#include "registar.h" #include <library/cpp/diff/diff.h> #include <library/cpp/colorizer/colors.h> #include <util/generic/bt_exception.h> #include <util/random/fast.h> #include <util/string/printf.h> #include <util/system/backtrace.h> #include <util/system/guard.h> #include <util/system/tls.h> #include <util/system/error.h> #include <util/string/cast.h> bool NUnitTest::ShouldColorizeDiff = true; TString NUnitTest::RandomString(size_t len, ui32 seed) { TReallyFastRng32 rand(seed); TString ret; ret.reserve(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ret.push_back(char(rand.Uniform(1, 128))); } return ret; } Y_POD_STATIC_THREAD(bool) UnittestThread; Y_POD_STATIC_THREAD(NUnitTest::TTestBase*) currentTest; ::NUnitTest::TRaiseErrorHandler RaiseErrorHandler; void ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::RaiseError(const char* what, const TString& msg, bool fatalFailure) { Y_VERIFY(UnittestThread, "%s in non-unittest thread with message:\n%s", what, msg.data()); Y_VERIFY(GetCurrentTest()); if (RaiseErrorHandler) { RaiseErrorHandler(what, msg, fatalFailure); return; } // Default handler TBackTrace bt; bt.Capture(); GetCurrentTest()->AddError(msg.data(), bt.PrintToString()); if (!fatalFailure) { return; } throw TAssertException(); } void ::NUnitTest::SetRaiseErrorHandler(::NUnitTest::TRaiseErrorHandler handler) { Y_VERIFY(UnittestThread); RaiseErrorHandler = std::move(handler); } void ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::SetUnittestThread(bool unittestThread) { Y_VERIFY(UnittestThread != unittestThread, "state check"); UnittestThread = unittestThread; } void ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::SetCurrentTest(TTestBase* test) { Y_VERIFY(!test || !currentTest, "state check"); currentTest = test; } NUnitTest::TTestBase* ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::GetCurrentTest() { return currentTest; } struct TDiffColorizer { NColorizer::TColors Colors; bool Reverse = false; explicit TDiffColorizer(bool reverse = false) : Reverse(reverse) { } TString Special(TStringBuf str) const { return ToString(Colors.YellowColor()) + str; } TString Common(TArrayRef<const char> str) const { return ToString(Colors.OldColor()) + TString(str.begin(), str.end()); } TString Left(TArrayRef<const char> str) const { return ToString(GetLeftColor()) + TString(str.begin(), str.end()); } TString Right(TArrayRef<const char> str) const { return ToString(GetRightColor()) + TString(str.begin(), str.end()); } TStringBuf GetLeftColor() const { return Reverse ? Colors.RedColor() : Colors.GreenColor(); } TStringBuf GetRightColor() const { return Reverse ? Colors.GreenColor() : Colors.RedColor(); } }; struct TTraceDiffFormatter { bool Reverse = false; explicit TTraceDiffFormatter(bool reverse = false) : Reverse(reverse) { } TString Special(TStringBuf str) const { return ToString(str); } TString Common(TArrayRef<const char> str) const { return TString(str.begin(), str.end()); } TString Left(TArrayRef<const char> str) const { return NUnitTest::GetFormatTag("good") + TString(str.begin(), str.end()) + NUnitTest::GetResetTag(); } TString Right(TArrayRef<const char> str) const { return NUnitTest::GetFormatTag("bad") + TString(str.begin(), str.end()) + NUnitTest::GetResetTag(); } }; TString NUnitTest::GetFormatTag(const char* name) { return Sprintf("[[%s]]", name); } TString NUnitTest::GetResetTag() { return TString("[[rst]]"); } TString NUnitTest::ColoredDiff(TStringBuf s1, TStringBuf s2, const TString& delims, bool reverse) { TStringStream res; TVector<NDiff::TChunk<char>> chunks; NDiff::InlineDiff(chunks, s1, s2, delims); if (NUnitTest::ShouldColorizeDiff) { NDiff::PrintChunks(res, TDiffColorizer(reverse), chunks); } else { res << NUnitTest::GetResetTag(); NDiff::PrintChunks(res, TTraceDiffFormatter(reverse), chunks); } return res.Str(); } static TString MakeTestName(const NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::TTest& test) { return TStringBuilder() << test.unit->name << "::" << test.name; } static size_t CountTests(const TMap<TString, size_t>& testErrors, bool succeeded) { size_t cnt = 0; for (const auto& t : testErrors) { if (succeeded && t.second == 0) { ++cnt; } else if (!succeeded && t.second > 0) { ++cnt; } } return cnt; } NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::ITestSuiteProcessor() = default; NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::~ITestSuiteProcessor() = default; void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::Start() { OnStart(); } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::End() { OnEnd(); } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::UnitStart(const