#include "junit.h" #include <library/cpp/json/json_reader.h> #include <library/cpp/json/writer/json.h> #include <library/cpp/json/writer/json_value.h> #include <util/charset/utf8.h> #include <util/generic/scope.h> #include <util/generic/size_literals.h> #include <util/stream/file.h> #include <util/stream/input.h> #include <util/system/backtrace.h> #include <util/system/env.h> #include <util/system/file.h> #include <util/system/fs.h> #include <util/system/file.h> #include <util/system/fstat.h> #include <util/system/tempfile.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #if defined(_win_) #include <io.h> #endif namespace NUnitTest { extern const TString Y_UNITTEST_OUTPUT_CMDLINE_OPTION = "Y_UNITTEST_OUTPUT"; extern const TString Y_UNITTEST_TEST_FILTER_FILE_OPTION = "Y_UNITTEST_FILTER_FILE"; static bool IsAllowed(wchar32 c) { // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valid_characters_in_XML return c == 0x9 || c == 0xA || c == 0xD || c >= 0x20 && c <= 0xD7FF || c >= 0xE000 && c <= 0xFFFD || c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0x10FFFF; } static TString SanitizeString(TString s) { TString escaped; bool fixedSomeChars = false; const unsigned char* i = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(s.data()); const unsigned char* end = i + s.size(); auto replaceChar = [&]() { if (!fixedSomeChars) { fixedSomeChars = true; escaped.reserve(s.size()); escaped.insert(escaped.end(), s.data(), reinterpret_cast<const char*>(i)); } escaped.push_back('?'); }; while (i < end) { wchar32 rune; size_t runeLen; const RECODE_RESULT result = SafeReadUTF8Char(rune, runeLen, i, end); if (result == RECODE_OK) { if (IsAllowed(rune)) { if (fixedSomeChars) { escaped.insert(escaped.end(), reinterpret_cast<const char*>(i), reinterpret_cast<const char*>(i + runeLen)); } } else { replaceChar(); } i += runeLen; } else { replaceChar(); ++i; } } if (fixedSomeChars) { return escaped; } else { return s; } } struct TJUnitProcessor::TOutputCapturer { static constexpr int STDOUT_FD = 1; static constexpr int STDERR_FD = 2; TOutputCapturer(int fd) : FdToCapture(fd) , TmpFile(MakeTempName()) { { #if defined(_win_) TFileHandle f((FHANDLE)_get_osfhandle(FdToCapture)); #else TFileHandle f(FdToCapture); #endif TFileHandle other(f.Duplicate()); Original.Swap(other); f.Release(); } TFileHandle captured(TmpFile.Name(), EOpenModeFlag::OpenAlways | EOpenModeFlag::RdWr); fflush(nullptr); captured.Duplicate2Posix(FdToCapture); } ~TOutputCapturer() { Uncapture(); } void Uncapture() { if (Original.IsOpen()) { fflush(nullptr); Original.Duplicate2Posix(FdToCapture); Original.Close(); } } TString GetTmpFileName() { Uncapture(); return TmpFile.Name(); } TString GetCapturedString() { Uncapture(); TFile captured(TmpFile.Name(), EOpenModeFlag::RdOnly); i64 len = captured.GetLength(); if (len > 0) { try { constexpr size_t LIMIT = 10_KB; constexpr size_t PART_LIMIT = 5_KB; TStringBuilder out; if (static_cast<size_t>(len) <= LIMIT) { out.resize(len); captured.Read((void*)out.data(), len); } else { // Read first 5_KB { TString first; first.resize(PART_LIMIT); captured.Read((void*)first.data(), PART_LIMIT); size_t lastNewLine = first.find_last_of('\n'); if (lastNewLine == TString::npos) { out << first << Endl; } else { out << TStringBuf(first.c_str(), lastNewLine); } } out << Endl << Endl << "...SKIPPED..." << Endl << Endl; // Read last 5_KB { TString last; last.resize(PART_LIMIT); captured.Seek(-PART_LIMIT, sEnd); captured.Read((void*)last.data(), PART_LIMIT); size_t newLine = last.find_first_of('\n'); if (newLine == TString::npos) { out << last << Endl; } else { out << TStringBuf(last.c_str() + newLine + 1); } } } if (out.back() != '\n') { out << Endl; } return