diff options
authorKostya Shishkov <kostya.shishkov@gmail.com>2020-06-16 16:41:40 +0200
committerKostya Shishkov <kostya.shishkov@gmail.com>2020-06-16 16:41:40 +0200
commit0baa008948d865dcd7b4e4aa8057b24824398cd9 (patch)
parentc7a1307604dd07413141fdc71529f3606622ac93 (diff)
codec_support/test: add test_encoding_md5() for testing encoders by output hash
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nihav-codec-support/src/test/enc_video.rs b/nihav-codec-support/src/test/enc_video.rs
index c27459e..e9fcf1f 100644
--- a/nihav-codec-support/src/test/enc_video.rs
+++ b/nihav-codec-support/src/test/enc_video.rs
@@ -316,3 +316,145 @@ pub fn test_encoding_to_file(dec_config: &DecoderTestParams, enc_config: &Encode
+/// Tests an encoder by decoding a stream from input file, feeding it to the encoder and calculating the hash of codec information and packet data.
+pub fn test_encoding_md5(dec_config: &DecoderTestParams, enc_config: &EncoderTestParams, mut enc_params: EncodeParameters, ref_hash: &[u32; 4]) {
+ let dmx_f = dec_config.dmx_reg.find_demuxer(dec_config.demuxer).unwrap();
+ let mut file = File::open(dec_config.in_name).unwrap();
+ let mut fr = FileReader::new_read(&mut file);
+ let mut br = ByteReader::new(&mut fr);
+ let mut dmx = create_demuxer(dmx_f, &mut br).unwrap();
+ let in_stream = dmx.get_streams().find(|str| str.get_media_type() == dec_config.stream_type).unwrap();
+ let in_stream_id = in_stream.id;
+ let decfunc = dec_config.dec_reg.find_decoder(in_stream.get_info().get_name()).unwrap();
+ let mut dec = (decfunc)();
+ let mut dsupp = Box::new(NADecoderSupport::new());
+ dec.init(&mut dsupp, in_stream.get_info()).unwrap();
+ enc_params.tb_num = in_stream.tb_num;
+ enc_params.tb_den = in_stream.tb_den;
+ if let (NACodecTypeInfo::Video(ref mut vinfo), Some(ref_vinfo)) = (&mut enc_params.format, in_stream.get_info().get_properties().get_video_info()) {
+ if vinfo.width == 0 {
+ vinfo.width = ref_vinfo.width;
+ vinfo.height = ref_vinfo.height;
+ }
+ }
+ let mut dst_chmap = NAChannelMap::new();
+ if let (NACodecTypeInfo::Audio(ref mut ainfo), Some(ref_ainfo)) = (&mut enc_params.format, in_stream.get_info().get_properties().get_audio_info()) {
+ if ainfo.sample_rate == 0 {
+ ainfo.sample_rate = ref_ainfo.sample_rate;
+ }
+ if ainfo.channels == 0 {
+ ainfo.channels = ref_ainfo.channels;
+ }
+ match ainfo.channels {
+ 1 => {
+ dst_chmap.add_channel(NAChannelType::C);
+ },
+ 2 => {
+ dst_chmap.add_channel(NAChannelType::L);
+ dst_chmap.add_channel(NAChannelType::R);
+ },
+ _ => panic!("cannot guess channel map"),
+ }
+ }
+ let encfunc = enc_config.enc_reg.find_encoder(enc_config.enc_name).unwrap();
+ let mut encoder = (encfunc)();
+ let out_str = encoder.init(0, enc_params).unwrap();
+ let mut md5 = MD5::new();
+ let info = out_str.get_info();
+ md5.update_hash(info.get_name().as_bytes());
+ match info.get_properties() {
+ NACodecTypeInfo::Video(ref vinfo) => {
