#pragma once

#include <util/system/compiler.h>
#include <util/system/defaults.h>

#include <utility>

namespace NPrivate {
    template <typename F>
    class TScopeGuard {
        TScopeGuard(const F& function)
            : Function_{function}

        TScopeGuard(F&& function)
            : Function_{std::move(function)}

        TScopeGuard(TScopeGuard&&) = default;
        TScopeGuard(const TScopeGuard&) = default;

        ~TScopeGuard() {

        F Function_;
} // namespace NPrivate

// \brief `Y_SCOPE_EXIT(captures) { body };`
// General implementaion of RAII idiom (resource acquisition is initialization). Executes
// function upon return from the current scope.
// @note expects `body` to provide no-throw guarantee, otherwise whenever an exception
// is thrown and leaves the outermost block of `body`, the function `std::terminate` is called.
// @see http://drdobbs.com/184403758 for detailed motivation.
#define Y_SCOPE_EXIT(...) const ::NPrivate::TScopeGuard Y_GENERATE_UNIQUE_ID(scopeGuard) Y_DECLARE_UNUSED = [__VA_ARGS__]() mutable -> void

// \brief `Y_DEFER { body };`
// Same as `Y_SCOPE_EXIT` but doesn't require user to provide capture-list explicitly (it
// implicitly uses `[&]` capture). Have same requirements for `body`.
// Inspired by `defer` statement in languages like Swift and Go.
// \code
// auto item = s.pop();
// bool ok = false;
// Y_DEFER { if (!ok) { s.push(std::move(item)); } };
// ... try handle `item` ...
// ok = true;
// \endcode