#include "block_histogram.h" #include <library/cpp/histogram/adaptive/protos/histo.pb.h> #include <util/generic/algorithm.h> #include <util/generic/yexception.h> #include <util/generic/intrlist.h> #include <util/generic/ptr.h> #include <util/generic/queue.h> #include <util/generic/ymath.h> #include <util/string/printf.h> namespace { struct TEmpty { }; class TSmartHeap { private: TVector<ui32> A; TVector<ui32> Pos; const TVector<double>& Weights; public: TSmartHeap(const TVector<double>& weights) : A(weights.size()) , Pos(weights.size()) , Weights(weights) { for (ui32 i = 0; i < weights.size(); ++i) { A[i] = i; Pos[i] = i; } for (ui32 i = weights.size() / 2; i > 0; --i) { Down(i - 1); } } ui32 IdOfMin() { return A[0]; } void Pop() { A[0] = A.back(); Pos[A[0]] = 0; A.pop_back(); Down(0); } void DownElement(ui32 id) { Down(Pos[id]); } private: void SwapPositions(ui32 x, ui32 y) { std::swap(A[x], A[y]); Pos[A[x]] = x; Pos[A[y]] = y; } void Down(ui32 pos) { while (1) { ui32 left = pos * 2 + 1; ui32 right = pos * 2 + 2; ui32 min = pos; if (left < A.size() && Weights[A[min]] > Weights[A[left]]) min = left; if (right < A.size() && Weights[A[min]] > Weights[A[right]]) min = right; if (pos == min) break; SwapPositions(min, pos); pos = min; } } }; } namespace NKiwiAggr { /////////////////// // TBlockHistogram /////////////////// TBlockHistogram::TBlockHistogram(EHistogramType type, TQualityFunction calcQuality, size_t intervals, ui64 id, size_t shrinkSize) : Type(type) , CalcQuality(calcQuality) , Intervals(intervals) , ShrinkSize(shrinkSize) , PrevSize(0) , Id(id) , Sum(0) , MinValue(0) , MaxValue(0) { CorrectShrinkSize(); } void TBlockHistogram::Clear() { PrevSize = 0; Sum = 0.0; MinValue = 0.0; MaxValue = 0.0; Bins.clear(); } void TBlockHistogram::Add(const THistoRec& rec) { if (!rec.HasId() || rec.GetId() == Id) { Add(rec.GetValue(), rec.GetWeight()); } } void TBlockHistogram::Add(double value, double weight) { if (!IsValidFloat(value) || !IsValidFloat(weight)) { ythrow yexception() << Sprintf("Histogram id %lu: bad value %f weight %f", Id, value, weight); } if (weight <= 0.0) { return; // all zero-weighted values should be skipped because they don't affect the distribution, negative weights are forbidden } if (Bins.empty()) { MinValue = value; MaxValue = value; } else { MinValue = Min(MinValue, value); MaxValue = Max(MaxValue, value); } Sum += weight; if (Bins.size() > ShrinkSize) { SortAndShrink(Intervals * SHRINK_MULTIPLIER); } Bins.push_back(TWeightedValue(value, weight)); } void TBlockHistogram::Merge(const THistogram& histo, double multiplier) { if (!IsValidFloat(histo.GetMinValue()) || !IsValidFloat(histo.GetMaxValue())) { fprintf(stderr, "Merging in histogram id %lu: skip bad histo with minvalue %f maxvalue %f\n", Id, histo.GetMinValue(), histo.GetMaxValue()); return; } if (histo.FreqSize() == 0) { return; // skip empty histos } if (histo.GetType() == HT_ADAPTIVE_DISTANCE_HISTOGRAM || histo.GetType() == HT_ADAPTIVE_WEIGHT_HISTOGRAM || histo.GetType() == HT_ADAPTIVE_WARD_HISTOGRAM || histo.GetType() == HT_ADAPTIVE_HISTOGRAM) { Y_VERIFY(histo.FreqSize() == histo.PositionSize(), "Corrupted histo"); for (size_t j = 0; j < histo.FreqSize(); ++j) { double value = histo.GetPosition(j); double weight = histo.GetFreq(j); if (!IsValidFloat(value) || !IsValidFloat(weight)) { fprintf(stderr, "Merging in histogram id %lu: skip bad value %f weight %f\n", Id, value, weight); continue; } Add(value, weight * multiplier); } MinValue = Min(MinValue, histo.GetMinValue()); MaxValue = Max(MaxValue, histo.GetMaxValue()); } else if (histo.GetType() == HT_FIXED_BIN_HISTOGRAM) { double