+ let mut hdr = [0u8; 10];
+ hdr[0] = (vinfo.width >> 24) as u8;
+ hdr[1] = (vinfo.width >> 16) as u8;
+ hdr[2] = (vinfo.width >> 8) as u8;
+ hdr[3] = vinfo.width as u8;
+ hdr[4] = (vinfo.height >> 24) as u8;
+ hdr[5] = (vinfo.height >> 16) as u8;
+ hdr[6] = (vinfo.height >> 8) as u8;
+ hdr[7] = vinfo.height as u8;
+ hdr[8] = vinfo.flipped as u8;
+ hdr[9] = vinfo.bits;
+ md5.update_hash(&hdr);
+ },
+ NACodecTypeInfo::Audio(ref ainfo) => {
+ let mut hdr = [0u8; 10];
+ hdr[0] = (ainfo.sample_rate >> 24) as u8;
+ hdr[1] = (ainfo.sample_rate >> 16) as u8;
+ hdr[2] = (ainfo.sample_rate >> 8) as u8;
+ hdr[3] = ainfo.sample_rate as u8;
+ hdr[4] = ainfo.channels;
+ hdr[5] = ainfo.format.bits;
+ hdr[6] = (ainfo.block_len >> 24) as u8;
+ hdr[7] = (ainfo.block_len >> 16) as u8;
+ hdr[8] = (ainfo.block_len >> 8) as u8;
+ hdr[9] = ainfo.block_len as u8;
+ md5.update_hash(&hdr);
+ },
+ _ => {},
+ };
+ if let Some(ref buf) = info.get_extradata() {
+ md5.update_hash(buf.as_slice());
+ }
+ let (mut ifmt, dst_vinfo) = if let NACodecTypeInfo::Video(vinfo) = enc_params.format {
+ (ScaleInfo { fmt: vinfo.format, width: vinfo.width, height: vinfo.height },
+ vinfo)
+ } else {
+ (ScaleInfo { fmt: YUV420_FORMAT, width: 2, height: 2 },
+ NAVideoInfo { width: 2, height: 2, format: YUV420_FORMAT, flipped: false, bits: 12 })
+ };
+ let ofmt = ifmt;
+ let mut scaler = NAScale::new(ifmt, ofmt).unwrap();
+ let mut cvt_buf = alloc_video_buffer(dst_vinfo, 2).unwrap();
+ loop {
+ let pktres = dmx.get_frame();
+ if let Err(e) = pktres {
+ if e == DemuxerError::EOF { break; }
+ panic!("decoding error");
+ }
+ let pkt = pktres.unwrap();
+ if pkt.get_stream().id != in_stream_id { continue; }
+ let frm = dec.decode(&mut dsupp, &pkt).unwrap();
+ let buf = frm.get_buffer();
+ let cfrm = if let NACodecTypeInfo::Video(_) = enc_params.format {
+ let cur_ifmt = get_scale_fmt_from_pic(&buf);
+ if cur_ifmt != ifmt {
+ ifmt = cur_ifmt;
+ scaler = NAScale::new(ifmt, ofmt).unwrap();
+ }
+ scaler.convert(&buf, &mut cvt_buf).unwrap();
+ NAFrame::new(frm.get_time_information(), frm.frame_type, frm.key, frm.get_info(), cvt_buf.clone())
+ } else if let NACodecTypeInfo::Audio(ref dst_ainfo) = enc_params.format {
+ let cvt_buf = convert_audio_frame(&buf, dst_ainfo, &dst_chmap).unwrap();
+ NAFrame::new(frm.get_time_information(), frm.frame_type, frm.key, frm.get_info(), cvt_buf)
+ } else {
+ panic!("unexpected format");
+ };
+ encoder.encode(&cfrm).unwrap();
+ while let Ok(Some(pkt)) = encoder.get_packet() {
+ md5.update_hash(pkt.get_buffer().as_slice());
+ }
+ if let Some(maxts) = dec_config.limit {
+ if frm.get_pts().unwrap_or(0) >= maxts {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ encoder.flush().unwrap();
+ while let Ok(Some(pkt)) = encoder.get_packet() {
+ md5.update_hash(pkt.get_buffer().as_slice());
+ }
+ let mut hash = [0; 4];
+ md5.finish();
+ md5.get_hash(&mut hash);
+ println!("encode hash {}", md5);
+ assert_eq!(&hash, ref_hash);