path: root/contrib/libs/apache/avro/api/Stream.hh
blob: fe2c97ee2dd9accb9dd1eb6bc5d87d15894768b6 (plain) (tree)





































 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef avro_Stream_hh__
#define avro_Stream_hh__

#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>

#include "boost/utility.hpp"

#include "Config.hh"
#include "Exception.hh"

namespace avro {

 * A no-copy input stream.
class AVRO_DECL InputStream : boost::noncopyable {
     * An empty constructor.
    InputStream() = default;

     * Destructor.
    virtual ~InputStream() = default;

     * Returns some of available data.
     * Returns true if some data is available, false if no more data is
     * available or an error has occurred.
    virtual bool next(const uint8_t **data, size_t *len) = 0;

     * "Returns" back some of the data to the stream. The returned
     * data must be less than what was obtained in the last call to
     * next().
    virtual void backup(size_t len) = 0;

     * Skips number of bytes specified by len.
    virtual void skip(size_t len) = 0;

     * Returns the number of bytes read from this stream so far.
     * All the bytes made available through next are considered
     * to be used unless, returned back using backup.
    virtual size_t byteCount() const = 0;

typedef std::unique_ptr<InputStream> InputStreamPtr;

 * An InputStream which also supports seeking to a specific offset.
class AVRO_DECL SeekableInputStream : public InputStream {
     * An empty constructor.
    SeekableInputStream() = default;

     * Destructor.
    ~SeekableInputStream() override = default;

     * Seek to a specific position in the stream. This may invalidate pointers
     * returned from next(). This will also reset byteCount() to the given
     * position.
    virtual void seek(int64_t position) = 0;

typedef std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> SeekableInputStreamPtr;

 * A no-copy output stream.
class AVRO_DECL OutputStream : boost::noncopyable {
     * An empty constructor.
    OutputStream() = default;

     * Destructor.
    virtual ~OutputStream() = default;

     * Returns a buffer that can be written into.
     * On successful return, data has the pointer to the buffer
     * and len has the number of bytes available at data.
    virtual bool next(uint8_t **data, size_t *len) = 0;

     * "Returns" back to the stream some of the buffer obtained
     * from in the last call to next().
    virtual void backup(size_t len) = 0;

     * Number of bytes written so far into this stream. The whole buffer
     * returned by next() is assumed to be written unless some of
     * it was returned using backup().
    virtual uint64_t byteCount() const = 0;

     * Flushes any data remaining in the buffer to the stream's underlying
     * store, if any.
    virtual void flush() = 0;

typedef std::unique_ptr<OutputStream> OutputStreamPtr;

 * Returns a new OutputStream, which grows in memory chunks of specified size.
AVRO_DECL OutputStreamPtr memoryOutputStream(size_t chunkSize = 4 * 1024);

 * Returns a new InputStream, with the data from the given byte array.
 * It does not copy the data, the byte array should remain valid
 * until the InputStream is used.
AVRO_DECL InputStreamPtr memoryInputStream(const uint8_t *data, size_t len);

 * Returns a new InputStream with the contents written into an
 * OutputStream. The output stream must have been returned by
 * an earlier call to memoryOutputStream(). The contents for the new
 * InputStream are the snapshot of the output stream. One can construct
 * any number of memory input stream from a single memory output stream.
AVRO_DECL InputStreamPtr memoryInputStream(const OutputStream &source);

 * Returns the contents written so far into the output stream, which should
 * be a memory output stream. That is it must have been returned by a previous
 * call to memoryOutputStream().
AVRO_DECL std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>> snapshot(const OutputStream &source);

 * Returns a new OutputStream whose contents would be stored in a file.
 * Data is written in chunks of given buffer size.
 * If there is a file with the given name, it is truncated and overwritten.
 * If there is no file with the given name, it is created.
AVRO_DECL OutputStreamPtr fileOutputStream(const char *filename,
                                           size_t bufferSize = 8 * 1024);

 * Returns a new InputStream whose contents come from the given file.
 * Data is read in chunks of given buffer size.
AVRO_DECL InputStreamPtr fileInputStream(
    const char *filename, size_t bufferSize = 8 * 1024);
AVRO_DECL SeekableInputStreamPtr fileSeekableInputStream(
    const char *filename, size_t bufferSize = 8 * 1024);

 * Returns a new OutputStream whose contents will be sent to the given
 * std::ostream. The std::ostream object should outlive the returned
 * OutputStream.
AVRO_DECL OutputStreamPtr ostreamOutputStream(std::ostream &os,
                                              size_t bufferSize = 8 * 1024);

 * Returns a new InputStream whose contents come from the given
 * std::istream. The std::istream object should outlive the returned
 * InputStream.
AVRO_DECL InputStreamPtr istreamInputStream(
    std::istream &in, size_t bufferSize = 8 * 1024);

