#pragma once #include "xml-document.h" #include "xml-options.h" #include <contrib/libs/libxml/include/libxml/xmlreader.h> #include <library/cpp/string_utils/ztstrbuf/ztstrbuf.h> #include <util/generic/noncopyable.h> #include <util/generic/ptr.h> #include <util/generic/strbuf.h> #include <util/generic/string.h> #include <functional> #include <util/stream/input.h> #include <util/stream/str.h> namespace NXml { /** * TextReader Parser * * API of the XML streaming API based on C# interfaces. * Provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to XML data. * * Like the SAX parser, the TextReader parser is suitable for sequential * parsing, but instead of implementing handlers for specific parts of the * document, it allows you to detect the current node type, process the node * accordingly, and skip forward in the document as much as necessary. * * Unlike the DOM parser, you may not move backwards in the XML document. * And unlike the SAX parser, you must not waste time processing nodes that do not * interest you. * * All methods are on the single parser instance, but their result depends on the current context. * For instance, use Read() to move to the next node, and MoveToElement() to navigate to child nodes. * These methods will return false when no more nodes are available. Then use * methods such as GetName() and GetValue() to examine the elements and their attributes. * * This wrapper is inspired by TextReader from libxml++. */ class TTextReader: private TNonCopyable { public: // strongly-typed alias for enum from xmlreader.h enum class ENodeType : int { // clang-format off Attribute = XML_READER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, CDATA = XML_READER_TYPE_CDATA, Comment = XML_READER_TYPE_COMMENT, Document = XML_READER_TYPE_DOCUMENT, DocumentFragment = XML_READER_TYPE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT, DocumentType = XML_READER_TYPE_DOCUMENT_TYPE, Element = XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT, EndElement = XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT, EndEntity = XML_READER_TYPE_END_ENTITY, Entity = XML_READER_TYPE_ENTITY, EntityReference = XML_READER_TYPE_ENTITY_REFERENCE, None = XML_READER_TYPE_NONE, Notation = XML_READER_TYPE_NOTATION, ProcessingInstruction = XML_READER_TYPE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, SignificantWhitespace = XML_READER_TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE, Text = XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT, Whitespace = XML_READER_TYPE_WHITESPACE, XmlDeclaration = XML_READER_TYPE_XML_DECLARATION, // clang-format on }; enum class EReadState : int { // clang-format off Closed = XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_CLOSED, EndOfFile = XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_EOF, Error = XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_ERROR, Initial = XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_INITIAL, Interactive = XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_INTERACTIVE, Reading = XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_READING, // clang-format on }; public: TTextReader(IInputStream& stream, const TOptions& options = TOptions()); ~TTextReader(); /** * Moves the position of the current instance to the next node in the stream, exposing its properties. * @return true if the node was read successfully, false if there are no more nodes to read */ bool Read(); /** * Reads the contents of the current node, including child nodes and markup. * @return A string containing the XML content, or an empty string * if the current node is neither an element nor attribute, or has no child nodes */ TString ReadInnerXml() const; /** * Reads the current node and its contents, including child nodes and markup. * @return A string containing the XML content, or an empty string * if the current node is neither an element nor attribute */ TString ReadOuterXml() const; /** * Reads the contents of an element or a text node as a string. * @return A string containing the contents of the Element or Text node, * or an empty string if the reader is positioned on any other type of node */ TString ReadString() const; /** * Parses an attribute value into one or more Text and EntityReference nodes. * @return A bool where true indicates the attribute value was parsed, * and false indicates the reader was not positioned on an attribute node * or all the attribute values have been read */ bool ReadAttributeValue() const; /** * Gets the number of attributes on the current node. * @return The number of attributes on the current node, or zero if the current node * does not support attributes */ int GetAttributeCount() const; /** * Gets the base Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the current node. * @return The base URI of the current node or an empty string if not available */ TStringBuf GetBaseUri() const; /** * Gets the depth of the current node in the XML document. * @return The depth of the current node in the XML document */ int GetDepth() const; /** * Gets a value indicating whether the current node has any attributes. * @return true if the current has attributes, false otherwise */ bool HasAttributes() const; /** * Whether the node can have a text value. * @return true if the current node can have an associated text value, false