#include "vector.h" #include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h> #include <utility> #include "yexception.h" #include <stdexcept> class TYVectorTest: public TTestBase { UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TYVectorTest); UNIT_TEST(TestConstructorsAndAssignments) UNIT_TEST(TestTildeEmptyToNull) UNIT_TEST(TestTilde) UNIT_TEST(Test1) UNIT_TEST(Test2) UNIT_TEST(Test3) UNIT_TEST(Test4) UNIT_TEST(Test5) UNIT_TEST(Test6) UNIT_TEST(Test7) UNIT_TEST(TestCapacity) UNIT_TEST(TestAt) UNIT_TEST(TestPointer) UNIT_TEST(TestAutoRef) UNIT_TEST(TestIterators) UNIT_TEST(TestShrink) //UNIT_TEST(TestEbo) UNIT_TEST(TestFillInConstructor) UNIT_TEST(TestYResize) UNIT_TEST(TestCrop) UNIT_TEST(TestInitializeList) UNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); private: void TestConstructorsAndAssignments() { using container = TVector<int>; container c1; c1.push_back(100); c1.push_back(200); container c2(c1); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(2, c1.size()); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(2, c2.size()); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(100, c1.at(0)); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(200, c2.at(1)); container c3(std::move(c1)); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(0, c1.size()); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(2, c3.size()); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(100, c3.at(0)); c2.push_back(300); c3 = c2; UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(3, c2.size()); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(3, c3.size()); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(300, c3.at(2)); c2.push_back(400); c3 = std::move(c2); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(0, c2.size()); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(4, c3.size()); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(400, c3.at(3)); } inline void TestTildeEmptyToNull() { TVector<int> v; UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(nullptr, v.data()); } inline void TestTilde() { TVector<int> v; v.push_back(10); v.push_back(20); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(10, (v.data())[0]); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(20, (v.data())[1]); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { v.push_back(99); } UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(10, (v.data())[0]); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(20, (v.data())[1]); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(99, (v.data())[3]); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(99, (v.data())[4]); } // Copy-paste of STLPort tests void Test1() { TVector<int> v1; // Empty vector of integers. UNIT_ASSERT(v1.empty() == true); UNIT_ASSERT(v1.size() == 0); UNIT_ASSERT(!v1); // UNIT_ASSERT(v1.max_size() == INT_MAX / sizeof(int)); // cout << "max_size = " << v1.max_size() << endl; v1.push_back(42); // Add an integer to the vector. UNIT_ASSERT(v1.size() == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(v1); UNIT_ASSERT(v1[0] == 42); { TVector<TVector<int>> vect(10); TVector<TVector<int>>::iterator it(vect.begin()), end(vect.end()); for (; it != end; ++it) { UNIT_ASSERT((*it).empty()); UNIT_ASSERT((*it).size() == 0); UNIT_ASSERT((*it).capacity() == 0); UNIT_ASSERT((*it).begin() == (*it).end()); } } } void Test2() { TVector<double> v1; // Empty vector of doubles. v1.push_back(32.1); v1.push_back(40.5); TVector<double> v2; // Another empty vector of doubles. v2.push_back(3.56); UNIT_ASSERT(v1.size() == 2); UNIT_ASSERT(v1[0] == 32.1); UNIT_ASSERT(v1[1] == 40.5); UNIT_ASSERT(v2.size() == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(v2[0] == 3.56); v1.swap(v2); // Swap the vector's contents. UNIT_ASSERT(v1.size() == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(v1[0] == 3.56); UNIT_ASSERT(v2.size() == 2); UNIT_ASSERT(v2[0] == 32.1); UNIT_ASSERT(v2[1] == 40.5); v2 = v1; // Assign one vector to another. UNIT_ASSERT(v2.size() == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(v2[0] == 3.56); } void Test3() { using vec_type = TVector<char>; vec_type v1; // Empty vector of characters. v1.push_back('h'); v1.push_back('i'); UNIT_ASSERT(v1.size() == 2); UNIT_ASSERT(v1[0] == 'h'); UNIT_ASSERT(v1[1] == 'i'); vec_type v2(v1.begin(), v1.end()); v2[1] = 'o'; // Replace second character. UNIT_ASSERT(v2.size() == 2); UNIT_ASSERT(v2[0] == 