#pragma once #include <util/memory/alloc.h> #include <util/digest/numeric.h> #include <util/generic/string.h> #include <util/generic/string_hash.h> #include <util/generic/strbuf.h> #include <util/generic/typetraits.h> #include <functional> #include <typeindex> #include <utility> #ifndef NO_CUSTOM_CHAR_PTR_STD_COMPARATOR namespace std { template <> struct less<const char*> { bool operator()(const char* x, const char* y) const { return strcmp(x, y) < 0; } }; template <> struct equal_to<const char*> { bool operator()(const char* x, const char* y) const { return strcmp(x, y) == 0; } bool operator()(const char* x, const TStringBuf y) const { return strlen(x) == y.size() && memcmp(x, y.data(), y.size()) == 0; } using is_transparent = void; }; } // namespace std #endif namespace NHashPrivate { template <class T, bool needNumericHashing> struct THashHelper { using is_default_implementation = std::true_type; inline size_t operator()(const T& t) const noexcept { return (size_t)t; // If you have a compilation error here, look at explanation below: // Probably error is caused by undefined template specialization of THash<T> // You can find examples of specialization in this file } }; template <class T> struct THashHelper<T, true> { inline size_t operator()(const T& t) const noexcept { return NumericHash(t); } }; template <typename C> struct TStringHash { using is_transparent = void; inline size_t operator()(const TBasicStringBuf<C> s) const noexcept { return NHashPrivate::ComputeStringHash(s.data(), s.size()); } }; } // namespace NHashPrivate template <class T> struct hash: public NHashPrivate::THashHelper<T, std::is_scalar<T>::value && !std::is_integral<T>::value> { }; template <typename T> struct hash<const T*> { inline size_t operator()(const T* t) const noexcept { return NumericHash(t); } }; template <class T> struct hash<T*>: public ::hash<const T*> { }; template <> struct hash<const char*>: ::NHashPrivate::TStringHash<char> { }; template <size_t n> struct hash<char[n]>: ::NHashPrivate::TStringHash<char> { }; template <> struct THash<TStringBuf>: ::NHashPrivate::TStringHash<char> { }; template <> struct THash<std::string_view>: ::NHashPrivate::TStringHash<char> { }; template <> struct hash<TString>: ::NHashPrivate::TStringHash<char> { }; template <> struct hash<TUtf16String>: ::NHashPrivate::TStringHash<wchar16> { }; template <> struct THash<TWtringBuf>: ::NHashPrivate::TStringHash<wchar16> { }; template <> struct hash<TUtf32String>: ::NHashPrivate::TStringHash<wchar32> { }; template <> struct THash<TUtf32StringBuf>: ::NHashPrivate::TStringHash<wchar32> { }; template <class C, class T, class A> struct hash<std::basic_string<C, T, A>>: ::NHashPrivate::TStringHash<C> { }; template <> struct THash<std::type_index> { inline size_t operator()(const std::type_index& index) const { return index.hash_code(); } }; namespace NHashPrivate { template <typename T> Y_FORCE_INLINE static size_t HashObject(const T& val) { return THash<T>()(val); } template <size_t I, bool IsLastElement, typename... TArgs> struct TupleHashHelper { Y_FORCE_INLINE static size_t Hash(const std::tuple<TArgs...>& tuple) { return CombineHashes(HashObject(std::get<I>(tuple)), TupleHashHelper<I + 1, I + 2 >= sizeof...(TArgs), TArgs...>::Hash(tuple)); } }; template <size_t I, typename... TArgs> struct TupleHashHelper<I, true, TArgs...> { Y_FORCE_INLINE static size_t Hash(const std::tuple<TArgs...>& tuple) { return HashObject(std::get<I>(tuple)); } }; } // namespace NHashPrivate template <typename... TArgs> struct THash<std::tuple<TArgs...>> { size_t operator()(const std::tuple<TArgs...>& tuple) const { return NHashPrivate::TupleHashHelper<0, 1 >= sizeof...(TArgs), TArgs...>::Hash(tuple); } }; template <class T> struct THash: public ::hash<T> { }; namespace NHashPrivate { template <class TFirst, class TSecond, bool IsEmpty = std::is_empty<THash<TFirst>>::value && std::is_empty<THash<TSecond>>::value> struct TPairHash { private: THash<TFirst> FirstHash; THash<TSecond> SecondHash; public: template <class T> inline size_t operator()(const T& pair) const { return CombineHashes(FirstHash(pair.first), SecondHash(pair.second)); } }; /** * Specialization for the case where both hash functors are empty. Basically the * only one we care about. We don't introduce additional specializations for * cases where only one of the functors is empty as the code bloat is just not worth it. */ template <class TFirst, class TSecond> struct TPairHash<TFirst, TSecond, true> { template <class T> inline size_t operator()(const T& pair) const { // maps have TFirst = const TFoo, which would make for an undefined specialization using TFirstClean = std::remove_cv_t<TFirst>; using TSecondClean = std::remove_cv_t<TSecond>; return CombineHashes(THash<TFirstClean>()(pair.first), THash<TSecondClean>()(pair.second)); } }; } // namespace NHashPrivate template <class TFirst, class TSecond> struct hash<std::pair<TFirst, TSecond>>: public NHashPrivate::TPairHash<TFirst, TSecond> { }; template <class T> struct TEqualTo: public std::equal_to<T> { }; template <> struct TEqualTo<TString>: public TEqualTo<TStringBuf> { using is_transparent = void; }; template <> struct TEqualTo<TUtf16String>: public TEqualTo<TWtringBuf> { using is_transparent = void; }; template <> struct TEqualTo<TUtf32String>: public TEqualTo<TUtf32StringBuf> { using is_transparent = void; }; template <class TFirst, class TSecond> struct TEqualTo<std::pair<TFirst, TSecond>> { template <class TOther> inline bool operator()(const std::pair<TFirst, TSecond>& a, const TOther& b) const { return TEqualTo<TFirst>()(a.first, b.first) && TEqualTo<TSecond>()(a.second, b.second); } using is_transparent = void; }; template <class T> struct TCIEqualTo { }; template <> struct TCIEqualTo<const char*> { inline bool operator()(const char* a, const char* b) const { return stricmp(a, b) == 0; } }; template <> struct TCIEqualTo<TStringBuf> { inline bool operator()(const TStringBuf a, const TStringBuf b) const { return a.size() == b.size() && strnicmp(a.data(), b.data(), a.size()) == 0; } }; template <> struct TCIEqualTo<TString> { inline bool operator()(const TString& a, const TString& b) const { return a.size() == b.size() && strnicmp(a.data(), b.data(), a.size()) == 0; } }; template <class T> struct TLess: public std::less<T> { }; template <> struct TLess<TString>: public TLess<TStringBuf> { using is_transparent = void; }; template <> struct TLess<TUtf16String>: public TLess<TWtringBuf> { using is_transparent = void; }; template <> struct TLess<TUtf32String>: public TLess<TUtf32StringBuf> { using is_transparent = void; }; template <class T> struct TGreater: public std::greater<T> { }; template <> struct TGreater<TString>: public TGreater<TStringBuf> { using is_transparent = void; }; template <> struct TGreater<TUtf16String>: public TGreater<TWtringBuf> { using is_transparent = void; }; template <> struct TGreater<TUtf32String>: public TGreater<TUtf32StringBuf> { using is_transparent = void; };