#include "mkql_block_logical.h"

#include <yql/essentials/minikql/arrow/arrow_defs.h>
#include <yql/essentials/minikql/arrow/mkql_bit_utils.h>
#include <yql/essentials/minikql/arrow/arrow_util.h>
#include <yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_type_builder.h>
#include <yql/essentials/minikql/computation/mkql_block_impl.h>
#include <yql/essentials/minikql/computation/mkql_computation_node_holders.h>
#include <yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_node_builder.h>
#include <yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_node_cast.h>

#include <arrow/util/bitmap.h>
#include <arrow/util/bitmap_ops.h>
#include <arrow/util/bit_util.h>
#include <arrow/array/array_primitive.h>
#include <arrow/array/util.h>

namespace NKikimr {
namespace NMiniKQL {

namespace {

using arrow::internal::Bitmap;

std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> CopyBitmap(arrow::MemoryPool* pool, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer>& bitmap, int64_t offset, int64_t len) {
    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> result = bitmap;
    if (bitmap && offset != 0) {
        result = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBitmap(len, pool));
        arrow::internal::CopyBitmap(bitmap->data(), offset, len, result->mutable_data(), 0);
    return result;

std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> CopySparseBitmap(arrow::MemoryPool* pool, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer>& bitmap, int64_t offset, int64_t len) {
    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> result = bitmap;
    if (bitmap && offset != 0) {
        result = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBuffer(len, pool));
        std::memcpy(result->mutable_data(), bitmap->data() + offset, len);
    return result;

arrow::Datum MakeNullArray(arrow::MemoryPool* pool, int64_t len) {
    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> arr = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::MakeArrayOfNull(arrow::uint8(), len, pool));
    return arr;

bool IsAllEqualsTo(const arrow::Datum& datum, bool value) {
    if (datum.null_count() != 0) {
        return false;
    if (datum.is_scalar()) {
        return (datum.scalar_as<arrow::UInt8Scalar>().value & 1u) == value;
    size_t len = datum.array()->length;
    size_t popCnt = GetSparseBitmapPopCount(datum.array()->GetValues<ui8>(1), len);
    return popCnt == (value ? len : 0);

class TAndBlockExec {
    arrow::Status Exec(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch& batch, arrow::Datum* res) const {
        auto firstDatum = batch.values[0];
        auto secondDatum = batch.values[1];
        MKQL_ENSURE(!firstDatum.is_scalar() || !secondDatum.is_scalar(), "Expected at least one array");

        if (IsAllEqualsTo(firstDatum, false)) {
            // false AND ... = false
            if (firstDatum.is_array()) {
                *res = firstDatum;
            } else {
                // need length
                *res = MakeFalseArray(ctx->memory_pool(), secondDatum.length());

            return arrow::Status::OK();

        if (IsAllEqualsTo(secondDatum, false)) {
            // ... AND false = false
            if (secondDatum.is_array()) {
                *res = secondDatum;
            } else {
                *res = MakeFalseArray(ctx->memory_pool(), firstDatum.length());

            return arrow::Status::OK();

        if (firstDatum.is_scalar()) {
            ui8 value = firstDatum.scalar_as<arrow::UInt8Scalar>().value & 1u;
            bool valid = firstDatum.scalar()->is_valid;
            *res = CalcScalarArray(ctx->memory_pool(), value, valid, secondDatum.array());
        } else if (secondDatum.is_scalar()) {
            ui8 value = secondDatum.scalar_as<arrow::UInt8Scalar>().value & 1u;
            bool valid = secondDatum.scalar()->is_valid;
            *res = CalcScalarArray(ctx->memory_pool(), value, valid, firstDatum.array());
        } else {
            *res = CalcArrayArray(ctx->memory_pool(), firstDatum.array(), secondDatum.array());

        return arrow::Status::OK();

    arrow::Datum CalcScalarArray(arrow::MemoryPool* pool, ui8 value, bool valid, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>& arr) const {
        bool first_true = valid && value;
        bool first_false = valid && !value;

        if (first_false) {
            return MakeFalseArray(pool, arr->length);

        if (first_true) {
            return arr;

