#include "core-inl.h"

#include <util/system/compiler.h>

#include <library/cpp/malloc/api/malloc.h>

#include <library/cpp/yt/memory/memory_tag.h>

namespace NYT::NYTAlloc {

// YTAlloc public API


void* Allocate(size_t size)
    return AllocateInline(size);

void* AllocateSmall(size_t rank)
    return AllocateSmallInline(rank);

void* AllocatePageAligned(size_t size)
    return AllocatePageAlignedInline(size);

void Free(void* ptr)

void FreeNonNull(void* ptr)

size_t GetAllocationSize(const void* ptr)
    return GetAllocationSizeInline(ptr);

size_t GetAllocationSize(size_t size)
    return GetAllocationSizeInline(size);



} // namespace NYT::NYTAlloc

namespace NYT {

using namespace NYTAlloc;

// Memory tags API bridge

TMemoryTag GetCurrentMemoryTag()
    return NYTAlloc::TThreadManager::GetCurrentMemoryTag();

void SetCurrentMemoryTag(TMemoryTag tag)

void GetMemoryUsageForTags(const TMemoryTag* tags, size_t count, size_t* results)
    StatisticsManager->GetTaggedMemoryUsage(tags, count, results);

size_t GetMemoryUsageForTag(TMemoryTag tag)
    size_t result;
    GetMemoryUsageForTags(&tag, 1, &result);
    return result;


} // namespace NYT

namespace NYT::NYTAlloc {

// Memory zone API bridge

void SetCurrentMemoryZone(EMemoryZone zone)

EMemoryZone GetCurrentMemoryZone()
    return TThreadManager::GetCurrentMemoryZone();

EMemoryZone GetAllocationMemoryZone(const void* ptr)
    auto uintptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
    if (uintptr >= MinUntaggedSmallPtr && uintptr < MaxUntaggedSmallPtr ||
        uintptr >= MinTaggedSmallPtr && uintptr < MaxTaggedSmallPtr ||
        uintptr >= DumpableLargeZoneStart && uintptr < DumpableLargeZoneEnd)
        return EMemoryZone::Normal;
    } else if (uintptr >= UndumpableLargeZoneStart && uintptr < UndumpableLargeZoneEnd) {
        return EMemoryZone::Undumpable;
    } else {
        return EMemoryZone::Unknown;

// Fiber id API

void SetCurrentFiberId(TFiberId id)

TFiberId GetCurrentFiberId()
    return TThreadManager::GetCurrentFiberId();


} // namespace NYT::NYTAlloc

// Libc malloc bridge


using namespace NYT::NYTAlloc;

extern "C" void* malloc(size_t size)
    return AllocateInline(size);

extern "C" void* valloc(size_t size)
    return AllocatePageAlignedInline(size);

extern "C" void* aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size)
    // Alignment must be a power of two.
    Y_ABORT_UNLESS((alignment & (alignment - 1)) == 0);
    // Alignment must not exceed the page size.
    Y_ABORT_UNLESS(alignment <= PageSize);
    if (alignment <= 16) {
        // Proper alignment here is automatic.
        return Allocate(size);
    } else {
        return AllocatePageAligned(size);

extern "C" void* pvalloc(size_t size)
    return valloc(AlignUp(size, PageSize));

extern "C" int posix_memalign(void** ptrPtr, size_t alignment, size_t size)
    *ptrPtr = aligned_alloc(alignment, size);
    return 0;

extern "C" void* memalign(size_t alignment, size_t size)
    return aligned_alloc(alignment, size);

extern "C" void* __libc_memalign(size_t alignment, size_t size)
    return aligned_alloc(alignment, size);

extern "C" void free(void* ptr)

extern "C" void* calloc(size_t n, size_t elemSize)
    // Overflow check.
    auto size = n * elemSize;
    if (elemSize != 0 && size / elemSize != n) {
        return nullptr;

    void* result = Allocate(size);
    ::memset(result, 0, size);
    return result;

extern "C" void cfree(void* ptr)

extern "C" void* realloc(void* oldPtr, size_t newSize)
    if (!oldPtr) {
        return Allocate(newSize);

    if (newSize == 0) {
        return nullptr;

    void* newPtr = Allocate(newSize);
    size_t oldSize = GetAllocationSize(oldPtr);
    ::memcpy(newPtr, oldPtr, std::min(oldSize, newSize));
    return newPtr;

extern "C" size_t malloc_usable_size(void* ptr) noexcept
    return GetAllocationSize(ptr);

extern "C" size_t nallocx(size_t size, int /* flags */) noexcept
    return GetAllocationSize(size);


namespace NMalloc {

// Arcadia malloc API bridge

TMallocInfo MallocInfo()
    TMallocInfo info;
    info.Name = "ytalloc";
    return info;


} // namespace NMalloc