#pragma once #include "compare.h" #include <util/generic/algorithm.h> #include <util/generic/noncopyable.h> #include <util/generic/typetraits.h> #include <util/memory/pool.h> #include <util/random/random.h> #include <util/system/atomic.h> namespace NThreading { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TNopCounter { protected: template <typename T> void OnInsert(const T&) { } template <typename T> void OnUpdate(const T&) { } void Reset() { } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TSizeCounter { private: size_t Size; public: TSizeCounter() : Size(0) { } size_t GetSize() const { return Size; } protected: template <typename T> void OnInsert(const T&) { ++Size; } template <typename T> void OnUpdate(const T&) { } void Reset() { Size = 0; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Append-only concurrent skip-list // // Readers do not require any synchronization. // Writers should be externally synchronized. // Nodes will be allocated using TMemoryPool instance. template < typename T, typename TComparer = TCompare<T>, typename TAllocator = TMemoryPool, typename TCounter = TSizeCounter, int MaxHeight = 12, int Branching = 4> class TSkipList: public TCounter, private TNonCopyable { class TNode { private: T Value; // should be immutable after insert TNode* Next[]; // variable-size array maximum of MaxHeight values public: TNode(T&& value) : Value(std::move(value)) { Y_UNUSED(Next); } const T& GetValue() const { return Value; } T& GetValue() { return Value; } TNode* GetNext(int height) const { return AtomicGet(Next[height]); } void Link(int height, TNode** prev) { for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) { Next[i] = prev[i]->Next[i]; AtomicSet(prev[i]->Next[i], this); } } }; public: class TIterator { private: const TSkipList* List; const TNode* Node; public: TIterator() : List(nullptr) , Node(nullptr) { } TIterator(const TSkipList* list, const TNode* node) : List(list) , Node(node) { } TIterator(const TIterator& other) : List(other.List) , Node(other.Node) { } TIterator& operator=(const TIterator& other) { List = other.List; Node = other.Node; return *this; } void Next() { Node = Node ? Node->GetNext(0) : nullptr; } // much less efficient than Next as our list is single-linked void Prev() { if (Node) { TNode* node = List->FindLessThan(Node->GetValue(), nullptr); Node = (node != List->Head ? node : nullptr); } } void Reset() { Node = nullptr; } bool IsValid() const { return Node != nullptr; } const T& GetValue() const { Y_ASSERT(IsValid()); return Node->GetValue(); } }; private: TAllocator& Allocator; TComparer Comparer; TNode* Head; TAtomic Height; TCounter Counter; TNode* Prev[MaxHeight]; template <typename TValue> using TComparerReturnType = std::invoke_result_t<TComparer, const T&, const TValue&>; public: TSkipList(TAllocator& allocator, const TComparer& comparer = TComparer()) : Allocator(allocator) , Comparer(comparer) { Init(); } ~TSkipList() { CallDtors(); } void Clear() { CallDtors(); Allocator.ClearKeepFirstChunk(); Init(); } bool Insert(T value) { TNode* node = PrepareInsert(value); if (Y_UNLIKELY(node && Compare(node, value) == 0)) { // we do not allow duplicates return false; } node = DoInsert(std::move(value)); TCounter::OnInsert(node->GetValue()); return true; } template <typename TInsertAction, typename TUpdateAction> bool Insert(const T& value, TInsertAction insert, TUpdateAction update) { TNode* node = PrepareInsert(value); if (Y_UNLIKELY(node && Compare(node, value) == 0)) { if (update(node->GetValue())) { TCounter::OnUpdate(node->GetValue()); return true; } // we do not allow duplicates return false; } node = DoInsert(insert(value)); TCounter::OnInsert(node->GetValue()); return true; } template <typename TValue> bool Contains(const TValue& value) const { TNode* node = FindGreaterThanOrEqual(value); return node && Compare(node, value) == 0; } TIterator SeekToFirst() const { return TIterator(this, FindFirst()); } TIterator SeekToLast() const { TNode* last = FindLast(); return TIterator(this, last != Head ? last : nullptr); } template <typename TValue> TIterator SeekTo(const TValue& value) const { return TIterator(this, FindGreaterThanOrEqual(value)); } private: static int RandomHeight() { int height = 1; while (height < MaxHeight && (RandomNumber<unsigned int>() % Branching) == 0) { ++height; } return height; } void Init() { Head = AllocateRootNode(); Height = 1; TCounter::Reset(); for (int i = 0; i < MaxHeight; ++i) { Prev[i] = Head; } } void CallDtors() { if (!TTypeTraits<T>::IsPod) { // we should explicitly call destructors for our nodes TNode* node = Head->GetNext(0); while (node) { TNode* next = node->GetNext(0); node->~TNode(); node = next; } } } TNode* AllocateRootNode() { size_t size = sizeof(TNode) + sizeof(TNode*) * MaxHeight; void* buffer = Allocator.Allocate(size); memset(buffer, 0, size); return static_cast<TNode*>(buffer); } TNode* AllocateNode(T&& value, int height) { size_t size = sizeof(TNode) + sizeof(TNode*) * height; void* buffer = Allocator.Allocate(size); memset(buffer, 0, size); return new (buffer) TNode(std::move(value)); } TNode* FindFirst() const { return Head->GetNext(0); } TNode* FindLast() const { TNode* node = Head; int height = AtomicGet(Height) - 1; while (true) { TNode* next = node->GetNext(height); if (next) { node = next; continue; } if (height) { --height; } else { return node; } } } template <typename TValue> TComparerReturnType<TValue> Compare(const TNode* node, const TValue& value) const { return Comparer(node->GetValue(), value); } template <typename TValue> TNode* FindLessThan(const TValue& value, TNode** links) const { TNode* node = Head; int height = AtomicGet(Height) - 1; TNode* prev = nullptr; while (true) { TNode* next = node->GetNext(height); if (next && next != prev) { TComparerReturnType<TValue> cmp = Compare(next, value); if (cmp < 0) { node = next; continue; } } if (links) { // collect links from upper levels links[height] = node; } if (height) { prev = next; --height; } else { return node; } } } template <typename TValue> TNode* FindGreaterThanOrEqual(const TValue& value) const { TNode* node = Head; int height = AtomicGet(Height) - 1; TNode* prev = nullptr; while (true) { TNode* next = node->GetNext(height); if (next && next != prev) { TComparerReturnType<TValue> cmp = Compare(next, value); if (cmp < 0) { node = next; continue; } if (cmp == 0) { return next; } } if (height) { prev = next; --height; } else { return next; } } } TNode* PrepareInsert(const T& value) { TNode* prev = Prev[0]; TNode* next = prev->GetNext(0); if ((prev == Head || Compare(prev, value) < 0) && (next == nullptr || Compare(next, value) >= 0)) { // avoid seek in case of sequential insert } else { prev = FindLessThan(value, Prev); next = prev->GetNext(0); } return next; } TNode* DoInsert(T&& value) { // choose level to place new node int currentHeight = AtomicGet(Height); int height = RandomHeight(); if (height > currentHeight) { for (int i = currentHeight; i < height; ++i) { // head should link to all levels Prev[i] = Head; } AtomicSet(Height, height); } TNode* node = AllocateNode(std::move(value), height); node->Link(height, Prev); // keep last inserted node to optimize sequential inserts for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { Prev[i] = node; } return node; } }; }