import marshal import sys from _codecs import utf_8_decode, utf_8_encode from _frozen_importlib import _call_with_frames_removed, spec_from_loader, BuiltinImporter from _frozen_importlib_external import ( _os, _path_isfile, _path_isabs, path_sep, _path_join, _path_split, _path_stat, SourceFileLoader, cache_from_source, ) from _io import FileIO import __res as __resource _b = lambda x: x if isinstance(x, bytes) else utf_8_encode(x)[0] _s = lambda x: x if isinstance(x, str) else utf_8_decode(x)[0] env_source_root = b'Y_PYTHON_SOURCE_ROOT' cfg_source_root = b'arcadia-source-root' env_extended_source_search = b'Y_PYTHON_EXTENDED_SOURCE_SEARCH' res_ya_ide_venv = b'YA_IDE_VENV' executable = sys.executable or 'Y_PYTHON' sys.modules['run_import_hook'] = __resource def _probe(environ_dict, key, default_value=None): """ Probe bytes and str variants for environ. This is because in python3: * _os (nt) on windows returns str, * _os (posix) on linux return bytes For more information check: * * YA-1700 """ keys = [_b(key), _s(key)] for key in keys: if key in environ_dict: return _b(environ_dict[key]) return _b(default_value) if isinstance(default_value, str) else default_value # This is the prefix in contrib/tools/python3/Lib/ya.make. py_prefix = b'py/' py_prefix_len = len(py_prefix) EXTERNAL_PY_FILES_MODE = __resource.find(b'py/conf/ENABLE_EXTERNAL_PY_FILES') in (b'1', b'yes') YA_IDE_VENV = __resource.find(res_ya_ide_venv) Y_PYTHON_EXTENDED_SOURCE_SEARCH = _probe(_os.environ, env_extended_source_search) or YA_IDE_VENV def _init_venv(): if not _path_isabs(executable): raise RuntimeError(f'path in sys.executable is not absolute: {executable}') # Creative copy-paste from exe_dir, _ = _path_split(executable) site_prefix, _ = _path_split(exe_dir) libpath = _path_join(site_prefix, 'lib', 'python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2], 'site-packages') sys.path.insert(0, libpath) # emulate site.venv() sys.prefix = site_prefix sys.exec_prefix = site_prefix conf_basename = 'pyvenv.cfg' candidate_confs = [ conffile for conffile in ( _path_join(exe_dir, conf_basename), _path_join(site_prefix, conf_basename) ) if _path_isfile(conffile) ] if not candidate_confs: raise RuntimeError(f'{conf_basename} not found') virtual_conf = candidate_confs[0] with FileIO(virtual_conf, 'r') as f: for line in f: if b'=' in line: key, _, value = line.partition(b'=') key = key.strip().lower() value = value.strip() if key == cfg_source_root: return value raise RuntimeError(f'{cfg_source_root} key not found in {virtual_conf}') def file_bytes(path): # 'open' is not avaiable yet. with FileIO(path, 'r') as f: return def _guess_source_root(): path, tail = _os.getcwd(), 'start' while tail: guidence_file = _path_join(path, '.root.path') if _path_isfile(guidence_file): return file_bytes(guidence_file) if _path_isfile(_path_join(path, '.arcadia.root')): return _b(path) path, tail = _path_split(path) def _get_source_root(): env_value = _probe(_os.environ, env_source_root) if env_value: return env_value if EXTERNAL_PY_FILES_MODE: path = _guess_source_root() if path: return path raise RuntimeError( "Cannot find source root: binary is built in external-py-files mode, but no env.var. Y_PYTHON_SOURCE_ROOT is specified. Current working directory: " + _os.getcwd() ) if YA_IDE_VENV: return _init_venv() return None def _guess_pycache_prefix(): env_val = _probe(_os.environ, 'PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX') if env_val: return _s(env_val) path, tail = _os.getcwd(), 'start' while tail: guidence_file = _path_join(path, '.pycache.path') if _path_isfile(guidence_file): return _s(file_bytes(guidence_file)) path, tail = _path_split(path) Y_PYTHON_SOURCE_ROOT = _get_source_root() if EXTERNAL_PY_FILES_MODE: import _frozen_importlib_external # Turn relative paths into absolute ones so that the python machinery stores the bytecode files next to the module. # For more info see data flow in SourceLoader.get_data in contrib/tools/python3/Lib/importlib/ def patched_cache_from_source(filename): filename = resfs_resolve(filename, check_existence=False) return cache_from_source(_s(filename)) setattr(_frozen_importlib_external, 'cache_from_source', patched_cache_from_source) pycache_prefix = _guess_pycache_prefix() if pycache_prefix: sys.pycache_prefix = pycache_prefix def _print(*xs): """ This is helpful for debugging, since automatic bytes to str conversion is not available yet. It is also possible to debug with GDB by breaking on __Pyx_AddTraceback (with Python GDB pretty printers enabled). """ parts = [] for s in xs: if not isinstance(s, (bytes, str)): s = str(s) parts.append(_s(s)) sys.stderr.write(' '.join(parts) + '\n') def iter_keys(prefix): l = len(prefix) for idx in range(__resource.count()): key = __resource.key_by_index(idx) if key.startswith(prefix): yield key, key[l:] def iter_py_modules(with_keys=False): for key, path in iter_keys(b'resfs/src/resfs/file/' + py_prefix): if path.endswith(b'.py'): # It may also end with '.pyc'. mod = _s(path[:-3].replace(b'/', b'.')) if with_keys: yield key, mod else: yield mod def py_src_key(filename): return py_prefix + _b(filename) def iter_prefixes(s): i = s.find('.') while i >= 0: yield s[:i] i = s.find('.', i + 1) def resfs_resolve(path, check_existence=True): """ Return the absolute path of a root-relative path if it exists. """ path = _b(path) if Y_PYTHON_SOURCE_ROOT: if not path.startswith(Y_PYTHON_SOURCE_ROOT): path = _b(path_sep).join((Y_PYTHON_SOURCE_ROOT, path)) if not check_existence: return path if _path_isfile(path): return path def resfs_src(key, resfs_file=False): """ Return the root-relative file path of a resource key. """ if resfs_file: key = b'resfs/file/' + _b(key) return __resource.find(b'resfs/src/' + _b(key)) def resfs_has(path): """ Return true if the requested file is embedded in the program """ return __resource.has(b'resfs/file/' + _b(path)) def resfs_read(path, builtin=None): """ Return the bytes of the resource file at path, or None. If builtin is True, do not look for it on the filesystem. If builtin is False, do not look in the builtin resources. """ if builtin is not True: arcpath = resfs_src(path, resfs_file=True) if arcpath: fspath = resfs_resolve(arcpath) if fspath: return file_bytes(fspath) if builtin is not False: return __resource.find(b'resfs/file/' + _b(path)) def resfs_files(prefix=b''): """ List builtin resource file paths. """ return [key[11:] for key, _ in iter_keys(b'resfs/file/' + _b(prefix))] def mod_path(mod): """ Return the resfs path to the source code of the module with the given name. """ return py_prefix + _b(mod).replace(b'.', b'/') + b'.py' class ResourceImporter(SourceFileLoader): """ A meta_path importer that loads code from built-in resources. """ def __init__(self, fullname, path): super().__init__(fullname, path) self.memory = set(iter_py_modules()) # Set of importable module names. self.source_map = {} # Map from file names to module names. self._source_name = {} # Map from original to altered module names. self._package_prefix = '' self._before_import_callback = None self._after_import_callback = None if Y_PYTHON_SOURCE_ROOT and Y_PYTHON_EXTENDED_SOURCE_SEARCH: self.arcadia_source_finder = ArcadiaSourceFinder(_s(Y_PYTHON_SOURCE_ROOT)) else: self.arcadia_source_finder = None for p in list(self.memory) + list(sys.builtin_module_names): for pp in iter_prefixes(p): k = pp + '.__init__' if k not in self.memory: self.memory.add(k) def set_callbacks(self, before_import=None, after_import=None): """Callable[[module], None]""" self._before_import_callback= before_import self._after_import_callback = after_import def for_package(self, name): import copy importer = copy.copy(self) importer._package_prefix = name + '.' return importer def _find_mod_path(self, fullname): """Find arcadia relative path by module name""" relpath = resfs_src(mod_path(fullname), resfs_file=True) if relpath or not self.arcadia_source_finder: return relpath return self.arcadia_source_finder.get_module_path(fullname) def find_spec(self, fullname, path=None, target=None): # Поддежка переопределения стандартного distutils из пакетом из setuptools if fullname.startswith("distutils."): setuptools_path = f"{path_sep}setuptools{path_sep}_distutils" if path and len(path) > 0 and setuptools_path in path[0]: import importlib import setuptools_name = "setuptools._distutils.{}".format(fullname.removeprefix("distutils.")) is_package = self.is_package(setuptools_name) if is_package: source = self.get_source(f"{setuptools_name}.__init__") relpath = self._find_mod_path(f"{setuptools_name}.__init__") else: source = self.get_source(setuptools_name) relpath = self._find_mod_path(setuptools_name) class DistutilsLoader( def exec_module(self, module): code = compile(source, _s(relpath), 'exec', dont_inherit=True) module.__file__ = code.co_filename if is_package: module.__path__= [executable + path_sep + setuptools_name.replace('.', path_sep)] _call_with_frames_removed(exec, code, module.