#include "lzma.h" #include <util/stream/mem.h> #include <util/system/context.h> #include <util/generic/cast.h> #include <util/memory/addstorage.h> #include <util/generic/ptr.h> #include <util/generic/intrlist.h> #include <util/generic/scope.h> extern "C" { #include <contrib/libs/lzmasdk/LzmaEnc.h> #include <contrib/libs/lzmasdk/LzmaDec.h> } namespace { class TMemoryGc { class TAllocation: public TIntrusiveListItem<TAllocation>, public TAdditionalStorage<TAllocation> { }; public: inline void* Allocate(size_t len) { if (len > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { return nullptr; } TAllocation* ret = new (len) TAllocation; Allocs_.PushBack(ret); return ret->AdditionalData(); } inline void Deallocate(void* ptr) noexcept { if (ptr) { delete TAllocation::ObjectFromData(ptr); } } private: TIntrusiveListWithAutoDelete<TAllocation, TDelete> Allocs_; }; template <class T> class TInverseFilter { class TTrampoLine: public ITrampoLine { public: inline TTrampoLine(TInverseFilter* parent) : Parent_(parent) { } void DoRun() override { Parent_->RunFilter(); } private: TInverseFilter* Parent_; }; class TInput: public IInputStream { public: inline TInput(TInverseFilter* parent) : Parent_(parent) { } ~TInput() override { } size_t DoRead(void* ptr, size_t len) override { return Parent_->ReadImpl(ptr, len); } private: TInverseFilter* Parent_; }; class TOutput: public IOutputStream { public: inline TOutput(TInverseFilter* parent) : Parent_(parent) { } ~TOutput() override { } void DoWrite(const void* ptr, size_t len) override { Parent_->WriteImpl(ptr, len); } private: TInverseFilter* Parent_; }; public: inline TInverseFilter(IOutputStream* slave, T* filter) : Slave_(slave) , Filter_(filter) , TrampoLine_(this) , FilterCtx_(FilterClosure()) , Finished_(false) , In_(nullptr, 0) { } virtual ~TInverseFilter() { if (!UncaughtException()) { try { Finish(); } catch (...) { } } else { //rely on gc } } inline void Write(const void* ptr, size_t len) { In_.Reset(ptr, len); Y_DEFER { In_.Reset(0, 0); }; while (In_.Avail()) { SwitchTo(); } } inline void Finish() { if (!Finished_) { Finished_ = true; SwitchTo(); } } private: inline void RunFilter() { try { TInput in(this); TOutput out(this); (*Filter_)(&in, &out); } catch (...) { Err_ = std::current_exception(); } SwitchFrom(); } inline TContClosure FilterClosure() { return {&TrampoLine_, TArrayRef(Stack_, sizeof(Stack_))}; } inline size_t ReadImpl(void* ptr, size_t len) { while (!Finished_) { const size_t ret = In_.Read(ptr, len); if (ret) { return ret; } SwitchFrom(); } return 0; } inline void WriteImpl(const void* ptr, size_t len) { Y_ASSERT(!Out_.Avail()); Out_.Reset(ptr, len); while (Out_.Avail()) { SwitchFrom(); } } inline bool FlushImpl() { if (Out_.Avail()) { TransferData(&Out_, Slave_); Out_.Reset(nullptr, 0); return true; } return false; } inline void SwitchTo() { do { CurrentCtx_.SwitchTo(&FilterCtx_); if (Err_) { Finished_ = true; std::rethrow_exception(Err_); } } while (FlushImpl()); } inline void SwitchFrom() { FilterCtx_.SwitchTo(&CurrentCtx_); } private: IOutputStream* Slave_; T* Filter_; TTrampoLine TrampoLine_; char Stack_[16 * 1024]; TContMachineContext FilterCtx_; TContMachineContext CurrentCtx_; bool Finished_; TMemoryInput In_; TMemoryInput Out_; std::exception_ptr Err_; }; class TLzma { public: class TLzmaInput: public ISeqInStream { public: inline TLzmaInput(IInputStream* slave) : Slave_(slave) { Read = ReadFunc; } private: static inline SRes ReadFunc(const ISeqInStream* p, void* ptr, size_t* len) { *len = const_cast<TLzmaInput*>(static_cast<const TLzmaInput*>(p))->Slave_->Read(ptr, *len); return SZ_OK; } private: IInputStream* Slave_; }; class TLzmaOutput: public ISeqOutStream { public: inline TLzmaOutput(IOutputStream* slave) : Slave_(slave) { Write = WriteFunc; } private: static inline size_t WriteFunc(const ISeqOutStream* p, const void* ptr, size_t len) { const_cast<TLzmaOutput*>(static_cast<const TLzmaOutput*>(p))->Slave_->Write(ptr, len); return len; } private: IOutputStream* Slave_; }; class TAlloc: public ISzAlloc { public: inline TAlloc() { Alloc = AllocFunc; Free = FreeFunc; } private: static void* AllocFunc(const ISzAlloc* t, size_t len) { return static_cast<TAlloc*>(((ISzAlloc*)t))->Gc_.Allocate(len); } static void FreeFunc(const ISzAlloc* t, void* p) { static_cast<TAlloc*>(((ISzAlloc*)t))->Gc_.Deallocate(p); } private: TMemoryGc Gc_; }; inline ISzAlloc* Alloc() noexcept { return &Alloc_; } static inline void Check(SRes r) { if (r != SZ_OK) { ythrow yexception() << "lzma error(" << r << ")"; } } private: TAlloc Alloc_; }; class TLzmaCompressBase: public TLzma { public: inline TLzmaCompressBase(size_t level) : H_(LzmaEnc_Create(Alloc())) { if (!H_) { ythrow yexception() << "can not init lzma engine"; } LzmaEncProps_Init(&Props_); Props_.level = level; Props_.dictSize = 0; Props_.lc = -1; Props_.lp = -1; Props_.pb = -1; Props_.fb = -1; Props_.numThreads = -1; Props_.writeEndMark = 1; Check(LzmaEnc_SetProps(H_, &Props_)); size_t bufLen = sizeof(PropsBuf_); Zero(PropsBuf_); Check(LzmaEnc_WriteProperties(H_, PropsBuf_, &bufLen)); } inline ~TLzmaCompressBase() { LzmaEnc_Destroy(H_, Alloc(), Alloc()); } inline void operator()(IInputStream* in, IOutputStream* out) { TLzmaInput input(in); TLzmaOutput output(out); out->Write(PropsBuf_, sizeof(PropsBuf_)); Check(LzmaEnc_Encode(H_, &output, &input, nullptr, Alloc(), Alloc())); } private: CLzmaEncHandle H_; CLzmaEncProps Props_; Byte PropsBuf_[LZMA_PROPS_SIZE]; }; } class TLzmaCompress::TImpl: public TLzmaCompressBase, public TInverseFilter<TLzmaCompressBase> { public: inline TImpl(IOutputStream* slave, size_t level) : TLzmaCompressBase(level) , TInverseFilter<TLzmaCompressBase>(slave, this) { } }; class TLzmaDecompress::TImpl: public TLzma { public: inline TImpl() : InBegin_(nullptr) , InEnd_(nullptr) { LzmaDec_Construct(&H_); } inline virtual ~TImpl() { LzmaDec_Free(&H_, Alloc()); } inline size_t Read(void* ptr, size_t len) { Byte* pos = (Byte*)ptr; Byte* end = pos + len; retry: size_t availLen = InEnd_ - InBegin_; size_t bufLen = end - pos; ELzmaStatus status; Check(LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf(&H_, pos, &bufLen, (Byte*)InBegin_, &availLen, LZMA_FINISH_ANY, &status)); InBegin_ += availLen; pos += bufLen; if (status == LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT) { Y_ASSERT(InEnd_ == InBegin_); if (!Fill()) { ythrow yexception() << "incomplete lzma stream"; } goto retry; } return pos - (Byte*)ptr; } private: virtual bool Fill() = 0; protected: CLzmaDec H_; char* InBegin_; char* InEnd_; }; class TLzmaDecompress::TImplStream: public TImpl { public: inline TImplStream(IInputStream* slave) : Slave_(slave) { Byte buf[LZMA_PROPS_SIZE]; if (Slave_->Load(buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) ythrow yexception() << "can't read lzma header"; Check(LzmaDec_Allocate(&H_, buf, sizeof(buf), Alloc())); LzmaDec_Init(&H_); } private: bool Fill() override { size_t size = Slave_->Read(In_, sizeof(In_)); InBegin_ = In_; InEnd_ = In_ + size; return size; } private: IInputStream* Slave_; char In_[4096]; }; class TLzmaDecompress::TImplZeroCopy: public TLzmaDecompress::TImpl { public: inline TImplZeroCopy(IZeroCopyInput* in) : Input_(in) { if (!Fill()) ythrow yexception() << "can't read lzma header"; char buf[LZMA_PROPS_SIZE]; char* header; if (InEnd_ - InBegin_ >= LZMA_PROPS_SIZE) { header = InBegin_; InBegin_ += LZMA_PROPS_SIZE; } else { //bad luck, first part is less than header //try to copy header part by part to the local buffer const char* end = buf + sizeof(buf); char* pos = buf; while (1) { size_t left = end - pos; size_t avail = InEnd_ - InBegin_; if (left < avail) { memcpy(pos, InBegin_, left); InBegin_ += left; break; } else { memcpy(pos, InBegin_, avail); pos += avail; if (!Fill()) { ythrow yexception() << "can't read lzma header"; } } } header = buf; } Check(LzmaDec_Allocate(&H_, (Byte*)header, LZMA_PROPS_SIZE, Alloc())); LzmaDec_Init(&H_); } private: bool Fill() override { size_t size = Input_->Next(&InBegin_); if (size) { InEnd_ = InBegin_ + size; return true; } return false; } IZeroCopyInput* Input_; }; TLzmaCompress::TLzmaCompress(IOutputStream* slave, size_t level) : Impl_(new TImpl(slave, level)) { } TLzmaCompress::~TLzmaCompress() { } void TLzmaCompress::DoWrite(const void* buf, size_t len) { if (!Impl_) { ythrow yexception() << "can not write to finished lzma stream"; } Impl_->Write(buf, len); } void TLzmaCompress::DoFinish() { THolder<TImpl> impl(Impl_.Release()); if (impl) { impl->Finish(); } } TLzmaDecompress::TLzmaDecompress(IInputStream* slave) : Impl_(new TImplStream(slave)) { } TLzmaDecompress::TLzmaDecompress(IZeroCopyInput* input) : Impl_(new TImplZeroCopy(input)) { } TLzmaDecompress::~TLzmaDecompress() { } size_t TLzmaDecompress::DoRead(void* buf, size_t len) { return Impl_->Read(buf, len); }