#pragma once #include "histogram_collector.h" #include "metric_value_type.h" #include "summary_collector.h" #include "log_histogram_snapshot.h" #include <util/datetime/base.h> #include <util/generic/algorithm.h> #include <util/generic/vector.h> #include <util/generic/cast.h> #include <util/generic/ymath.h> namespace NMonitoring { namespace NPrivate { template <typename T> T FromFloatSafe(double d) { static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "this function only converts floats to integers"); Y_ENSURE(::IsValidFloat(d) && d >= Min<T>() && d <= MaxFloor<T>(), "Cannot convert " << d << " to an integer value"); return static_cast<T>(d); } inline auto POINT_KEY_FN = [](auto& p) { return p.GetTime(); }; } // namespace NPrivate template <typename T, typename Enable = void> struct TValueType; template <> struct TValueType<double> { static constexpr auto Type = EMetricValueType::DOUBLE; }; template <> struct TValueType<i64> { static constexpr auto Type = EMetricValueType::INT64; }; template <> struct TValueType<ui64> { static constexpr auto Type = EMetricValueType::UINT64; }; template <> struct TValueType<TLogHistogramSnapshot*> { static constexpr auto Type = EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM; }; template <typename T> struct TValueType<T*, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<IHistogramSnapshot, T>::value>> { static constexpr auto Type = EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM; }; template <typename T> struct TValueType<T*, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<ISummaryDoubleSnapshot, T>::value>> { static constexpr auto Type = EMetricValueType::SUMMARY; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TMetricValue /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TMetricValue represents a generic value. It does not contain type // information about a value. This is done to minimize object footprint. // To read an actual value from the object the type must be checked // first or provided to AsXxxx(type) member-functions. // This class does not hold an ownership of an IHistogramSnapshot or // SummarySnapshot, so this must be done somewhere outside. class TMetricValue { public: TMetricValue() noexcept { Value_.Uint64 = 0; } explicit TMetricValue(double value) noexcept { Value_.Double = value; } explicit TMetricValue(i64 value) noexcept { Value_.Int64 = value; } explicit TMetricValue(ui64 value) noexcept { Value_.Uint64 = value; } explicit TMetricValue(IHistogramSnapshot* histogram) noexcept { Value_.Histogram = histogram; } explicit TMetricValue(ISummaryDoubleSnapshot* summary) noexcept { Value_.Summary = summary; } explicit TMetricValue(TLogHistogramSnapshot* logHist) noexcept { Value_.LogHistogram = logHist; } double AsDouble() const noexcept { return Value_.Double; } // will cast value into double, current value type is determined by // the given type argument double AsDouble(EMetricValueType type) const { switch (type) { case EMetricValueType::DOUBLE: return Value_.Double; case EMetricValueType::INT64: return static_cast<double>(Value_.Int64); case EMetricValueType::UINT64: return static_cast<double>(Value_.Uint64); case EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM: ythrow yexception() << "histogram cannot be casted to Double"; case EMetricValueType::SUMMARY: ythrow yexception() << "summary cannot be casted to Double"; case EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM: ythrow yexception() << "loghistogram cannot be casted to Double"; case EMetricValueType::UNKNOWN: ythrow yexception() << "unknown value type"; } Y_ABORT(); // for GCC } ui64 AsUint64() const noexcept { return Value_.Uint64; } // will cast value into uint64, current value's type is determined by // the given type argument ui64 AsUint64(EMetricValueType type) const { switch (type) { case EMetricValueType::DOUBLE: return NPrivate::FromFloatSafe<ui64>(Value_.Double); case EMetricValueType::INT64: return SafeIntegerCast<ui64>(Value_.Int64); case EMetricValueType::UINT64: return Value_.Uint64; case EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM: ythrow yexception() << "histogram cannot be casted to Uint64"; case EMetricValueType::SUMMARY: ythrow yexception() << "summary cannot be casted to Uint64"; case EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM: ythrow yexception() << "loghistogram cannot be casted to Uint64"; case EMetricValueType::UNKNOWN: ythrow yexception() << "unknown value type"; } Y_ABORT(); // for GCC } i64 AsInt64() const noexcept { return Value_.Int64; } // will cast value into int64, current value's type is determined by // the given type argument i64 AsInt64(EMetricValueType type) const { switch (type) { case EMetricValueType::DOUBLE: return NPrivate::FromFloatSafe<i64>(Value_.Double); case EMetricValueType::INT64: return Value_.Int64; case EMetricValueType::UINT64: return SafeIntegerCast<i64>(Value_.Uint64); case EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM: ythrow yexception() << "histogram cannot be casted to Int64"; case EMetricValueType::SUMMARY: ythrow yexception() << "summary cannot be casted to Int64"; case EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM: ythrow yexception() << "loghistogram cannot be casted to Int64"; case EMetricValueType::UNKNOWN: ythrow yexception() << "unknown value type"; } Y_ABORT(); // for GCC } IHistogramSnapshot* AsHistogram() const noexcept { return Value_.Histogram; } IHistogramSnapshot* AsHistogram(EMetricValueType type) const { if (type != EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM) { ythrow yexception() << type << " cannot be casted to Histogram"; } return Value_.Histogram; } ISummaryDoubleSnapshot* AsSummaryDouble() const noexcept { return Value_.Summary; } ISummaryDoubleSnapshot* AsSummaryDouble(EMetricValueType type) const { if (type != EMetricValueType::SUMMARY) { ythrow yexception() << type << " cannot be casted to SummaryDouble"; } return Value_.Summary; } TLogHistogramSnapshot* AsLogHistogram() const noexcept { return Value_.LogHistogram; } TLogHistogramSnapshot* AsLogHistogram(EMetricValueType type) const { if (type != EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM) { ythrow yexception() << type << " cannot be casted to LogHistogram"; } return Value_.LogHistogram; } protected: union { double Double; i64 Int64; ui64 Uint64; IHistogramSnapshot* Histogram; ISummaryDoubleSnapshot* Summary; TLogHistogramSnapshot* LogHistogram; } Value_; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TMetricValueWithType /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Same as TMetricValue, but this type holds an ownership of // snapshots and contains value type information. class TMetricValueWithType: private TMetricValue, public TMoveOnly { public: using TBase = TMetricValue; template <typename T> explicit TMetricValueWithType(T value) : TBase(value) , ValueType_{TValueType<T>::Type} { Ref(); } TMetricValueWithType(TMetricValueWithType&& other) : TBase(std::move(other)) , ValueType_{other.ValueType_} { Ref(); other.Clear(); } TMetricValueWithType& operator=(TMetricValueWithType&& other) { TBase::operator=(other); ValueType_ = other.ValueType_; Ref(); other.Clear(); return *this; } ~TMetricValueWithType() { UnRef(); } void Clear() { UnRef(); ValueType_ = EMetricValueType::UNKNOWN; } EMetricValueType GetType() const noexcept { return ValueType_; } double AsDouble() const { return TBase::AsDouble(ValueType_); } ui64 AsUint64() const { return TBase::AsUint64(ValueType_); } i64 AsInt64() const { return TBase::AsInt64(ValueType_); } IHistogramSnapshot* AsHistogram() const { return TBase::AsHistogram(ValueType_); } ISummaryDoubleSnapshot* AsSummaryDouble() const { return TBase::AsSummaryDouble(ValueType_); } TLogHistogramSnapshot* AsLogHistogram() const { return TBase::AsLogHistogram(ValueType_); } private: void Ref() { if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::SUMMARY) { TBase::AsSummaryDouble()->Ref(); } else if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM) { TBase::AsHistogram()->Ref(); } else if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM) { TBase::AsLogHistogram()->Ref(); } } void UnRef() { if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::SUMMARY) { TBase::AsSummaryDouble()->UnRef(); } else if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM) { TBase::AsHistogram()->UnRef(); } else if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM) { TBase::AsLogHistogram()->UnRef(); } } private: EMetricValueType ValueType_ = EMetricValueType::UNKNOWN; }; static_assert(sizeof(TMetricValue) == sizeof(ui64), "expected size of TMetricValue is one machine word"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TMetricTimeSeries /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TMetricTimeSeries: private TMoveOnly { public: class TPoint { public: TPoint() : Time_(TInstant::Zero()) { } template <typename T> TPoint(TInstant time, T value) : Time_(time) , Value_(value) { } TInstant GetTime() const noexcept { return Time_; } TMetricValue GetValue() const noexcept { return Value_; } void ClearValue() { Value_ = {}; } private: TInstant Time_; TMetricValue Value_; }; public: TMetricTimeSeries() = default; TMetricTimeSeries(TMetricTimeSeries&& rhs) noexcept : ValueType_(rhs.ValueType_) , Points_(std::move(rhs.Points_)) { rhs.ValueType_ = EMetricValueType::UNKNOWN; } TMetricTimeSeries& operator=(TMetricTimeSeries&& rhs) noexcept { Clear(); ValueType_ = rhs.ValueType_; rhs.ValueType_ = EMetricValueType::UNKNOWN; Points_ = std::move(rhs.Points_); return *this; } ~TMetricTimeSeries() { Clear(); } template <typename T> void Add(TInstant time, T value) { Add(TPoint(time, value), TValueType<T>::Type); } void Add(TPoint point, EMetricValueType valueType) { if (Empty()) { ValueType_ = valueType; } else { CheckTypes(ValueType_, valueType); } Points_.push_back(point); if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::SUMMARY) { TPoint& p = Points_.back(); p.GetValue().AsSummaryDouble()->Ref(); } else if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM) { TPoint& p = Points_.back(); p.GetValue().AsHistogram()->Ref(); } else if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM) { TPoint& p = Points_.back(); p.GetValue().AsLogHistogram()->Ref(); } } void CopyFrom(const TMetricTimeSeries& other) { if (Empty()) { ValueType_ = other.ValueType_; } else { CheckTypes(GetValueType(), other.GetValueType()); } size_t prevSize = Points_.size(); Copy(std::begin(other.Points_), std::end(other.Points_), std::back_inserter(Points_)); if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM) { for (size_t i = prevSize; i < Points_.size(); i++) { TPoint& point = Points_[i]; point.GetValue().AsHistogram()->Ref(); } } else if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::SUMMARY) { for (size_t i = prevSize; i < Points_.size(); ++i) { TPoint& point = Points_[i]; point.GetValue().AsSummaryDouble()->Ref(); } } else if (ValueType_ == EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM) { for (size_t i = prevSize; i < Points_.size(); ++i) { TPoint& point = Points_[i]; point.GetValue().AsLogHistogram()->Ref(); } } } template <typename TConsumer> void ForEach(TConsumer c) const { for (const auto& point : Points_) { c(point.GetTime(), ValueType_, point.GetValue()); } } bool Empty() const noexcept { return Points_.empty(); } size_t Size() const noexcept { return Points_.size(); } size_t Capacity() const noexcept { return Points_.capacity(); } const TPoint& operator[](size_t index) const noexcept { return Points_[index]; } void SortByTs(); void Clear() noexcept; EMetricValueType GetValueType() const noexcept { return ValueType_; } private: static void CheckTypes(EMetricValueType t1, EMetricValueType t2) { Y_ENSURE(t1 == t2, "Series type mismatch: expected " << t1 << ", but got " << t2); } private: EMetricValueType ValueType_ = EMetricValueType::UNKNOWN; TVector<TPoint> Points_; }; template <EMetricValueType valueType, typename TPoint> static inline void SnapshotUnRef(TPoint& point) { if constexpr (valueType == EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM) { if (auto* hist = point.GetValue().AsHistogram()) { hist->UnRef(); } } else if constexpr (valueType == EMetricValueType::SUMMARY) { if (auto* summary = point.GetValue().AsSummaryDouble()) { summary->UnRef(); } } else if constexpr (valueType == EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM) { if (auto* logHist = point.GetValue().AsLogHistogram()) { logHist->UnRef(); } } } template <EMetricValueType valueType, typename TPoint> static void EraseDuplicates(TVector<TPoint>& points) { // we have to manually clean reference to a snapshot from point // while removing duplicates auto result = points.rbegin(); for (auto it = result + 1; it != points.rend(); ++it) { if (result->GetTime() != it->GetTime() && ++result != it) { SnapshotUnRef<valueType>(*result); *result = *it; // (2) copy it->ClearValue(); // (3) clean pointer in the source } } // erase tail points for (auto it = result + 1; it != points.rend(); ++it) { SnapshotUnRef<valueType>(*it); } points.erase(points.begin(), (result + 1).base()); } template <typename TPoint> void SortPointsByTs(EMetricValueType valueType, TVector<TPoint>& points) { if (points.size() < 2) { return; } if (valueType != EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM && valueType != EMetricValueType::SUMMARY && valueType != EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM) { // Stable sort + saving only the last point inside a group of duplicates StableSortBy(points, NPrivate::POINT_KEY_FN); auto it = UniqueBy(points.rbegin(), points.rend(), NPrivate::POINT_KEY_FN); points.erase(points.begin(), it.base()); } else { StableSortBy(points, NPrivate::POINT_KEY_FN); if (valueType == EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM) { EraseDuplicates<EMetricValueType::HISTOGRAM>(points); } else if (valueType == EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM) { EraseDuplicates<EMetricValueType::LOGHISTOGRAM>(points); } else { EraseDuplicates<EMetricValueType::SUMMARY>(points); } } } }