__dict__) return spec_from_loader(fullname, DistutilsLoader(), is_package=is_package) try: is_package = self.is_package(fullname) except ImportError: return None return spec_from_loader(fullname, self, is_package=is_package) def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): """For backward compatibility.""" spec = self.find_spec(fullname, path) return spec.loader if spec is not None else None def create_module(self, spec): """Use default semantics for module creation.""" def exec_module(self, module): code = self.get_code(module.__name__) module.__file__ = code.co_filename if self.is_package(module.__name__): module.__path__= [executable + path_sep + module.__name__.replace('.', path_sep)] # exec(code, module.__dict__) # __name__ and __file__ could be overwritten after execution # So these two things are needed if wee want to be consistent at some point initial_modname = module.__name__ initial_filename = module.__file__ if self._before_import_callback: self._before_import_callback(initial_modname, initial_filename) # “Zero-cost” exceptions are implemented. # The cost of try statements is almost eliminated when no exception is raised try: _call_with_frames_removed(exec, code, module.__dict__) finally: if self._after_import_callback: self._after_import_callback(initial_modname, initial_filename) # PEP-302 extension 1 of 3: data loader. def get_data(self, path): # XXX # Python machinery operates on absolute paths and uses this method to load bytecode. # That's why we don't try to resolve the path, but try to read it right away. # For more info see get_code() in this file and # data flow in SourceLoader.get_data in contrib/tools/python3/Lib/importlib/ if EXTERNAL_PY_FILES_MODE and path.endswith('.pyc'): return file_bytes(_b(path)) path = _b(path) abspath = resfs_resolve(path) if abspath: return file_bytes(abspath) path = path.replace(_b('\\'), _b('/')) data = resfs_read(path, builtin=True) if data is None: raise OSError(path) # Y_PYTHON_ENTRY_POINT=:resource_files return data # PEP-302 extension 2 of 3: get __file__ without importing. def get_filename(self, fullname): modname = fullname if self.is_package(fullname): fullname += '.__init__' relpath = self._find_mod_path(fullname) if isinstance(relpath, bytes): relpath = _s(relpath) return relpath or modname # PEP-302 extension 3 of 3: packaging introspection. # Used by `linecache` (while printing tracebacks) unless module filename # exists on the filesystem. def get_source(self, fullname): fullname = self._source_name.get(fullname) or fullname if self.is_package(fullname): fullname += '.__init__' relpath = self.get_filename(fullname) if relpath: abspath = resfs_resolve(relpath) if abspath: return _s(file_bytes(abspath)) data = resfs_read(mod_path(fullname)) return _s(data) if data else '' def get_code(self, fullname): modname = fullname if self.is_package(fullname): fullname += '.__init__' path = mod_path(fullname) relpath = self._find_mod_path(fullname) if relpath: abspath = resfs_resolve(relpath) if abspath: if EXTERNAL_PY_FILES_MODE: if not resfs_has(path): # 1. This is the case when the requested module is registered in the metadata, # but the content itself is not embedded in the binary. # And the application itself is compiled in the external py files mode. # Thus, we have an abspath to the python file and we need to get its bytecode. # We transfer control to the standard python machinery, # which will process the bytecode generation and cache it nearby, # according to the general rules. return super().get_code(modname) else: # 2. This is the case when the binary is launched in the mode of # reading python sources from the file system (Y_PYTHON_SOURCE_ROOT), # and not from the built-in storage. data = file_bytes(abspath) return compile(data, _s(abspath), 'exec', dont_inherit=True) yapyc_path = path + b'.yapyc3' yapyc_data = resfs_read(yapyc_path, builtin=True) if yapyc_data: # 3. This is the basic case - we read the compiled bytecode from the built-in storage. return marshal.loads(yapyc_data) else: py_data = resfs_read(path, builtin=True) if py_data: # 4. This is the case when the bytecode for the module is not embedded in the binary (PYBUILD_NO_PYC). # Read the python file and compile on the fly. return compile(py_data, _s(relpath), 'exec', dont_inherit=True) else: # 5. This covers packages with no in resources. return compile('', modname, 'exec', dont_inherit=True) def path_stats(self, path): path = resfs_resolve(path, check_existence=False) st = _path_stat(path) return {'mtime': st.st_mtime, 'size': st.st_size} def is_package(self, fullname): if fullname in self.memory: return False if fullname + '.