pos = histo.GetMinValue() + histo.GetBinRange() / 2.0; for (size_t j = 0; j < histo.FreqSize(); ++j) { double weight = histo.GetFreq(j); if (!IsValidFloat(pos) || !IsValidFloat(weight)) { fprintf(stderr, "Merging in histogram id %lu: skip bad value %f weight %f\n", Id, pos, weight); pos += histo.GetBinRange(); continue; } Add(pos, weight * multiplier); pos += histo.GetBinRange(); } MinValue = Min(MinValue, histo.GetMinValue()); MaxValue = Max(MaxValue, histo.GetMaxValue()); } else { ythrow yexception() << "Unknown THistogram type"; } } void TBlockHistogram::Merge(const TVector<THistogram>& histogramsToMerge) { for (size_t i = 0; i < histogramsToMerge.size(); ++i) { Merge(histogramsToMerge[i], 1.0); } } void TBlockHistogram::Merge(TVector<IHistogramPtr> histogramsToMerge) { Y_UNUSED(histogramsToMerge); ythrow yexception() << "IHistogram::Merge(TVector<IHistogramPtr>) is not defined for TBlockHistogram"; } void TBlockHistogram::Multiply(double factor) { if (!IsValidFloat(factor) || factor <= 0) { ythrow yexception() << "Not valid factor in IHistogram::Multiply(): " << factor; } Sum *= factor; for (TVector<TWeightedValue>::iterator it = Bins.begin(); it != Bins.end(); ++it) { it->second *= factor; } } void TBlockHistogram::FromProto(const THistogram& histo) { Y_VERIFY(histo.HasType(), "Attempt to parse TBlockHistogram from THistogram protobuf with no Type field set"); ; switch (histo.GetType()) { // check that histogram type is correct case HT_ADAPTIVE_DISTANCE_HISTOGRAM: case HT_ADAPTIVE_WEIGHT_HISTOGRAM: case HT_ADAPTIVE_WARD_HISTOGRAM: case HT_ADAPTIVE_HISTOGRAM: break; // ok default: // not ok ythrow yexception() << "Attempt to parse TBlockHistogram from THistogram protobuf record of type = " << (ui32)histo.GetType(); } if (histo.FreqSize() != histo.PositionSize()) { ythrow yexception() << "Attempt to parse TBlockHistogram from THistogram protobuf record where FreqSize != PositionSize. FreqSize == " << (ui32)histo.FreqSize() << ", PositionSize == " << (ui32)histo.PositionSize(); } Id = histo.GetId(); Sum = 0; Intervals = Max(Intervals, histo.FreqSize()); CorrectShrinkSize(); Bins.resize(histo.FreqSize()); PrevSize = Bins.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < histo.FreqSize(); ++i) { double value = histo.GetPosition(i); double weight = histo.GetFreq(i); if (!IsValidFloat(value) || !IsValidFloat(weight)) { fprintf(stderr, "FromProto in histogram id %lu: skip bad value %f weight %f\n", Id, value, weight); continue; } Bins[i].first = value; Bins[i].second = weight; Sum += Bins[i].second; } if (!IsValidFloat(histo.GetMinValue()) || !IsValidFloat(histo.GetMaxValue())) { ythrow yexception() << Sprintf("FromProto in histogram id %lu: skip bad histo with minvalue %f maxvalue %f", Id, histo.GetMinValue(), histo.GetMaxValue()); } MinValue = histo.GetMinValue(); MaxValue = histo.GetMaxValue(); } void TBlockHistogram::ToProto(THistogram& histo) { histo.Clear(); histo.SetType(Type); histo.SetId(Id); if (Empty()) { return; } SortAndShrink(Intervals, true); histo.SetMinValue(MinValue); histo.SetMaxValue(MaxValue); for (TVector<TWeightedValue>::const_iterator it = Bins.begin(); it != Bins.end(); ++it) { histo.AddFreq(it->second); histo.AddPosition(it->first); } } void TBlockHistogram::SetId(ui64 id) { Id = id; } ui64 TBlockHistogram::GetId() { return Id; } bool TBlockHistogram::Empty() { return Bins.empty(); } double TBlockHistogram::GetMinValue() { return MinValue; } double TBlockHistogram::GetMaxValue() { return MaxValue; } double TBlockHistogram::GetSum() { return Sum; } void TBlockHistogram::SortAndShrink(size_t intervals, bool