        // scalar is null -> result is valid _only_ if arr[i] == false
        //bitmap = bitmap and not data[i]
        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> bitmap = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBitmap(arr->length, pool));
        CompressSparseBitmapNegate(bitmap->mutable_data(), arr->GetValues<ui8>(1), arr->length);
        if (arr->buffers[0]) {
            bitmap = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::internal::BitmapAnd(pool, arr->GetValues<ui8>(0, 0), arr->offset, bitmap->data(), 0, arr->length, 0));
        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> data = CopySparseBitmap(pool, arr->buffers[1], arr->offset, arr->length);
        return arrow::ArrayData::Make(arr->type, arr->length, { bitmap, data });

    arrow::Datum CalcArrayArray(arrow::MemoryPool* pool, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>& arr1,
                                          const std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>& arr2) const
        Y_ABORT_UNLESS(arr1->length == arr2->length);
        auto buf1 = arr1->buffers[0];
        auto buf2 = arr2->buffers[0];
        const int64_t offset1 = arr1->offset;
        const int64_t offset2 = arr2->offset;
        const int64_t length = arr1->length;

        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> bitmap;
        if (buf1 || buf2) {
            bitmap      = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBitmap(length, pool));
            auto first  = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBitmap(length, pool));
            auto second = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBitmap(length, pool));
            CompressSparseBitmap(first->mutable_data(),  arr1->GetValues<ui8>(1), length);
            CompressSparseBitmap(second->mutable_data(), arr2->GetValues<ui8>(1), length);

            Bitmap v1(first, 0, length);
            Bitmap v2(second, 0, length);

            Bitmap b(bitmap, 0, length);
            std::array<Bitmap, 1> out{b};

            //bitmap = first_false | second_false | (first_true & second_true);
            //bitmap = (b1 & ~v1)  | (b2 & ~v2)   | (b1 & v1 & b2 & v2)
            if (buf1 && buf2) {
                Bitmap b1(buf1, offset1, length);
                Bitmap b2(buf2, offset2, length);

                std::array<Bitmap, 4> in{b1, v1, b2, v2};
                Bitmap::VisitWordsAndWrite(in, &out, [](const std::array<uint64_t, 4>& in, std::array<uint64_t, 1>* out) {
                    uint64_t b1 = in[0];
                    uint64_t v1 = in[1];
                    uint64_t b2 = in[2];
                    uint64_t v2 = in[3];
                    out->at(0) = (b1 & ~v1) | (b2 & ~v2) | (b1 & v1 & b2 & v2);
            } else if (buf1) {
                Bitmap b1(buf1, offset1, length);

                std::array<Bitmap, 3> in{b1, v1, v2};
                Bitmap::VisitWordsAndWrite(in, &out, [](const std::array<uint64_t, 3>& in, std::array<uint64_t, 1>* out) {
                    uint64_t b1 = in[0];
                    uint64_t v1 = in[1];
                    uint64_t v2 = in[2];
                    out->at(0) = (b1 & ~v1) | (~v2) | (b1 & v1 & v2);
            } else {
                Bitmap b2(buf2, offset2, length);

                std::array<Bitmap, 3> in{v1, b2, v2};
                Bitmap::VisitWordsAndWrite(in, &out, [](const std::array<uint64_t, 3>& in, std::array<uint64_t, 1>* out) {
                    uint64_t v1 = in[0];
                    uint64_t b2 = in[1];
                    uint64_t v2 = in[2];
                    out->at(0) = (~v1) | (b2 & ~v2) | (v1 & b2 & v2);
        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> data = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBuffer(length, pool));
        AndSparseBitmaps(data->mutable_data(), arr1->GetValues<ui8>(1), arr2->GetValues<ui8>(1), length);
        return arrow::ArrayData::Make(arr1->type, length, { bitmap, data });

class TOrBlockExec {
    arrow::Status Exec(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch& batch, arrow::Datum* res) const {
        auto firstDatum = batch.values[0];
        auto secondDatum = batch.values[1];
        MKQL_ENSURE(!firstDatum.is_scalar() || !secondDatum.is_scalar(), "Expected at least one array");

        if (IsAllEqualsTo(firstDatum, true)) {
            // true OR ... = true
            if (firstDatum.is_array()) {
                *res = firstDatum;
            } else {
                // need length
                *res = MakeTrueArray(ctx->memory_pool(), secondDatum.length());

            return arrow::Status::OK();

