#include "strip.h" #include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h> #include <util/charset/wide.h> Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TStripStringTest) { struct TStripTest { TStringBuf Str; TStringBuf StripLeftRes; TStringBuf StripRightRes; TStringBuf StripRes; }; static constexpr TStripTest StripTests[] = { {" 012 ", "012 ", " 012", "012"}, {" 012", "012", " 012", "012"}, {"012\t\t", "012\t\t", "012", "012"}, {"\t012\t", "012\t", "\t012", "012"}, {"012", "012", "012", "012"}, {"012\r\n", "012\r\n", "012", "012"}, {"\n012\r", "012\r", "\n012", "012"}, {"\n \t\r", "", "", ""}, {"", "", "", ""}, {"abc", "abc", "abc", "abc"}, {" abc ", "abc ", " abc", "abc"}, {"a c", "a c", "a c", "a c"}, {" long string to avoid SSO \n", "long string to avoid SSO \n", " long string to avoid SSO", "long string to avoid SSO"}, {" набор не-ascii букв ", "набор не-ascii букв ", " набор не-ascii букв", "набор не-ascii букв"}, // Russian "х" ends with \x85, whis is a space character in some encodings. {"последней буквой идет х ", "последней буквой идет х ", "последней буквой идет х", "последней буквой идет х"}, }; Y_UNIT_TEST(TestStrip) { for (const auto& test : StripTests) { TString inputStr(test.Str); TString s; Strip(inputStr, s); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(s, test.StripRes); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(StripString(inputStr), test.StripRes); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(StripStringLeft(inputStr), test.StripLeftRes); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(StripStringRight(inputStr), test.StripRightRes); TStringBuf inputStrBuf(test.Str); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(StripString(inputStrBuf), test.StripRes); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(StripStringLeft(inputStrBuf), test.StripLeftRes); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(StripStringRight(inputStrBuf), test.StripRightRes); }; } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestStripInPlace) { // On Darwin default locale is set to a value which interprets certain cyrillic utf-8 sequences as spaces. // Which we do not use ::isspace and only strip ASCII spaces, we want to ensure that this will not change in the future. std::setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); for (const auto& test : StripTests) { TString str(test.Str); Y_ASSERT(str.IsDetached() || str.empty()); // prerequisite of the test; check that we don't try to modify shared COW-string in-place by accident const void* stringPtrPrior = str.data(); StripInPlace(str); const void* stringPtrAfter = str.data(); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(str, test.StripRes); if (!test.Str.empty()) { UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_C(stringPtrPrior, stringPtrAfter, TString(test.Str).Quote()); // StripInPlace should reuse buffer of original string } } } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCustomStrip) { struct TTest { const char* Str; const char* Result; }; static const TTest tests[] = { {"//012//", "012"}, {"//012", "012"}, {"012", "012"}, {"012//", "012"}, }; for (auto test : tests) { UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( StripString(TString(test.Str), EqualsStripAdapter('/')), test.Result); }; } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCustomStripLeftRight) { struct TTest { const char* Str; const char* ResultLeft; const char* ResultRight; }; static const TTest tests[] = { {"//012//", "012//", "//012"}, {"//012", "012", "//012"}, {"012", "012", "012"}, {"012//", "012//", "012"}, }; for (const auto& test : tests) { UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( StripStringLeft(TString(test.Str), EqualsStripAdapter('/')), test.ResultLeft); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( StripStringRight(TString(test.Str), EqualsStripAdapter('/')), test.ResultRight); }; } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestNullStringStrip) { TStringBuf nullString(nullptr, nullptr); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( StripString(nullString), TString()); } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestWtrokaStrip) { UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(StripString(TWtringBuf(u" abc ")), u"abc"); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(StripStringLeft(TWtringBuf(u" abc ")), u"abc "); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(StripStringRight(TWtringBuf(u" abc ")), u" abc"); } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestWtrokaCustomStrip) { UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( StripString( TWtringBuf(u"/abc/"), EqualsStripAdapter(u'/')), u"abc"); } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCollapseUtf32) { TUtf32String s; Collapse(UTF8ToUTF32<true>(" 123 456 "), s, IsWhitespace); UNIT_ASSERT(s == UTF8ToUTF32<true>(" 123 456 ")); Collapse(UTF8ToUTF32<true>(" 123 456 "), s, IsWhitespace, 10); UNIT_ASSERT(s == UTF8ToUTF32<true>(" 123 456 ")); s = UTF8ToUTF32<true>(" a b c "); TUtf32String s2 = s; CollapseInPlace(s2, IsWhitespace); UNIT_ASSERT(s == s2); #ifndef TSTRING_IS_STD_STRING UNIT_ASSERT(s.c_str() == s2.c_str()); // Collapse() does not change the string at all #endif } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCollapseUtf16) { TUtf16String s; Collapse(UTF8ToWide<true>(" 123 456 "), s); UNIT_ASSERT(s == UTF8ToWide<true>(" 123 456 ")); Collapse(UTF8ToWide<true>(" 123 456 "), s, 10); UNIT_ASSERT(s == UTF8ToWide<true>(" 123 456 ")); s = UTF8ToWide<true>(" a b c "); TUtf16String s2 = s; CollapseInPlace(s2); UNIT_ASSERT(s == s2); #ifndef TSTRING_IS_STD_STRING UNIT_ASSERT(s.c_str() == s2.c_str()); // Collapse() does not change the string at all #endif } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCollapse) { TString s; Collapse(TString(" 123 456 "), s); UNIT_ASSERT(s == " 123 456 "); Collapse(TString(" 123 456 "), s, 10); UNIT_ASSERT(s == " 123 456 "); s = TString(" a b c "); TString s2 = s; CollapseInPlace(s2); UNIT_ASSERT(s == s2); #ifndef TSTRING_IS_STD_STRING UNIT_ASSERT(s.c_str() == s2.c_str()); // Collapse() does not change the string at all #endif } Y_UNIT_TEST(TestCollapseText) { TString abs1("Very long description string written in unknown language."); TString abs2(abs1); TString abs3(abs1); CollapseText(abs1, 204); CollapseText(abs2, 54); CollapseText(abs3, 49); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(abs1 == "Very long description string written in unknown language.", true); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(abs2 == "Very long description string written in unknown ...", true); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(abs3 == "Very long description string written in ...", true); } } // Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TStripStringTest)