#pragma once #include <util/generic/bitops.h> #include <util/generic/maybe.h> #include <util/generic/strbuf.h> #include <util/generic/string.h> #include <util/stream/output.h> #include <cfloat> #include <cmath> // TODO: remove when switched to c++11 stl #if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 11 #include <limits> #else #define PRESORT_FP_DISABLED #endif /* Serialization PREServing ORder of Tuples of numbers, strings and optional numbers or strings Lexicographic ordering of serialized tuples will be the same as of non-serialized Descending order is supported */ namespace NPresort { namespace NImpl { enum ECode { StringEnd = 0x00, StringPart = 0x10, IntNeg = 0x20, IntNonNeg = 0x30, Unsigned = 0x40, Float = 0x50, Double = 0x60, Extension = 0x70, Descending = 0x80, }; static const ui8 CodeMask = 0xf0; static const ui8 LengthMask = 0x0f; static const ui8 Optional = 0x01; static const ui8 OptionalFilled = 0x02; enum EFPCode { NegInf = 0x00, NegFar = 0x01, NegNear = 0x02, NegSub = 0x03, Zero = 0x04, PosSub = 0x05, PosNear = 0x06, PosFar = 0x07, PosInf = 0x08, Nan = 0x09, Disabled = 0x0f }; static const ui8 FPCodeMask = 0x0f; static const size_t BlockLength = 15; static const size_t BufferLength = BlockLength + 1; static const float FloatSignificandBase = pow((float)FLT_RADIX, FLT_MANT_DIG); static const double DoubleSignificandBase = pow((double)FLT_RADIX, DBL_MANT_DIG); template <typename T> struct TSignificandBase { static double Value() { return DoubleSignificandBase; } }; template <> struct TSignificandBase<float> { static float Value() { return FloatSignificandBase; } }; struct TDecodeContext { ECode Code; TString Err; TString Str; ui32 StrBlocks = 0; i64 SignedVal = 0; ui64 UnsignedVal = 0; float FloatVal = 0; double DoubleVal = 0; bool Optional = false; bool Filled = false; }; class TBlock { public: TBlock() : Len(0) { memset(Buf, 0, BufferLength); } void Put(IOutputStream& out) const { out.Write(Buf, Len); } ui8 GetLen() const { return Len; } void EncodeSignedInt(i64 val, bool desc) { const bool neg = val < 0; const ui8 bytes = val ? EncodeInt(neg ? -val : val) : 0; Set(neg ? ((~IntNeg) & CodeMask) : IntNonNeg, bytes, neg != desc); } void EncodeUnsignedInt(ui64 val, bool desc, bool end = false) { const ui8 bytes = val ? EncodeInt(val) : 0; Set(end ? StringEnd : Unsigned, bytes, desc); } bool EncodeFloating(float val, bool desc) { const EFPCode code = FPCode(val); Set(Float | code, 0, desc); return FPNeedEncodeValue(code); } bool EncodeFloating(double val, bool desc) { const EFPCode code = FPCode(val); Set(Double | code, 0, desc); return FPNeedEncodeValue(code); } void EncodeString(TStringBuf str, bool desc) { memcpy(Buf + 1, str.data(), str.size()); Set(StringPart, BlockLength, desc); } void EncodeOptional(bool filled, bool desc) { Set(Extension | Optional | (filled ? OptionalFilled : 0), 0, desc); } bool Decode(TDecodeContext& ctx, TStringBuf str) { if (str.empty()) { ctx.Err = "No data"; return false; } Len = 1; bool desc = false; ui8 byte = str[0]; ui8 code = byte & CodeMask; if (code >= Descending) { desc = true; byte = ~byte; code = byte & CodeMask; } switch (code) { case StringPart: if (!Init(ctx, str, byte, desc)) { return false; } ctx.Str.append((const char*)Buf + 1, Len - 1); ++ctx.StrBlocks; break; case StringEnd: { if (!Init(ctx, str, byte, desc)) { return false; } const ui64 val = DecodeInt(); if (val) { if (!ctx.StrBlocks) { ctx.Err = "Unexpected end of string"; return false; } if (val > BlockLength) { ctx.Err = "Invalid string terminal"; return false; } ctx.Str.erase(BlockLength * (ctx.StrBlocks - 1) + val); } ctx.StrBlocks = 0; break; } case IntNeg: if (!Init(ctx, str, ~byte, !desc)) { return false; } ctx.SignedVal = -(i64)DecodeInt(); break; case IntNonNeg: if (!Init(ctx, str, byte, desc)) { return false; } ctx.SignedVal = DecodeInt(); break; case Unsigned: if (!Init(ctx, str, byte, desc)) { return false; } ctx.UnsignedVal = DecodeInt(); break; case Float: if (!DecodeFloating((EFPCode)(byte & FPCodeMask), ctx.FloatVal, ctx, str.Skip(Len))) { return false; } break; case Double: if (!DecodeFloating((EFPCode)(byte & FPCodeMask), ctx.DoubleVal, ctx, str.Skip(Len))) { return false; } break; case Extension: ctx.Optional = byte & Optional; ctx.Filled = byte & OptionalFilled; break; default: Y_ABORT("Invalid record code: %d", (int)code); } ctx.Code = (ECode)code; return true; } private: bool Init(TDecodeContext& ctx, TStringBuf str, ui8 byte, bool invert) { Len = (byte & LengthMask) + 1; if (Len > BufferLength) { ctx.Err = "Invalid block length"; return false; } if (Len > str.size()) { ctx.Err = "Unexpected end of data"; return false; } memcpy(Buf, str.data(), Len); if (invert) { Invert(); } return true; } ui64 DecodeInt() const { ui64 val = 0; for (ui8 b = 1; b < Len; ++b) { const ui8 shift = Len - b - 1; if (shift < sizeof(ui64)) { val |= ((ui64)Buf[b]) << (8 * shift); } } return val; } ui8 EncodeInt(ui64 val) { const ui8 bytes = GetValueBitCount(val) / 8 + 1; for (ui8 b = 1; b <= bytes; ++b) { const ui8 shift = bytes - b; if (shift < sizeof(ui64)) { Buf[b] = val >> (8 * shift); } } return bytes; } static bool FPNeedEncodeValue(EFPCode code) { return code != Nan && code != Zero && code != NegInf && code != PosInf && code != Disabled; } template <typename T> static EFPCode FPCode(T val) { #ifdef PRESORT_FP_DISABLED Y_UNUSED(val); return Disabled; #else switch (std::fpclassify(val)) { case FP_INFINITE: return val < 0 ? NegInf : PosInf; case FP_NAN: return Nan; case FP_ZERO: return Zero; case FP_SUBNORMAL: return val < 0 ? NegSub : PosSub; case FP_NORMAL: break; } if (val < 0) { return val > -1 ? NegNear : NegFar; } return val < 1 ? PosNear : PosFar; #endif } template <typename T> bool DecodeFloating(EFPCode code, T& val, TDecodeContext& ctx, TStringBuf data) { #ifdef PRESORT_FP_DISABLED Y_UNUSED(code); Y_UNUSED(val); Y_UNUSED(data); ctx.Err = "Floating point numbers support is disabled"; return false; #else switch (code) { case Zero: val = 0; return true; case NegInf: val = -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity(); return true; case PosInf: val = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity(); return true; case Nan: val = std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN(); return true; case Disabled: ctx.Err = "Floating point numbers support was disabled on encoding"; return false; default: break; } i64 exp = 0; i64 sig = 0; if (!DecodeFloatingPart(exp, ctx, data) || !DecodeFloatingPart(sig, ctx, data)) { return false; } val = ldexp(sig / TSignificandBase<T>::Value(), exp); return true; #endif } bool DecodeFloatingPart(i64& val, TDecodeContext& ctx, TStringBuf& data) { TBlock block; if (!block.Decode(ctx, data)) { return false; } if (ctx.Code != IntNeg && ctx.Code != IntNonNeg) { ctx.Err = "Invalid floating part"; return false; } val = ctx.SignedVal; ctx.SignedVal = 0; data.Skip(block.GetLen()); Len += block.GetLen(); return true; } void Set(ui8 code, ui8 size, bool invert) { Y_ASSERT(size <= BlockLength); Buf[0] = code | size; Len = size + 1; if (invert) { Invert(); } } void Invert() { Y_ASSERT(Len <= BufferLength); for (ui8 b = 0; b < Len; ++b) { Buf[b] = ~Buf[b]; } } private: ui8 Buf[BufferLength]; ui8 Len; }; } inline void EncodeSignedInt(IOutputStream& out, i64 val, bool desc = false) { NImpl::TBlock block; block.EncodeSignedInt(val, desc); block.Put(out); } inline void EncodeUnsignedInt(IOutputStream& out, ui64 val, bool desc = false) { NImpl::TBlock