#pragma once #include "fwd.h" #include "ptr.h" #include "bitops.h" #include "typetraits.h" #include "algorithm.h" #include "utility.h" #include <util/system/yassert.h> #include <util/system/defaults.h> #include <util/str_stl.h> #include <util/ysaveload.h> namespace NBitMapPrivate { // Returns number of bits set; result is in most significatnt byte inline ui64 ByteSums(ui64 x) { ui64 byteSums = x - ((x & 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAULL) >> 1); byteSums = (byteSums & 0x3333333333333333ULL) + ((byteSums >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333ULL); byteSums = (byteSums + (byteSums >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FULL; return byteSums * 0x0101010101010101ULL; } // better than intrinsics without -mpopcnt template <typename T> static unsigned CountBitsPrivate(T v) noexcept { return static_cast<unsigned>(ByteSums(v) >> 56); } template <typename TChunkType, size_t ExtraBits> struct TSanitizeMask { static constexpr TChunkType Value = ~((~TChunkType(0)) << ExtraBits); }; template <typename TChunkType> struct TSanitizeMask<TChunkType, 0> { static constexpr TChunkType Value = (TChunkType)~TChunkType(0u); }; template <typename TTargetChunk, typename TSourceChunk> struct TBigToSmallDataCopier { static_assert(sizeof(TTargetChunk) < sizeof(TSourceChunk), "expect sizeof(TTargetChunk) < sizeof(TSourceChunk)"); static_assert(0 == sizeof(TSourceChunk) % sizeof(TTargetChunk), "expect 0 == sizeof(TSourceChunk) % sizeof(TTargetChunk)"); static constexpr size_t BLOCK_SIZE = sizeof(TSourceChunk) / sizeof(TTargetChunk); union TCnv { TSourceChunk BigData; TTargetChunk SmallData[BLOCK_SIZE]; }; static inline void CopyChunk(TTargetChunk* target, TSourceChunk source) { TCnv c; c.BigData = source; #if defined(_big_endian_) ::ReverseCopy(c.SmallData, c.SmallData + Y_ARRAY_SIZE(c.SmallData), target); #else ::Copy(c.SmallData, c.SmallData + Y_ARRAY_SIZE(c.SmallData), target); #endif } static inline void Copy(TTargetChunk* target, size_t targetSize, const TSourceChunk* source, size_t sourceSize) { Y_ASSERT(targetSize >= sourceSize * BLOCK_SIZE); if (targetSize > sourceSize * BLOCK_SIZE) { ::Fill(target + sourceSize * BLOCK_SIZE, target + targetSize, 0); } for (size_t i = 0; i < sourceSize; ++i) { CopyChunk(target + i * BLOCK_SIZE, source[i]); } } }; template <typename TTargetChunk, typename TSourceChunk> struct TSmallToBigDataCopier { static_assert(sizeof(TTargetChunk) > sizeof(TSourceChunk), "expect sizeof(TTargetChunk) > sizeof(TSourceChunk)"); static_assert(0 == sizeof(TTargetChunk) % sizeof(TSourceChunk), "expect 0 == sizeof(TTargetChunk) % sizeof(TSourceChunk)"); static constexpr size_t BLOCK_SIZE = sizeof(TTargetChunk) / sizeof(TSourceChunk); union TCnv { TSourceChunk SmallData[BLOCK_SIZE]; TTargetChunk BigData; }; static inline TTargetChunk CopyFullChunk(const TSourceChunk* source) { TCnv c; #if defined(_big_endian_) ::ReverseCopy(source, source + BLOCK_SIZE, c.SmallData); #else ::Copy(source, source + BLOCK_SIZE, c.SmallData); #endif return c.BigData; } static inline TTargetChunk CopyPartChunk(const TSourceChunk* source, size_t count) { Y_ASSERT(count <= BLOCK_SIZE); TCnv c; c.BigData = 0; #if defined(_big_endian_) ::ReverseCopy(source, source + count, c.SmallData); #else ::Copy(source, source + count, c.SmallData); #endif return c.BigData; } static inline void Copy(TTargetChunk* target, size_t targetSize, const TSourceChunk* source, size_t sourceSize) { Y_ASSERT(targetSize * BLOCK_SIZE >= sourceSize); if (targetSize * BLOCK_SIZE > sourceSize) { ::Fill(target + sourceSize / BLOCK_SIZE, target + targetSize, 0); } size_t i = 0; for (; i < sourceSize / BLOCK_SIZE; ++i) { target[i] = CopyFullChunk(source + i * BLOCK_SIZE); } if (0 != sourceSize % BLOCK_SIZE) { target[i] = CopyPartChunk(source + i * BLOCK_SIZE, sourceSize % BLOCK_SIZE); } } }; template <typename TChunk> struct TUniformDataCopier { static inline void Copy(TChunk* target, size_t targetSize, const TChunk* source, size_t sourceSize) { Y_ASSERT(targetSize >= sourceSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < sourceSize; ++i) { target[i] = source[i]; } for (size_t i = sourceSize; i < targetSize; ++i) { target[i] = 0; } } }; template <typename TFirst, typename TSecond> struct TIsSmaller { enum { Result = sizeof(TFirst) < sizeof(TSecond) }; }; template <typename TTargetChunk, typename TSourceChunk> struct TDataCopier: public std::conditional_t<std::is_same<TTargetChunk, TSourceChunk>::value, TUniformDataCopier<TTargetChunk>, std::conditional_t<TIsSmaller<TTargetChunk, TSourceChunk>::Result, TBigToSmallDataCopier<TTargetChunk, TSourceChunk>, TSmallToBigDataCopier<TTargetChunk, TSourceChunk>>> { }; template <typename TTargetChunk, typename TSourceChunk> inline void CopyData(TTargetChunk* target, size_t targetSize, const TSourceChunk* source, size_t sourceSize) { TDataCopier<TTargetChunk, TSourceChunk>::Copy(target, targetSize, source, sourceSize); } template <size_t BitCount, typename TChunkType> struct TFixedStorage { using TChunk = TChunkType; static constexpr size_t Size = (BitCount + 8 * sizeof(TChunk) - 1) / (8 * sizeof(TChunk)); TChunk Data[Size]; TFixedStorage() { Zero(Data); } TFixedStorage(const TFixedStorage<BitCount, TChunkType>& st) { for (size_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i) { Data[i] = st.Data[i]; } } template <typename TOtherChunk> TFixedStorage(const TOtherChunk* data, size_t size) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(Size * sizeof(TChunk) >= size * sizeof(TOtherChunk), "Exceeding bitmap storage capacity"); CopyData(Data, Size, data, size); } Y_FORCE_INLINE void Swap(TFixedStorage<BitCount, TChunkType>& st) { for (size_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i) { DoSwap(Data[i], st.Data[i]); } } Y_FORCE_INLINE static constexpr size_t GetBitCapacity() noexcept { return BitCount; } Y_FORCE_INLINE static constexpr size_t GetChunkCapacity() noexcept { return Size; } // Returns true if the resulting storage capacity is enough to fit the requested size Y_FORCE_INLINE static constexpr bool ExpandBitSize(const size_t bitSize) noexcept { return bitSize <= BitCount; } Y_FORCE_INLINE void Sanitize() { Data[Size - 1] &= TSanitizeMask<TChunk, BitCount % (8 * sizeof(TChunk))>::Value; } }; // Dynamically expanded storage. // It uses "on stack" realization with no allocation for one chunk spaces template <typename TChunkType> struct TDynamicStorage { using TChunk = TChunkType; size_t Size; TChunk StackData; TArrayHolder<TChunk> ArrayData; TChunk* Data; TDynamicStorage() : Size(1) , StackData(0) , Data(&StackData) { } TDynamicStorage(const TDynamicStorage<TChunk>& st) : Size(1) , StackData(0) , Data(&StackData) { ExpandSize(st.Size, false); for (size_t i = 0; i < st.Size; ++i) { Data[i] = st.Data[i]; } for (size_t i = st.Size; i < Size; ++i) { Data[i] = 0; } } template <typename TOtherChunk> TDynamicStorage(const TOtherChunk* data, size_t size) : Size(1) , StackData(0) , Data(&StackData) { ExpandBitSize(size * sizeof(TOtherChunk) * 8, false); CopyData(Data, Size, data, size); } Y_FORCE_INLINE void Swap(TDynamicStorage<TChunkType>& st) { DoSwap(Size, st.Size); DoSwap(StackData, st.StackData); DoSwap(ArrayData, st.ArrayData); Data = 1 == Size ? &StackData : ArrayData.Get(); st.Data = 1 == st.Size ? &st.StackData : st.ArrayData.Get(); } Y_FORCE_INLINE size_t GetBitCapacity() const { return Size * 8 * sizeof(TChunk); } Y_FORCE_INLINE size_t GetChunkCapacity() const { return Size; } // Returns true if the resulting storage capacity is enough to fit the requested size Y_FORCE_INLINE bool ExpandSize(size_t size, bool keepData = true) { if (size > Size) { size = Max(size, Size * 2); TArrayHolder<TChunk> newData(new TChunk[size]); if (keepData) { for (size_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i) { newData[i] = Data[i]; } for (size_t i = Size; i < size; ++i) { newData[i] = 0; } } DoSwap(ArrayData, newData); Data = ArrayData.Get(); Size = size; } return true; } Y_FORCE_INLINE bool ExpandBitSize(size_t bitSize, bool keepData = true) { return ExpandSize((bitSize + 8 * sizeof(TChunk) - 1) / (8 * sizeof(TChunk)), keepData); } Y_FORCE_INLINE void