#pragma once

#include <util/datetime/base.h>
#include <util/generic/algorithm.h>
#include <util/generic/list.h>
#include <util/generic/map.h>
#include <util/generic/ptr.h>
#include <util/generic/singleton.h>
#include <util/generic/vector.h>
#include <util/str_stl.h>
#include <util/stream/output.h>
#include <util/string/util.h>
#include <library/cpp/deprecated/atomic/atomic.h>
#include <util/system/defaults.h>
#include <util/system/guard.h>
#include <util/system/sem.h>
#include <util/system/spinlock.h>

#include <array>

namespace NMonitoring {
#define BEGIN_OUTPUT_COUNTERS             \
    void OutputImpl(IOutputStream& out) { \
        char prettyBuf[32];
    out.Flush();            \

#define OUTPUT_NAMED_COUNTER(var, name) out << name << ": \t" << var << NMonitoring::PrettyNum(var, prettyBuf, 32) << '\n'

    char* PrettyNumShort(i64 val, char* buf, size_t size);
    char* PrettyNum(i64 val, char* buf, size_t size);

    // This class is deprecated. Please consider to use
    // library/cpp/monlib/metrics instead. See more info at
    // https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/solomon/libs/monlib_cpp/
    class TDeprecatedCounter {
        using TValue = TAtomic;
        using TValueBase = TAtomicBase;

            : Value()
            , Derivative(false)

        TDeprecatedCounter(TValueBase value, bool derivative = false)
            : Value(value)
            , Derivative(derivative)

        bool ForDerivative() const {
            return Derivative;

        operator TValueBase() const {
            return AtomicGet(Value);
        TValueBase Val() const {
            return AtomicGet(Value);

        void Set(TValueBase val) {
            AtomicSet(Value, val);

        TValueBase Inc() {
            return AtomicIncrement(Value);
        TValueBase Dec() {
            return AtomicDecrement(Value);

        TValueBase Add(const TValueBase val) {
            return AtomicAdd(Value, val);
        TValueBase Sub(const TValueBase val) {
            return AtomicAdd(Value, -val);

        // operator overloads convinient
        void operator++() {
        void operator++(int) {

        void operator--() {
        void operator--(int) {

        void operator+=(TValueBase rhs) {
        void operator-=(TValueBase rhs) {

        TValueBase operator=(TValueBase rhs) {
            AtomicSwap(&Value, rhs);
            return rhs;

        bool operator!() const {
            return AtomicGet(Value) == 0;

        TAtomic& GetAtomic() {
            return Value;

        TAtomic Value;
        bool Derivative;

    template <typename T>
    struct TDeprecatedCountersBase {
        virtual ~TDeprecatedCountersBase() {

        virtual void OutputImpl(IOutputStream&) = 0;

        static T& Instance() {
            return *Singleton<T>();

        static void Output(IOutputStream& out) {

    // This class is deprecated. Please consider to use
    // library/cpp/monlib/metrics instead. See more info at
    // https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/solomon/libs/monlib_cpp/
    // Groups of G counters, defined by T type.
    // Less(a,b) returns true, if a < b.
    // It's threadsafe.
    template <typename T, typename G, typename TL = TLess<T>>
    class TDeprecatedCounterGroups {
        typedef TMap<T, G*> TGroups;
        typedef TVector<T> TGroupsNames;
        typedef THolder<TGroupsNames> TGroupsNamesPtr;

        class TCollection {
            struct TElement {
                T* Name;
                G* Counters;

                static bool Compare(const TElement& a, const TElement& b) {
                    return Less(*(a.Name), *(b.Name));
            }; // TElement
            TArrayHolder<TElement> Elements;
            size_t Size;

                : Size(0)

            TCollection(const TCollection& collection)
                : Elements(new TElement[collection.Size])
                , Size(collection.Size)
                for (int i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
                    Elements[i] = collection.Elements[i];

