#include "regexp.h" #include <util/generic/string.h> #include <util/string/ascii.h> #include <util/system/defaults.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <util/generic/noncopyable.h> class TGlobalImpl : TNonCopyable { private: const char* Str; regmatch_t* Pmatch; int Options; int StrLen; int StartOffset, NotEmptyOpts, MatchPos; int MatchBuf[NMATCHES * 3]; pcre* PregComp; enum StateCode { TGI_EXIT, TGI_CONTINUE, TGI_WALKTHROUGH }; private: void CopyResults(int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Pmatch[MatchPos].rm_so = MatchBuf[2 * i]; Pmatch[MatchPos].rm_eo = MatchBuf[2 * i + 1]; MatchPos++; if (MatchPos >= NMATCHES) { ythrow yexception() << "TRegExBase::Exec(): Not enough space in internal buffer."; } } } int DoPcreExec(int opts) { int rc = pcre_exec( PregComp, /* the compiled pattern */ nullptr, /* no extra data - we didn't study the pattern */ Str, /* the subject string */ StrLen, /* the length of the subject */ StartOffset, /* start at offset 0 in the subject */ opts, /* default options */ MatchBuf, /* output vector for substring information */ NMATCHES); /* number of elements in the output vector */ if (rc == 0) { ythrow yexception() << "TRegExBase::Exec(): Not enough space in internal buffer."; } return rc; } StateCode CheckEmptyCase() { if (MatchBuf[0] == MatchBuf[1]) { // founded an empty string if (MatchBuf[0] == StrLen) { // at the end return TGI_EXIT; } NotEmptyOpts = PCRE_NOTEMPTY | PCRE_ANCHORED; // trying to find non empty string } return TGI_WALKTHROUGH; } StateCode CheckNoMatch(int rc) { if (rc == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) { if (NotEmptyOpts == 0) { return TGI_EXIT; } MatchBuf[1] = StartOffset + 1; // we have failed to find non-empty-string. trying to find again shifting "previous match offset" return TGI_CONTINUE; } return TGI_WALKTHROUGH; } public: TGlobalImpl(const char* st, regmatch_t& pma, int opts, pcre* pc_re) : Str(st) , Pmatch(&pma) , Options(opts) , StartOffset(0) , NotEmptyOpts(0) , MatchPos(0) , PregComp(pc_re) { memset(Pmatch, -1, sizeof(regmatch_t) * NMATCHES); StrLen = strlen(Str); } int ExecGlobal() { StartOffset = 0; int rc = DoPcreExec(Options); if (rc < 0) { return rc; } CopyResults(rc); do { NotEmptyOpts = 0; StartOffset = MatchBuf[1]; if (CheckEmptyCase() == TGI_EXIT) { return 0; } rc = DoPcreExec(NotEmptyOpts | Options); switch (CheckNoMatch(rc)) { case TGI_CONTINUE: continue; case TGI_EXIT: return 0; case TGI_WALKTHROUGH: default: break; } if (rc < 0) { return rc; } CopyResults(rc); } while (true); return 0; } private: }; class TRegExBaseImpl: public TAtomicRefCount<TRegExBaseImpl> { friend class TRegExBase; protected: int CompileOptions; TString RegExpr; regex_t Preg; public: TRegExBaseImpl() : CompileOptions(0) { memset(&Preg, 0, sizeof(Preg)); } TRegExBaseImpl(const TString& re, int cflags) : CompileOptions(cflags) , RegExpr(re) { int rc = regcomp(&Preg, re.data(), cflags); if (rc) { const size_t ERRBUF_SIZE = 100; char errbuf[ERRBUF_SIZE]; regerror(rc, &Preg, errbuf, ERRBUF_SIZE); Error = "Error: regular expression " + re + " is wrong: " + errbuf; ythrow yexception() << "RegExp " << re << ": " << Error.data(); } } int Exec(const char* str, regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags, int nmatches) const { if (!RegExpr) { ythrow yexception() << "Regular expression is not compiled"; } if (!str) { ythrow yexception() << "Empty string is passed to TRegExBaseImpl::Exec"; } if ((eflags & REGEXP_GLOBAL) == 