std::move(out); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { Cerr << "Failed to read from captured output: " << ex.what() << Endl; } } return {}; } const int FdToCapture; TFileHandle Original; TTempFile TmpFile; }; TJUnitProcessor::TJUnitProcessor(TString file, TString exec, EOutputFormat outputFormat) : FileName(file) , ExecName(exec) , OutputFormat(outputFormat) { } TJUnitProcessor::~TJUnitProcessor() { Save(); } void TJUnitProcessor::OnBeforeTest(const TTest* test) { CurrentTest.emplace(test); CaptureSignal(this); if (!GetForkTests() || GetIsForked()) { StdErrCapturer = MakeHolder<TOutputCapturer>(TOutputCapturer::STDERR_FD); StdOutCapturer = MakeHolder<TOutputCapturer>(TOutputCapturer::STDOUT_FD); StartCurrentTestTime = TInstant::Now(); } } void TJUnitProcessor::OnError(const TError* descr) { if (!GetForkTests() || GetIsForked()) { auto* testCase = GetTestCase(descr->test); TFailure& failure = testCase->Failures.emplace_back(); failure.Message = SanitizeString(descr->msg); failure.BackTrace = SanitizeString(descr->BackTrace); } } void TJUnitProcessor::TransferFromCapturer(THolder<TJUnitProcessor::TOutputCapturer>& capturer, TString& out, IOutputStream& outStream) { if (capturer) { capturer->Uncapture(); { TFileInput fileStream(capturer->GetTmpFileName()); TransferData(&fileStream, &outStream); out = SanitizeString(capturer->GetCapturedString()); } capturer = nullptr; } } void TJUnitProcessor::OnFinish(const TFinish* descr) { if (!GetForkTests() || GetIsForked()) { auto* testCase = GetTestCase(descr->test); testCase->Success = descr->Success; if (StartCurrentTestTime != TInstant::Zero()) { testCase->DurationSecods = (TInstant::Now() - StartCurrentTestTime).SecondsFloat(); } StartCurrentTestTime = TInstant::Zero(); TransferFromCapturer(StdOutCapturer, testCase->StdOut, Cout); TransferFromCapturer(StdErrCapturer, testCase->StdErr, Cerr); } else { MergeSubprocessReport(); } UncaptureSignal(); } TString TJUnitProcessor::BuildFileName(size_t index, const TStringBuf extension) const { TStringBuilder result; result << FileName << ExecName; if (index > 0) { result << "-"sv << index; } result << extension; return std::move(result); } TStringBuf TJUnitProcessor::GetFileExtension() const { switch (OutputFormat) { case EOutputFormat::Xml: return ".xml"sv; case EOutputFormat::Json: return ".json"sv; } return TStringBuf(); } void TJUnitProcessor::MakeReportFileName() { constexpr size_t MaxReps = 200; #if defined(_win_) constexpr char DirSeparator = '\\'; #else constexpr char DirSeparator = '/'; #endif if (!ResultReportFileName.empty()) { return; } if (GetIsForked() || !FileName.empty() && FileName.back() != DirSeparator) { ResultReportFileName = FileName; } else { // Directory is specified, => make unique report name if (!FileName.empty()) { NFs::MakeDirectoryRecursive(FileName); } for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxReps; ++i) { TString uniqReportFileName = BuildFileName(i, GetFileExtension()); try { TFile newUniqReportFile(uniqReportFileName, EOpenModeFlag::CreateNew); newUniqReportFile.Close(); ResultReportFileName = std::move(uniqReportFileName); break; } catch (const TFileError&) { // File already exists => try next name } } } if (ResultReportFileName.empty()) { Cerr << "Could not find a vacant file name to write report for path " << FileName << ", maximum number of reports: " << MaxReps << Endl; Y_ABORT("Cannot write report"); } } void TJUnitProcessor::Save() { MakeReportFileName(); SerializeToFile(); } void TJUnitProcessor::SetForkTestsParams(bool forkTests, bool isForked) { ITestSuiteProcessor::SetForkTestsParams(forkTests, isForked); MakeTmpFileNameForForkedTests(); } void TJUnitProcessor::MakeTmpFileNameForForkedTests() { if (GetForkTests() && !GetIsForked()) { TmpReportFile.ConstructInPlace(MakeTempName()); // Replace option for child processes SetEnv(Y_UNITTEST_OUTPUT_CMDLINE_OPTION, TStringBuilder() << "json:" << TmpReportFile->Name()); } } static TJUnitProcessor* CurrentJUnitProcessor = nullptr; void TJUnitProcessor::CaptureSignal(TJUnitProcessor* processor) { CurrentJUnitProcessor = processor; processor->PrevAbortHandler = signal(SIGABRT, &TJUnitProcessor::SignalHandler); if (processor->PrevAbortHandler == SIG_ERR) { processor->PrevAbortHandler = nullptr; } processor->PrevSegvHandler = signal(SIGSEGV, &TJUnitProcessor::SignalHandler); if (processor->PrevSegvHandler == SIG_ERR) { processor->PrevSegvHandler = nullptr; } } void TJUnitProcessor::UncaptureSignal() { if (CurrentJUnitProcessor) { if (CurrentJUnitProcessor->PrevAbortHandler != nullptr) { signal(SIGABRT, CurrentJUnitProcessor->PrevAbortHandler); } else { signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL); } if (CurrentJUnitProcessor->PrevSegvHandler != nullptr) { signal(SIGSEGV, CurrentJUnitProcessor->PrevSegvHandler); } else { signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL); } } } void TJUnitProcessor::SignalHandler(int signal) { if (CurrentJUnitProcessor) { if (CurrentJUnitProcessor->CurrentTest) { TError errDesc; errDesc.test = *CurrentJUnitProcessor->CurrentTest; if (signal == SIGABRT) { errDesc.msg = "Test aborted"; } else { errDesc.msg = "Segmentation fault"; PrintBackTrace(); } CurrentJUnitProcessor->OnError(&errDesc); TFinish finishDesc; finishDesc.Success = false; finishDesc.test = *CurrentJUnitProcessor->CurrentTest; CurrentJUnitProcessor->OnFinish(&finishDesc); } CurrentJUnitProcessor->Save(); if (signal == SIGABRT) { if (CurrentJUnitProcessor->PrevAbortHandler) { CurrentJUnitProcessor->PrevAbortHandler(signal); } } else { if (CurrentJUnitProcessor->PrevSegvHandler) { CurrentJUnitProcessor->PrevSegvHandler(signal); } } } } void TJUnitProcessor::SerializeToFile() { switch (OutputFormat) { case EOutputFormat::Json: SerializeToJson(); break; case EOutputFormat::Xml: [[fallthrough]]; default: SerializeToXml(); break; } } void TJUnitProcessor::SerializeToJson() { TFileOutput out(ResultReportFileName); NJsonWriter::TBuf json(NJsonWriter::HEM_UNSAFE, &out); json.SetIndentSpaces(1); json.BeginObject(); { json.WriteKey("tests"sv).WriteInt(GetTestsCount()); json.WriteKey("failures"sv).WriteInt(GetFailuresCount()); json.WriteKey("testsuites"sv).BeginList(); for (const auto& [suiteName, suite] : Suites) { json.BeginObject(); json.WriteKey("name"sv).WriteString(suiteName); json.WriteKey("id"sv).WriteString(suiteName); json.WriteKey("tests"sv).WriteInt(suite.GetTestsCount()); json.WriteKey("failures"sv).WriteInt(suite.GetFailuresCount()); json.WriteKey("time"sv).WriteDouble(suite.GetDurationSeconds()); json.WriteKey("testcases"sv).BeginList(); for (const auto& [testName, test] : suite.Cases) { json.BeginObject(); json.WriteKey("classname"sv).WriteString(suiteName); json.WriteKey("name"sv).WriteString(testName); json.WriteKey("id"sv).WriteString(testName); json.WriteKey("time"sv).WriteDouble(test.DurationSecods); json.WriteKey("failures"sv).BeginList(); for (const auto& failure : test.Failures) { json.BeginObject(); json.WriteKey("message"sv).WriteString(failure.Message); json.WriteKey("type"sv).WriteString("ERROR"sv); if (failure.BackTrace) { json.WriteKey("backtrace"sv).WriteString(failure.BackTrace); } json.EndObject(); } json.EndList(); if (!test.StdOut.empty()) { json.WriteKey("system-out"sv).WriteString(test.StdOut); } if (!test.StdErr.empty()) { json.WriteKey("system-err"sv).WriteString(test.StdErr); } json.EndObject(); } json.EndList(); json.EndObject(); } json.EndList(); } json.EndObject(); } class