Sanitize() { } }; template <size_t num> struct TDivCount { static constexpr size_t Value = 1 + TDivCount<(num >> 1)>::Value; }; template <> struct TDivCount<0> { static constexpr size_t Value = 0; }; } // namespace NBitMapPrivate template <size_t BitCount, typename TChunkType> struct TFixedBitMapTraits { using TChunk = TChunkType; using TStorage = NBitMapPrivate::TFixedStorage<BitCount, TChunkType>; }; template <typename TChunkType> struct TDynamicBitMapTraits { using TChunk = TChunkType; using TStorage = NBitMapPrivate::TDynamicStorage<TChunkType>; }; template <class TTraits> class TBitMapOps { public: using TChunk = typename TTraits::TChunk; using TThis = TBitMapOps<TTraits>; private: static_assert(std::is_unsigned<TChunk>::value, "expect std::is_unsigned<TChunk>::value"); static constexpr size_t BitsPerChunk = 8 * sizeof(TChunk); static constexpr TChunk ModMask = static_cast<TChunk>(BitsPerChunk - 1); static constexpr size_t DivCount = NBitMapPrivate::TDivCount<BitsPerChunk>::Value - 1; static constexpr TChunk FullChunk = (TChunk)~TChunk(0); template <class> friend class TBitMapOps; using TStorage = typename TTraits::TStorage; // The smallest unsigned type, which can be used in bit ops using TIntType = std::conditional_t<sizeof(TChunk) < sizeof(unsigned int), unsigned int, TChunk>; TStorage Mask; public: class TReference { private: friend class TBitMapOps<TTraits>; TChunk* Chunk; size_t Offset; TReference(TChunk* c, size_t offset) : Chunk(c) , Offset(offset) { } public: ~TReference() = default; Y_FORCE_INLINE TReference& operator=(bool val) { if (val) { *Chunk |= static_cast<TChunk>(1) << Offset; } else { *Chunk &= ~(static_cast<TChunk>(1) << Offset); } return *this; } Y_FORCE_INLINE TReference& operator=(const TReference& ref) { if (ref) { *Chunk |= static_cast<TChunk>(1) << Offset; } else { *Chunk &= ~(static_cast<TChunk>(1) << Offset); } return *this; } Y_FORCE_INLINE bool operator~() const { return 0 == (*Chunk & (static_cast<TChunk>(1) << Offset)); } Y_FORCE_INLINE operator bool() const { return 0 != (*Chunk & (static_cast<TChunk>(1) << Offset)); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TReference& Flip() { *Chunk ^= static_cast<TChunk>(1) << Offset; return *this; } }; private: struct TSetOp { static constexpr TChunk Op(const TChunk src, const TChunk mask) noexcept { return src | mask; } }; struct TResetOp { static constexpr TChunk Op(const TChunk src, const TChunk mask) noexcept { return src & ~mask; } }; template <class TUpdateOp> void UpdateRange(size_t start, size_t end) { const size_t startChunk = start >> DivCount; const size_t startBitOffset = start & ModMask; const size_t endChunk = end >> DivCount; const size_t endBitOffset = end & ModMask; size_t bitOffset = startBitOffset; for (size_t chunk = startChunk; chunk <= endChunk; ++chunk) { TChunk updateMask = FullChunk << bitOffset; if (chunk == endChunk) { updateMask ^= FullChunk << endBitOffset; if (!updateMask) { break; } } Mask.Data[chunk] = TUpdateOp::Op(Mask.Data[chunk], updateMask); bitOffset = 0; } } public: TBitMapOps() = default; TBitMapOps(TChunk val) { Mask.Data[0] = val; Mask.Sanitize(); } TBitMapOps(const TThis&) = default; template <class T> TBitMapOps(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) : Mask(bitmap.Mask.Data, bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { Mask.Sanitize(); } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE bool operator==(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) const { return Equal(bitmap); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator=(const TThis& bitmap) { if (this != &bitmap) { TThis bm(bitmap); Swap(bm); } return *this; } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator=(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) { TThis bm(bitmap); Swap(bm); return *this; } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator&=(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) { return And(bitmap); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator&=(const TChunk& val) { return