path: root/contrib/libs/clang18-rt/lib/lsan/lsan_allocator.h
blob: 5eed0cbdb309bbda0a22c15efc6ddbb16a69f566 (plain) (tree)

//=-- lsan_allocator.h ----------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file is a part of LeakSanitizer.
// Allocator for standalone LSan.


#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_allocator.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_internal_defs.h"
#include "lsan_common.h"

namespace __lsan {

void *Allocate(const StackTrace &stack, uptr size, uptr alignment,
               bool cleared);
void Deallocate(void *p);
void *Reallocate(const StackTrace &stack, void *p, uptr new_size,
                 uptr alignment);
uptr GetMallocUsableSize(const void *p);

template<typename Callable>
void ForEachChunk(const Callable &callback);

void GetAllocatorCacheRange(uptr *begin, uptr *end);
void AllocatorThreadStart();
void AllocatorThreadFinish();
void InitializeAllocator();

const bool kAlwaysClearMemory = true;

struct ChunkMetadata {
  u8 allocated : 8;  // Must be first.
  ChunkTag tag : 2;
  uptr requested_size : 54;
  uptr requested_size : 32;
  uptr padding : 22;
  u32 stack_trace_id;

template <typename AddressSpaceViewTy>
struct AP32 {
  static const uptr kSpaceBeg = 0;
  static const u64 kSpaceSize = SANITIZER_MMAP_RANGE_SIZE;
  static const uptr kMetadataSize = sizeof(ChunkMetadata);
  typedef __sanitizer::CompactSizeClassMap SizeClassMap;
  static const uptr kRegionSizeLog = 20;
  using AddressSpaceView = AddressSpaceViewTy;
  typedef NoOpMapUnmapCallback MapUnmapCallback;
  static const uptr kFlags = 0;
template <typename AddressSpaceView>
using PrimaryAllocatorASVT = SizeClassAllocator32<AP32<AddressSpaceView>>;
using PrimaryAllocator = PrimaryAllocatorASVT<LocalAddressSpaceView>;
# if SANITIZER_FUCHSIA || defined(__powerpc64__)
const uptr kAllocatorSpace = ~(uptr)0;
// See the comments in compiler-rt/lib/asan/asan_allocator.h for why these
// values were chosen.
const uptr kAllocatorSize = UINT64_C(1) << 33;  // 8GB
using LSanSizeClassMap = SizeClassMap</*kNumBits=*/2,
static_assert(LSanSizeClassMap::kNumClassesRounded <= 32,
              "32 size classes is the optimal number to ensure tests run "
              "effieciently on Fuchsia.");
#    else
const uptr kAllocatorSize  =  0x40000000000ULL;  // 4T.
using LSanSizeClassMap = DefaultSizeClassMap;
#    endif
const uptr kAllocatorSpace = ~(uptr)0;
const uptr kAllocatorSize = 0x2000000000ULL;  // 128G.
using LSanSizeClassMap = DefaultSizeClassMap;
const uptr kAllocatorSpace = 0x600000000000ULL;
const uptr kAllocatorSize  = 0x40000000000ULL;  // 4T.
using LSanSizeClassMap = DefaultSizeClassMap;
#  else
const uptr kAllocatorSpace = 0x500000000000ULL;
const uptr kAllocatorSize = 0x40000000000ULL;  // 4T.
using LSanSizeClassMap = DefaultSizeClassMap;
#  endif
template <typename AddressSpaceViewTy>
struct AP64 {  // Allocator64 parameters. Deliberately using a short name.
  static const uptr kSpaceBeg = kAllocatorSpace;
  static const uptr kSpaceSize = kAllocatorSize;
  static const uptr kMetadataSize = sizeof(ChunkMetadata);
  using SizeClassMap = LSanSizeClassMap;
  typedef NoOpMapUnmapCallback MapUnmapCallback;
  static const uptr kFlags = 0;
  using AddressSpaceView = AddressSpaceViewTy;

template <typename AddressSpaceView>
using PrimaryAllocatorASVT = SizeClassAllocator64<AP64<AddressSpaceView>>;
using PrimaryAllocator = PrimaryAllocatorASVT<LocalAddressSpaceView>;

template <typename AddressSpaceView>
using AllocatorASVT = CombinedAllocator<PrimaryAllocatorASVT<AddressSpaceView>>;
using Allocator = AllocatorASVT<LocalAddressSpaceView>;
using AllocatorCache = Allocator::AllocatorCache;

Allocator::AllocatorCache *GetAllocatorCache();

int lsan_posix_memalign(void **memptr, uptr alignment, uptr size,
                        const StackTrace &stack);
void *lsan_aligned_alloc(uptr alignment, uptr size, const StackTrace &stack);
void *lsan_memalign(uptr alignment, uptr size, const StackTrace &stack);
void *lsan_malloc(uptr size, const StackTrace &stack);
void lsan_free(void *p);
void *lsan_realloc(void *p, uptr size, const StackTrace &stack);
void *lsan_reallocarray(void *p, uptr nmemb, uptr size,
                        const StackTrace &stack);
void *lsan_calloc(uptr nmemb, uptr size, const StackTrace &stack);
void *lsan_valloc(uptr size, const StackTrace &stack);
void *lsan_pvalloc(uptr size, const StackTrace &stack);
uptr lsan_mz_size(const void *p);

}  // namespace __lsan