TXmlWriter { public: class TTag { friend class TXmlWriter; explicit TTag(TXmlWriter* parent, TStringBuf name, size_t indent) : Parent(parent) , Name(name) , Indent(indent) { Start(); } public: TTag(TTag&& tag) : Parent(tag.Parent) , Name(tag.Name) { tag.Parent = nullptr; } ~TTag() { if (Parent) { End(); } } template <class T> TTag& Attribute(TStringBuf name, const T& value) { return Attribute(name, TStringBuf(ToString(value))); } TTag& Attribute(TStringBuf name, const TStringBuf& value) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(!HasChildren); Parent->Out << ' '; Parent->Escape(name); Parent->Out << "=\""; Parent->Escape(value); Parent->Out << '\"'; return *this; } TTag Tag(TStringBuf name) { if (!HasChildren) { HasChildren = true; Close(); } return TTag(Parent, name, Indent + 1); } TTag& Text(TStringBuf text) { if (!HasChildren) { HasChildren = true; Close(); } Parent->Escape(text); if (!text.empty() && text.back() == '\n') { NewLineBeforeIndent = false; } return *this; } private: void Start() { Parent->Indent(Indent); Parent->Out << '<'; Parent->Escape(Name); } void Close() { Parent->Out << '>'; } void End() { if (HasChildren) { Parent->Indent(Indent, NewLineBeforeIndent); Parent->Out << "</"; Parent->Escape(Name); Parent->Out << ">"; } else { Parent->Out << "/>"; } } private: TXmlWriter* Parent = nullptr; TStringBuf Name; size_t Indent = 0; bool HasChildren = false; bool NewLineBeforeIndent = true; }; public: explicit TXmlWriter(const TString& fileName) : Out(fileName) { StartFile(); } ~TXmlWriter() { Out << '\n'; } TTag Tag(TStringBuf name) { return TTag(this, name, 0); } private: void StartFile() { Out << R"(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>)"sv; } void Indent(size_t count, bool insertNewLine = true) { if (insertNewLine) { Out << '\n'; } while (count--) { Out << ' '; } } void Escape(const TStringBuf str) { const unsigned char* i = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(str.data()); const unsigned char* end = i + str.size(); while (i < end) { wchar32 rune; size_t runeLen; const RECODE_RESULT result = SafeReadUTF8Char(rune, runeLen, i, end); if (result == RECODE_OK) { // string is expected not to have unallowed characters now switch (rune) { case '\'': Out.Write("'"); break; case '\"': Out.Write("""); break; case '<': Out.Write("<"); break; case '>': Out.Write(">"); break; case '&': Out.Write("&"); break; default: Out.Write(i, runeLen); break; } i += runeLen; } } } private: TFileOutput Out; }; void TJUnitProcessor::SerializeToXml() { TXmlWriter report(ResultReportFileName); TXmlWriter::TTag testSuites = report.Tag("testsuites"sv); testSuites .Attribute("tests"sv, GetTestsCount()) .Attribute("failures"sv, GetFailuresCount()); for (const auto& [suiteName, suite] : Suites) { auto testSuite = testSuites.Tag("testsuite"sv); testSuite .Attribute("name"sv, suiteName) .Attribute("id"sv, suiteName) .Attribute("tests"sv, suite.GetTestsCount()) .Attribute("failures"sv, suite.GetFailuresCount()) .Attribute("time"sv, suite.GetDurationSeconds()); for (const auto& [testName, test] : suite.Cases) { auto testCase = testSuite.Tag("testcase"sv); testCase .Attribute("classname"sv, suiteName) .Attribute("name"sv, testName) .Attribute("id"sv, testName) .Attribute("time"sv, test.DurationSecods); for (const auto& failure : test.Failures) { auto testFailure = testCase.Tag("failure"sv); testFailure .Attribute("message"sv, failure.Message) .Attribute("type"sv, "ERROR"sv); if (!failure.BackTrace.empty()) { testFailure.Text(failure.BackTrace); } } if (!test.StdOut.empty()) { testCase.Tag("system-out"sv).Text(test.StdOut); } if (!test.StdErr.empty()) { testCase.Tag("system-err"sv).Text(test.StdErr); } } } } void