And(val); } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator|=(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) { return Or(bitmap); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator|=(const TChunk& val) { return Or(val); } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator^=(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) { return Xor(bitmap); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator^=(const TChunk& val) { return Xor(val); } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator-=(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) { return SetDifference(bitmap); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator-=(const TChunk& val) { return SetDifference(val); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator<<=(size_t pos) { return LShift(pos); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& operator>>=(size_t pos) { return RShift(pos); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis operator<<(size_t pos) const { return TThis(*this).LShift(pos); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis operator>>(size_t pos) const { return TThis(*this).RShift(pos); } Y_FORCE_INLINE bool operator[](size_t pos) const { return Get(pos); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TReference operator[](size_t pos) { const bool fitStorage = Mask.ExpandBitSize(pos + 1); Y_ASSERT(fitStorage); return TReference(&Mask.Data[pos >> DivCount], ModMask & pos); } Y_FORCE_INLINE void Swap(TThis& bitmap) { DoSwap(Mask, bitmap.Mask); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& Set(size_t pos) { const bool fitStorage = Mask.ExpandBitSize(pos + 1); Y_ASSERT(fitStorage); Mask.Data[pos >> DivCount] |= static_cast<TChunk>(1) << (pos & ModMask); return *this; } // Fills the specified [start, end) bit range by the 1. Other bits are kept unchanged TThis& Set(size_t start, size_t end) { Y_ASSERT(start <= end); if (start < end) { Reserve(end); UpdateRange<TSetOp>(start, end); } return *this; } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& Reset(size_t pos) { if ((pos >> DivCount) < Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { Mask.Data[pos >> DivCount] &= ~(static_cast<TChunk>(1) << (pos & ModMask)); } return *this; } // Clears the specified [start, end) bit range. Other bits are kept unchanged TThis& Reset(size_t start, size_t end) { Y_ASSERT(start <= end); if (start < end && (start >> DivCount) < Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { UpdateRange<TResetOp>(start, Min(end, Mask.GetBitCapacity())); } return *this; } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& Flip(size_t pos) { const bool fitStorage = Mask.ExpandBitSize(pos + 1); Y_ASSERT(fitStorage); Mask.Data[pos >> DivCount] ^= static_cast<TChunk>(1) << (pos & ModMask); return *this; } Y_FORCE_INLINE bool Get(size_t pos) const { if ((pos >> DivCount) < Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { return Mask.Data[pos >> DivCount] & (static_cast<TChunk>(1) << (pos & ModMask)); } return false; } template <class TTo> void Export(size_t pos, TTo& to) const { static_assert(std::is_unsigned<TTo>::value, "expect std::is_unsigned<TTo>::value"); to = 0; size_t chunkpos = pos >> DivCount; if (chunkpos >= Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { return; } if ((pos & ModMask) == 0) { if (sizeof(TChunk) >= sizeof(TTo)) { to = (TTo)Mask.Data[chunkpos]; } else { // if (sizeof(TChunk) < sizeof(TTo)) NBitMapPrivate::CopyData(&to, 1, Mask.Data + chunkpos, Min(((sizeof(TTo) * 8) >> DivCount), Mask.GetChunkCapacity() - chunkpos)); } } else if ((pos & (sizeof(TTo) * 8 - 1)) == 0 && sizeof(TChunk) >= 2 * sizeof(TTo)) { to = (TTo)(Mask.Data[chunkpos] >> (pos & ModMask)); } else { static constexpr size_t copyToSize = (sizeof(TChunk) >= sizeof(TTo)) ? (sizeof(TChunk) / sizeof(TTo)) + 2 : 3; TTo temp[copyToSize] = {0, 0}; // or use non defined by now TBitmap<copyToSize, TTo>::CopyData,RShift(pos & ModMask),Export(0,to) NBitMapPrivate::CopyData(temp, copyToSize, Mask.Data + chunkpos, Min((sizeof(TTo) / sizeof(TChunk)) + 1, Mask.GetChunkCapacity() - chunkpos)); to = (temp[0] >> (pos & ModMask)) | (temp[1] << (8 * sizeof(TTo) - (pos & ModMask))); } } Y_FORCE_INLINE bool Test(size_t n) const { return Get(n); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& Push(bool val) { LShift(1); return val ? Set(0) : *this; } Y_FORCE_INLINE bool Pop() { bool val = Get(0); return RShift(1), val; } // Clear entire bitmap. Current capacity is kept unchanged Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& Clear() { for (size_t i = 0; i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] = 0; } return *this; } // Returns bits capacity Y_FORCE_INLINE constexpr size_t Size() const noexcept { return Mask.GetBitCapacity(); } Y_FORCE_INLINE void Reserve(size_t bitCount) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(Mask.ExpandBitSize(bitCount), "Exceeding bitmap storage capacity"); } Y_FORCE_INLINE size_t ValueBitCount() const { size_t nonZeroChunk = Mask.GetChunkCapacity() - 1; while (nonZeroChunk != 0 && !Mask.Data[nonZeroChunk]) { --nonZeroChunk; } return nonZeroChunk || Mask.Data[nonZeroChunk] ? nonZeroChunk * BitsPerChunk + GetValueBitCount(TIntType(Mask.Data[nonZeroChunk])) : 0; } Y_PURE_FUNCTION Y_FORCE_INLINE bool Empty() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { if (Mask.Data[i]) { return false; } } return true; } bool HasAny(const TThis& bitmap) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < Min(Mask.GetChunkCapacity(), bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity()); ++i) { if (0 != (Mask.Data[i] & bitmap.Mask.Data[i])) { return true; } } return false; } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE bool HasAny(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) const { return HasAny(TThis(bitmap)); } Y_FORCE_INLINE bool HasAny(const TChunk& val) const { return 0 != (Mask.Data[0] & val); } bool HasAll(const TThis& bitmap) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < Min(Mask.GetChunkCapacity(), bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity()); ++i) { if (bitmap.Mask.Data[i] != (Mask.Data[i] & bitmap.Mask.Data[i])) { return false; } } for (size_t i = Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); i < bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { if (bitmap.Mask.Data[i] != 0) { return false; } } return true; } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE bool HasAll(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) const { return HasAll(TThis(bitmap)); } Y_FORCE_INLINE bool HasAll(const TChunk& val) const { return (Mask.Data[0] & val) == val; } TThis& And(const TThis& bitmap) { // Don't expand capacity here, because resulting bits in positions, // which are greater then size of one of these bitmaps, will be zero for (size_t i = 0; i < Min(bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity(), Mask.GetChunkCapacity()); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] &= bitmap.Mask.Data[i]; } // Clear bits if current bitmap size is greater than AND-ed one for (size_t i = bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] = 0; } return *this; } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& And(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) { return And(TThis(bitmap)); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& And(const TChunk& val) { Mask.Data[0] &= val; for (size_t i = 1; i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] = 0; } return *this; } TThis& Or(const TThis& bitmap) { const size_t valueBitCount = bitmap.ValueBitCount(); if (valueBitCount) { // Memory optimization: expand size only for non-zero bits Reserve(valueBitCount); for (size_t i = 0; i < Min(bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity(), Mask.GetChunkCapacity()); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] |= bitmap.Mask.Data[i]; } } return *this; } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& Or(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) { return Or(TThis(bitmap)); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& Or(const TChunk& val) { Mask.Data[0] |= val; Mask.Sanitize(); return *this; } TThis& Xor(const