'h'); UNIT_ASSERT(v2[1] == 'o'); UNIT_ASSERT((v1 == v2) == false); UNIT_ASSERT((v1 < v2) == true); } void Test4() { TVector<int> v(4); v[0] = 1; v[1] = 4; v[2] = 9; v[3] = 16; UNIT_ASSERT(v.front() == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(v.back() == 16); v.push_back(25); UNIT_ASSERT(v.back() == 25); UNIT_ASSERT(v.size() == 5); v.pop_back(); UNIT_ASSERT(v.back() == 16); UNIT_ASSERT(v.size() == 4); } void Test5() { int array[] = {1, 4, 9, 16}; TVector<int> v(array, array + 4); UNIT_ASSERT(v.size() == 4); UNIT_ASSERT(v[0] == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(v[1] == 4); UNIT_ASSERT(v[2] == 9); UNIT_ASSERT(v[3] == 16); } void Test6() { int array[] = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36}; TVector<int> v(array, array + 6); TVector<int>::iterator vit; UNIT_ASSERT(v.size() == 6); UNIT_ASSERT(v[0] == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(v[1] == 4); UNIT_ASSERT(v[2] == 9); UNIT_ASSERT(v[3] == 16); UNIT_ASSERT(v[4] == 25); UNIT_ASSERT(v[5] == 36); vit = v.erase(v.begin()); // Erase first element. UNIT_ASSERT(*vit == 4); UNIT_ASSERT(v.size() == 5); UNIT_ASSERT(v[0] == 4); UNIT_ASSERT(v[1] == 9); UNIT_ASSERT(v[2] == 16); UNIT_ASSERT(v[3] == 25); UNIT_ASSERT(v[4] == 36); vit = v.erase(v.end() - 1); // Erase last element. UNIT_ASSERT(vit == v.end()); UNIT_ASSERT(v.size() == 4); UNIT_ASSERT(v[0] == 4); UNIT_ASSERT(v[1] == 9); UNIT_ASSERT(v[2] == 16); UNIT_ASSERT(v[3] == 25); v.erase(v.begin() + 1, v.end() - 1); // Erase all but first and last. UNIT_ASSERT(v.size() == 2); UNIT_ASSERT(v[0] == 4); UNIT_ASSERT(v[1] == 25); } void Test7() { int array1[] = {1, 4, 25}; int array2[] = {9, 16}; TVector<int> v(array1, array1 + 3); TVector<int>::iterator vit; vit = v.insert(v.begin(), 0); // Insert before first element. UNIT_ASSERT(*vit == 0); vit = v.insert(v.end(), 36); // Insert after last element. UNIT_ASSERT(*vit == 36); UNIT_ASSERT(v.size() == 5); UNIT_ASSERT(v[0] == 0); UNIT_ASSERT(v[1] == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(v[2] == 4); UNIT_ASSERT(v[3] == 25); UNIT_ASSERT(v[4] == 36); // Insert contents of array2 before fourth element. v.insert(v.begin() + 3, array2, array2 + 2); UNIT_ASSERT(v.size() == 7); UNIT_ASSERT(v[0] == 0); UNIT_ASSERT(v[1] == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(v[2] == 4); UNIT_ASSERT(v[3] == 9); UNIT_ASSERT(v[4] == 16); UNIT_ASSERT(v[5] == 25); UNIT_ASSERT(v[6] == 36); size_t curCapacity = v.capacity(); v.clear(); UNIT_ASSERT(v.empty()); //check that clear save reserved data UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(curCapacity, v.capacity()); v.insert(v.begin(), 5, 10); UNIT_ASSERT(v.size() == 5); UNIT_ASSERT(v[0] == 10); UNIT_ASSERT(v[1] == 10); UNIT_ASSERT(v[2] == 10); UNIT_ASSERT(v[3] == 10); UNIT_ASSERT(v[4] == 10); } struct TestStruct { unsigned int a[3]; }; void TestCapacity() { { TVector<int> v; UNIT_ASSERT(v.capacity() == 0); v.push_back(42); UNIT_ASSERT(v.capacity() >= 1); v.reserve(5000); UNIT_ASSERT(v.capacity() >= 5000); } { TVector<int> v(Reserve(100)); UNIT_ASSERT(v.capacity() >= 100); UNIT_ASSERT(v.size() == 0); } { //Test that used to generate an assertion when using __debug_alloc. TVector<TestStruct> va; va.reserve(1); va.reserve(2); } } void TestAt() { TVector<int> v; TVector<int> const& cv = v; v.push_back(10); UNIT_ASSERT(v.at(0) == 10); v.at(0) = 20; UNIT_ASSERT(cv.at(0) == 20); UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(v.at(1) = 20, std::out_of_range); } void TestPointer() { TVector<int*> v1; TVector<int*> v2 = v1; TVector<int*> v3; v3.insert(v3.end(), v1.begin(), v1.end()); } void TestAutoRef() { TVector<int> ref; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { ref.push_back(i); } TVector<TVector<int>> v_v_int(1, ref); v_v_int.push_back(v_v_int[0]); v_v_int.push_back(ref); v_v_int.push_back(v_v_int[0]); v_v_int.push_back(v_v_int[0]); v_v_int.push_back(ref); TVector<TVector<int>>::iterator vvit(v_v_int.begin()), vvitEnd(v_v_int.end()); for (; vvit != vvitEnd; ++vvit) { UNIT_ASSERT(*vvit == ref); } } struct Point { int x, y; }; struct PointEx: public Point { PointEx() : builtFromBase(false) { } PointEx(const Point&) : builtFromBase(true) { } bool builtFromBase; }; void TestIterators() { TVector<int> vint(10, 0); TVector<int> const& crvint = vint; UNIT_ASSERT(vint.begin() == vint.begin()); UNIT_ASSERT(crvint.begin() == vint.begin()); UNIT_ASSERT(vint.begin() == crvint.begin()); UNIT_ASSERT(crvint.begin() == crvint.begin()); UNIT_ASSERT(vint.begin() != vint.end()); UNIT_ASSERT(crvint.begin() != vint.end()); UNIT_ASSERT(vint.begin() != crvint.end()); UNIT_ASSERT(crvint.begin() != crvint.end()); UNIT_ASSERT(vint.rbegin() == vint.rbegin()); // Not Standard: //UNIT_ASSERT(vint.rbegin() == crvint.rbegin()); //UNIT_ASSERT(crvint.rbegin() == vint.rbegin()); UNIT_ASSERT(crvint.rbegin() == crvint.rbegin()); UNIT_ASSERT(vint.rbegin() != vint.rend()); // Not Standard: //UNIT_ASSERT(vint.rbegin() != crvint.rend()); //UNIT_ASSERT(crvint.rbegin() != vint.rend()); UNIT_ASSERT(crvint.rbegin() != crvint.rend()); } void TestShrink() { TVector<int> v; v.resize(1000); v.resize(10); v.shrink_to_fit(); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.capacity(), 10); v.push_back(0); v.shrink_to_fit(); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v.capacity(), 11); } /* This test check a potential issue with empty base class * optimization. Some compilers (VC6) do not implement it * correctly resulting ina wrong behavior. */ void TestEbo() { // We use heap memory as test failure can corrupt vector internal // representation making executable crash on vector destructor invocation. // We prefer a simple memory leak, internal corruption should be reveal // by size or capacity checks. using V = TVector<int>; V* pv1 = new V(1, 1); V* pv2 = new V(10, 2); size_t v1Capacity = pv1->capacity(); size_t v2Capacity = pv2->capacity(); pv1->swap(*pv2); UNIT_ASSERT(pv1->size() == 10); UNIT_ASSERT(pv1->capacity() == v2Capacity); UNIT_ASSERT((*pv1)[5] == 2); UNIT_ASSERT(pv2->size() == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(pv2->capacity() == v1Capacity); UNIT_ASSERT((*pv2)[0] == 1); delete pv2; delete pv1; } void TestFillInConstructor() { for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { TVector<int> v(100); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(100u, v.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(0, v[i]); } // fill with garbage for the next iteration for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = 10; } } } struct TPod { int x; operator int() { return x; } }; struct TNonPod { int x; TNonPod() { x = 0; } operator int() { return x; } }; template <typename T> class TDebugAlloc: public std::allocator<T> { public: using TBase = std::allocator<T>; T* allocate(typename TBase::size_type n) { auto p = TBase::allocate(n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { memset(p + i, 0xab, sizeof(T)); } return p; } template <class TOther> struct rebind { using other = TDebugAlloc<TOther>; }; }; template <typename T> void TestYResize() { #ifdef _YNDX_LIBCXX_ENABLE_VECTOR_POD_RESIZE_UNINITIALIZED constexpr bool ALLOW_UNINITIALIZED = std::is_pod_v<T>; #else constexpr bool ALLOW_UNINITIALIZED = false; #endif TVector<T, TDebugAlloc<T>> v; v.reserve(5); auto firstBegin = v.begin(); v.yresize(5); // No realloc, no initialization if allowed UNIT_ASSERT(firstBegin == v.begin()); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(bool(v[i]), ALLOW_UNINITIALIZED); } v.yresize(20); // Realloc, still no initialization UNIT_ASSERT(firstBegin != v.begin()); for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(bool(v[i]), ALLOW_UNINITIALIZED); } } struct TNoDefaultConstructor { TNoDefaultConstructor() = delete; explicit TNoDefaultConstructor(int val) : Val(val) { } int Val; }; void TestCrop() { TVector<TNoDefaultConstructor> vec; vec.emplace_back(42); vec.emplace_back(1337); vec.emplace_back(8888); vec.crop(1); // Should not require default constructor UNIT_ASSERT(vec.size() == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(vec[0].Val == 42); vec.crop(50); // Does nothing if new size is greater than the current size() UNIT_ASSERT(vec.size() == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(vec[0].Val == 42); } void TestYResize() { TestYResize<int>(); TestYResize<TPod>(); TestYResize<TNonPod>(); } void CheckInitializeList(const TVector<int>& v) { for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(v[i], static_cast<int>(i)); } } void TestInitializeList() { { TVector<int> v; v.assign({0, 1, 2}); CheckInitializeList(v); } { TVector<int> v = {0, 1, 2}; CheckInitializeList(v); } { TVector<int> v; v = {0, 1, 2}; CheckInitializeList(v); } { TVector<int> v = {0, 3}; v.insert(v.begin() + 1, {1, 2}); CheckInitializeList(v); } } }; UNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(TYVectorTest);