#include "pb_io.h" #include <library/cpp/binsaver/bin_saver.h> #include <library/cpp/string_utils/base64/base64.h> #include <google/protobuf/message.h> #include <google/protobuf/messagext.h> #include <google/protobuf/text_format.h> #include <util/generic/string.h> #include <util/stream/file.h> #include <util/stream/str.h> #include <util/string/cast.h> namespace NProtoBuf { class TEnumIdValuePrinter : public google::protobuf::TextFormat::FastFieldValuePrinter { public: void PrintEnum(int32 val, const TString& /*name*/, google::protobuf::TextFormat::BaseTextGenerator* generator) const override { generator->PrintString(ToString(val)); } }; void ParseFromBase64String(const TStringBuf dataBase64, Message& m, bool allowUneven) { if (!m.ParseFromString(allowUneven ? Base64DecodeUneven(dataBase64) : Base64StrictDecode(dataBase64))) { ythrow yexception() << "can't parse " << m.GetTypeName() << " from base64-encoded string"; } } bool TryParseFromBase64String(const TStringBuf dataBase64, Message& m, bool allowUneven) { try { ParseFromBase64String(dataBase64, m, allowUneven); return true; } catch (const std::exception&) { return false; } } void SerializeToBase64String(const Message& m, TString& dataBase64) { TString rawData; if (!m.SerializeToString(&rawData)) { ythrow yexception() << "can't serialize " << m.GetTypeName(); } Base64EncodeUrl(rawData, dataBase64); } TString SerializeToBase64String(const Message& m) { TString s; SerializeToBase64String(m, s); return s; } bool TrySerializeToBase64String(const Message& m, TString& dataBase64) { try { SerializeToBase64String(m, dataBase64); return true; } catch (const std::exception&) { return false; } } const TString ShortUtf8DebugString(const Message& message) { TextFormat::Printer printer; printer.SetSingleLineMode(true); printer.SetUseUtf8StringEscaping(true); TString result; printer.PrintToString(message, &result); return result; } bool MergePartialFromString(NProtoBuf::Message& m, const TStringBuf serializedProtoMessage) { google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(reinterpret_cast<const ui8*>(serializedProtoMessage.data()), serializedProtoMessage.size()); bool ok = m.MergePartialFromCodedStream(&input); ok = ok && input.ConsumedEntireMessage(); return ok; } bool MergeFromString(NProtoBuf::Message& m, const TStringBuf serializedProtoMessage) { return MergePartialFromString(m, serializedProtoMessage) && m.IsInitialized(); } } int operator&(NProtoBuf::Message& m, IBinSaver& f) { TStringStream ss; if (f.IsReading()) { f.Add(0, &ss.Str()); m.ParseFromArcadiaStream(&ss); } else { m.SerializeToArcadiaStream(&ss); f.Add(0, &ss.Str()); } return 0; } void SerializeToTextFormat(const NProtoBuf::Message& m, IOutputStream& out) { NProtoBuf::io::TCopyingOutputStreamAdaptor adaptor(&out); if (!NProtoBuf::TextFormat::Print(m, &adaptor)) { ythrow yexception() << "SerializeToTextFormat failed on Print"; } } void SerializeToTextFormat(const NProtoBuf::Message& m, const TString& fileName) { /* TUnbufferedFileOutput is unbuffered, but TCopyingOutputStreamAdaptor adds * a buffer on top of it. */ TUnbufferedFileOutput stream(fileName); SerializeToTextFormat(m, stream); } void SerializeToTextFormatWithEnumId(const NProtoBuf::Message& m, IOutputStream& out) { google::protobuf::TextFormat::Printer printer; printer.SetDefaultFieldValuePrinter(new NProtoBuf::TEnumIdValuePrinter()); NProtoBuf::io::TCopyingOutputStreamAdaptor adaptor(&out); if (!printer.Print(m, &adaptor)) { ythrow yexception() << "SerializeToTextFormatWithEnumId failed on Print"; } } void SerializeToTextFormatPretty(const NProtoBuf::Message& m, IOutputStream& out) { google::protobuf::TextFormat::Printer printer; printer.SetUseUtf8StringEscaping(true); printer.SetUseShortRepeatedPrimitives(true); NProtoBuf::io::TCopyingOutputStreamAdaptor adaptor(&out); if (!printer.Print(m, &adaptor)) { ythrow yexception() << "SerializeToTextFormatPretty failed on Print"; } } static void ConfigureParser(const EParseFromTextFormatOptions options, NProtoBuf::TextFormat::Parser& p) { if (options & EParseFromTextFormatOption::AllowUnknownField) { p.AllowUnknownField(true); } } void ParseFromTextFormat(IInputStream& in, NProtoBuf::Message& m, const EParseFromTextFormatOptions options) { NProtoBuf::io::TCopyingInputStreamAdaptor adaptor(&in); NProtoBuf::TextFormat::Parser p; ConfigureParser(options, p); if (!p.Parse(&adaptor, &m)) { // remove everything that may have been read m.Clear(); ythrow yexception() << "ParseFromTextFormat failed on Parse for " << m.GetTypeName(); } } void ParseFromTextFormat(const TString& fileName, NProtoBuf::Message& m, const EParseFromTextFormatOptions options) { /* TUnbufferedFileInput is unbuffered, but TCopyingInputStreamAdaptor adds * a buffer on top of it. */ TUnbufferedFileInput stream(fileName); ParseFromTextFormat(stream, m, options); } bool TryParseFromTextFormat(const TString& fileName, NProtoBuf::Message& m, const EParseFromTextFormatOptions options) { try { ParseFromTextFormat(fileName, m, options); } catch (std::exception&) { return false; } return true; } bool TryParseFromTextFormat(IInputStream& in, NProtoBuf::Message& m, const EParseFromTextFormatOptions options) { try { ParseFromTextFormat(in, m, options); } catch (std::exception&) { return false; } return true; } void MergeFromTextFormat(IInputStream& in, NProtoBuf::Message& m, const EParseFromTextFormatOptions options) { NProtoBuf::io::TCopyingInputStreamAdaptor adaptor(&in); NProtoBuf::TextFormat::Parser p; ConfigureParser(options, p); if (!p.Merge(&adaptor, &m)) { ythrow yexception() << "MergeFromTextFormat failed on Merge for " << m.GetTypeName(); } } void MergeFromTextFormat(const TString& fileName, NProtoBuf::Message& m, const EParseFromTextFormatOptions options) { /* TUnbufferedFileInput is unbuffered, but TCopyingInputStreamAdaptor adds * a buffer on top of it. */ TUnbufferedFileInput stream(fileName); MergeFromTextFormat(stream, m, options); } bool TryMergeFromTextFormat(const TString& fileName, NProtoBuf::Message& m, const EParseFromTextFormatOptions options) { try { MergeFromTextFormat(fileName, m, options); } catch (std::exception&) { return false; } return true; } bool TryMergeFromTextFormat(IInputStream& in, NProtoBuf::Message& m, const EParseFromTextFormatOptions options) { try { MergeFromTextFormat(in, m, options); } catch (std::exception&) { return false; } return true; }