#include "registry.h" #include <library/cpp/blockcodecs/core/codecs.h> #include <util/system/yassert.h> #include <util/generic/hash.h> #include <util/generic/deque.h> #include <util/generic/singleton.h> #include <util/system/env.h> using namespace NResource; using namespace NBlockCodecs; namespace { inline const ICodec* GetCodec() noexcept { static const ICodec* ret = Codec("zstd08_5"); return ret; } typedef std::pair<TStringBuf, TStringBuf> TDescriptor; struct TStore final: public IStore, public THashMap<TStringBuf, TDescriptor*> { void Store(const TStringBuf key, const TStringBuf data) override { if (contains(key)) { const TStringBuf value = (*this)[key]->second; if (value != data) { size_t vsize = GetCodec()->DecompressedLength(value); size_t dsize = GetCodec()->DecompressedLength(data); if (vsize + dsize < 1000) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(false, "Redefinition of key %s:\n" " old value: %s,\n" " new value: %s.", TString{key}.Quote().c_str(), Decompress(value).Quote().c_str(), Decompress(data).Quote().c_str()); } else { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(false, "Redefinition of key %s," " old size: %zu," " new size: %zu.", TString{key}.Quote().c_str(), vsize, dsize); } } } else { D_.push_back(TDescriptor(key, data)); (*this)[key] = &D_.back(); } Y_ABORT_UNLESS(size() == Count(), "size mismatch"); } bool Has(const TStringBuf key) const override { return contains(key); } bool FindExact(const TStringBuf key, TString* out) const override { if (TDescriptor* const* res = FindPtr(key)) { // temporary // https://st.yandex-team.ru/DEVTOOLS-3985 try { *out = Decompress((*res)->second); } catch (const yexception& e) { if (GetEnv("RESOURCE_DECOMPRESS_DIAG")) { Cerr << "Can't decompress resource " << key << Endl << e.what() << Endl; } throw e; } return true; } return false; } void FindMatch(const TStringBuf subkey, IMatch& cb) const override { for (const auto& it : *this) { if (it.first.StartsWith(subkey)) { // temporary // https://st.yandex-team.ru/DEVTOOLS-3985 try { const TResource res = { it.first, Decompress(it.second->second)}; cb.OnMatch(res); } catch (const yexception& e) { if (GetEnv("RESOURCE_DECOMPRESS_DIAG")) { Cerr << "Can't decompress resource " << it.first << Endl << e.what() << Endl; } throw e; } } } } size_t Count() const noexcept override { return D_.size(); } TStringBuf KeyByIndex(size_t idx) const override { return D_.at(idx).first; } typedef TDeque<TDescriptor> TDescriptors; TDescriptors D_; }; } TString NResource::Compress(const TStringBuf data) { return GetCodec()->Encode(data); } TString NResource::Decompress(const TStringBuf data) { return GetCodec()->Decode(data); } IStore* NResource::CommonStore() { return SingletonWithPriority<TStore, 0>(); } NResource::TRegHelper::TRegHelper(const TStringBuf key, const TStringBuf data) { CommonStore()->Store(key, data); }