#include "pool.h" #include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h> #include <util/random/fast.h> #include <util/system/spinlock.h> #include <util/system/thread.h> #include <util/system/mutex.h> #include <util/system/condvar.h> struct TThreadPoolTest { TSpinLock Lock; long R = -1; struct TTask: public IObjectInQueue { TThreadPoolTest* Test = nullptr; long Value = 0; TTask(TThreadPoolTest* test, int value) : Test(test) , Value(value) { } void Process(void*) override { THolder<TTask> This(this); TGuard<TSpinLock> guard(Test->Lock); Test->R ^= Value; } }; struct TOwnedTask: public IObjectInQueue { bool& Processed; bool& Destructed; TOwnedTask(bool& processed, bool& destructed) : Processed(processed) , Destructed(destructed) { } ~TOwnedTask() override { Destructed = true; } void Process(void*) override { Processed = true; } }; inline void TestAnyQueue(IThreadPool* queue, size_t queueSize = 1000) { TReallyFastRng32 rand(17); const size_t cnt = 1000; R = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { R ^= (long)rand.GenRand(); } queue->Start(10, queueSize); rand = TReallyFastRng32(17); for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { UNIT_ASSERT(queue->Add(new TTask(this, (long)rand.GenRand()))); } queue->Stop(); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, R); } }; class TFailAddQueue: public IThreadPool { public: bool Add(IObjectInQueue* /*obj*/) override Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { return false; } void Start(size_t, size_t) override { } void Stop() noexcept override { } size_t Size() const noexcept override { return 0; } }; Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TThreadPoolTest) { Y_UNIT_TEST(TestTThreadPool) { TThreadPoolTest t; TThreadPool q; t.TestAnyQueue(&q); } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestTThreadPoolBlocking) { TThreadPoolTest t; TThreadPool q(TThreadPool::TParams().SetBlocking(true)); t.TestAnyQueue(&q, 100); } // disabled by pg@ long time ago due to test flaps // Tried to enable: REVIEW:78772 Y_UNIT_TEST(TestTAdaptiveThreadPool) { if (false) { TThreadPoolTest t; TAdaptiveThreadPool q; t.TestAnyQueue(&q); } } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestAddAndOwn) { TThreadPool q; q.Start(2); bool processed = false; bool destructed = false; q.SafeAddAndOwn(MakeHolder<TThreadPoolTest::TOwnedTask>(processed, destructed)); q.Stop(); UNIT_ASSERT_C(processed, "Not processed"); UNIT_ASSERT_C(destructed, "Not destructed"); } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestAddFunc) { TFailAddQueue queue; bool added = queue.AddFunc( []() {} // Lambda, I call him 'Lambda'! ); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(added, false); } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestSafeAddFuncThrows) { TFailAddQueue queue; UNIT_CHECK_GENERATED_EXCEPTION(queue.SafeAddFunc([] {}), TThreadPoolException); } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestFunctionNotCopied) { struct TFailOnCopy { TFailOnCopy() { } TFailOnCopy(TFailOnCopy&&) { } TFailOnCopy(const TFailOnCopy&) { UNIT_FAIL("Don't copy std::function inside TThreadPool"); } }; TThreadPool queue(TThreadPool::TParams().SetBlocking(false).SetCatching(true)); queue.Start(2); queue.SafeAddFunc([data = TFailOnCopy()]() {}); queue.Stop(); } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestInfoGetters) { TThreadPool queue; queue.Start(2, 7); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.GetThreadCountExpected(), 2); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.GetThreadCountReal(), 2); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.GetMaxQueueSize(), 7); queue.Stop(); queue.Start(4, 1); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.GetThreadCountExpected(), 4); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.GetThreadCountReal(), 4); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(queue.GetMaxQueueSize(), 1); queue.Stop(); } void TestFixedThreadName(IThreadPool& pool, const TString& expectedName) { pool.Start(1); TString name; pool.SafeAddFunc([&name]() { name = TThread::CurrentThreadName(); }); pool.Stop(); if (TThread::CanGetCurrentThreadName()) { UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(name, expectedName); UNIT_ASSERT_UNEQUAL(TThread::CurrentThreadName(), expectedName); } } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestFixedThreadName) { const TString expectedName = "HelloWorld"; { TThreadPool pool(TThreadPool::TParams().SetBlocking(true).SetCatching(false).SetThreadName(expectedName)); TestFixedThreadName(pool, expectedName); } { TAdaptiveThreadPool pool(TThreadPool::TParams().SetThreadName(expectedName)); TestFixedThreadName(pool, expectedName); } } void TestEnumeratedThreadName(IThreadPool& pool, const THashSet<TString>& expectedNames) { pool.Start(expectedNames.size()); TMutex lock; TCondVar allReady; size_t readyCount = 0; THashSet<TString> names; for (size_t i = 0; i < expectedNames.size(); ++i) { pool.SafeAddFunc([&]() { with_lock (lock) { if (++readyCount == expectedNames.size()) { allReady.BroadCast(); } else { while (readyCount != expectedNames.size()) { allReady.WaitI(lock); } } names.insert(TThread::CurrentThreadName()); } }); } pool.Stop(); if (TThread::CanGetCurrentThreadName()) { UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(names, expectedNames); } } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestEnumeratedThreadName) { const TString namePrefix = "HelloWorld"; const THashSet<TString> expectedNames = { "HelloWorld0", "HelloWorld1", "HelloWorld2", "HelloWorld3", "HelloWorld4", "HelloWorld5", "HelloWorld6", "HelloWorld7", "HelloWorld8", "HelloWorld9", "HelloWorld10", }; { TThreadPool pool(TThreadPool::TParams().SetBlocking(true).SetCatching(false).SetThreadNamePrefix(namePrefix)); TestEnumeratedThreadName(pool, expectedNames); } { TAdaptiveThreadPool pool(TThreadPool::TParams().SetThreadNamePrefix(namePrefix)); TestEnumeratedThreadName(pool, expectedNames); } } } // Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TThreadPoolTest)