TJUnitProcessor::MergeSubprocessReport() { { const i64 len = GetFileLength(TmpReportFile->Name()); if (len < 0) { Cerr << "Failed to get length of the output file for subprocess" << Endl; return; } if (len == 0) { return; // Empty file } } Y_DEFER { TFile file(TmpReportFile->Name(), EOpenModeFlag::TruncExisting); file.Close(); }; NJson::TJsonValue testsReportJson; { TFileInput in(TmpReportFile->Name()); if (!NJson::ReadJsonTree(&in, &testsReportJson)) { Cerr << "Failed to read json report for subprocess" << Endl; return; } } if (!testsReportJson.IsMap()) { Cerr << "Invalid subprocess report format: report is not a map" << Endl; return; } const NJson::TJsonValue* testSuitesJson = nullptr; if (!testsReportJson.GetValuePointer("testsuites"sv, &testSuitesJson)) { // no tests for some reason Cerr << "No tests found in subprocess report" << Endl; return; } if (!testSuitesJson->IsArray()) { Cerr << "Invalid subprocess report format: testsuites is not an array" << Endl; return; } for (const NJson::TJsonValue& suiteJson : testSuitesJson->GetArray()) { if (!suiteJson.IsMap()) { Cerr << "Invalid subprocess report format: suite is not a map" << Endl; continue; } const NJson::TJsonValue* suiteIdJson = nullptr; if (!suiteJson.GetValuePointer("id"sv, &suiteIdJson)) { Cerr << "Invalid subprocess report format: suite does not have id" << Endl; continue; } const TString& suiteId = suiteIdJson->GetString(); if (suiteId.empty()) { Cerr << "Invalid subprocess report format: suite has empty id" << Endl; continue; } TTestSuite& suiteInfo = Suites[suiteId]; const NJson::TJsonValue* testCasesJson = nullptr; if (!suiteJson.GetValuePointer("testcases"sv, &testCasesJson)) { Cerr << "No test cases found in suite \"" << suiteId << "\"" << Endl; continue; } if (!testCasesJson->IsArray()) { Cerr << "Invalid subprocess report format: testcases value is not an array" << Endl; continue; } for (const NJson::TJsonValue& testCaseJson : testCasesJson->GetArray()) { const NJson::TJsonValue* testCaseIdJson = nullptr; if (!testCaseJson.GetValuePointer("id"sv, &testCaseIdJson)) { Cerr << "Invalid subprocess report format: test case does not have id" << Endl; continue; } const TString& testCaseId = testCaseIdJson->GetString(); if (testCaseId.empty()) { Cerr << "Invalid subprocess report format: test case has empty id" << Endl; continue; } TTestCase& testCaseInfo = suiteInfo.Cases[testCaseId]; const NJson::TJsonValue* testCaseDurationJson = nullptr; if (testCaseJson.GetValuePointer("time"sv, &testCaseDurationJson)) { testCaseInfo.DurationSecods = testCaseDurationJson->GetDouble(); // Will handle also integers as double } const NJson::TJsonValue* stdOutJson = nullptr; if (testCaseJson.GetValuePointer("system-out"sv, &stdOutJson)) { testCaseInfo.StdOut = stdOutJson->GetString(); } const NJson::TJsonValue* stdErrJson = nullptr; if (testCaseJson.GetValuePointer("system-err"sv, &stdErrJson)) { testCaseInfo.StdErr = stdErrJson->GetString(); } const NJson::TJsonValue* failuresJson = nullptr; if (!testCaseJson.GetValuePointer("failures"sv, &failuresJson)) { continue; } if (!failuresJson->IsArray()) { Cerr << "Invalid subprocess report format: failures is not an array" << Endl; continue; } for (const NJson::TJsonValue& failureJson : failuresJson->GetArray()) { TFailure& failureInfo = testCaseInfo.Failures.emplace_back(); const NJson::TJsonValue* messageJson = nullptr; if (failureJson.GetValuePointer("message"sv, &messageJson)) { failureInfo.Message = messageJson->GetString(); } const NJson::TJsonValue* backtraceJson = nullptr; if (failureJson.GetValuePointer("backtrace"sv, &backtraceJson)) { failureInfo.BackTrace = backtraceJson->GetString(); } } } } } } // namespace NUnitTest