TThis& bitmap) { Reserve(bitmap.Size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] ^= bitmap.Mask.Data[i]; } return *this; } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& Xor(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) { return Xor(TThis(bitmap)); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& Xor(const TChunk& val) { Mask.Data[0] ^= val; Mask.Sanitize(); return *this; } TThis& SetDifference(const TThis& bitmap) { for (size_t i = 0; i < Min(bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity(), Mask.GetChunkCapacity()); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] &= ~bitmap.Mask.Data[i]; } return *this; } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& SetDifference(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) { return SetDifference(TThis(bitmap)); } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& SetDifference(const TChunk& val) { Mask.Data[0] &= ~val; return *this; } Y_FORCE_INLINE TThis& Flip() { for (size_t i = 0; i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] = ~Mask.Data[i]; } Mask.Sanitize(); return *this; } TThis& LShift(size_t shift) { if (shift != 0) { const size_t valueBitCount = ValueBitCount(); // Do nothing for empty bitmap if (valueBitCount != 0) { const size_t eshift = shift / BitsPerChunk; const size_t offset = shift % BitsPerChunk; const size_t subOffset = BitsPerChunk - offset; // Don't verify expand result, so l-shift of fixed bitmap will work in the same way as for unsigned integer. Mask.ExpandBitSize(valueBitCount + shift); if (offset == 0) { for (size_t i = Mask.GetChunkCapacity() - 1; i >= eshift; --i) { Mask.Data[i] = Mask.Data[i - eshift]; } } else { for (size_t i = Mask.GetChunkCapacity() - 1; i > eshift; --i) { Mask.Data[i] = (Mask.Data[i - eshift] << offset) | (Mask.Data[i - eshift - 1] >> subOffset); } if (eshift < Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { Mask.Data[eshift] = Mask.Data[0] << offset; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < Min(eshift, Mask.GetChunkCapacity()); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] = 0; } // Cleanup extra high bits in the storage Mask.Sanitize(); } } return *this; } TThis& RShift(size_t shift) { if (shift != 0) { const size_t eshift = shift / BitsPerChunk; const size_t offset = shift % BitsPerChunk; if (eshift >= Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { Clear(); } else { const size_t limit = Mask.GetChunkCapacity() - eshift - 1; if (offset == 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i <= limit; ++i) { Mask.Data[i] = Mask.Data[i + eshift]; } } else { const size_t subOffset = BitsPerChunk - offset; for (size_t i = 0; i < limit; ++i) { Mask.Data[i] = (Mask.Data[i + eshift] >> offset) | (Mask.Data[i + eshift + 1] << subOffset); } Mask.Data[limit] = Mask.Data[Mask.GetChunkCapacity() - 1] >> offset; } for (size_t i = limit + 1; i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] = 0; } } } return *this; } // Applies bitmap at the specified offset using OR operator. // This method is optimized combination of Or() and LShift(), which allows reducing memory allocation // when combining long dynamic bitmaps. TThis& Or(const TThis& bitmap, size_t offset) { if (0 == offset) { return Or(bitmap); } const size_t otherValueBitCount = bitmap.ValueBitCount(); // Continue only if OR-ed bitmap have non-zero bits if (otherValueBitCount) { const size_t chunkShift = offset / BitsPerChunk; const size_t subShift = offset % BitsPerChunk; const size_t subOffset = BitsPerChunk - subShift; Reserve(otherValueBitCount + offset); if (subShift == 0) { for (size_t i = chunkShift; i < Min(bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity() + chunkShift, Mask.GetChunkCapacity()); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] |= bitmap.Mask.Data[i - chunkShift]; } } else { Mask.Data[chunkShift] |= bitmap.Mask.Data[0] << subShift; size_t i = chunkShift + 1; for (; i < Min(bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity() + chunkShift, Mask.GetChunkCapacity()); ++i) { Mask.Data[i] |= (bitmap.Mask.Data[i - chunkShift] << subShift) | (bitmap.Mask.Data[i - chunkShift - 1] >> subOffset); } if (i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { Mask.Data[i] |= bitmap.Mask.Data[i - chunkShift - 1] >> subOffset; } } } return *this; } bool Equal(const TThis& bitmap) const { if (Mask.GetChunkCapacity() > bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { for (size_t i = bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { if (0 != Mask.Data[i]) { return false; } } } else if (Mask.GetChunkCapacity() < bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { for (size_t i = Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); i < bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { if (0 != bitmap.Mask.Data[i]) { return false; } } } size_t size = Min(Mask.GetChunkCapacity(), bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity()); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (Mask.Data[i] != bitmap.Mask.Data[i]) { return false; } } return true; } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE bool Equal(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) const { return Equal(TThis(bitmap)); } int Compare(const TThis& bitmap) const { size_t size = Min(Mask.GetChunkCapacity(), bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity()); int res = ::memcmp(Mask.Data, bitmap.Mask.Data, size * sizeof(TChunk)); if (0 != res || Mask.GetChunkCapacity() == bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { return res; } if (Mask.GetChunkCapacity() > bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { for (size_t i = bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { if (0 != Mask.Data[i]) { return 1; } } } else { for (size_t i = Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); i < bitmap.Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { if (0 != bitmap.Mask.Data[i]) { return -1; } } } return 0; } template <class T> Y_FORCE_INLINE int Compare(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) const { return Compare(TThis(bitmap)); } // For backward compatibility Y_FORCE_INLINE static int Compare(const TThis& l, const TThis& r) { return l.Compare(r); } size_t FirstNonZeroBit() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { if (Mask.Data[i]) { // CountTrailingZeroBits() expects unsigned types not smaller than unsigned int. So, convert before calling return BitsPerChunk * i + CountTrailingZeroBits(TIntType(Mask.Data[i])); } } return Size(); } // Returns position of the next non-zero bit, which offset is greater than specified pos // Typical loop for iterating bits: // for (size_t pos = bits.FirstNonZeroBit(); pos != bits.Size(); pos = bits.NextNonZeroBit(pos)) { // ... // } // See Y_FOR_EACH_BIT macro definition at the bottom size_t NextNonZeroBit(size_t pos) const { size_t i = (pos + 1) >> DivCount; if (i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { const size_t offset = (pos + 1) & ModMask; // Process the current chunk if (offset) { // Zero already iterated trailing bits using mask const TChunk val = Mask.Data[i] & ((~TChunk(0)) << offset); if (val) { return BitsPerChunk * i + CountTrailingZeroBits(TIntType(val)); } // Continue with other chunks ++i; } for (; i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { if (Mask.Data[i]) { return BitsPerChunk * i + CountTrailingZeroBits(TIntType(Mask.Data[i])); } } } return Size(); } Y_FORCE_INLINE size_t Count() const { size_t count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); ++i) { count += ::NBitMapPrivate::CountBitsPrivate(Mask.Data[i]); } return count; } void Save(IOutputStream* out) const { ::Save(out, ui8(sizeof(TChunk))); ::Save(out, ui64(Size())); ::SavePodArray(out, Mask.Data, Mask.GetChunkCapacity()); } void Load(IInputStream* inp) { ui8 chunkSize = 0; ::Load(inp, chunkSize); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(size_t(chunkSize) == sizeof(TChunk), "Chunk size is not the same"); ui64 bitCount64 = 0; ::Load(inp, bitCount64); size_t bitCount = size_t(bitCount64); Reserve(bitCount); size_t chunkCount = 0; if (bitCount > 0) { chunkCount = ((bitCount - 1) >> DivCount) + 