final) { Y_VERIFY(intervals > 0); if (Bins.size() <= intervals) { return; } if (Bins.size() >= Intervals * GREEDY_SHRINK_MULTIPLIER) { SortBins(); UniquifyBins(); FastGreedyShrink(intervals); if (final) { SlowShrink(intervals); } } else { SortBins(); UniquifyBins(); SlowShrink(intervals); } } void TBlockHistogram::SortBins() { Sort(Bins.begin() + PrevSize, Bins.end()); if (PrevSize != 0) { TVector<TWeightedValue> temp(Bins.begin(), Bins.begin() + PrevSize); std::merge(temp.begin(), temp.end(), Bins.begin() + PrevSize, Bins.end(), Bins.begin()); } } void TBlockHistogram::UniquifyBins() { if (Bins.empty()) return; auto it1 = Bins.begin(); auto it2 = Bins.begin(); while (++it2 != Bins.end()) { if (it1->first == it2->first) { it1->second += it2->second; } else { *(++it1) = *it2; } } Bins.erase(++it1, Bins.end()); } void TBlockHistogram::CorrectShrinkSize() { ShrinkSize = Max(ShrinkSize, Intervals * (SHRINK_MULTIPLIER + GREEDY_SHRINK_MULTIPLIER)); } void TBlockHistogram::SlowShrink(size_t intervals) { { size_t pos = 0; for (size_t i = 1; i < Bins.size(); ++i) if (Bins[i].first - Bins[pos].first < 1e-9) { Bins[pos].second += Bins[i].second; } else { ++pos; Bins[pos] = Bins[i]; } Bins.resize(pos + 1); PrevSize = pos + 1; } if (Bins.size() <= intervals) { return; } typedef TIntrusiveListItem<TEmpty> TListItem; ui32 n = Bins.size() - 1; const ui32 end = (ui32)Bins.size(); TArrayHolder<TListItem> listElementsHolder(new TListItem[end + 1]); TListItem* const bins = listElementsHolder.Get(); for (ui32 i = 1; i <= end; ++i) { bins[i].LinkAfter(&bins[i - 1]); } TVector<double> pairWeights(n); for (ui32 i = 0; i < n; ++i) { pairWeights[i] = CalcQuality(Bins[i], Bins[i + 1]).first; } TSmartHeap heap(pairWeights); while (n + 1 > intervals) { ui32 b = heap.IdOfMin(); heap.Pop(); ui32 a = (ui32)(bins[b].Prev() - bins); ui32 c = (ui32)(bins[b].Next() - bins); ui32 d = (ui32)(bins[b].Next()->Next() - bins); Y_VERIFY(Bins[c].second != -1); double mass = Bins[b].second + Bins[c].second; Bins[c].first = (Bins[b].first * Bins[b].second + Bins[c].first * Bins[c].second) / mass; Bins[c].second = mass; bins[b].Unlink(); Bins[b].second = -1; if (a != end) { pairWeights[a] = CalcQuality(Bins[a], Bins[c]).first; heap.DownElement(a); } if (d != end && c + 1 != Bins.size()) { pairWeights[c] = CalcQuality(Bins[c], Bins[d]).first; heap.DownElement(c); } --n; } size_t pos = 0; for (TListItem* it = bins[end].Next(); it != &bins[end]; it = it->Next()) { Bins[pos++] = Bins[it - bins]; } Bins.resize(pos); PrevSize = pos; Y_VERIFY(pos == intervals); } double TBlockHistogram::GetSumInRange(double leftBound, double rightBound) { Y_UNUSED(leftBound); Y_UNUSED(rightBound); ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram"; return 0; } double TBlockHistogram::GetSumAboveBound(double bound) { Y_UNUSED(bound); ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram"; return 0; } double TBlockHistogram::GetSumBelowBound(double bound) { Y_UNUSED(bound); ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram"; return 0; } double TBlockHistogram::CalcUpperBound(double sum) { Y_UNUSED(sum); ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram"; return 0; } double TBlockHistogram::CalcLowerBound(double sum) { Y_UNUSED(sum); ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram"; return 0; } double TBlockHistogram::CalcUpperBoundSafe(double sum) { Y_UNUSED(sum); ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram"; return 0; } double TBlockHistogram::CalcLowerBoundSafe(double sum) { Y_UNUSED(sum); ythrow yexception() << "Method is not implemented for TBlockHistogram"; return 