#ifndef NEW_INL_H_
#error "Direct inclusion of this file is not allowed, include new.h"
// For the sake of sane code completion.
#include "new.h"

#include <library/cpp/yt/malloc//malloc.h>

namespace NYT {


struct TRefCountedCookieHolder
    TRefCountedTypeCookie Cookie = NullRefCountedTypeCookie;

    void InitializeTracking(TRefCountedTypeCookie cookie)
        YT_ASSERT(Cookie == NullRefCountedTypeCookie);
        Cookie = cookie;

        if (Cookie != NullRefCountedTypeCookie) {

template <class T>
struct TRefCountedWrapper final
    : public T
    , public TRefTracked<T>
    template <class... TArgs>
    explicit TRefCountedWrapper(TArgs&&... args)
        : T(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...)
    { }

    ~TRefCountedWrapper() = default;

    void DestroyRefCounted() override

template <class T, class TDeleter>
class TRefCountedWrapperWithDeleter final
    : public T
    , public TRefTracked<T>
    template <class... TArgs>
    explicit TRefCountedWrapperWithDeleter(const TDeleter& deleter, TArgs&&... args)
        : T(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...)
        , Deleter_(deleter)
    { }

    ~TRefCountedWrapperWithDeleter() = default;

    void DestroyRefCounted() override

    TDeleter Deleter_;

template <class T>
struct TRefCountedWrapperWithCookie final
    : public T
    , public TRefCountedCookieHolder
    template <class... TArgs>
    explicit TRefCountedWrapperWithCookie(TArgs&&... args)
        : T(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...)
    { }

    ~TRefCountedWrapperWithCookie() = default;

    void DestroyRefCounted() override

namespace NDetail {

template <class... Args>
Y_FORCE_INLINE void CustomInitialize(Args... args)

template <class T>
Y_FORCE_INLINE auto CustomInitialize(T* ptr) -> decltype(&T::InitializeRefCounted, void())

template <class T, class... As>
Y_FORCE_INLINE T* NewEpilogue(void* ptr, As&& ... args)
    try {
        auto* instance = static_cast<T*>(ptr);
        new (instance) T(std::forward<As>(args)...);
        return instance;
    } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
        // Do not forget to free the memory.

template <class T, bool = std::is_base_of_v<TRefCountedBase, T>>
struct TConstructHelper
    static constexpr size_t RefCounterSpace = (sizeof(TRefCounter) + alignof(T) - 1) & ~(alignof(T) - 1);
    static constexpr size_t RefCounterOffset = RefCounterSpace - sizeof(TRefCounter);
    static constexpr size_t Size = RefCounterSpace + sizeof(T);
    static constexpr size_t Alignment = alignof(T);

    template <class... As>
    Y_FORCE_INLINE static T* Construct(void* ptr, As&&... args)
        auto* refCounter = reinterpret_cast<TRefCounter*>(static_cast<char*>(ptr) + RefCounterOffset);
        new (refCounter) TRefCounter();
        auto* object = reinterpret_cast<T*>(refCounter + 1);
        if constexpr (std::is_constructible_v<T, As...>) {
            new(object) T(std::forward<As>(args)...);
        } else {
            new(object) T{std::forward<As>(args)...};
        return object;

template <class T>
struct TConstructHelper<T, true>
    static constexpr size_t Size = sizeof(TRefCountedWrapper<T>);
    static constexpr size_t Alignment = alignof(TRefCountedWrapper<T>);

    template <class... As>
    Y_FORCE_INLINE static TRefCountedWrapper<T>* Construct(void* ptr, As&&... args)
        using TDerived = TRefCountedWrapper<T>;
        auto* object = new(static_cast<TDerived*>(ptr)) TDerived(std::forward<As>(args)...);
        return object;

template <class T, class... As>
Y_FORCE_INLINE TIntrusivePtr<T> SafeConstruct(void* ptr, As&&... args)
    try {
        auto* instance = TConstructHelper<T>::Construct(ptr, std::forward<As>(args)...);
        return TIntrusivePtr<T>(instance, false);
    } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
        // Do not forget to free the memory.

