// CodeCompletionCore.hpp
// C++ port of antlr4-c3 (TypeScript) by Mike Lischke
// Licensed under the MIT License.
#pragma once
#include <Parser.h>
#include <ParserRuleContext.h>
#include <Token.h>
#include <Vocabulary.h>
#include <atn/ATNState.h>
#include <atn/PredicateTransition.h>
#include <atn/RuleStartState.h>
#include <atn/Transition.h>
#include <misc/IntervalSet.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <typeindex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace c3 {
using TokenList = std::vector<size_t>;
using RuleList = std::vector<size_t>;
struct CandidateRule {
size_t startTokenIndex;
RuleList ruleList;
friend bool operator==(const CandidateRule& lhs, const CandidateRule& rhs) = default;
* All the candidates which have been found. Tokens and rules are separated.
* – Token entries include a list of tokens that directly follow them (see also
* the "following" member in the FollowSetWithPath class). – Rule entries
* include the index of the starting token within the evaluated rule, along with
* a call stack of rules found during evaluation. – cancelled will be true if
* the collectCandidates() was cancelled or timed out.
struct CandidatesCollection {
std::map<size_t, TokenList> tokens;
std::map<size_t, CandidateRule> rules;
bool isCancelled;
friend bool operator==(const CandidatesCollection& lhs, const CandidatesCollection& rhs) =
* Optional parameters for `CodeCompletionCore`.
struct Parameters {
/** An option parser rule context to limit the search space. */
const antlr4::ParserRuleContext* context = nullptr;
/** If non-zero, the number of milliseconds until collecting times out. */
std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> timeout = std::nullopt;
* If set to a non-`NULL` atomic boolean, and that boolean value is set to
* true while the function is executing, then collecting candidates will abort
* as soon as possible.
std::atomic<bool>* isCancelled = nullptr;
struct DebugOptions {
* Not dependent on showDebugOutput.
* Prints the collected rules + tokens to terminal.
bool showResult = false;
* Enables printing ATN state info to terminal.
bool showDebugOutput = false;
* Only relevant when showDebugOutput is true.
* Enables transition printing for a state.
bool showTransitions = false;
* Only relevant when showDebugOutput is true.
* Enables call stack printing for each rule recursion.
bool showRuleStack = false;
class CodeCompletionCore {
struct PipelineEntry {
antlr4::atn::ATNState* state;
size_t tokenListIndex;
struct RuleWithStartToken {
size_t startTokenIndex;
size_t ruleIndex;
using RuleWithStartTokenList = std::vector<RuleWithStartToken>;
* A record for a follow set along with the path at which this set was found.
* If there is only a single symbol in the interval set then we also collect and
* store tokens which follow this symbol directly in its rule (i.e. there is no
* intermediate rule transition). Only single label transitions are considered.
* This is useful if you have a chain of tokens which can be suggested as a
* whole, because there is a fixed sequence in the grammar.
struct FollowSetWithPath {
antlr4::misc::IntervalSet intervals;
RuleList path;
TokenList following;
* A list of follow sets (for a given state number) + all of them combined for
* quick hit tests + whether they are exhaustive (false if subsequent
* yet-unprocessed rules could add further tokens to the follow set, true
* otherwise). This data is static in nature (because the used ATN states are
* part of a static struct: the ATN). Hence it can be shared between all C3
* instances, however it depends on the actual parser class (type).
struct FollowSetsHolder {
std::vector<FollowSetWithPath> sets;
antlr4::misc::IntervalSet combined;
bool isExhaustive;
using FollowSetsPerState = std::unordered_map<size_t, FollowSetsHolder>;
/** Token stream position info after a rule was processed. */
using RuleEndStatus = std::unordered_set<size_t>;
explicit CodeCompletionCore(antlr4::Parser* parser);
* Tailoring of the result:
* Tokens which should not appear in the candidates set.
std::unordered_set<size_t> ignoredTokens; // NOLINT: public field
* Rules which replace any candidate token they contain.
* This allows to return descriptive rules (e.g. className, instead of
* ID/identifier).
std::unordered_set<size_t> preferredRules; // NOLINT: public field
* Specify if preferred rules should translated top-down (higher index rule
* returns first) or bottom-up (lower index rule returns first).
bool translateRulesTopDown = false; // NOLINT: public field
* Print human readable ATN state and other info.
DebugOptions debugOptions; // NOLINT: public field
* This is the main entry point. The caret token index specifies the token
* stream index for the token which currently covers the caret (or any other
* position you want to get code completion candidates for). Optionally you
* can pass in a parser rule context which limits the ATN walk to only that or
* called rules. This can significantly speed up the retrieval process but
* might miss some candidates (if they are outside of the given context).
* @param caretTokenIndex The index of the token at the caret position.
* @param parameters Optional parameters.
* @returns The collection of completion candidates. If cancelled or timed
* out, the returned collection will have its 'cancelled' value set to true
* and the collected candidates may be incomplete.
CandidatesCollection collectCandidates(size_t caretTokenIndex, Parameters parameters = {});
static thread_local std::unordered_map<std::type_index, FollowSetsPerState> followSetsByATN;
static std::vector<std::string> atnStateTypeMap;
antlr4::Parser* parser;
const antlr4::atn::ATN* atn;
const antlr4::dfa::Vocabulary* vocabulary;
const std::vector<std::string>* ruleNames;
std::vector<const antlr4::Token*> tokens;
std::vector<int> precedenceStack;
size_t tokenStartIndex = 0;
size_t statesProcessed = 0;
* A mapping of rule index + token stream position to end token positions.
* A rule which has been visited before with the same input position will
* always produce the same output positions.
std::unordered_map<size_t, std::unordered_map<size_t, RuleEndStatus>> shortcutMap;
/** The collected candidates (rules and tokens). */
c3::CandidatesCollection candidates;
std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> timeout;
std::atomic<bool>* cancel;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point timeoutStart;
bool checkPredicate(const antlr4::atn::PredicateTransition* transition);
bool translateStackToRuleIndex(RuleWithStartTokenList const& ruleWithStartTokenList);
bool translateToRuleIndex(size_t index, RuleWithStartTokenList const& ruleWithStartTokenList);
static std::vector<size_t> getFollowingTokens(const antlr4::atn::Transition* transition);
FollowSetsHolder determineFollowSets(antlr4::atn::ATNState* start, antlr4::atn::ATNState* stop);
bool collectFollowSets(
antlr4::atn::ATNState* state,
antlr4::atn::ATNState* stopState,
std::vector<FollowSetWithPath>& followSets,
std::vector<antlr4::atn::ATNState*>& stateStack,
std::vector<size_t>& ruleStack
RuleEndStatus processRule(
antlr4::atn::RuleStartState* startState,
size_t tokenListIndex,
RuleWithStartTokenList& callStack,
int precedence,
size_t indentation,
bool& timedOut
antlr4::misc::IntervalSet allUserTokens() const;
std::string generateBaseDescription(antlr4::atn::ATNState* state);
void printDescription(
size_t indentation,
antlr4::atn::ATNState* state,
std::string const& baseDescription,
size_t tokenIndex
void printRuleState(RuleWithStartTokenList const& stack);
void printOverallResults();
} // namespace c3