#pragma once #include "ascii.h" #include <util/generic/string.h> #include <util/generic/strbuf.h> #include <util/generic/typetraits.h> #include <utility> template <class It> struct TIsAsciiSpaceAdapter { bool operator()(const It& it) const noexcept { return IsAsciiSpace(*it); } }; template <class It> TIsAsciiSpaceAdapter<It> IsAsciiSpaceAdapter(It) { return {}; } template <class TChar> struct TEqualsStripAdapter { TEqualsStripAdapter(TChar ch) : Ch(ch) { } template <class It> bool operator()(const It& it) const noexcept { return *it == Ch; } const TChar Ch; }; template <class TChar> TEqualsStripAdapter<TChar> EqualsStripAdapter(TChar ch) { return {ch}; } template <class It, class TStripCriterion> inline void StripRangeBegin(It& b, const It& e, TStripCriterion&& criterion) noexcept { while (b < e && criterion(b)) { ++b; } } template <class It> inline void StripRangeBegin(It& b, const It& e) noexcept { StripRangeBegin(b, e, IsAsciiSpaceAdapter(b)); } template <class It, class TStripCriterion> inline void StripRangeEnd(const It& b, It& e, TStripCriterion&& criterion) noexcept { while (b < e && criterion(e - 1)) { --e; } } template <class It> inline void StripRangeEnd(const It& b, It& e) noexcept { StripRangeEnd(b, e, IsAsciiSpaceAdapter(b)); } template <bool stripBeg, bool stripEnd> struct TStripImpl { template <class It, class TStripCriterion> static inline bool StripRange(It& b, It& e, TStripCriterion&& criterion) noexcept { const size_t oldLen = e - b; if (stripBeg) { StripRangeBegin(b, e, criterion); } if (stripEnd) { StripRangeEnd(b, e, criterion); } const size_t newLen = e - b; return newLen != oldLen; } template <class T, class TStripCriterion> static inline bool StripString(const T& from, T& to, TStripCriterion&& criterion) { auto b = from.begin(); auto e = from.end(); if (StripRange(b, e, criterion)) { if constexpr (::TIsTemplateBaseOf<std::basic_string_view, T>::value) { to = T(b, e - b); } else { to.assign(b, e - b); } return true; } to = from; return false; } template <class T, class TStripCriterion> [[nodiscard]] static inline T StripString(const T& from, TStripCriterion&& criterion) { T ret; StripString(from, ret, criterion); return ret; } template <class T> [[nodiscard]] static inline T StripString(const T& from) { return StripString(from, IsAsciiSpaceAdapter(from.begin())); } }; template <class It, class TStripCriterion> inline bool StripRange(It& b, It& e, TStripCriterion&& criterion) noexcept { return TStripImpl<true, true>::StripRange(b, e, criterion); } template <class It> inline bool StripRange(It& b, It& e) noexcept { return StripRange(b, e, IsAsciiSpaceAdapter(b)); } template <class It, class TStripCriterion> inline bool Strip(It& b, size_t& len, TStripCriterion&& criterion) noexcept { It e = b + len; if (StripRange(b, e, criterion)) { len = e - b; return true; } return false; } template <class It> inline bool Strip(It& b, size_t& len) noexcept { return Strip(b, len, IsAsciiSpaceAdapter(b)); } template <class T, class TStripCriterion> static inline bool StripString(const T& from, T& to, TStripCriterion&& criterion) { return TStripImpl<true, true>::StripString(from, to, criterion); } template <class T> static inline bool StripString(const T& from, T& to) { return StripString(from, to, IsAsciiSpaceAdapter(from.begin())); } template <class T, class TStripCriterion> [[nodiscard]] static inline T StripString(const T& from, TStripCriterion&& criterion) { return TStripImpl<true, true>::StripString(from, criterion); } template <class T> [[nodiscard]] static inline T StripString(const T& from) { return TStripImpl<true, true>::StripString(from); } template <class T> [[nodiscard]] static inline T StripStringLeft(const T& from) { return TStripImpl<true, false>::StripString(from); } template <class T> [[nodiscard]] static inline T StripStringRight(const T& from) { return TStripImpl<false, true>::StripString(from); } template <class T, class TStripCriterion> [[nodiscard]] static inline T StripStringLeft(const T& from, TStripCriterion&& criterion) { return TStripImpl<true, false>::StripString(from, criterion); } template <class T, class TStripCriterion> [[nodiscard]] static inline T StripStringRight(const T& from, TStripCriterion&& criterion) { return TStripImpl<false, true>::StripString(from, criterion); } /// Copies the given string removing leading and trailing spaces. static inline bool Strip(const TString& from, TString& to) { return StripString(from, to); } /// Removes leading and trailing spaces from the string. inline TString& StripInPlace(TString& s) { Strip(s, s); return s; } template <typename T> inline void StripInPlace(T& s) { StripString(s, s); } /// Returns a copy of the given string with removed leading and trailing spaces. [[nodiscard]] inline TString Strip(const TString& s) { TString ret = s; Strip(ret, ret); return ret; } template <class TChar, class TWhitespaceFunc> size_t CollapseImpl(TChar* s, size_t n, const TWhitespaceFunc& isWhitespace) { size_t newLen = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++newLen) { size_t nextNonSpace = i; while (nextNonSpace < n && isWhitespace(s[nextNonSpace])) { ++nextNonSpace; } size_t numSpaces = nextNonSpace - i; if (numSpaces > 1 || (numSpaces == 1 && s[i] != ' ')) { s[newLen] = ' '; i = nextNonSpace - 1; } else { s[newLen] = s[i]; } } return newLen; } template <class TStringType, class TWhitespaceFunc> bool CollapseImpl(const TStringType& from, TStringType& to, size_t maxLen, const TWhitespaceFunc& isWhitespace) { to = from; maxLen = maxLen ? Min(maxLen, to.size()) : to.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < maxLen; ++i) { if (isWhitespace(to[i]) && (to[i] != ' ' || isWhitespace(to[i + 1]))) { size_t tailSize = maxLen - i; size_t newTailSize = CollapseImpl(to.begin() + i, tailSize, isWhitespace); to.remove(i + newTailSize, tailSize - newTailSize); return true; } } return false; } template <class TStringType, class TWhitespaceFunc> std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_v<TWhitespaceFunc, typename TStringType::value_type>, bool> Collapse( const TStringType& from, TStringType& to, TWhitespaceFunc isWhitespace, size_t maxLen = 0) { return CollapseImpl(from, to, maxLen, isWhitespace); } inline bool Collapse(const TString& from, TString& to, size_t maxLen = 0) { return Collapse(from, to, IsAsciiSpace<typename TString::value_type>, maxLen); } /// Replaces several consequtive space symbols with one (processing is limited to maxLen bytes) inline TString& CollapseInPlace(TString& s, size_t maxLen = 0) { Collapse(s, s, maxLen); return s; } template <class TStringType, class TWhitespaceFunc> inline TStringType& CollapseInPlace(TStringType& s, TWhitespaceFunc isWhitespace, size_t maxLen = 0) { Collapse(s, s, isWhitespace, maxLen); return s; } /// Replaces several consequtive space symbols with one (processing is limited to maxLen bytes) [[nodiscard]] inline TString Collapse(const TString& s, size_t maxLen = 0) { TString ret; Collapse(s, ret, maxLen); return ret; } void CollapseText(const TString& from, TString& to, size_t maxLen); /// The same as Collapse() + truncates the string to maxLen. /// @details An ellipsis is inserted at the end of the truncated line. inline void CollapseText(TString& s, size_t maxLen) { TString to; CollapseText(s, to, maxLen); s = to; }