#pragma once #include "fwd.h" #include "factory.h" #include <util/system/yassert.h> #include <util/system/defaults.h> #include <util/generic/yexception.h> #include <util/generic/ptr.h> #include <util/generic/noncopyable.h> #include <functional> class TDuration; struct IObjectInQueue { virtual ~IObjectInQueue() = default; /** * Supposed to be implemented by user, to define jobs processed * in multiple threads. * * @param threadSpecificResource is nullptr by default. But if you override * IThreadPool::CreateThreadSpecificResource, then result of * IThreadPool::CreateThreadSpecificResource is passed as threadSpecificResource * parameter. */ virtual void Process(void* threadSpecificResource) = 0; }; /** * Mighty class to add 'Pool' method to derived classes. * Useful only for creators of new queue classes. */ class TThreadFactoryHolder { public: TThreadFactoryHolder() noexcept; inline TThreadFactoryHolder(IThreadFactory* pool) noexcept : Pool_(pool) { } inline ~TThreadFactoryHolder() = default; inline IThreadFactory* Pool() const noexcept { return Pool_; } private: IThreadFactory* Pool_; }; class TThreadPoolException: public yexception { }; template <class T> class TThrFuncObj: public IObjectInQueue { public: TThrFuncObj(const T& func) : Func(func) { } TThrFuncObj(T&& func) : Func(std::move(func)) { } void Process(void*) override { THolder<TThrFuncObj> self(this); Func(); } private: T Func; }; template <class T> IObjectInQueue* MakeThrFuncObj(T&& func) { return new TThrFuncObj<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>(std::forward<T>(func)); } struct TThreadPoolParams { bool Catching_ = true; bool Blocking_ = false; IThreadFactory* Factory_ = SystemThreadFactory(); TString ThreadName_; bool EnumerateThreads_ = false; using TSelf = TThreadPoolParams; TThreadPoolParams() { } TThreadPoolParams(IThreadFactory* factory) : Factory_(factory) { } TThreadPoolParams(const TString& name) { SetThreadName(name); } TThreadPoolParams(const char* name) { SetThreadName(name); } TSelf& SetCatching(bool val) { Catching_ = val; return *this; } TSelf& SetBlocking(bool val) { Blocking_ = val; return *this; } TSelf& SetFactory(IThreadFactory* factory) { Factory_ = factory; return *this; } TSelf& SetThreadName(const TString& name) { ThreadName_ = name; EnumerateThreads_ = false; return *this; } TSelf& SetThreadNamePrefix(const TString& prefix) { ThreadName_ = prefix; EnumerateThreads_ = true; return *this; } }; /** * A queue processed simultaneously by several threads */ class IThreadPool: public IThreadFactory, public TNonCopyable { public: using TParams = TThreadPoolParams; ~IThreadPool() override = default; /** * Safe versions of Add*() functions. Behave exactly like as non-safe * version of Add*(), but use exceptions instead returning false */ void SafeAdd(IObjectInQueue* obj); template <class T> void SafeAddFunc(T&& func) { Y_ENSURE_EX(AddFunc(std::forward<T>(func)), TThreadPoolException() << TStringBuf("can not add function to queue")); } void SafeAddAndOwn(THolder<IObjectInQueue> obj); /** * Add object to queue, run ojb->Proccess in other threads. * Obj is not deleted after execution * @return true of obj is successfully added to queue * @return false if queue is full or shutting down */ virtual bool Add(IObjectInQueue* obj) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0; template <class T> Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool AddFunc(T&& func) { THolder<IObjectInQueue> wrapper(MakeThrFuncObj(std::forward<T>(func))); bool added = Add(wrapper.Get()); if (added) { Y_UNUSED(wrapper.Release()); } return added; } bool AddAndOwn(THolder<IObjectInQueue> obj) Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual void Start(size_t threadCount, size_t queueSizeLimit = 0) = 0; /** Wait for completion of all scheduled objects, and then exit */ virtual void Stop() noexcept = 0; /** Number of tasks currently in queue */ virtual size_t Size() const noexcept = 0; public: /** * RAII wrapper for Create/DestroyThreadSpecificResource. * Useful only for implementers of new IThreadPool queues. */ class TTsr { public: inline TTsr(IThreadPool* q) : Q_(q) , Data_(Q_->CreateThreadSpecificResource()) { } inline ~TTsr() { try { Q_->DestroyThreadSpecificResource(Data_); } catch (...) { // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ } } inline operator void*() noexcept { return Data_; } private: IThreadPool* Q_; void* Data_; }; /** * CreateThreadSpecificResource and DestroyThreadSpecificResource * called from internals of (TAdaptiveThreadPool, TThreadPool, ...) implementation, * not by user of IThreadPool interface. * Created resource is passed to IObjectInQueue::Proccess function. */ virtual void* CreateThreadSpecificResource() { return nullptr; } virtual void DestroyThreadSpecificResource(void* resource) { if (resource != nullptr) { Y_ASSERT(resource == nullptr); } } private: IThread* DoCreate() override; }; /** * Single-threaded implementation of IThreadPool, process tasks in same thread when * added. * Can be used to remove multithreading. */ class TFakeThreadPool: public IThreadPool { public: bool Add(IObjectInQueue* pObj) override Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { TTsr tsr(this); pObj->Process(tsr); return true; } void Start(size_t, size_t = 0) override { } void Stop() noexcept override { } size_t Size() const noexcept override { return 0; } }; class TThreadPoolBase: public IThreadPool, public TThreadFactoryHolder { public: TThreadPoolBase(const TParams& params); protected: TParams Params; }; /** queue processed by fixed size thread pool */ class TThreadPool: public TThreadPoolBase { public: TThreadPool(const TParams& params = {}); ~TThreadPool() override; bool Add(IObjectInQueue* obj) override Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** * @param queueSizeLimit means "unlimited" when = 0 * @param threadCount means "single thread" when = 0 */ void Start(size_t threadCount, size_t queueSizeLimit = 0) override; void Stop() noexcept override; size_t Size() const noexcept override; size_t GetThreadCountExpected() const noexcept; size_t GetThreadCountReal() const noexcept; size_t GetMaxQueueSize() const noexcept; private: class TImpl; THolder<TImpl> Impl_; }; /** * Always create new thread for new task, when all existing threads are busy. * Maybe dangerous, number of threads is not limited. */ class TAdaptiveThreadPool: public TThreadPoolBase { public: TAdaptiveThreadPool(const TParams& params = {}); ~TAdaptiveThreadPool() override; /** * If working thread waits task too long (more then interval parameter), * then the thread would be killed. Default value - infinity, all created threads * waits for new task forever, before Stop. */ void SetMaxIdleTime(TDuration interval); bool Add(IObjectInQueue* obj) override Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** @param thrnum, @param maxque are ignored */ void Start(size_t thrnum = 0, size_t maxque = 0) override; void Stop() noexcept override; size_t Size() const noexcept override; private: class TImpl; THolder<TImpl> Impl_; }; /** Behave like TThreadPool or TAdaptiveThreadPool, choosen by thrnum parameter of Start() */ class TSimpleThreadPool: public TThreadPoolBase { public: TSimpleThreadPool(const TParams& params = {}); ~TSimpleThreadPool() override; bool Add(IObjectInQueue* obj) override Y_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; /** * @parameter thrnum. If thrnum is 0, use TAdaptiveThreadPool with small * SetMaxIdleTime interval parameter. if thrnum is not 0, use non-blocking TThreadPool */ void Start(size_t thrnum, size_t maxque = 0) override; void Stop() noexcept override; size_t Size() const noexcept override; private: THolder<IThreadPool> Slave_; }; /** * Helper to override virtual functions Create/DestroyThreadSpecificResource * from IThreadPool and implement them using functions with same name from * pointer to TSlave. */ template <class TQueueType, class TSlave> class TThreadPoolBinder: public TQueueType { public: inline TThreadPoolBinder(TSlave* slave) : Slave_(slave) { } template <class... Args> inline TThreadPoolBinder(TSlave* slave, Args&&... args) : TQueueType(std::forward<Args>(args)...) , Slave_(slave) { } inline TThreadPoolBinder(TSlave& slave) : Slave_(&slave) { } ~TThreadPoolBinder() override { try { this->Stop(); } catch (...) { // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ } } void* CreateThreadSpecificResource() override { return Slave_->CreateThreadSpecificResource(); } void DestroyThreadSpecificResource(void* resource) override { Slave_->DestroyThreadSpecificResource(resource); } private: TSlave* Slave_; }; inline void Delete(THolder<IThreadPool> q) { if (q.Get()) { q->Stop(); } } /** * Creates and starts TThreadPool if threadsCount > 1, or TFakeThreadPool otherwise * You could specify blocking and catching modes for TThreadPool only */ THolder<IThreadPool> CreateThreadPool(size_t threadCount, size_t queueSizeLimit = 0, const IThreadPool::TParams& params = {});