0) { return regexec(&Preg, str, nmatches, pmatch, eflags); } else { int options = 0; if ((eflags & REG_NOTBOL) != 0) options |= PCRE_NOTBOL; if ((eflags & REG_NOTEOL) != 0) options |= PCRE_NOTEOL; return TGlobalImpl(str, pmatch[0], options, (pcre*)Preg.re_pcre).ExecGlobal(); } } bool IsCompiled() { return Preg.re_pcre; } ~TRegExBaseImpl() { regfree(&Preg); } private: TString Error; }; bool TRegExBase::IsCompiled() const { return Impl && Impl->IsCompiled(); } TRegExBase::TRegExBase(const char* re, int cflags) { if (re) { Compile(re, cflags); } } TRegExBase::TRegExBase(const TString& re, int cflags) { Compile(re, cflags); } TRegExBase::~TRegExBase() { } void TRegExBase::Compile(const TString& re, int cflags) { Impl = new TRegExBaseImpl(re, cflags); } int TRegExBase::Exec(const char* str, regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags, int nmatches) const { if (!Impl) ythrow yexception() << "!Regular expression is not compiled"; return Impl->Exec(str, pmatch, eflags, nmatches); } int TRegExBase::GetCompileOptions() const { if (!Impl) ythrow yexception() << "!Regular expression is not compiled"; return Impl->CompileOptions; } TString TRegExBase::GetRegExpr() const { if (!Impl) ythrow yexception() << "!Regular expression is not compiled"; return Impl->RegExpr; } TRegExMatch::TRegExMatch(const char* re, int cflags) : TRegExBase(re, cflags) { } TRegExMatch::TRegExMatch(const TString& re, int cflags) : TRegExBase(re, cflags) { } bool TRegExMatch::Match(const char* str) const { return Exec(str, nullptr, 0, 0) == 0; } TRegExSubst::TRegExSubst(const char* re, int cflags) : TRegExBase(re, cflags) , Replacement(nullptr) { memset(Brfs, 0, sizeof(TBackReferences) * NMATCHES); } TString TRegExSubst::Replace(const char* str, int eflags) { TString s; if (BrfsCount) { if (Exec(str, PMatch, eflags) == 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < BrfsCount; i++) { s += TString(Replacement, Brfs[i].Beg, Brfs[i].End - Brfs[i].Beg); if (Brfs[i].Refer >= 0 && Brfs[i].Refer < NMATCHES) s += TString(str, PMatch[Brfs[i].Refer].rm_so, int(PMatch[Brfs[i].Refer].rm_eo - PMatch[Brfs[i].Refer].rm_so)); } s += TString(Replacement, Brfs[i].Beg, Brfs[i].End - Brfs[i].Beg); } } else { s = Replacement; } return s; } //*** // ��� ������������ ������ aaa.$1.$$$$.$2.bbb.$$$ccc Brfs ����� �����: // {beg = 0, end = 4, Refer = 1} => "aaa." + $1_match // {beg = 6, end = 8, Refer = -1} => ".$" // {beg = 9, end = 10, Refer = -1} => "$" // {beg = 11, end = 12, Refer = 2} => "." + $2_match // {beg = 14, end = 20, Refer = -1} => ".bbb.$" // {beg = 21, end = 22, Refer = -1} => "$" // {beg = 22, end = 25, Refer = -1} => "ccc" // {beg = 0, end = 0, Refer = 0} //*** int TRegExSubst::ParseReplacement(const char* repl) { Replacement = repl; if (!Replacement || *Replacement == 0) return 0; char* pos = (char*)Replacement; char* pos1 = nullptr; char* pos2 = nullptr; int i = 0; while (pos && *pos && i < NMATCHES) { pos1 = strchr(pos, '$'); Brfs[i].Refer = -1; pos2 = pos1; if (pos1) { pos2 = pos1 + 1; while (IsAsciiDigit(*pos2)) pos2++; if (pos2 > pos1 + 1) { Brfs[i].Refer = atol(TString(Replacement, pos1 + 1 - Replacement, pos2 - (pos1 + 1)).data()); } else { pos1++; if (*pos2 == '$') pos2++; Brfs[i].Refer = -1; } } Brfs[i].Beg = int(pos - (char*)Replacement); Brfs[i].End = (pos1 == nullptr ? (int)strlen(Replacement) : int(pos1 - Replacement)); pos = pos2; i++; } Brfs[i].Beg = Brfs[i].End = 0; Brfs[i].Refer = -1; BrfsCount = i; return BrfsCount; }