#pragma once #include "decoder.h" #include <util/system/defaults.h> #include <library/cpp/charset/doccodes.h> #include <util/generic/strbuf.h> #include <utility> /******************************************************/ /* direct decoding actions */ /******************************************************/ //! Try decode named or numeric entity using general html5 standard rules. //! @param str - string started with '&'. bool HtTryDecodeEntity(const char* str, size_t len, TEntity* entity); /******************************************************/ /* step by step actions */ /******************************************************/ // NOTE: Some entities have two codepoinst, if entity has one codepoint // then the second wchar32 in pair is zero. // Decodes with html5 standard rules. std::pair<wchar32, wchar32> HtEntDecodeStep(ECharset cp, const unsigned char*& s, size_t len, unsigned char** map); // Decodes assuming that ';' should always present after entity. std::pair<wchar32, wchar32> HtEntPureDecodeStep(ECharset cp, const unsigned char*& s, size_t len, unsigned char** map); // Similar with HtEntDecodeStep, but do not decodes named entities with two codepoints. // Use HtEntDecodeStep and HtEntPureDecodeStep instead. wchar32 HtEntOldDecodeStep(ECharset cp, const unsigned char*& s, size_t len, unsigned char** map); wchar32 HtEntOldPureDecodeStep(ECharset cp, const unsigned char*& s, size_t len, unsigned char** map); /******************************************************/ /* complete actions */ /******************************************************/ // Try decode str using general html5 standard rules. // Stops when str or buffer finish. size_t HtEntDecode(ECharset cp, const char* str, size_t len, wchar32* buffer, size_t buflen, unsigned char* char_lengthes = nullptr); size_t HtEntDecodeToUtf8(ECharset cp, const char* src, size_t srclen, char* dst, size_t dstlen); // Special rules for attributes decoding // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/syntax.html#character-reference-in-attribute-value-state size_t HtDecodeAttrToUtf8(ECharset cp, const char* src, size_t srclen, char* dst, size_t dstlen); size_t HtEntDecodeToChar(ECharset cp, const char* str, size_t len, wchar16* buffer, unsigned char* char_lengthes = nullptr); /** * decode HTML entities if any * @param src input buffer * @param dst output buffer * @param dstlen output buffer length * @param cpsrc input buffer encoding, ascii-compatible * @param cpdst output buffer encoding, if different from cpsrc * @return src if no entities and encodings are the same (dst remains untouched) * NULL if dst was not sufficiently long * dst-based output buffer with decoded string * @note entities must be pure, with the terminating ";" */ TStringBuf HtTryEntDecodeAsciiCompat(const TStringBuf& src, char* dst, size_t dstlen, ECharset cpsrc = CODES_UTF8); TStringBuf HtTryEntDecodeAsciiCompat(const TStringBuf& src, char* dst, size_t dstlen, ECharset cpsrc, ECharset cpdst); //! decodes HTML entities and converts non-ASCII characters to unicode, then converts unicode to UTF8 and percent-encodes //! @param text zero-terminated text of link //! @param buffer buffer receiving UTF8 percent-encoded text of link //! @param buflen length of output buffer //! @param cp code page object used to convert non-ASCII characters //! @note HTML entities directly converted into unicode characters, non-ASCII characters //! converted into unicode using code page object if it is passed to the function, //! then unicode characters converted to UTF8 and percent-encoded, //! percent-encoded text in the link copied into output buffer as is bool HtLinkDecode(const char* text, char* buffer, size_t buflen, size_t& written, ECharset cp = CODES_UNKNOWN); bool HtLinkDecode(const TStringBuf& text, char* buffer, size_t buflen, size_t& written, ECharset cp = CODES_UNKNOWN); static inline bool HtLinkDecode(const char* text, char* buffer, size_t buflen, ECharset cp = CODES_UNKNOWN) { size_t written; const bool ok = HtLinkDecode(text, buffer, buflen, written, cp); if (ok) buffer[written] = '\x00'; return ok; }