 * Returns a new InputStream whose contents come from the given
 * std::istream. Use this instead of istreamInputStream if
 * the istream does not support seekg (e.g. compressed streams).
 * The returned InputStream would read off bytes instead of seeking.
 * Of, course it has a performance penalty when reading instead of seeking;
 * So, use this only when seekg does not work.
 * The std::istream object should outlive the returned
 * InputStream.
AVRO_DECL InputStreamPtr nonSeekableIstreamInputStream(
    std::istream &is, size_t bufferSize = 8 * 1024);

/** A convenience class for reading from an InputStream */
struct StreamReader {
     * The underlying input stream.
    InputStream *in_;

     * The next location to read from.
    const uint8_t *next_;

     * One past the last valid location.
    const uint8_t *end_;

     * Constructs an empty reader.
    StreamReader() : in_(nullptr), next_(nullptr), end_(nullptr) {}

     * Constructs a reader with the given underlying stream.
    explicit StreamReader(InputStream &in) : in_(nullptr), next_(nullptr), end_(nullptr) { reset(in); }

     * Replaces the current input stream with the given one after backing up
     * the original one if required.
    void reset(InputStream &is) {
        if (in_ != nullptr && end_ != next_) {
            in_->backup(end_ - next_);
        in_ = &is;
        next_ = end_ = nullptr;

     * Read just one byte from the underlying stream. If there are no
     * more data, throws an exception.
    uint8_t read() {
        if (next_ == end_) {
        return *next_++;

     * Reads the given number of bytes from the underlying stream.
     * If there are not that many bytes, throws an exception.
    void readBytes(uint8_t *b, size_t n) {
        while (n > 0) {
            if (next_ == end_) {
            size_t q = end_ - next_;
            if (q > n) {
                q = n;
            ::memcpy(b, next_, q);
            next_ += q;
            b += q;
            n -= q;

     * Skips the given number of bytes. Of there are not so that many
     * bytes, throws an exception.
    void skipBytes(size_t n) {
        if (n > static_cast<size_t>(end_ - next_)) {
            n -= end_ - next_;
            next_ = end_;
        } else {
            next_ += n;

     * Get as many byes from the underlying stream as possible in a single
     * chunk.
     * \return true if some data could be obtained. False is no more
     * data is available on the stream.
    bool fill() {
        size_t n = 0;
        while (in_->next(&next_, &n)) {
            if (n != 0) {
                end_ = next_ + n;
                return true;
        return false;

     * Tries to get more data and if it cannot, throws an exception.
    void more() {
        if (!fill()) {
            throw Exception("EOF reached");

     * Returns true if and only if the end of stream is not reached.
    bool hasMore() {
        return next_ != end_ || fill();

     * Returns unused bytes back to the underlying stream.
     * If unRead is true the last byte read is also pushed back.
    void drain(bool unRead) {
        if (unRead) {
        in_->backup(end_ - next_);
        end_ = next_;

 * A convenience class to write data into an OutputStream.
struct StreamWriter {
     * The underlying output stream for this writer.
    OutputStream *out_;

     * The next location to write to.
    uint8_t *next_;

     * One past the last location one can write to.
    uint8_t *end_;

     * Constructs a writer with no underlying stream.
    StreamWriter() : out_(nullptr), next_(nullptr), end_(nullptr) {}

     * Constructs a new writer with the given underlying stream.
    explicit StreamWriter(OutputStream &out) : out_(nullptr), next_(nullptr), end_(nullptr) { reset(out); }

     * Replaces the current underlying stream with a new one.
     * If required, it backs up unused bytes in the previous stream.
    void reset(OutputStream &os) {
        if (out_ != nullptr && end_ != next_) {
            out_->backup(end_ - next_);
        out_ = &os;
        next_ = end_;

     * Writes a single byte.
    void write(uint8_t c) {
        if (next_ == end_) {
        *next_++ = c;

     * Writes the specified number of bytes starting at \p b.
    void writeBytes(const uint8_t *b, size_t n) {
        while (n > 0) {
            if (next_ == end_) {
            size_t q = end_ - next_;
            if (q > n) {
                q = n;
            ::memcpy(next_, b, q);
            next_ += q;
            b += q;
            n -= q;

     * backs up upto the currently written data and flushes the
     * underlying stream.
    void flush() {
        if (next_ != end_) {
            out_->backup(end_ - next_);
            next_ = end_;

     * Return the number of bytes written so far. For a meaningful
     * result, call this after a flush().
    int64_t byteCount() const {
        return out_->byteCount();

     * Gets more space to write to. Throws an exception it cannot.
    void more() {
        size_t n = 0;
        while (out_->next(&next_, &n)) {
            if (n != 0) {
                end_ = next_ + n;
        throw Exception("EOF reached");

 * A convenience function to copy all the contents of an input stream into
 * an output stream.
inline void copy(InputStream &in, OutputStream &out) {
    const uint8_t *p = nullptr;
    size_t n = 0;
    StreamWriter w(out);
    while (in.next(&p, &n)) {
        w.writeBytes(p, n);

} // namespace avro