#pragma once #include <util/generic/algorithm.h> #include <util/generic/vector.h> #include <util/string/builder.h> #include <util/memory/tempbuf.h> namespace NLastGetopt { /// Utility for printing indented lines. Used by completion generators. class TFormattedOutput { public: struct IndentGuard { explicit IndentGuard(TFormattedOutput* output); virtual ~IndentGuard(); TFormattedOutput* Output; }; public: /// Increase indentation and return a RAII object that'll decrease it back automatically. IndentGuard Indent(); /// Append a new indented line to the stream. TStringBuilder& Line(); /// Collect all lines into a stream. void Print(IOutputStream& out); private: int IndentLevel_ = 0; TVector<std::pair<int, TStringBuilder>> Lines_; }; }