#include "zlib.h" #include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h> #include "file.h" #include <util/system/tempfile.h> #include <util/random/entropy.h> #define ZDATA "./zdata" class TThrowingStream: public IOutputStream { public: TThrowingStream(int limit) : Limit_(limit) { } void DoWrite(const void*, size_t size) override { if (Ignore) { return; } Limit_ -= size; if (Limit_ < 0) { throw yexception() << "catch this"; } } void DoFinish() override { if (Ignore) { return; } if (Limit_ < 0) { throw yexception() << "catch this"; } } void DoFlush() override { if (Ignore) { return; } if (Limit_ < 0) { throw yexception() << "catch this"; } } bool Ignore = false; private: int Limit_; }; Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TZLibTest) { static const TString DATA = "8s7d5vc6s5vc67sa4c65ascx6asd4xcv76adsfxv76s"; static const TString DATA2 = "cn8wk2bd9vb3vdfif83g1ks94bfiovtwv"; Y_UNIT_TEST(Compress) { TUnbufferedFileOutput o(ZDATA); TZLibCompress c(&o, ZLib::ZLib); c.Write(DATA.data(), DATA.size()); c.Finish(); o.Finish(); } Y_UNIT_TEST(Decompress) { TTempFile tmpFile(ZDATA); { TUnbufferedFileInput i(ZDATA); TZLibDecompress d(&i); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(d.ReadAll(), DATA); } } Y_UNIT_TEST(Dictionary) { static constexpr TStringBuf data = "<html><body></body></html>"; static constexpr TStringBuf dict = "</<html><body>"; for (auto type : {ZLib::Raw, ZLib::ZLib}) { TStringStream compressed; { TZLibCompress compressor(TZLibCompress::TParams(&compressed).SetDict(dict).SetType(type)); compressor.Write(data); } TZLibDecompress decompressor(&compressed, type, ZLib::ZLIB_BUF_LEN, dict); UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(decompressor.ReadAll(), data); } } Y_UNIT_TEST(DecompressTwoStreams) { // Check that Decompress(Compress(X) + Compress(Y)) == X + Y TTempFile tmpFile(ZDATA); { TUnbufferedFileOutput o(ZDATA); TZLibCompress c1(&o, ZLib::ZLib); c1.Write(DATA.data(), DATA.size()); c1.Finish(); TZLibCompress c2(&o, ZLib::ZLib); c2.Write(DATA2.data(), DATA2.size()); c2.Finish(); o.Finish(); } { TUnbufferedFileInput i(ZDATA); TZLibDecompress d(&i); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(d.ReadAll(), DATA + DATA2); } } Y_UNIT_TEST(CompressionExceptionSegfault) { TVector<char> buf(512 * 1024); EntropyPool().Load(buf.data(), buf.size()); TThrowingStream o(128 * 1024); TZLibCompress c(&o, ZLib::GZip, 4, 1 << 15); try { c.Write(buf.data(), buf.size()); } catch (...) { } o.Ignore = true; TVector<char>().swap(buf); } Y_UNIT_TEST(DecompressFirstOfTwoStreams) { // Check that Decompress(Compress(X) + Compress(Y)) == X when single stream is allowed TTempFile tmpFile(ZDATA); { TUnbufferedFileOutput o(ZDATA); TZLibCompress c1(&o, ZLib::ZLib); c1.Write(DATA.data(), DATA.size()); c1.Finish(); TZLibCompress c2(&o, ZLib::ZLib); c2.Write(DATA2.data(), DATA2.size()); c2.Finish(); o.Finish(); } { TUnbufferedFileInput i(ZDATA); TZLibDecompress d(&i); d.SetAllowMultipleStreams(false); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(d.ReadAll(), DATA); } } Y_UNIT_TEST(CompressFlush) { TString data = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { TTempFile tmpFile(ZDATA); TUnbufferedFileOutput output(ZDATA); TZLibCompress compressor(&output, ZLib::ZLib); compressor.Write(data.data(), data.size()); compressor.Flush(); { TUnbufferedFileInput input(ZDATA); TZLibDecompress decompressor(&input); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(decompressor.ReadAll(), data); } data += 'A' + i; } } Y_UNIT_TEST(CompressEmptyFlush) { TTempFile tmpFile(ZDATA); TUnbufferedFileOutput output(ZDATA); TZLibCompress compressor(&output, ZLib::ZLib); TUnbufferedFileInput input(ZDATA); compressor.Write(DATA.data(), DATA.size()); compressor.Flush(); { TZLibDecompress decompressor(&input); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(decompressor.ReadAll(), DATA); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { compressor.Flush(); } UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(input.ReadAll(), ""); } Y_UNIT_TEST(CompressFlushSmallBuffer) { for (size_t bufferSize = 16; bufferSize < 32; ++bufferSize) { TString firstData = ""; for (size_t firstDataSize = 0; firstDataSize < 16; ++firstDataSize) { TString secondData = ""; for (size_t secondDataSize = 0; secondDataSize < 16; ++secondDataSize) { TTempFile tmpFile(ZDATA); TUnbufferedFileOutput output(ZDATA); TZLibCompress compressor(TZLibCompress::TParams(&output).SetType(ZLib::ZLib).SetBufLen(bufferSize)); TUnbufferedFileInput input(ZDATA); TZLibDecompress decompressor(&input); compressor.Write(firstData.data(), firstData.size()); compressor.Flush(); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(decompressor.ReadAll(), firstData); compressor.Write(secondData.data(), secondData.size()); compressor.Flush(); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(decompressor.ReadAll(), secondData); secondData += 'A' + secondDataSize; } firstData += 'A' + firstDataSize; } } } }