#pragma once #include "last_getopt_opts.h" namespace NLastGetopt { /** * Wrapper for TOpts class to make the life a bit easier. * Usual usage: * TEasySetup opts; * opts('s', "server", "MR_SERVER", "MapReduce server name in format server:port", true) * ('u', "user", "MR_USER", "MapReduce user name", true) * ('o', "output", "MR_TABLE", "Name of MR table which will contain results", true) * ('r', "rules", "FILE", "Filename for .rules output file") //!< This parameter is optional and has a required argument * ('v', "version", &PrintSvnVersionAndExit0, "Print version information") //!< Parameter with handler can't get any argument * ("verbose", "Be verbose") //!< You may not specify short param name * * NLastGetopt::TOptsParseResult r(&opts, argc, argv); */ class TEasySetup: public TOpts { public: TEasySetup(const TStringBuf& optstring = TStringBuf()); TEasySetup& operator()(char shortName, const char* longName, const char* help, bool required = false); TEasySetup& operator()(char shortName, const char* longName, const char* argName, const char* help, bool required = false); template <class TpFunc> TEasySetup& operator()(char shortName, const char* longName, TpFunc handler, const char* help, bool required = false) { AdjustParam(longName, help, nullptr, handler, required).AddShortName(shortName); return *this; } TEasySetup& operator()(const char* longName, const char* help, bool required = false); TEasySetup& operator()(const char* longName, const char* argName, const char* help, bool required = false); template <class TpFunc> TEasySetup& operator()(const char* longName, TpFunc handler, const char* help, bool required = false) { AdjustParam(longName, help, nullptr, handler, required); return *this; } private: TOpt& AdjustParam(const char* longName, const char* help, const char* argName, bool required); template <class TpFunc> TOpt& AdjustParam(const char* longName, const char* help, const char* argName, TpFunc handler, bool required) { TOpt& o = AdjustParam(longName, help, argName, required); o.Handler0(handler); return o; } }; }