path: root/libavfilter/dnn_espcn.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* libavfilter: Adds proper file descriptions to dnn_srcnn.h and dnn_espcn.h.Sergey Lavrushkin2018-08-141-1/+2
* libavfilter: Fixes warnings for unused variables in dnn_srcnn.h, dnn_espcn.h,...Sergey Lavrushkin2018-08-071-37/+0
* libavfilter: Code style fixes for pointers in DNN module and sr filter.Sergey Lavrushkin2018-08-071-3/+3
* libavfilter: Adds on the fly generation of default DNN models for tensorflow ...Sergey Lavrushkin2018-08-071-12590/+5391
* Adds ESPCN super resolution filter merged with SRCNN filter.Sergey Lavrushkin2018-07-021-0/+12637