#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import yatest.common logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) SHORT_DUMP_COMMAND = "{gdb} {executable} {core_file} --eval-command='backtrace full' --batch -q" LONG_DUMP_COMMAND = "{gdb} {executable} {core_file} --eval-command='thread apply all bt full' --batch -q" def get_gdb(): return yatest.common.gdb_path() def run_gdb_command(command, stdout_file, stderr_file): logger.debug("Running gdb command %s" % command) with open(stdout_file, "w") as out, open(stderr_file, "w") as err: yatest.common.process.execute( command, check_exit_code=True, wait=True, shell=True, stdout=out, stderr=err ) def dump_traceback(executable, core_file, output_file): """ Dumps traceback if its possible :param executable: binary for gdb :param core_file: core file for gdb :param output_file: file to dump traceback to, also dump full traceback to <output_file + ".full"> :return: string tuple (short_backtrace, full_backtrace) """ try: gdb = get_gdb() short_dump_command = SHORT_DUMP_COMMAND.format(gdb=gdb, executable=executable, core_file=core_file) long_dump_command = LONG_DUMP_COMMAND.format(gdb=gdb, executable=executable, core_file=core_file) run_gdb_command(short_dump_command, output_file, output_file + '.err') output_file_full = output_file + ".full" output_file_full_err = output_file_full + '.err' run_gdb_command(long_dump_command, output_file_full, output_file_full_err) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to print trace") return '', '' short_backtrace = '' full_backtrace = '' with open(output_file) as o, open(output_file_full) as e: short_backtrace = o.read() full_backtrace = e.read() return short_backtrace, full_backtrace