0; } ///////////////////////// // TBlockWeightHistogram ///////////////////////// TBlockWeightHistogram::TBlockWeightHistogram(size_t intervals, ui64 id, size_t shrinkSize) : TBlockHistogram(HT_ADAPTIVE_WEIGHT_HISTOGRAM, CalcWeightQuality, intervals, id, shrinkSize) { } void TBlockWeightHistogram::FastGreedyShrink(size_t intervals) { if (Bins.size() <= intervals) return; double slab = Sum / intervals; size_t i = 0; size_t pos = 0; while (i < Bins.size()) { double curW = Bins[i].second; double curMul = Bins[i].first * Bins[i].second; ++i; while (i < Bins.size() && curW + Bins[i].second <= slab && pos + Bins.size() - i >= intervals) { curW += Bins[i].second; curMul += Bins[i].first * Bins[i].second; ++i; } Bins[pos++] = TWeightedValue(curMul / curW, curW); } Bins.resize(pos); PrevSize = pos; } /////////////////////// // TBlockWardHistogram /////////////////////// TBlockWardHistogram::TBlockWardHistogram(size_t intervals, ui64 id, size_t shrinkSize) : TBlockHistogram(HT_ADAPTIVE_WARD_HISTOGRAM, CalcWardQuality, intervals, id, shrinkSize) { } bool TBlockWardHistogram::CalcSplitInfo( const TCumulatives::const_iterator beg, const TCumulatives::const_iterator end, // (!) points to the final element TSplitInfo& splitInfo // out ) { if (end - beg < 2) { return false; } TCumulatives::const_iterator mid = LowerBound(beg, end + 1, TCumulative{(beg->first + end->first) / 2, 0.}); if (mid == beg) { mid++; } else if (mid == end) { mid--; } // derived from Ward's minimum variance criterion double profit = 0.0; profit += (mid->second - beg->second) * (mid->second - beg->second) / (mid->first - beg->first); profit += (end->second - mid->second) * (end->second - mid->second) / (end->first - mid->first); profit -= (end->second - beg->second) * (end->second - beg->second) / (end->first - beg->first); splitInfo = {profit, beg, mid, end}; return true; } void TBlockWardHistogram::FastGreedyShrink(size_t intervals) { Y_VERIFY(intervals > 0); if (Bins.size() <= intervals) { return; } // fill cumulative sums // sum at index i equals to the sum of all values before i // sum at index i+1 equals to the sum of all values before i with the value at i added TCumulatives cumulatives; cumulatives.reserve(Bins.size() + 1); TCumulative cumulative = {0., 0.}; cumulatives.push_back(cumulative); for (size_t i = 0; i < Bins.size(); i++) { cumulative.first += Bins[i].second; cumulative.second += Bins[i].second * Bins[i].first; cumulatives.push_back(cumulative); } TVector<TCumulatives::const_iterator> splits; splits.reserve(intervals + 1); splits.push_back(cumulatives.begin()); splits.push_back(cumulatives.end() - 1); TPriorityQueue<TSplitInfo> candidates; // explicitly add first split TSplitInfo newSplitInfo; if (CalcSplitInfo(cumulatives.begin(), cumulatives.end() - 1, newSplitInfo)) { candidates.push(newSplitInfo); } // recursively split until done for (size_t split = 0; split < intervals - 1 && !candidates.empty(); split++) { TSplitInfo curSplitInfo = candidates.top(); candidates.pop(); splits.push_back(curSplitInfo.mid); if (CalcSplitInfo(curSplitInfo.beg, curSplitInfo.mid, newSplitInfo)) { candidates.push(newSplitInfo); } if (CalcSplitInfo(curSplitInfo.mid, curSplitInfo.end, newSplitInfo)) { candidates.push(newSplitInfo); } } // calclate new bin centers and weights Sort(splits.begin(), splits.end()); Bins.clear(); for (auto it = splits.begin(); it + 1 != splits.end(); ++it) { auto splitBeg = *it; auto splitEnd = *(it + 1); double cnt = (splitEnd->first - splitBeg->first); double mu = (splitEnd->second - splitBeg->second) / cnt; Bins.push_back(TWeightedValue(mu, cnt)); } } }