        if (IsAllEqualsTo(secondDatum, true)) {
            // ... OR true = true
            if (secondDatum.is_array()) {
                *res = secondDatum;
            } else {
                *res = MakeTrueArray(ctx->memory_pool(), firstDatum.length());

            return arrow::Status::OK();

        if (firstDatum.is_scalar()) {
            ui8 value = firstDatum.scalar_as<arrow::UInt8Scalar>().value;
            bool valid = firstDatum.scalar()->is_valid;
            *res = CalcScalarArray(ctx->memory_pool(), value, valid, secondDatum.array());
        } else if (secondDatum.is_scalar()) {
            ui8 value = secondDatum.scalar_as<arrow::UInt8Scalar>().value;
            bool valid = secondDatum.scalar()->is_valid;
            *res = CalcScalarArray(ctx->memory_pool(), value, valid, firstDatum.array());
        } else {
            *res = CalcArrayArray(ctx->memory_pool(), firstDatum.array(), secondDatum.array());

        return arrow::Status::OK();

    arrow::Datum CalcScalarArray(arrow::MemoryPool* pool, ui8 value, bool valid, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>& arr) const {
        bool first_true = valid && value;
        bool first_false = valid && !value;

        if (first_true) {
            return MakeTrueArray(pool, arr->length);

        if (first_false) {
            return arr;

        // scalar is null -> result is valid _only_ if arr[i] == true
        //bitmap = bitmap and data[i]
        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> bitmap = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBitmap(arr->length, pool));
        CompressSparseBitmap(bitmap->mutable_data(), arr->GetValues<ui8>(1), arr->length);
        if (arr->buffers[0]) {
            bitmap = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::internal::BitmapAnd(pool, arr->GetValues<ui8>(0, 0), arr->offset, bitmap->data(), 0, arr->length, 0));
        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> data = CopySparseBitmap(pool, arr->buffers[1], arr->offset, arr->length);
        return arrow::ArrayData::Make(arr->type, arr->length, { bitmap, data });

    arrow::Datum CalcArrayArray(arrow::MemoryPool* pool, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>& arr1,
                                          const std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>& arr2) const
        Y_ABORT_UNLESS(arr1->length == arr2->length);
        auto buf1 = arr1->buffers[0];
        auto buf2 = arr2->buffers[0];
        const int64_t offset1 = arr1->offset;
        const int64_t offset2 = arr2->offset;
        const int64_t length = arr1->length;

        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> bitmap;
        if (buf1 || buf2) {
            bitmap = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBitmap(length, pool));
            auto first = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBitmap(length, pool));
            auto second = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBitmap(length, pool));
            CompressSparseBitmap(first->mutable_data(),  arr1->GetValues<ui8>(1), length);
            CompressSparseBitmap(second->mutable_data(), arr2->GetValues<ui8>(1), length);

            Bitmap v1(first, 0, length);
            Bitmap v2(second, 0, length);

            Bitmap b(bitmap, 0, length);
            std::array<Bitmap, 1> out{b};

            //bitmap = first_true | second_true | (first_false & second_false);
            //bitmap = (b1 & v1)  | (b2 & v2)   | (b1 & ~v1 & b2 & ~v2)
            if (buf1 && buf2) {
                Bitmap b1(buf1, offset1, length);
                Bitmap b2(buf2, offset2, length);

                std::array<Bitmap, 4> in{b1, v1, b2, v2};
                Bitmap::VisitWordsAndWrite(in, &out, [](const std::array<uint64_t, 4>& in, std::array<uint64_t, 1>* out) {
                    uint64_t b1 = in[0];
                    uint64_t v1 = in[1];
                    uint64_t b2 = in[2];
                    uint64_t v2 = in[3];
                    out->at(0) = (b1 & v1) | (b2 & v2) | (b1 & ~v1 & b2 & ~v2);
            } else if (buf1) {
                Bitmap b1(buf1, offset1, length);

                std::array<Bitmap, 3> in{b1, v1, v2};
                Bitmap::VisitWordsAndWrite(in, &out, [](const std::array<uint64_t, 3>& in, std::array<uint64_t, 1>* out) {
                    uint64_t b1 = in[0];
                    uint64_t v1 = in[1];
                    uint64_t v2 = in[2];
                    out->at(0) = (b1 & v1) | v2 | (b1 & ~v1 & ~v2);
            } else {
                Bitmap b2(buf2, offset2, length);