template <size_t Size, size_t Alignment>
void* AllocateConstSizeAligned()
#ifdef _win_
    return ::aligned_malloc(Size, Alignment);
    if (Alignment <= alignof(std::max_align_t)) {
        return ::malloc(Size);
    } else {
        return ::aligned_malloc(Size, Alignment);

} // namespace NDetail


template <class T, class... As, class>
Y_FORCE_INLINE TIntrusivePtr<T> New(
    As&&... args)
    void* ptr = NYT::NDetail::AllocateConstSizeAligned<

    return NYT::NDetail::SafeConstruct<T>(ptr, std::forward<As>(args)...);

template <class T, class... As, class>
Y_FORCE_INLINE TIntrusivePtr<T> New(
    typename T::TAllocator* allocator,
    As&&... args)
    auto* ptr = allocator->Allocate(NYT::NDetail::TConstructHelper<T>::Size);
    if (!ptr) {
        return nullptr;
    return NYT::NDetail::SafeConstruct<T>(ptr, std::forward<As>(args)...);


template <class T, class... As, class>
Y_FORCE_INLINE TIntrusivePtr<T> NewWithExtraSpace(
    size_t extraSpaceSize,
    As&&... args)
    auto totalSize = NYT::NDetail::TConstructHelper<T>::Size + extraSpaceSize;
    void* ptr = nullptr;

#ifdef _win_
    ptr = ::aligned_malloc(totalSize, NYT::NDetail::TConstructHelper<T>::Alignment);
    if (NYT::NDetail::TConstructHelper<T>::Alignment <= alignof(std::max_align_t)) {
        ptr = ::malloc(totalSize);
    } else {
        ptr = ::aligned_malloc(totalSize, NYT::NDetail::TConstructHelper<T>::Alignment);

    return NYT::NDetail::SafeConstruct<T>(ptr, std::forward<As>(args)...);

template <class T, class... As, class>
Y_FORCE_INLINE TIntrusivePtr<T> NewWithExtraSpace(
    typename T::TAllocator* allocator,
    size_t extraSpaceSize,
    As&&... args)
    auto totalSize = NYT::NDetail::TConstructHelper<T>::Size + extraSpaceSize;
    auto* ptr = allocator->Allocate(totalSize);
    if (!ptr) {
        return nullptr;
    return NYT::NDetail::SafeConstruct<T>(ptr, std::forward<As>(args)...);


// Support for polymorphic only
template <class T, class TDeleter, class... As>
Y_FORCE_INLINE TIntrusivePtr<T> NewWithDelete(const TDeleter& deleter, As&&... args)
    using TWrapper = TRefCountedWrapperWithDeleter<T, TDeleter>;
    void* ptr = NYT::NDetail::AllocateConstSizeAligned<sizeof(TWrapper), alignof(TWrapper)>();

    auto* instance = NYT::NDetail::NewEpilogue<TWrapper>(

    return TIntrusivePtr<T>(instance, false);


template <class T, class TTag, int Counter, class... As>
Y_FORCE_INLINE TIntrusivePtr<T> NewWithLocation(
    const TSourceLocation& location,
    As&&... args)
    using TWrapper = TRefCountedWrapperWithCookie<T>;
    void* ptr = NYT::NDetail::AllocateConstSizeAligned<sizeof(TWrapper), alignof(TWrapper)>();

    auto* instance = NYT::NDetail::NewEpilogue<TWrapper>(ptr, std::forward<As>(args)...);

    instance->InitializeTracking(GetRefCountedTypeCookieWithLocation<T, TTag, Counter>(location));

    return TIntrusivePtr<T>(instance, false);


template <class T>
const void* TWithExtraSpace<T>::GetExtraSpacePtr() const
    return static_cast<const T*>(this) + 1;

template <class T>
void* TWithExtraSpace<T>::GetExtraSpacePtr()
    return static_cast<T*>(this) + 1;

template <class T>
size_t TWithExtraSpace<T>::GetUsableSpaceSize() const
#ifdef _win_
    return 0;
    return malloc_usable_size(const_cast<T*>(static_cast<const T*>(this))) - sizeof(T);


} // namespace NYT