path: root/libavutil/hwcontext_vaapi.c
diff options
authorIngo Brückl <ib@wupperonline.de>2022-03-11 13:24:36 +0100
committerHaihao Xiang <haihao.xiang@intel.com>2022-04-06 17:12:26 +0800
commit02111be0c14ee30c2e27a3634c60e278136b5bbd (patch)
treec892f328ce08bc44dc986032e562dce93e743377 /libavutil/hwcontext_vaapi.c
parent67c1078046af19d7649b50106fb407302a0e5b61 (diff)
libavutil/hwcontext_vaapi: Re-enable support for libva v1
Commit e050959103f375e6494937fa28ef2c4d2d15c9ef implemented passing in modifiers by using the PRIME_2 memory type, which only exists in v2 of the library. To still support v1 of the library, conditionally compile using VA_CHECK_VERSION() for both the new code and the old code before the commit. Note PRIME_2 memory was introduced from VA-API 1.1, so use VA_CHECK_VERSION(1, 1, 0) instead of VA_CHECK_VERSION(2, 0, 0) (Haihao) Signed-off-by: Ingo Brückl <ib@wupperonline.de> Signed-off-by: Haihao Xiang <haihao.xiang@intel.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'libavutil/hwcontext_vaapi.c')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/libavutil/hwcontext_vaapi.c b/libavutil/hwcontext_vaapi.c
index 994b744e4d..c3a98bc4b1 100644
--- a/libavutil/hwcontext_vaapi.c
+++ b/libavutil/hwcontext_vaapi.c
@@ -1026,7 +1026,12 @@ static void vaapi_unmap_from_drm(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc,
static int vaapi_map_from_drm(AVHWFramesContext *src_fc, AVFrame *dst,
const AVFrame *src, int flags)
+#if VA_CHECK_VERSION(1, 1, 0)
VAAPIFramesContext *src_vafc = src_fc->internal->priv;
+ int use_prime2;
+ int k;
AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc =
AVVAAPIDeviceContext *dst_dev = dst_fc->device_ctx->hwctx;
@@ -1034,10 +1039,28 @@ static int vaapi_map_from_drm(AVHWFramesContext *src_fc, AVFrame *dst,
const VAAPIFormatDescriptor *format_desc;
VASurfaceID surface_id;
- int use_prime2;
uint32_t va_fourcc;
int err, i, j;
+#if !VA_CHECK_VERSION(1, 1, 0)
+ unsigned long buffer_handle;
+ VASurfaceAttribExternalBuffers buffer_desc;
+ VASurfaceAttrib attrs[2] = {
+ {
+ .type = VASurfaceAttribMemoryType,
+ .value.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger,
+ },
+ {
+ .type = VASurfaceAttribExternalBufferDescriptor,
+ .value.type = VAGenericValueTypePointer,
+ .value.value.p = &buffer_desc,
+ }
+ };
desc = (AVDRMFrameDescriptor*)src->data[0];
if (desc->nb_objects != 1) {
@@ -1072,6 +1095,7 @@ static int vaapi_map_from_drm(AVHWFramesContext *src_fc, AVFrame *dst,
format_desc = vaapi_format_from_fourcc(va_fourcc);
+#if VA_CHECK_VERSION(1, 1, 0)
use_prime2 = !src_vafc->prime_2_import_unsupported &&
desc->objects[0].format_modifier != DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID;
if (use_prime2) {
@@ -1183,6 +1207,37 @@ static int vaapi_map_from_drm(AVHWFramesContext *src_fc, AVFrame *dst,
&surface_id, 1,
buffer_attrs, FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(buffer_attrs));
+ buffer_handle = desc->objects[0].fd;
+ buffer_desc.pixel_format = va_fourcc;
+ buffer_desc.width = src_fc->width;
+ buffer_desc.height = src_fc->height;
+ buffer_desc.data_size = desc->objects[0].size;
+ buffer_desc.buffers = &buffer_handle;
+ buffer_desc.num_buffers = 1;
+ buffer_desc.flags = 0;
+ k = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < desc->nb_layers; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < desc->layers[i].nb_planes; j++) {
+ buffer_desc.pitches[k] = desc->layers[i].planes[j].pitch;
+ buffer_desc.offsets[k] = desc->layers[i].planes[j].offset;
+ ++k;
+ }
+ }
+ buffer_desc.num_planes = k;
+ if (format_desc->chroma_planes_swapped &&
+ buffer_desc.num_planes == 3) {
+ FFSWAP(uint32_t, buffer_desc.pitches[1], buffer_desc.pitches[2]);
+ FFSWAP(uint32_t, buffer_desc.offsets[1], buffer_desc.offsets[2]);
+ }
+ vas = vaCreateSurfaces(dst_dev->display, format_desc->rt_format,
+ src->width, src->height,
+ &surface_id, 1,
+ attrs, FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(attrs));
if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create surface from DRM "
"object: %d (%s).\n", vas, vaErrorStr(vas));