1; ::LoadPodArray(inp, Mask.Data, chunkCount); } if (chunkCount < Mask.GetChunkCapacity()) { ::memset(Mask.Data + chunkCount, 0, (Mask.GetChunkCapacity() - chunkCount) * sizeof(TChunk)); } Mask.Sanitize(); } inline size_t Hash() const { THash<TChunk> chunkHasher; size_t hash = chunkHasher(0); bool tailSkipped = false; for (size_t i = Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); i > 0; --i) { if (tailSkipped || Mask.Data[i - 1]) { hash = ::CombineHashes(hash, chunkHasher(Mask.Data[i - 1])); tailSkipped = true; } } return hash; } inline const TChunk* GetChunks() const { return Mask.Data; } constexpr size_t GetChunkCount() const noexcept { return Mask.GetChunkCapacity(); } }; template <class X, class Y> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator&(const TBitMapOps<X>& x, const TBitMapOps<Y>& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).And(y); } template <class X> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator&(const TBitMapOps<X>& x, const typename TBitMapOps<X>::TChunk& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).And(y); } template <class X> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator&(const typename TBitMapOps<X>::TChunk& x, const TBitMapOps<X>& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).And(y); } template <class X, class Y> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator|(const TBitMapOps<X>& x, const TBitMapOps<Y>& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).Or(y); } template <class X> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator|(const TBitMapOps<X>& x, const typename TBitMapOps<X>::TChunk& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).Or(y); } template <class X> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator|(const typename TBitMapOps<X>::TChunk& x, const TBitMapOps<X>& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).Or(y); } template <class X, class Y> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator^(const TBitMapOps<X>& x, const TBitMapOps<Y>& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).Xor(y); } template <class X> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator^(const TBitMapOps<X>& x, const typename TBitMapOps<X>::TChunk& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).Xor(y); } template <class X> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator^(const typename TBitMapOps<X>::TChunk& x, const TBitMapOps<X>& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).Xor(y); } template <class X, class Y> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator-(const TBitMapOps<X>& x, const TBitMapOps<Y>& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).SetDifference(y); } template <class X> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator-(const TBitMapOps<X>& x, const typename TBitMapOps<X>::TChunk& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).SetDifference(y); } template <class X> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator-(const typename TBitMapOps<X>::TChunk& x, const TBitMapOps<X>& y) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).SetDifference(y); } template <class X> inline TBitMapOps<X> operator~(const TBitMapOps<X>& x) { return TBitMapOps<X>(x).Flip(); } /////////////////// Specialization /////////////////////////// template <size_t BitCount, typename TChunkType /*= ui64*/> class TBitMap: public TBitMapOps<TFixedBitMapTraits<BitCount, TChunkType>> { private: using TBase = TBitMapOps<TFixedBitMapTraits<BitCount, TChunkType>>; public: TBitMap() : TBase() { } TBitMap(typename TBase::TChunk val) : TBase(val) { } TBitMap(const TBitMap&) = default; TBitMap& operator=(const TBitMap&) = default; template <class T> TBitMap(const TBitMapOps<T>& bitmap) : TBase(bitmap) { } }; using TDynBitMap = TBitMapOps<TDynamicBitMapTraits<ui64>>; #define Y_FOR_EACH_BIT(var, bitmap) for (size_t var = (bitmap).FirstNonZeroBit(); var != (bitmap).Size(); var = (bitmap).NextNonZeroBit(var)) template <typename TTraits> struct THash<TBitMapOps<TTraits>> { size_t operator()(const TBitMapOps<TTraits>& elem) const { return elem.Hash(); } };