__init__' in self.memory: return True if self.arcadia_source_finder: return self.arcadia_source_finder.is_package(fullname) raise ImportError(fullname) # Extension for contrib/python/coverage. def file_source(self, filename): """ Return the key of the module source by its resource path. """ if not self.source_map: for key, mod in iter_py_modules(with_keys=True): path = self.get_filename(mod) self.source_map[path] = key if filename in self.source_map: return self.source_map[filename] if resfs_has(filename): return b'resfs/file/' + _b(filename) return b'' # Extension for pkgutil.iter_modules. def iter_modules(self, prefix=''): import re rx = re.compile(re.escape(self._package_prefix) + r'([^.]+)(\.__init__)?$') for p in self.memory: m = rx.match(p) if m: yield prefix +, is not None if self.arcadia_source_finder: for m in self.arcadia_source_finder.iter_modules(self._package_prefix, prefix): yield m def get_resource_reader(self, fullname): import os path = os.path.dirname(self.get_filename(fullname)) return _ResfsResourceReader(self, path) @staticmethod def find_distributions(*args, **kwargs): """ Find distributions. Return an iterable of all Distribution instances capable of loading the metadata for packages matching ```` (or all names if ``None`` indicated) along the paths in the list of directories ``context.path``. """ from sitecustomize import MetadataArcadiaFinder return MetadataArcadiaFinder.find_distributions(*args, **kwargs) class _ResfsResourceReader: def __init__(self, importer, path): self.importer = importer self.path = path def open_resource(self, resource): path = f'{self.path}/{resource}' from io import BytesIO try: return BytesIO(self.importer.get_data(path)) except OSError: raise FileNotFoundError(path) def resource_path(self, resource): # All resources are in the binary file, so there is no path to the file. # Raising FileNotFoundError tells the higher level API to extract the # binary data and create a temporary file. raise FileNotFoundError def is_resource(self, name): path = f'{self.path}/{name}' try: self.importer.get_data(path) except OSError: return False return True def contents(self): subdirs_seen = set() len_path = len(self.path) + 1 # path + / for key in resfs_files(f"{self.path}/"): relative = key[len_path:] res_or_subdir, *other = relative.split(b'/') if not other: yield _s(res_or_subdir) elif res_or_subdir not in subdirs_seen: subdirs_seen.add(res_or_subdir) yield _s(res_or_subdir) def files(self): import sitecustomize return sitecustomize.ArcadiaResourceContainer(f"resfs/file/{self.path}/") class BuiltinSubmoduleImporter(BuiltinImporter): @classmethod def find_spec(cls, fullname, path=None, target=None): if path is not None: return super().find_spec(fullname, None, target) else: return None class ArcadiaSourceFinder: """ Search modules and packages in arcadia source tree. See for details """ NAMESPACE_PREFIX = b'py/namespace/' PY_EXT = '.py' YA_MAKE = 'ya.make' S_IFDIR = 0o040000 def __init__(self, source_root): self.source_root = source_root self.module_path_cache = {'': set()} for key, dirty_path in iter_keys(self.NAMESPACE_PREFIX): # dirty_path contains unique prefix to prevent repeatable keys in the resource storage path = dirty_path.split(b'/', 1)[1] namespaces = __resource.find(key).split(b':') for n in namespaces: package_name = _s(n.rstrip(b'.')) self.module_path_cache.setdefault(package_name, set()).add(_s(path)) # Fill parents with default empty path set if parent doesn't exist in the cache yet while package_name: package_name = package_name.rpartition('.')[0] if package_name in self.module_path_cache: break self.module_path_cache.setdefault(package_name, set()) for package_name in self.module_path_cache.keys(): self._add_parent_dirs(package_name, visited=set()) def get_module_path(self, fullname): """ Find file path for module 'fullname'. For packages caller pass fullname as 'package.__init__'. Return None if nothing is found. """ try: if not self.is_package(fullname): return _b(self._cache_module_path(fullname)) except ImportError: pass def is_package(self, fullname): """Check if fullname is a package. Raise ImportError if fullname is not found""" path = self._cache_module_path(fullname) if isinstance(path, set): return True if isinstance(path, str): return False raise ImportError(fullname) def iter_modules(self, package_prefix, prefix): paths = self._cache_module_path(package_prefix.rstrip('.')) if paths is not None: # Note: it's ok to yield duplicates because pkgutil discards them # Yield from cache import re rx = re.compile(re.escape(package_prefix) + r'([^.]