#pragma once #include "format_analyser.h" #include <util/generic/strbuf.h> #if (!__clang__ || __clang_major__ < 16) #define YT_DISABLE_FORMAT_STATIC_ANALYSIS #endif namespace NYT { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Explicitly create TRuntimeFormat if you wish to // use runtime/non-literal value as format. class TRuntimeFormat { public: explicit TRuntimeFormat(TStringBuf fmt); TStringBuf Get() const noexcept; private: TStringBuf Format_; }; // This class used to properly bind to // string literals and allow compile-time parsing/checking // of those. If you need a runtime format, use TRuntimeFormat. template <class... TArgs> class TBasicFormatString { public: // Can be used to perform compile-time check of format. template <class T> requires std::constructible_from<std::string_view, T> consteval TBasicFormatString(const T& fmt); TBasicFormatString(TRuntimeFormat fmt); TStringBuf Get() const noexcept; static consteval void CheckFormattability(); // Data used for compile-time slicing of the format string. NDetail::TFormatAnalyser::TMarkerLocations<TArgs...> Markers = {}; NDetail::TFormatAnalyser::TEscapeLocations Escapes = {}; private: std::string_view Format_; template <class T> static void CrashCompilerClassIsNotFormattable(); }; // Used to properly infer template arguments in Format. template <class... TArgs> using TFormatString = TBasicFormatString<std::type_identity_t<TArgs>...>; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <class T> concept CStringLiteral = requires (T& t) { [] (const char*) { } (t); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace NYT #define FORMAT_STRING_INL_H_ #include "format_string-inl.h" #undef FORMAT_STRING_INL_H_