            TCollection(const TCollection& collection, T* name, G* counters)
                : Elements(new TElement[collection.Size + 1])
                , Size(collection.Size + 1)
                for (size_t i = 0; i < Size - 1; ++i) {
                    Elements[i] = collection.Elements[i];
                Elements[Size - 1].Name = name;
                Elements[Size - 1].Counters = counters;
                for (size_t i = 1; i < Size; ++i) {
                    size_t j = i;
                    while (j > 0 &&
                           TElement::Compare(Elements[j], Elements[j - 1])) {
                        std::swap(Elements[j], Elements[j - 1]);

            G* Find(const T& name) const {
                G* result = nullptr;
                if (Size == 0) {
                    return nullptr;
                size_t l = 0;
                size_t r = Size - 1;
                while (l < r) {
                    size_t m = (l + r) / 2;
                    if (Less(*(Elements[m].Name), name)) {
                        l = m + 1;
                    } else {
                        r = m;
                if (!Less(*(Elements[l].Name), name) && !Less(name, *(Elements[l].Name))) {
                    result = Elements[l].Counters;
                return result;

            void Free() {
                for (size_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
                    T* name = Elements[i].Name;
                    G* counters = Elements[i].Counters;
                    Elements[i].Name = nullptr;
                    Elements[i].Counters = nullptr;
                    delete name;
                    delete counters;
                Size = 0;

            TGroupsNamesPtr GetNames() const {
                TGroupsNamesPtr result(new TGroupsNames());
                for (size_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
                return result;
        }; // TCollection
        struct TOldGroup {
            TCollection* Collection;
            ui64 Time;

        TCollection* Groups;
        TList<TOldGroup> OldGroups;
        TSpinLock AddMutex;

        ui64 Timeout;

        static TL Less;

        G* Add(const T& name) {
            TGuard<TSpinLock> guard(AddMutex);
            G* result = Groups->Find(name);
            if (result == nullptr) {
                T* newName = new T(name);
                G* newCounters = new G();
                TCollection* newGroups =
                    new TCollection(*Groups, newName, newCounters);
                ui64 now = ::Now().MicroSeconds();
                TOldGroup group;
                group.Collection = Groups;
                group.Time = now;
                for (ui32 i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
                    if (OldGroups.front().Time + Timeout < now) {
                        delete OldGroups.front().Collection;
                        OldGroups.front().Collection = nullptr;
                    } else {
                Groups = newGroups;
                result = Groups->Find(name);
            return result;

        TDeprecatedCounterGroups(ui64 timeout = 5 * 1000000L) {
            Groups = new TCollection();
            Timeout = timeout;

        virtual ~TDeprecatedCounterGroups() {
            TGuard<TSpinLock> guard(AddMutex);
            delete Groups;
            Groups = nullptr;
            typename TList<TOldGroup>::iterator i;
            for (i = OldGroups.begin(); i != OldGroups.end(); ++i) {
                delete i->Collection;
                i->Collection = nullptr;

        bool Has(const T& name) const {
            TCollection* groups = Groups;
            return groups->Find(name) != nullptr;

        G* Find(const T& name) const {
            TCollection* groups = Groups;
            return groups->Find(name);

        // Get group with the name, if it exists.
        // If there is no group with the name, add new group.
        G& Get(const T& name) {
            G* result = Find(name);
            if (result == nullptr) {
                result = Add(name);
                Y_ASSERT(result != nullptr);
            return *result;

        // Get copy of groups names array.
        TGroupsNamesPtr GetGroupsNames() const {
            TCollection* groups = Groups;
            TGroupsNamesPtr result = groups->GetNames();
            return result;
    }; // TDeprecatedCounterGroups

    template <typename T, typename G, typename TL>
    TL TDeprecatedCounterGroups<T, G, TL>::Less;

static inline IOutputStream& operator<<(IOutputStream& o, const NMonitoring::TDeprecatedCounter& rhs) {
    return o << rhs.Val();

template <size_t N>
static inline IOutputStream& operator<<(IOutputStream& o, const std::array<NMonitoring::TDeprecatedCounter, N>& rhs) {
    for (typename std::array<NMonitoring::TDeprecatedCounter, N>::const_iterator it = rhs.begin(); it != rhs.end(); ++it) {
        if (!!*it)
            o << *it << Endl;
    return o;