#include "ewma.h" #include "metric.h" #include <atomic> #include <cmath> namespace NMonitoring { namespace { constexpr auto DEFAULT_INTERVAL = TDuration::Seconds(5); const double ALPHA1 = 1. - std::exp(-double(DEFAULT_INTERVAL.Seconds())/60./1.); const double ALPHA5 = 1. - std::exp(-double(DEFAULT_INTERVAL.Seconds())/60./5.); const double ALPHA15 = 1. - std::exp(-double(DEFAULT_INTERVAL.Seconds())/60./15.); class TExpMovingAverage final: public IExpMovingAverage { public: explicit TExpMovingAverage(IGauge* metric, double alpha, TDuration interval) : Metric_{metric} , Alpha_{alpha} , Interval_{interval.Seconds()} { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(metric != nullptr, "Passing nullptr metric is not allowed"); } ~TExpMovingAverage() override = default; // This method NOT thread safe void Tick() override { const auto current = Uncounted_.fetch_and(0); const double instantRate = double(current) / Interval_; if (Y_UNLIKELY(!IsInitialized())) { Metric_->Set(instantRate); Init_ = true; } else { const double currentRate = Metric_->Get(); Metric_->Set(Alpha_ * (instantRate - currentRate) + currentRate); } } void Update(i64 value) override { Uncounted_ += value; } double Rate() const override { return Metric_->Get(); } void Reset() override { Init_ = false; Uncounted_ = 0; } private: bool IsInitialized() const { return Init_; } private: std::atomic<i64> Uncounted_{0}; std::atomic<bool> Init_{false}; IGauge* Metric_{nullptr}; double Alpha_; ui64 Interval_; }; struct TFakeEwma: IExpMovingAverage { void Tick() override {} void Update(i64) override {} double Rate() const override { return 0; } void Reset() override {} }; } // namespace TEwmaMeter::TEwmaMeter() : Ewma_{MakeHolder<TFakeEwma>()} { } TEwmaMeter::TEwmaMeter(IExpMovingAveragePtr&& ewma) : Ewma_{std::move(ewma)} { } TEwmaMeter::TEwmaMeter(TEwmaMeter&& other) { if (&other == this) { return; } *this = std::move(other); } TEwmaMeter& TEwmaMeter::operator=(TEwmaMeter&& other) { Ewma_ = std::move(other.Ewma_); LastTick_.store(other.LastTick_); return *this; } void TEwmaMeter::TickIfNeeded() { constexpr ui64 INTERVAL_SECONDS = DEFAULT_INTERVAL.Seconds(); const auto now = TInstant::Now().Seconds(); ui64 old = LastTick_.load(); const auto secondsSinceLastTick = now - old; if (secondsSinceLastTick > INTERVAL_SECONDS) { // round to the interval grid const ui64 newLast = now - (secondsSinceLastTick % INTERVAL_SECONDS); if (LastTick_.compare_exchange_strong(old, newLast)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < secondsSinceLastTick / INTERVAL_SECONDS; ++i) { Ewma_->Tick(); } } } } void TEwmaMeter::Mark() { TickIfNeeded(); Ewma_->Update(1); } void TEwmaMeter::Mark(i64 value) { TickIfNeeded(); Ewma_->Update(value); } double TEwmaMeter::Get() { TickIfNeeded(); return Ewma_->Rate(); } IExpMovingAveragePtr OneMinuteEwma(IGauge* metric) { return MakeHolder<TExpMovingAverage>(metric, ALPHA1, DEFAULT_INTERVAL); } IExpMovingAveragePtr FiveMinuteEwma(IGauge* metric) { return MakeHolder<TExpMovingAverage>(metric, ALPHA5, DEFAULT_INTERVAL); } IExpMovingAveragePtr FiveteenMinuteEwma(IGauge* metric) { return MakeHolder<TExpMovingAverage>(metric, ALPHA15, DEFAULT_INTERVAL); } IExpMovingAveragePtr CreateEwma(IGauge* metric, double alpha, TDuration interval) { return MakeHolder<TExpMovingAverage>(metric, alpha, interval); } } // namespace NMonitoring