                std::array<Bitmap, 3> in{v1, b2, v2};
                Bitmap::VisitWordsAndWrite(in, &out, [](const std::array<uint64_t, 3>& in, std::array<uint64_t, 1>* out) {
                    uint64_t v1 = in[0];
                    uint64_t b2 = in[1];
                    uint64_t v2 = in[2];
                    out->at(0) = v1 | (b2 & v2) | (~v1 & b2 & ~v2);
        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> data = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBuffer(length, pool));
        OrSparseBitmaps(data->mutable_data(), arr1->GetValues<ui8>(1), arr2->GetValues<ui8>(1), length);
        return arrow::ArrayData::Make(arr1->type, length, { bitmap, data });

class TXorBlockExec {
    arrow::Status Exec(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch& batch, arrow::Datum* res) const {
        auto firstDatum = batch.values[0];
        auto secondDatum = batch.values[1];
        MKQL_ENSURE(!firstDatum.is_scalar() || !secondDatum.is_scalar(), "Expected at least one array");
        if (firstDatum.null_count() == firstDatum.length()) {
            if (firstDatum.is_array()) {
                *res = firstDatum;
            } else {
                *res = MakeNullArray(ctx->memory_pool(), secondDatum.length());

            return arrow::Status::OK();

        if (secondDatum.null_count() == secondDatum.length()) {
            if (secondDatum.is_array()) {
                *res = secondDatum;
            } else {
                *res = MakeNullArray(ctx->memory_pool(), firstDatum.length());

            return arrow::Status::OK();

        if (firstDatum.is_scalar()) {
            ui8 value = firstDatum.scalar_as<arrow::UInt8Scalar>().value;
            *res = CalcScalarArray(ctx->memory_pool(), value, secondDatum.array());
        } else if (secondDatum.is_scalar()) {
            ui8 value = secondDatum.scalar_as<arrow::UInt8Scalar>().value;
            *res = CalcScalarArray(ctx->memory_pool(), value, firstDatum.array());
        } else {
            *res = CalcArrayArray(ctx->memory_pool(), firstDatum.array(), secondDatum.array());

        return arrow::Status::OK();

    arrow::Datum CalcScalarArray(arrow::MemoryPool* pool, ui8 value, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>& arr) const {
        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> bitmap = CopyBitmap(pool, arr->buffers[0], arr->offset, arr->length);
        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> data = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBuffer(arr->length, pool));
        XorSparseBitmapScalar(data->mutable_data(), value, arr->GetValues<ui8>(1), arr->length);
        return arrow::ArrayData::Make(arr->type, arr->length, { bitmap, data });

    arrow::Datum CalcArrayArray(arrow::MemoryPool* pool, const std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>& arr1,
        const std::shared_ptr<arrow::ArrayData>& arr2) const
        Y_ABORT_UNLESS(arr1->length == arr2->length);
        auto b1 = arr1->buffers[0];
        auto b2 = arr2->buffers[0];
        const int64_t offset1 = arr1->offset;
        const int64_t offset2 = arr2->offset;
        const int64_t length = arr1->length;

        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> bitmap;
        if (b1 && b2) {
            bitmap = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::internal::BitmapAnd(pool, b1->data(), offset1, b2->data(), offset2, length, 0));
        } else {
            bitmap = CopyBitmap(pool, b1 ? b1 : b2, b1 ? offset1 : offset2, length);
        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> data = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBuffer(length, pool));
        XorSparseBitmaps(data->mutable_data(), arr1->GetValues<ui8>(1), arr2->GetValues<ui8>(1), length);
        return arrow::ArrayData::Make(arr1->type, length, { bitmap, data });

class TNotBlockExec {
    arrow::Status Exec(arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch& batch, arrow::Datum* res) const {
        const auto& input = batch.values[0];
        MKQL_ENSURE(input.is_array(), "Expected array");
        const auto& arr = *input.array();
        if (arr.GetNullCount() == arr.length) {
            *res = input;
        } else {
            auto bitmap = CopyBitmap(ctx->memory_pool(), arr.buffers[0], arr.offset, arr.length);
            std::shared_ptr<arrow::Buffer> data = ARROW_RESULT(arrow::AllocateBuffer(arr.length, ctx->memory_pool()));;
            NegateSparseBitmap(data->mutable_data(), arr.GetValues<ui8>(1), arr.length);
            *res = arrow::ArrayData::Make(arr.type, arr.length, { bitmap, data });

