#include "remote_client_session.h" #include "remote_connection.h" #include "ybus.h" using namespace NBus; using namespace NBus::NPrivate; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Object that encapsulates all messgae data required for sending /// a message synchronously and receiving a reply. It includes: /// 1. ConditionVariable to wait on message reply /// 2. Lock used by condition variable /// 3. Message reply /// 4. Reply status struct TBusSyncMessageData { TCondVar ReplyEvent; TMutex ReplyLock; TBusMessage* Reply; EMessageStatus ReplyStatus; TBusSyncMessageData() : Reply(nullptr) , ReplyStatus(MESSAGE_DONT_ASK) { } }; class TSyncHandler: public IBusClientHandler { public: TSyncHandler(bool expectReply = true) : ExpectReply(expectReply) , Session(nullptr) { } ~TSyncHandler() override { } void OnReply(TAutoPtr<TBusMessage> pMessage0, TAutoPtr<TBusMessage> pReply0) override { TBusMessage* pMessage = pMessage0.Release(); TBusMessage* pReply = pReply0.Release(); if (!ExpectReply) { // Maybe need VERIFY, but it will be better to support backward compatibility here. return; } TBusSyncMessageData* data = static_cast<TBusSyncMessageData*>(pMessage->Data); SignalResult(data, pReply, MESSAGE_OK); } void OnError(TAutoPtr<TBusMessage> pMessage0, EMessageStatus status) override { TBusMessage* pMessage = pMessage0.Release(); TBusSyncMessageData* data = static_cast<TBusSyncMessageData*>(pMessage->Data); if (!data) { return; } SignalResult(data, /*pReply=*/nullptr, status); } void OnMessageSent(TBusMessage* pMessage) override { Y_UNUSED(pMessage); Y_ASSERT(ExpectReply); } void OnMessageSentOneWay(TAutoPtr<TBusMessage> pMessage) override { Y_ASSERT(!ExpectReply); TBusSyncMessageData* data = static_cast<TBusSyncMessageData*>(pMessage.Release()->Data); SignalResult(data, /*pReply=*/nullptr, MESSAGE_OK); } void SetSession(TRemoteClientSession* session) { if (!ExpectReply) { Session = session; } } private: void SignalResult(TBusSyncMessageData* data, TBusMessage* pReply, EMessageStatus status) const { Y_VERIFY(data, "Message data is set to NULL."); TGuard<TMutex> G(data->ReplyLock); data->Reply = pReply; data->ReplyStatus = status; data->ReplyEvent.Signal(); } private: // This is weird, because in regular client one-way-ness is selected per call, not per session. bool ExpectReply; TRemoteClientSession* Session; }; namespace NBus { namespace NPrivate { #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4250) // 'NBus::NPrivate::TRemoteClientSession' : inherits 'NBus::NPrivate::TBusSessionImpl::NBus::NPrivate::TBusSessionImpl::GetConfig' via dominance #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TBusSyncSourceSessionImpl : private TSyncHandler // TODO: do not extend TRemoteClientSession , public TRemoteClientSession { private: bool NeedReply; public: TBusSyncSourceSessionImpl(TBusMessageQueue* queue, TBusProtocol* proto, const TBusClientSessionConfig& config, bool needReply, const TString& name) : TSyncHandler(needReply) , TRemoteClientSession(queue, proto, this, config, name) , NeedReply(needReply) { SetSession(this); } TBusMessage* SendSyncMessage(TBusMessage* pMessage, EMessageStatus& status, const TNetAddr* addr = nullptr) { Y_VERIFY(!Queue->GetExecutor()->IsInExecutorThread(), "SendSyncMessage must not be called from executor thread"); TBusMessage* reply = nullptr; THolder<TBusSyncMessageData> data(new TBusSyncMessageData()); pMessage->Data = data.Get(); { TGuard<TMutex> G(data->ReplyLock); if (NeedReply) { status = SendMessage(pMessage, addr, false); // probably should be true } else { status = SendMessageOneWay(pMessage, addr); } if (status == MESSAGE_OK) { data->ReplyEvent.Wait(data->ReplyLock); TBusSyncMessageData* rdata = static_cast<TBusSyncMessageData*>(pMessage->Data); Y_VERIFY(rdata == data.Get(), "Message data pointer should not be modified."); reply = rdata->Reply; status = rdata->ReplyStatus; } } // deletion of message and reply is a job of application. pMessage->Data = nullptr; return reply; } }; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif } } TBusSyncSourceSession::TBusSyncSourceSession(TIntrusivePtr< ::NBus::NPrivate::TBusSyncSourceSessionImpl> session) : Session(session) { } TBusSyncSourceSession::~TBusSyncSourceSession() { Shutdown(); } void TBusSyncSourceSession::Shutdown() { Session->Shutdown(); } TBusMessage* TBusSyncSourceSession::SendSyncMessage(TBusMessage* pMessage, EMessageStatus& status, const TNetAddr* addr) { return Session->SendSyncMessage(pMessage, status, addr); } int TBusSyncSourceSession::RegisterService(const char* hostname, TBusKey start, TBusKey end, EIpVersion ipVersion) { return Session->RegisterService(hostname, start, end, ipVersion); } int TBusSyncSourceSession::GetInFlight() { return Session->GetInFlight(); } const TBusProtocol* TBusSyncSourceSession::GetProto() const { return Session->GetProto(); } const TBusClientSession* TBusSyncSourceSession::GetBusClientSessionWorkaroundDoNotUse() const { return Session.Get(); } TBusSyncClientSessionPtr TBusMessageQueue::CreateSyncSource(TBusProtocol* proto, const TBusClientSessionConfig& config, bool needReply, const TString& name) { TIntrusivePtr<TBusSyncSourceSessionImpl> session = new TBusSyncSourceSessionImpl(this, proto, config, needReply, name); Add(session.Get()); return new TBusSyncSourceSession(session); } void TBusMessageQueue::Destroy(TBusSyncClientSessionPtr session) { Destroy(session->Session.Get()); Y_UNUSED(session->Session.Release()); }