+)$') # Save result to temporary list to prevent 'RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration' found = [] for mod, path in self.module_path_cache.items(): if path is not None: m = rx.match(mod) if m: found.append((prefix +, self.is_package(mod))) yield from found # Yield from file system for path in paths: abs_path = _path_join(self.source_root, path) for dir_item in _os.listdir(abs_path): if self._path_is_simple_dir(_path_join(abs_path, dir_item)): yield prefix + dir_item, True elif dir_item.endswith(self.PY_EXT) and _path_isfile(_path_join(abs_path, dir_item)): yield prefix + dir_item[:-len(self.PY_EXT)], False def _isdir(self, path): """ Unlike _path_isdir() this function don't follow symlink """ try: stat_info = _os.lstat(path) except OSError: return False return (stat_info.st_mode & 0o170000) == self.S_IFDIR def _path_is_simple_dir(self, abs_path): """ Check if path is a directory but doesn't contain ya.make file. We don't want to steal directory from nested project and treat it as a package """ return self._isdir(abs_path) and not _path_isfile(_path_join(abs_path, self.YA_MAKE)) def _find_module_in_paths(self, find_package_only, paths, module): """Auxiliary method. See _cache_module_path() for details""" if paths: package_paths = set() for path in paths: rel_path = _path_join(path, module) if not find_package_only: # Check if file_path is a module module_path = rel_path + self.PY_EXT if _path_isfile(_path_join(self.source_root, module_path)): return module_path # Check if file_path is a package if self._path_is_simple_dir(_path_join(self.source_root, rel_path)): package_paths.add(rel_path) if package_paths: return package_paths def _cache_module_path(self, fullname, find_package_only=False): """ Find module path or package directory paths and save result in the cache find_package_only=True - don't try to find module Returns: List of relative package paths - for a package Relative module path - for a module None - module or package is not found """ if fullname not in self.module_path_cache: parent, _, tail = fullname.rpartition('.') parent_paths = self._cache_module_path(parent, find_package_only=True) self.module_path_cache[fullname] = self._find_module_in_paths(find_package_only, parent_paths, tail) return self.module_path_cache[fullname] def _add_parent_dirs(self, package_name, visited): if not package_name or package_name in visited: return visited.add(package_name) parent, _, tail = package_name.rpartition('.') self._add_parent_dirs(parent, visited) paths = self.module_path_cache[package_name] for parent_path in self.module_path_cache[parent]: rel_path = _path_join(parent_path, tail) if self._path_is_simple_dir(_path_join(self.source_root, rel_path)): paths.add(rel_path) def excepthook(*args, **kws): # traceback module cannot be imported at module level, because interpreter # is not fully initialized yet import traceback return traceback.print_exception(*args, **kws) importer = ResourceImporter(fullname='<resfs>', path='<resfs>') def executable_path_hook(path): if path == executable: return importer if path.startswith(executable + path_sep): return importer.for_package(path[len(executable + path_sep):].replace(path_sep, '.')) raise ImportError(path) def get_path0(): """ An incomplete and simplified version of _PyPathConfig_ComputeSysPath0. We need this to somewhat properly emulate the behaviour of a normal python interpreter when using ya ide venv. """ if not sys.argv: return argv0 = sys.argv[0] have_module_arg = argv0 == '-m' if have_module_arg: return _os.getcwd() if YA_IDE_VENV: sys.meta_path.append(importer) sys.meta_path.append(BuiltinSubmoduleImporter) if executable not in sys.path: sys.path.append(executable) path0 = get_path0() if path0 is not None: sys.path.insert(0, path0) sys.path_hooks.append(executable_path_hook) else: sys.meta_path.insert(0, BuiltinSubmoduleImporter) sys.meta_path.insert(0, importer) if executable not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, executable) sys.path_hooks.insert(0, executable_path_hook) sys.path_importer_cache[executable] = importer # Indicator that modules and resources are built-in rather than on the file system. sys.is_standalone_binary = True sys.frozen = True # Set of names of importable modules. sys.extra_modules = importer.memory # Use custom implementation of traceback printer. # Built-in printer (PyTraceBack_Print) does not support custom module loaders sys.excepthook = excepthook