import os import sys import time import __res FORCE_EXIT_TESTSFAILED_ENV = 'FORCE_EXIT_TESTSFAILED' def main(): import library.python.pytest.context as context context.Ctx["YA_PYTEST_START_TIMESTAMP"] = time.time() profile = None if '--profile-pytest' in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('--profile-pytest') import pstats import cProfile profile = cProfile.Profile() profile.enable() # Reset influencing env. vars # For more info see library/python/testing/yatest_common/yatest/common/ if FORCE_EXIT_TESTSFAILED_ENV in os.environ: del os.environ[FORCE_EXIT_TESTSFAILED_ENV] if "Y_PYTHON_CLEAR_ENTRY_POINT" in os.environ: if "Y_PYTHON_ENTRY_POINT" in os.environ: del os.environ["Y_PYTHON_ENTRY_POINT"] del os.environ["Y_PYTHON_CLEAR_ENTRY_POINT"] listing_mode = '--collect-only' in sys.argv yatest_runner = os.environ.get('YA_TEST_RUNNER') == '1' import pytest import library.python.pytest.plugins.collection as collection import library.python.pytest.plugins.ya as ya import library.python.pytest.plugins.conftests as conftests import _pytest.assertion from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch from . import rewrite m = MonkeyPatch() m.setattr(_pytest.assertion.rewrite, "AssertionRewritingHook", rewrite.AssertionRewritingHook) prefix = '__tests__.' test_modules = [ name[len(prefix):] for name in sys.extra_modules if name.startswith(prefix) and not name.endswith('.conftest') ] doctest_packages = __res.find("PY_DOCTEST_PACKAGES") or "" if isinstance(doctest_packages, bytes): doctest_packages = doctest_packages.decode('utf-8') doctest_packages = doctest_packages.split() def is_doctest_module(name): for package in doctest_packages: if name == package or name.startswith(str(package) + "."): return True return False doctest_modules = [ name for name in sys.extra_modules if is_doctest_module(name) ] def remove_user_site(paths): site_paths = ('site-packages', 'site-python') def is_site_path(path): for p in site_paths: if path.find(p) != -1: return True return False new_paths = list(paths) for p in paths: if is_site_path(p): new_paths.remove(p) return new_paths sys.path = remove_user_site(sys.path) rc = pytest.main(plugins=[ collection.CollectionPlugin(test_modules, doctest_modules), ya, conftests, ]) if rc == 5: # don't care about EXIT_NOTESTSCOLLECTED rc = 0 if rc == 1 and yatest_runner and not listing_mode and not os.environ.get(FORCE_EXIT_TESTSFAILED_ENV) == '1': # XXX it's place for future improvements # Test wrapper should terminate with 0 exit code if there are common test failures # and report it with trace-file machinery. # However, there are several case when we don't want to suppress exit_code: # - listing machinery doesn't use trace-file currently and rely on stdout and exit_code # - RestartTestException and InfrastructureException required non-zero exit_code to be processes correctly rc = 0 if profile: profile.disable() ps = pstats.Stats(profile, stream=sys.stderr).sort_stats('cumulative') ps.print_stats() if '--output-dir' in sys.argv: output_dir = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--output-dir') + 1] prof_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'pytest.profile') ps.dump_stats(prof_filename) try: import gprof2dot except ImportError as e: sys.stderr.write("Failed to generate call graph: {}\n".format(e)) gprof2dot = None if gprof2dot: import shlex dot_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '') args = [ prof_filename, '--format=pstats', '--output={}'.format(dot_filename), ] if 'PYTEST_GPROF2DOT_ARGS' in os.environ: x = os.environ['PYTEST_GPROF2DOT_ARGS'] args.extend(shlex.split(x)) gprof2dot.main(argv=args) sys.exit(rc) if __name__ == '__main__': main()