// If we have NEON support, pick off 64 bytes at a time for as long as we can.
// Unlike the SSE codecs, we don't write trailing zero bytes to output, so we
// don't need to check if we have enough remaining input to cover them:
while (srclen >= 64)
uint8x16x4_t set1, set2, set3, set4, set5, set6, set7, delta;
uint8x16x3_t dec;
// Load 64 bytes and deinterleave:
uint8x16x4_t str = vld4q_u8((uint8_t *)c);
// The input consists of six character sets in the Base64 alphabet,
// which we need to map back to the 6-bit values they represent.
// There are three ranges, two singles, and then there's the rest.
// # From To Add Characters
// 1 [43] [62] +19 +
// 2 [47] [63] +16 /
// 3 [48..57] [52..61] +4 0..9
// 4 [65..90] [0..25] -65 A..Z
// 5 [97..122] [26..51] -71 a..z
// (6) Everything else => invalid input
// Benchmarking on the Raspberry Pi 2B and Clang shows that looping
// generates slightly faster code than explicit unrolling:
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
set1.val[i] = CMPEQ(str.val[i], '+');
set2.val[i] = CMPEQ(str.val[i], '/');
set3.val[i] = RANGE(str.val[i], '0', '9');
set4.val[i] = RANGE(str.val[i], 'A', 'Z');
set5.val[i] = RANGE(str.val[i], 'a', 'z');
set6.val[i] = CMPEQ(str.val[i], '-');
set7.val[i] = CMPEQ(str.val[i], '_');
delta.val[i] = REPLACE(set1.val[i], 19);
delta.val[i] = vorrq_u8(delta.val[i], REPLACE(set2.val[i], 16));
delta.val[i] = vorrq_u8(delta.val[i], REPLACE(set3.val[i], 4));
delta.val[i] = vorrq_u8(delta.val[i], REPLACE(set4.val[i], -65));
delta.val[i] = vorrq_u8(delta.val[i], REPLACE(set5.val[i], -71));
delta.val[i] = vorrq_u8(delta.val[i], REPLACE(set6.val[i], 17));
delta.val[i] = vorrq_u8(delta.val[i], REPLACE(set7.val[i], -32));
// Check for invalid input: if any of the delta values are zero,
// fall back on bytewise code to do error checking and reporting:
uint8x16_t classified = CMPEQ(delta.val[0], 0);
classified = vorrq_u8(classified, CMPEQ(delta.val[1], 0));
classified = vorrq_u8(classified, CMPEQ(delta.val[2], 0));
classified = vorrq_u8(classified, CMPEQ(delta.val[3], 0));
// Extract both 32-bit halves; check that all bits are zero:
if (vgetq_lane_u32((uint32x4_t)classified, 0) != 0
|| vgetq_lane_u32((uint32x4_t)classified, 1) != 0
|| vgetq_lane_u32((uint32x4_t)classified, 2) != 0
|| vgetq_lane_u32((uint32x4_t)classified, 3) != 0) {
// Now simply add the delta values to the input:
str.val[0] = vaddq_u8(str.val[0], delta.val[0]);
str.val[1] = vaddq_u8(str.val[1], delta.val[1]);
str.val[2] = vaddq_u8(str.val[2], delta.val[2]);
str.val[3] = vaddq_u8(str.val[3], delta.val[3]);
// Compress four bytes into three:
dec.val[0] = vshlq_n_u8(str.val[0], 2) | vshrq_n_u8(str.val[1], 4);
dec.val[1] = vshlq_n_u8(str.val[1], 4) | vshrq_n_u8(str.val[2], 2);
dec.val[2] = vshlq_n_u8(str.val[2], 6) | str.val[3];
// Interleave and store decoded result:
vst3q_u8((uint8_t *)o, dec);
c += 64;
o += 48;
outl += 48;
srclen -= 64;