block; block.EncodeUnsignedInt(val, desc); block.Put(out); } template <typename T> inline void EncodeFloating(IOutputStream& out, T val, bool desc = false) { NImpl::TBlock head; const bool encodeValue = head.EncodeFloating(val, desc); head.Put(out); if (encodeValue) { int exponent = 0; i64 significand = 0; significand = frexp(val, &exponent) * NImpl::TSignificandBase<T>::Value(); NImpl::TBlock exp; exp.EncodeSignedInt(exponent, desc); exp.Put(out); NImpl::TBlock sig; sig.EncodeSignedInt(significand, desc); sig.Put(out); } } inline void EncodeString(IOutputStream& out, TStringBuf str, bool desc = false) { size_t part = 0; while (!str.empty()) { part = Min(str.size(), NImpl::BlockLength); NImpl::TBlock block; block.EncodeString(str.Head(part), desc); block.Put(out); str.Skip(part); } // Encode string end token NImpl::TBlock end; end.EncodeUnsignedInt(part, desc, true); end.Put(out); } template <bool Signed> struct TEncodeInt { static void Do(IOutputStream& out, i64 val, bool desc) { EncodeSignedInt(out, val, desc); } }; template <> struct TEncodeInt<false> { static void Do(IOutputStream& out, ui64 val, bool desc) { EncodeUnsignedInt(out, val, desc); } }; template <typename T, bool Integral> struct TEncodeNumber { static void Do(IOutputStream& out, const T& val, bool desc) { TEncodeInt<std::is_signed<T>::value>::Do(out, val, desc); } }; template <typename T> struct TEncodeNumber<T, false> { static void Do(IOutputStream& out, const T& val, bool desc) { EncodeFloating(out, val, desc); } }; template <typename T, bool Arithmetic> struct TEncodeValue { static void Do(IOutputStream& out, const T& val, bool desc) { TEncodeNumber<T, std::is_integral<T>::value>::Do(out, val, desc); } }; template <typename T> struct TEncodeValue<T, false> { static void Do(IOutputStream& out, TStringBuf str, bool desc) { EncodeString(out, str, desc); } }; template <typename T> static void Encode(IOutputStream& out, const T& val, bool desc = false) { TEncodeValue<T, std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::Do(out, val, desc); } template <typename T> inline void EncodeOptional(IOutputStream& out, const TMaybe<T>& val, bool desc = false) { NImpl::TBlock block; block.EncodeOptional(val.Defined(), desc); block.Put(out); if (val.Defined()) { Encode(out, *val, desc); } } template <typename T> static void Encode(IOutputStream& out, const TMaybe<T>& val, bool desc = false) { EncodeOptional(out, val, desc); } struct TResultOps { void SetError(const TString&) { return; } void SetSignedInt(i64) { return; } void SetUnsignedInt(ui64) { return; } void SetFloat(float) { return; } void SetDouble(double) { return; } void SetString(const TString&) { return; } void SetOptional(bool) { return; } }; template <typename TResult> bool Decode(TResult& res, TStringBuf data) { static_assert(std::is_base_of<TResultOps, TResult>::value, "Result must be derived from NPresort::TResultOps"); using namespace NImpl; TDecodeContext ctx; while (!data.empty()) { TBlock block; if (!block.Decode(ctx, data)) { res.SetError(ctx.Err); return false; } if (ctx.StrBlocks && ctx.Code != StringPart) { res.SetError("Unexpected integer"); return false; } switch (ctx.Code) { case StringEnd: res.SetString(ctx.Str); ctx.Str = TString(); break; case IntNeg: case IntNonNeg: res.SetSignedInt(ctx.SignedVal); ctx.SignedVal = 0; break; case Unsigned: res.SetUnsignedInt(ctx.UnsignedVal); ctx.UnsignedVal = 0; break; case Float: res.SetFloat(ctx.FloatVal); ctx.FloatVal = 0; break; case Double: res.SetDouble(ctx.DoubleVal); ctx.DoubleVal = 0; break; case Extension: if (ctx.Optional) { res.SetOptional(ctx.Filled); ctx.Optional = false; ctx.Filled = false; } break; default: break; } data.Skip(block.GetLen()); } return true; } }