TUnit& unit) { CurTestErrors_.clear(); OnUnitStart(&unit); } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::UnitStop(const TUnit& unit) { OnUnitStop(&unit); } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::Error(const TError& descr) { AddTestError(*descr.test); OnError(&descr); } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::BeforeTest(const TTest& test) { OnBeforeTest(&test); } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::Finish(const TFinish& descr) { AddTestFinish(*descr.test); OnFinish(&descr); } unsigned NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::GoodTests() const noexcept { return CountTests(TestErrors_, true); } unsigned NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::FailTests() const noexcept { return CountTests(TestErrors_, false); } unsigned NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::GoodTestsInCurrentUnit() const noexcept { return CountTests(CurTestErrors_, true); } unsigned NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::FailTestsInCurrentUnit() const noexcept { return CountTests(CurTestErrors_, false); } bool NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::CheckAccess(TString /*name*/, size_t /*num*/) { return true; } bool NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::CheckAccessTest(TString /*suite*/, const char* /*name*/) { return true; } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::Run(std::function<void()> f, const TString& /*suite*/, const char* /*name*/, const bool /*forceFork*/) { f(); } bool NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::GetIsForked() const { return false; } bool NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::GetForkTests() const { return false; } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::OnStart() { } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::OnEnd() { } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::OnUnitStart(const TUnit* /*unit*/) { } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::OnUnitStop(const TUnit* /*unit*/) { } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::OnError(const TError* /*error*/) { } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::OnFinish(const TFinish* /*finish*/) { } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::OnBeforeTest(const TTest* /*test*/) { } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::AddTestError(const TTest& test) { const TString name = MakeTestName(test); ++TestErrors_[name]; ++CurTestErrors_[name]; } void NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::AddTestFinish(const TTest& test) { const TString name = MakeTestName(test); TestErrors_[name]; // zero errors if not touched CurTestErrors_[name]; // zero errors if not touched } NUnitTest::ITestBaseFactory::ITestBaseFactory() { Register(); } NUnitTest::ITestBaseFactory::~ITestBaseFactory() = default; void NUnitTest::ITestBaseFactory::Register() noexcept { TTestFactory::Instance().Register(this); } NUnitTest::TTestBase::TTestBase() noexcept : Parent_(nullptr) , TestErrors_() , CurrentSubtest_() { } NUnitTest::TTestBase::~TTestBase() = default; TString NUnitTest::TTestBase::TypeId() const { return TypeName(*this); } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::SetUp() { } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::TearDown() { } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::AddError(const char* msg, const TString& backtrace, TTestContext* context) { ++TestErrors_; const NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::TUnit unit = {Name()}; const NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::TTest test = {&unit, CurrentSubtest_}; const NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::TError err = {&test, msg, backtrace, context}; Processor()->Error(err); } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::AddError(const char* msg, TTestContext* context) { AddError(msg, TString(), context); } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::RunAfterTest(std::function<void()> f) { with_lock (AfterTestFunctionsLock_) { AfterTestFunctions_.emplace_back(std::move(f)); } } bool NUnitTest::TTestBase::CheckAccessTest(const char* test) { return Processor()->CheckAccessTest(Name(), test); } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::BeforeTest(const char* func) { const NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::TUnit unit = {Name()}; const NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::TTest test = {&unit, func}; rusage.Fill(); Processor()->BeforeTest(test); } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::Finish(const char* func, TTestContext* context) { TRusage finishRusage = TRusage::Get(); context->Metrics["ru_rss"] = finishRusage.MaxRss - rusage.MaxRss; context->Metrics["ru_major_pagefaults"] = finishRusage.MajorPageFaults - rusage.MajorPageFaults; context->Metrics["ru_utime"] = (finishRusage.Utime - rusage.Utime).MicroSeconds(); context->Metrics["ru_stime"] = (finishRusage.Stime - rusage.Stime).MicroSeconds(); const NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::TUnit unit = {Name()}; const NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::TTest test = {&unit, func}; const NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::TFinish finish = {&test, context, TestErrors_ == 0}; Processor()->Finish(finish); } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::AtStart() { const NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::TUnit unit = {Name()}; Processor()->UnitStart(unit); } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::AtEnd() { const NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor::TUnit unit = {Name()}; Processor()->UnitStop(unit); } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::Run(std::function<void()> f, const TString& suite, const char* name, const bool forceFork) { TestErrors_ = 0; CurrentSubtest_ = name; Processor()->Run(f, suite, name, forceFork); } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::BeforeTest() { SetUp(); } void NUnitTest::TTestBase::AfterTest() { TearDown(); TVector<std::function<void()>> afterTestFunctions; with_lock (AfterTestFunctionsLock_) { afterTestFunctions.swap(AfterTestFunctions_); } for (auto i = afterTestFunctions.rbegin(); i != afterTestFunctions.rend(); ++i) { std::function<void()>& f = *i; if (f) { f(); } } } bool NUnitTest::TTestBase::GetIsForked() const { return Processor()->GetIsForked(); } bool NUnitTest::TTestBase::GetForkTests() const { return Processor()->GetForkTests(); } NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor* NUnitTest::TTestBase::Processor() const noexcept { return Parent_->Processor(); } NUnitTest::TTestBase::TCleanUp::TCleanUp(TTestBase* base) : Base_(base) { ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::SetCurrentTest(base); ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::SetUnittestThread(true); Base_->BeforeTest(); } NUnitTest::TTestBase::TCleanUp::~TCleanUp() { try { Base_->AfterTest(); } catch (...) { Base_->AddError(CurrentExceptionMessage().data()); } ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::SetUnittestThread(false); ::NUnitTest::NPrivate::SetCurrentTest(nullptr); } namespace { /* * by default do nothing */ class TCommonProcessor: public NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor { public: TCommonProcessor() = default; ~TCommonProcessor() override = default; }; struct TCmp { template <class T> inline bool operator()(const T& l, const T& r) const noexcept { return stricmp(Fix(l.Name().data()), Fix(r.Name().data())) < 0; } static inline const char* Fix(const char* n) noexcept { if (*n == 'T') { return n + 1; } return n; } }; } NUnitTest::TTestFactory::TTestFactory(ITestSuiteProcessor* processor) : Processor_(processor) { } NUnitTest::TTestFactory::~TTestFactory() = default; NUnitTest::TTestFactory& NUnitTest::TTestFactory::Instance() { static TCommonProcessor p; static TTestFactory f(&p); return f; } unsigned NUnitTest::TTestFactory::Execute() { Items_.QuickSort(TCmp()); Processor_->Start(); TSet<TString> types; size_t cnt = 0; for (TIntrusiveList<ITestBaseFactory>::TIterator factory = Items_.Begin(); factory != Items_.End(); ++factory) { if (!Processor_->CheckAccess(factory->Name(), cnt++)) { continue; } THolder<TTestBase> test(factory->ConstructTest()); #ifdef _unix_ // on Windows RTTI causes memory leaks TString type = test->TypeId(); if (types.insert(type).second == false) { warnx("Duplicate suite found: %s (%s). Probably you have copy-pasted suite without changing it name", factory->Name().c_str(), type.c_str()); return 1; } #endif // _unix_ test->Parent_ = this; #ifdef UT_SKIP_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif test->Execute(); #ifdef UT_SKIP_EXCEPTIONS } catch (...) { } #endif } Processor_->End(); return bool(Processor_->FailTests()); } void NUnitTest::TTestFactory::SetProcessor(ITestSuiteProcessor* processor) { Processor_ = processor; } void NUnitTest::TTestFactory::Register(ITestBaseFactory* b) noexcept { Items_.PushBack(b); } NUnitTest::ITestSuiteProcessor* NUnitTest::TTestFactory::Processor() const noexcept { return Processor_; }