        return arrow::Status::OK();

template <typename TExec>
std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::ScalarKernel> MakeKernel(const TVector<TType*>& argTypes, TType* resultType) {
    std::shared_ptr<arrow::DataType> returnArrowType;
    MKQL_ENSURE(ConvertArrowType(AS_TYPE(TBlockType, resultType)->GetItemType(), returnArrowType), "Unsupported arrow type");
    auto exec = std::make_shared<TExec>();
    auto kernel = std::make_shared<arrow::compute::ScalarKernel>(ConvertToInputTypes(argTypes), ConvertToOutputType(resultType),
        [exec](arrow::compute::KernelContext* ctx, const arrow::compute::ExecBatch& batch, arrow::Datum* res) {
        return exec->Exec(ctx, batch, res);

    kernel->null_handling = arrow::compute::NullHandling::COMPUTED_NO_PREALLOCATE;
    return kernel;

IComputationNode* WrapBlockLogical(std::string_view name, TCallable& callable, const TComputationNodeFactoryContext& ctx) {
    MKQL_ENSURE(callable.GetInputsCount() == 2, "Expected 2 args");

    auto firstType = AS_TYPE(TBlockType, callable.GetInput(0).GetStaticType());
    auto secondType = AS_TYPE(TBlockType, callable.GetInput(1).GetStaticType());

    bool isOpt1, isOpt2;
    MKQL_ENSURE(UnpackOptionalData(firstType->GetItemType(), isOpt1)->GetSchemeType() == NUdf::TDataType<bool>::Id,
                "Requires boolean args.");
    MKQL_ENSURE(UnpackOptionalData(secondType->GetItemType(), isOpt2)->GetSchemeType() == NUdf::TDataType<bool>::Id,
                "Requires boolean args.");

    auto compute1 = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 0);
    auto compute2 = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 1);
    TComputationNodePtrVector argsNodes = { compute1, compute2 };
    TVector<TType*> argsTypes = { callable.GetInput(0).GetStaticType(), callable.GetInput(1).GetStaticType() };

    std::shared_ptr<arrow::compute::ScalarKernel> kernel;
    if (name == "And") {
        kernel = MakeKernel<TAndBlockExec>(argsTypes, callable.GetType()->GetReturnType());
    } else if (name == "Or") {
        kernel = MakeKernel<TOrBlockExec>(argsTypes, callable.GetType()->GetReturnType());
    } else {
        kernel = MakeKernel<TXorBlockExec>(argsTypes, callable.GetType()->GetReturnType());

    return new TBlockFuncNode(ctx.Mutables, name, std::move(argsNodes), argsTypes, *kernel, kernel);

} // namespace

IComputationNode* WrapBlockAnd(TCallable& callable, const TComputationNodeFactoryContext& ctx) {
    return WrapBlockLogical("And", callable, ctx);

IComputationNode* WrapBlockOr(TCallable& callable, const TComputationNodeFactoryContext& ctx) {
    return WrapBlockLogical("Or", callable, ctx);

IComputationNode* WrapBlockXor(TCallable& callable, const TComputationNodeFactoryContext& ctx) {
    return WrapBlockLogical("Xor", callable, ctx);

IComputationNode* WrapBlockNot(TCallable& callable, const TComputationNodeFactoryContext& ctx) {
    MKQL_ENSURE(callable.GetInputsCount() == 1, "Expected 1 arg");

    auto dataType = AS_TYPE(TBlockType, callable.GetInput(0).GetStaticType());
    bool isOpt;
    MKQL_ENSURE(UnpackOptionalData(dataType->GetItemType(), isOpt)->GetSchemeType() == NUdf::TDataType<bool>::Id,
                "Requires boolean args.");

    auto compute = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 0);
    TComputationNodePtrVector argsNodes = { compute };
    TVector<TType*> argsTypes = { callable.GetInput(0).GetStaticType() };

    auto kernel = MakeKernel<TNotBlockExec>(argsTypes, argsTypes[0]);
    return new TBlockFuncNode(ctx.Mutables, "Not", std::move(argsNodes), argsTypes, *kernel, kernel);
