." + type_name;
if (IsScalar(base_type)) { return Denamespace(GenerateType(base_type)); }
switch (base_type) {
case r::String: return "string";
case r::Vector: {
return "seq[" + GenerateType(type, true) + "]";
case r::Union: return "Vtable";
case r::Obj: {
const r::Object *type_obj = GetObject(type, element_type);
std::string importns;
std::string type_name = Denamespace(type_obj->name()->str(), importns);
if (type_obj == current_obj_) {
return type_name;
} else {
return importns + "." + type_name;
default: return "uoffset";
std::string GenerateTypeBasic(const r::Type *type,
bool element_type = false) const {
const r::BaseType base_type =
element_type ? type->element() : type->base_type();
if (IsScalar(base_type)) {
return GenerateType(base_type);
} else {
return "uoffset";
std::string GenerateType(const r::BaseType base_type) const {
switch (base_type) {
case r::None: return "uint8";
case r::UType: return "uint8";
case r::Bool: return "bool";
case r::Byte: return "int8";
case r::UByte: return "uint8";
case r::Short: return "int16";
case r::UShort: return "uint16";
case r::Int: return "int32";
case r::UInt: return "uint32";
case r::Long: return "int64";
case r::ULong: return "uint64";
case r::Float: return "float32";
case r::Double: return "float64";
case r::String: return "string";
default: return r::EnumNameBaseType(base_type);
std::string DefaultValue(const r::Field *field) const {
const r::BaseType base_type = field->type()->base_type();
if (IsFloatingPoint(base_type)) {
if (field->default_real() != field->default_real()) {
return "NaN";
} else if (field->default_real() ==
std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
return "Inf";
} else if (field->default_real() ==
-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
return "-Inf";
return NumToString(field->default_real());
if (IsBool(base_type)) {
return field->default_integer() ? "true" : "false";
if (IsScalar(base_type)) {
const r::Enum *type_enum = GetEnum(field->type());
if (type_enum != nullptr) {
return "type(result)(" + NumToString((field->default_integer())) + ")";
return NumToString((field->default_integer()));
if (base_type == r::String) { return "\"\""; }
// represents offsets
return "0";
void StartCodeBlock(const reflection::Enum *enum_def) {
current_enum_ = enum_def;
current_obj_ = nullptr;
void StartCodeBlock(const reflection::Object *object) {
current_enum_ = nullptr;
current_obj_ = object;
std::vector<std::string> StringSplit(const std::string orig_str,
const std::string token) {
std::vector<std::string> result;
std::string str = orig_str;
while (str.size()) {
size_t index = str.find(token);
if (index != std::string::npos) {
result.push_back(str.substr(0, index));
str = str.substr(index + token.size());
if (str.size() == 0) result.push_back(str);
} else {
str = "";
return result;
std::string GetRelativePathFromNamespace(const std::string &relative_to,
const std::string &str2) {
std::vector<std::string> relative_to_vec = StringSplit(relative_to, ".");
std::vector<std::string> str2_vec = StringSplit(str2, ".");
while (relative_to_vec.size() > 0 && str2_vec.size() > 0) {
if (relative_to_vec[0] == str2_vec[0]) {
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < relative_to_vec.size(); ++i) {
str2_vec.insert(str2_vec.begin(), std::string(".."));
std::string new_path;
for (size_t i = 0; i < str2_vec.size(); ++i) {
new_path += str2_vec[i];
if (i != str2_vec.size() - 1) { new_path += "/"; }
return new_path;
void RegisterImports(const r::Object *object, const r::Field *field,
bool use_element = false) {
std::string importns;
std::string type_name;
const r::BaseType type =
use_element ? field->type()->element() : field->type()->base_type();
if (IsStructOrTable(type)) {
const r::Object *object_def = GetObjectByIndex(field->type()->index());
if (object_def == current_obj_) { return; }
std::string ns;
type_name = Denamespace(object_def->name()->str(), importns, ns);
type_name = ns.empty() ? type_name : ns + "." + type_name;
} else {
const r::Enum *enum_def = GetEnumByIndex(field->type()->index());
if (enum_def == current_enum_) { return; }
std::string ns;
type_name = Denamespace(enum_def->name()->str(), importns, ns);
type_name = ns.empty() ? type_name : ns + "." + type_name;
std::string import_path =
GetRelativePathFromNamespace(object->name()->str(), type_name);
std::replace(type_name.begin(), type_name.end(), '.', '_');
RegisterImports(import_path, importns);
void RegisterImports(const std::string &local_name,
const std::string &imports_name) {
imports_[local_name] = imports_name;
void EmitCodeBlock(const std::string &code_block, const std::string &name,
const std::string &ns, const std::string &declaring_file) {
const std::string full_qualified_name = ns.empty() ? name : ns + "." + name;
std::string code = "#[ " + full_qualified_name + "\n";
code +=
" Automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not "
code += " Or modify. I'm a message, not a cop.\n";
code += "\n";
code += " flatc version: " + flatc_version_ + "\n";
code += "\n";
code += " Declared by : " + declaring_file + "\n";
if (schema_->root_table() != nullptr) {
const std::string root_type = schema_->root_table()->name()->str();
const std::string root_file =
code += " Rooting type : " + root_type + " (" + root_file + ")\n";
code += "]#\n\n";
if (!imports_.empty()) {
for (auto it = imports_.cbegin(); it != imports_.cend(); ++it) {
if (it->second.empty()) {
code += "import " + it->first + "\n";
} else {
code += "import " + it->first + " as " + it->second + "\n";
code += "\n";
code += code_block;
// Namespaces are '.' deliminted, so replace it with the path separator.
std::string path = ns;
if (ns.empty()) {
path = ".";
} else {
std::replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '.', '/');
// TODO(derekbailey): figure out a save file without depending on util.h
const std::string file_name =
options_.output_path + path + "/" + namer_.File(name);
SaveFile(file_name.c_str(), code, false);
std::unordered_set<std::string> keywords_;
std::map<std::string, std::string> imports_;
CodeGenOptions options_;
const r::Object *current_obj_;
const r::Enum *current_enum_;
const std::string flatc_version_;
const BfbsNamer namer_;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<CodeGenerator> NewNimBfbsGenerator(
const std::string &flatc_version) {
return std::unique_ptr<NimBfbsGenerator>(new NimBfbsGenerator(flatc_version));
} // namespace flatbuffers