#pragma once #include <yql/essentials/utils/yql_panic.h> #include <util/system/yassert.h> #include <util/generic/maybe.h> #include <vector> namespace NKikimr { namespace NMiniKQL { template<class T> class TSafeCircularBuffer { public: TSafeCircularBuffer(TMaybe<size_t> size, T emptyValue, size_t initSize = 0) : Buffer(size ? *size : initSize, emptyValue) , EmptyValue(emptyValue) , Unbounded(!size.Defined()) , Count(initSize) { if (!Unbounded) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(initSize <= *size); } } bool IsUnbounded() const { return Unbounded; } void PushBack(T&& data) { if (Unbounded) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(Head + Count == Size()); Buffer.emplace_back(std::move(data)); } else { YQL_ENSURE(!IsFull()); Buffer[RealIndex(Head + Count)] = std::move(data); } Count++; MutationCount++; } const T& Get(size_t index) const { if (index < Count) { return Buffer[RealIndex(Head + index)]; } else { // Circular buffer out of bounds return EmptyValue; } } void PopFront() { if (!Count) { // Circular buffer not have elements for pop, no elements, no problem } else { Buffer[Head] = EmptyValue; Head = RealIndex(Head+1); Count--; } MutationCount++; } size_t Size() const { return Buffer.size(); } size_t UsedSize() const { return Count; } ui64 Generation() const { return MutationCount; } void Clean() { const auto usedSize = UsedSize(); for (size_t index = 0; index < usedSize; ++index) { Buffer[RealIndex(Head + index)] = EmptyValue; } } void Clear() { Head = Count = 0; Buffer.clear(); Buffer.shrink_to_fit(); } private: bool IsFull() const { if (Unbounded) { return false; } return UsedSize() == Size(); } size_t RealIndex(size_t index) const { auto size = Size(); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(size); return index % size; } std::vector<T> Buffer; const T EmptyValue; const bool Unbounded; size_t Head = 0; size_t Count; ui64 MutationCount = 0; }; } }