#pragma once #include <util/generic/ptr.h> #include <library/cpp/deprecated/atomic/atomic.h> namespace NNeh { //limited emulation shared_ptr/weak_ptr from boost lib. //the main value means the weak_ptr functionality, else recommended use types from util/generic/ptr.h //smart pointer counter shared between shared and weak ptrs. class TSPCounted: public TThrRefBase { public: inline TSPCounted() noexcept : C_(0) { } inline void Inc() noexcept { AtomicIncrement(C_); } //return false if C_ already 0, else increment and return true inline bool TryInc() noexcept { for (;;) { intptr_t curVal(AtomicGet(C_)); if (!curVal) { return false; } intptr_t newVal(curVal + 1); if (AtomicCas(&C_, newVal, curVal)) { return true; } } } inline intptr_t Dec() noexcept { return AtomicDecrement(C_); } inline intptr_t Value() const noexcept { return AtomicGet(C_); } private: TAtomic C_; }; typedef TIntrusivePtr<TSPCounted> TSPCountedRef; class TWeakCount; class TSPCount { public: TSPCount(TSPCounted* c = nullptr) noexcept : C_(c) { } inline void Swap(TSPCount& r) noexcept { DoSwap(C_, r.C_); } inline size_t UseCount() const noexcept { if (!C_) { return 0; } return C_->Value(); } inline bool operator!() const noexcept { return !C_; } inline TSPCounted* GetCounted() const noexcept { return C_.Get(); } inline void Reset() noexcept { if (!!C_) { C_.Drop(); } } protected: TIntrusivePtr<TSPCounted> C_; }; class TSharedCount: public TSPCount { public: inline TSharedCount() noexcept { } /// @throws std::bad_alloc inline explicit TSharedCount(const TSharedCount& r) : TSPCount(r.C_.Get()) { if (!!C_) { (C_->Inc()); } } //'c' must exist and has already increased ref inline explicit TSharedCount(TSPCounted* c) noexcept : TSPCount(c) { } public: /// @throws std::bad_alloc inline void Inc() { if (!C_) { TSPCountedRef(new TSPCounted()).Swap(C_); } C_->Inc(); } inline bool TryInc() noexcept { if (!C_) { return false; } return C_->TryInc(); } inline intptr_t Dec() noexcept { if (!C_) { Y_ASSERT(0); return 0; } return C_->Dec(); } void Drop() noexcept { C_.Drop(); } protected: template <class Y> friend class TSharedPtrB; // 'c' MUST BE already incremented void Assign(TSPCounted* c) noexcept { TSPCountedRef(c).Swap(C_); } private: TSharedCount& operator=(const TSharedCount&); //disable }; class TWeakCount: public TSPCount { public: inline TWeakCount() noexcept { } inline explicit TWeakCount(const TWeakCount& r) noexcept : TSPCount(r.GetCounted()) { } inline explicit TWeakCount(const TSharedCount& r) noexcept : TSPCount(r.GetCounted()) { } private: TWeakCount& operator=(const TWeakCount&); //disable }; template <class T> class TWeakPtrB; template <class T> class TSharedPtrB { public: inline TSharedPtrB() noexcept : T_(nullptr) { } /// @throws std::bad_alloc inline TSharedPtrB(T* t) : T_(nullptr) { if (t) { THolder<T> h(t); C_.Inc(); T_ = h.Release(); } } inline TSharedPtrB(const TSharedPtrB<T>& r) noexcept : T_(r.T_) , C_(r.C_) { Y_ASSERT((!!T_ && !!C_.UseCount()) || (!T_ && !C_.UseCount())); } inline TSharedPtrB(const TWeakPtrB<T>& r) noexcept : T_(r.T_) { if (T_) { TSPCounted* spc = r.C_.GetCounted(); if (spc && spc->TryInc()) { C_.Assign(spc); } else { //obsolete ptr T_ = nullptr; } } } inline ~TSharedPtrB() { Reset(); } TSharedPtrB& operator=(const TSharedPtrB<T>& r) noexcept { TSharedPtrB<T>(r).Swap(*this); return *this; } TSharedPtrB& operator=(const TWeakPtrB<T>& r) noexcept { TSharedPtrB<T>(r).Swap(*this); return *this; } void Swap(TSharedPtrB<T>& r) noexcept { DoSwap(T_, r.T_); DoSwap(C_, r.C_); Y_ASSERT((!!T_ && !!UseCount()) || (!T_ && !UseCount())); } inline bool operator!() const noexcept { return !T_; } inline T* Get() noexcept { return T_; } inline T* operator->() noexcept { return T_; } inline T* operator->() const noexcept { return T_; } inline T& operator*() noexcept { return *T_; } inline T& operator*() const noexcept { return *T_; } inline void Reset() noexcept { if (T_) { if (C_.Dec() == 0) { delete T_; } T_ = nullptr; C_.Drop(); } } inline size_t UseCount() const noexcept { return C_.UseCount(); } protected: template <class Y> friend class TWeakPtrB; T* T_; TSharedCount C_; }; template <class T> class TWeakPtrB { public: inline TWeakPtrB() noexcept : T_(nullptr) { } inline TWeakPtrB(const TWeakPtrB<T>& r) noexcept : T_(r.T_) , C_(r.C_) { } inline TWeakPtrB(const TSharedPtrB<T>& r) noexcept : T_(r.T_) , C_(r.C_) { } TWeakPtrB& operator=(const TWeakPtrB<T>& r) noexcept { TWeakPtrB(r).Swap(*this); return *this; } TWeakPtrB& operator=(const TSharedPtrB<T>& r) noexcept { TWeakPtrB(r).Swap(*this); return *this; } inline void Swap(TWeakPtrB<T>& r) noexcept { DoSwap(T_, r.T_); DoSwap(C_, r.C_); } inline void Reset() noexcept { T_ = 0; C_.Reset(); } inline size_t UseCount() const noexcept { return C_.UseCount(); } protected: template <class Y> friend class TSharedPtrB; T* T_; TWeakCount C_; }; }