# cython: c_string_type=str, c_string_encoding=utf8 from libcpp.string cimport string as std_string from util.generic.string cimport TString, npos import pytest import unittest import sys class TestStroka(unittest.TestCase): def test_unicode(self): cdef TString x = "привет" self.assertEqual(x, "привет") def test_ctor1(self): cdef TString tmp = TString() cdef TString tmp2 = TString(tmp) self.assertEqual(tmp2, "") def test_ctor2(self): cdef std_string tmp = b"hello" cdef TString tmp2 = TString(tmp) self.assertEqual(tmp2, "hello") def test_ctor3(self): cdef TString tmp = b"hello" cdef TString tmp2 = TString(tmp, 0, 4) self.assertEqual(tmp2, "hell") def test_ctor4(self): cdef TString tmp = TString(<char*>b"hello") self.assertEqual(tmp, "hello") def test_ctor5(self): cdef TString tmp = TString(<char*>b"hello", 4) self.assertEqual(tmp, "hell") def test_ctor6(self): cdef TString tmp = TString(<char*>b"hello", 1, 3) self.assertEqual(tmp, "ell") def test_ctor7(self): cdef TString tmp = TString(3, <char>'x') self.assertEqual(tmp, "xxx") def test_ctor8(self): cdef bytes tmp = b"hello" cdef TString tmp2 = TString(<char*>tmp, <char*>tmp + 4) self.assertEqual(tmp2, "hell") def test_compare(self): cdef TString tmp1 = b"abacab" cdef TString tmp2 = b"abacab" cdef TString tmp3 = b"abacac" self.assertTrue(tmp1.compare(tmp2) == 0) self.assertTrue(tmp1.compare(tmp3) < 0) self.assertTrue(tmp3.compare(tmp1) > 0) self.assertTrue(tmp1 == tmp2) self.assertTrue(tmp1 != tmp3) self.assertTrue(tmp1 < tmp3) self.assertTrue(tmp1 <= tmp3) self.assertTrue(tmp3 > tmp1) self.assertTrue(tmp3 >= tmp1) def test_operator_assign(self): cdef TString tmp = b"hello" cdef TString tmp2 = tmp self.assertEqual(tmp2, "hello") def test_operator_plus(self): cdef TString tmp = TString(b"hello ") + TString(b"world") self.assertEqual(tmp, "hello world") def test_c_str(self): cdef TString tmp = b"hello" if sys.version_info.major == 2: self.assertEqual(bytes(tmp.c_str()), b"hello") else: self.assertEqual(bytes(tmp.c_str(), 'utf8'), b"hello") def test_length(self): cdef TString tmp = b"hello" self.assertEqual(tmp.size(), tmp.length()) def test_index(self): cdef TString tmp = b"hello" self.assertEqual(<bytes>tmp[0], b'h') self.assertEqual(<bytes>tmp.at(0), b'h') self.assertEqual(<bytes>tmp[4], b'o') self.assertEqual(<bytes>tmp.at(4), b'o') # Actually, TString::at() is noexcept # with pytest.raises(IndexError): # tmp.at(100) def test_append(self): cdef TString tmp cdef TString tmp2 = b"fuu" tmp.append(tmp2) self.assertEqual(tmp, "fuu") tmp.append(tmp2, 1, 2) self.assertEqual(tmp, "fuuuu") tmp.append(<char*>"ll ") self.assertEqual(tmp, "fuuuull ") tmp.append(<char*>"of greatness", 4) self.assertEqual(tmp, "fuuuull of g") tmp.append(2, <char>b'o') self.assertEqual(tmp, "fuuuull of goo") tmp.push_back(b'z') self.assertEqual(tmp, "fuuuull of gooz") def test_assign(self): cdef TString tmp tmp.assign(b"one") self.assertEqual(tmp, "one") tmp.assign(b"two hundred", 0, 3) self.assertEqual(tmp, "two") tmp.assign(<char*>b"three") self.assertEqual(tmp, "three") tmp.assign(<char*>b"three fiddy", 5) self.assertEqual(tmp, "three") def test_insert(self): cdef TString tmp tmp = b"xx" tmp.insert(1, b"foo") self.assertEqual(tmp, "xfoox") tmp = b"xx" tmp.insert(1, b"haxor", 1, 3) self.assertEqual(tmp, "xaxox") tmp = b"xx" tmp.insert(1, <char*>b"foo") self.assertEqual(tmp, "xfoox") tmp = b"xx" tmp.insert(1, <char*>b"foozzy", 3) self.assertEqual(tmp, "xfoox") tmp = b"xx" tmp.insert(1, 2, <char>b'u') self.assertEqual(tmp, "xuux") def test_copy(self): cdef char buf[16] cdef TString tmp = b"hello" tmp.copy(buf, 5, 0) self.assertEqual(buf[:5], "hello") def test_find(self): cdef TString haystack = b"whole lotta bytes" cdef TString needle = "hole" self.assertEqual(haystack.find(needle), 1) self.assertEqual(haystack.find(needle, 3), npos) self.assertEqual(haystack.find(<char>b'h'), 1) self.assertEqual(haystack.find(<char>b'h', 3), npos) def test_rfind(self): cdef TString haystack = b"whole lotta bytes" cdef TString needle = b"hole" self.assertEqual(haystack.rfind(needle), 1) self.assertEqual(haystack.rfind(needle, 0), npos) self.assertEqual(haystack.rfind(<char>b'h'), 1) self.assertEqual(haystack.rfind(<char>b'h', 0), npos) def test_find_first_of(self): cdef TString haystack = b"whole lotta bytes" cdef TString cset = b"hxz" self.assertEqual(haystack.find_first_of(<char>b'h'), 1) self.assertEqual(haystack.find_first_of(<char>b'h', 3), npos) self.assertEqual(haystack.find_first_of(cset), 1) self.assertEqual(haystack.find_first_of(cset, 3), npos) def test_first_not_of(self): cdef TString haystack = b"whole lotta bytes" cdef TString cset = b"wxz" self.assertEqual(haystack.find_first_not_of(<char>b'w'), 1) self.assertEqual(haystack.find_first_not_of(<char>b'w', 3), 3) self.assertEqual(haystack.find_first_not_of(cset), 1) self.assertEqual(haystack.find_first_not_of(cset, 3), 3) def test_find_last_of(self): cdef TString haystack = b"whole lotta bytes" cdef TString cset = b"hxz" self.assertEqual(haystack.find_last_of(<char>b'h'), 1) self.assertEqual(haystack.find_last_of(<char>b'h', 0), npos) self.assertEqual(haystack.find_last_of(cset), 1) self.assertEqual(haystack.find_last_of(cset, 0), npos) def test_substr(self): cdef TString tmp = b"foobar" self.assertEqual(tmp.substr(1), "oobar") self.assertEqual(tmp.substr(1, 4), "ooba")