otherwise */ bool HasValue() const; /** * Whether an Attribute node was generated from the default value defined in the DTD or schema. * @return true if defaulted, false otherwise */ bool IsDefault() const; /** * Check if the current node is empty. * @return true if empty, false otherwise */ bool IsEmptyElement() const; /** * The local name of the node. * @return the local name or empty string if not available */ TStringBuf GetLocalName() const; /** * The qualified name of the node, equal to Prefix:LocalName. * @return the name or empty string if not available */ TStringBuf GetName() const; /** * The URI defining the namespace associated with the node. * @return the namespace URI or empty string if not available */ TStringBuf GetNamespaceUri() const; /** * Get the node type of the current node. * @return the ENodeType of the current node */ ENodeType GetNodeType() const; /** * Get the namespace prefix associated with the current node. * @return the namespace prefix, or an empty string if not available */ TStringBuf GetPrefix() const; /** * Get the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of an attribute. * @return " or ' */ char GetQuoteChar() const; /** * Provides the text value of the node if present. * @return the string or empty if not available */ TStringBuf GetValue() const; /** * Gets the read state of the reader. * @return the state value */ EReadState GetReadState() const; /** * This method releases any resources allocated by the current instance * changes the state to Closed and close any underlying input. */ void Close(); /** * Provides the value of the attribute with the specified index relative to the containing element. * @param number the zero-based index of the attribute relative to the containing element */ TString GetAttribute(int number) const; /** * Provides the value of the attribute with the specified qualified name. * @param name the qualified name of the attribute */ TString GetAttribute(TZtStringBuf name) const; /** * Provides the value of the specified attribute. * @param localName the local name of the attribute * @param nsUri the namespace URI of the attribute */ TString GetAttribute(TZtStringBuf localName, TZtStringBuf nsUri) const; /** * Resolves a namespace prefix in the scope of the current element. * @param prefix the prefix whose namespace URI is to be resolved. To return the default namespace, specify empty string. * @return a string containing the namespace URI to which the prefix maps. */ TString LookupNamespace(TZtStringBuf prefix) const; /** * Moves the position of the current instance to the attribute with the specified index relative to the containing element. * @param number the zero-based index of the attribute relative to the containing element * @return true in case of success, false if not found */ bool MoveToAttribute(int number); /** * Moves the position of the current instance to the attribute with the specified qualified name. * @param name the qualified name of the attribute * @return true in case of success, false if not found */ bool MoveToAttribute(TZtStringBuf name); /** * Moves the position of the current instance to the attribute with the specified local name and namespace URI. * @param localName the local name of the attribute * @param nsUri the namespace URI of the attribute * @return true in case of success, false if not found */ bool MoveToAttribute(TZtStringBuf localName, TZtStringBuf nsUri); /** * Moves the position of the current instance to the first attribute associated with the current node. * @return true in case of success, false if not found */ bool MoveToFirstAttribute(); /** * Moves the position of the current instance to the next attribute associated with the current node. * @return true in case of success, false if not found */ bool MoveToNextAttribute(); /** * Moves the position of the current instance to the node that contains the current Attribute node. * @return true in case of success, false if not found */ bool MoveToElement(); /** * Reads the contents of the current node and the full subtree. It then makes the subtree available until the next Read() call. */ TConstNode Expand() const; /** * Skip to the node following the current one in document order while avoiding the subtree if any. * @return true if the node was read successfully, false if there is no more nodes to read */ bool Next(); /** * Retrieve the validity status from the parser context. */ bool IsValid() const; private: static int ReadFromInputStreamCallback(void* context, char* buffer, int len); static void OnLibxmlError(void* arg, const char* msg, xmlParserSeverities severity, xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr locator); void SetupErrorHandler(); TStringStream& LogError() const; void CheckForExceptions() const; void ThrowException() const; // helpers that check return codes of C functions from libxml bool BoolResult(int value) const; int IntResult(int value) const; char CharResult(int value) const; TStringBuf ConstStringResult(const xmlChar* value) const; TStringBuf ConstStringOrEmptyResult(const xmlChar* value) const; TString TempStringResult(TCharPtr value) const; TString TempStringOrEmptyResult(TCharPtr value) const; private: IInputStream& Stream; mutable bool IsError; mutable TStringStream ErrorBuffer; struct TDeleter; THolder<xmlTextReader, TDeleter> Impl; }; }