#pragma once #include <util/ysaveload.h> #include <util/generic/bitmap.h> #include <util/generic/serialized_enum.h> #include <util/generic/yexception.h> #include <util/string/cast.h> #include <util/string/printf.h> #include <util/system/yassert.h> // Stack memory bitmask for TEnum values [begin, end). // @end value is not included in the mask and is not necessarily defined as enum value. // For example: enum EType { A, B, C } ==> TEnumBitSet<EType, A, C + 1> template <typename TEnum, int mbegin, int mend> class TEnumBitSet: private TBitMap<mend - mbegin> { public: static const int BeginIndex = mbegin; static const int EndIndex = mend; static const size_t BitsetSize = EndIndex - BeginIndex; typedef TBitMap<BitsetSize> TParent; typedef TEnumBitSet<TEnum, mbegin, mend> TThis; TEnumBitSet() : TParent(0) { } explicit TEnumBitSet(const TParent& p) : TParent(p) { } void Init(TEnum c) { Set(c); } template <class... R> void Init(TEnum c1, TEnum c2, R... r) { Set(c1); Init(c2, r...); } explicit TEnumBitSet(TEnum c) { Init(c); } template <class... R> TEnumBitSet(TEnum c1, TEnum c2, R... r) { Init(c1, c2, r...); } template <class TIt> TEnumBitSet(const TIt& begin_, const TIt& end_) { for (TIt p = begin_; p != end_; ++p) Set(*p); } static bool IsValid(TEnum c) { return int(c) >= BeginIndex && int(c) < EndIndex; } bool Test(TEnum c) const { return TParent::Test(Pos(c)); } TThis& Flip(TEnum c) { TParent::Flip(Pos(c)); return *this; } TThis& Flip() { TParent::Flip(); return *this; } TThis& Reset(TEnum c) { TParent::Reset(Pos(c)); return *this; } TThis& Reset() { TParent::Clear(); return *this; } TThis& Set(TEnum c) { TParent::Set(Pos(c)); return *this; } TThis& Set(TEnum c, bool val) { if (val) Set(c); else Reset(c); return *this; } bool SafeTest(TEnum c) const { if (IsValid(c)) return Test(c); return false; } TThis& SafeFlip(TEnum c) { if (IsValid(c)) return Flip(c); return *this; } TThis& SafeReset(TEnum c) { if (IsValid(c)) return Reset(c); return *this; } TThis& SafeSet(TEnum c) { if (IsValid(c)) return Set(c); return *this; } TThis& SafeSet(TEnum c, bool val) { if (IsValid(c)) return Set(c, val); return *this; } static TThis SafeConstruct(TEnum c) { TThis ret; ret.SafeSet(c); return ret; } bool operator<(const TThis& right) const { Y_ASSERT(this->GetChunkCount() == right.GetChunkCount()); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->GetChunkCount(); ++i) { if (this->GetChunks()[i] < right.GetChunks()[i]) return true; else if (this->GetChunks()[i] > right.GetChunks()[i]) return false; } return false; } bool operator!=(const TThis& right) const { return !(TParent::operator==(right)); } bool operator==(const TThis& right) const { return TParent::operator==(right); } TThis& operator&=(const TThis& right) { TParent::operator&=(right); return *this; } TThis& operator|=(const TThis& right) { TParent::operator|=(right); return *this; } TThis& operator^=(const TThis& right) { TParent::operator^=(right); return *this; } TThis operator~() const { TThis r = *this; r.Flip(); return r; } TThis operator|(const TThis& right) const { TThis ret = *this; ret |= right; return ret; } TThis operator&(const TThis& right) const { TThis ret = *this; ret &= right; return ret; } TThis operator^(const TThis& right) const { TThis ret = *this; ret ^= right; return ret; } TThis& operator&=(const TEnum c) { return TThis::operator&=(TThis(c)); } TThis& operator|=(const TEnum c) { return TThis::operator|=(TThis(c)); } TThis& operator^=(const TEnum c) { return TThis::operator^=(TThis(c)); } TThis operator&(const TEnum c) const { return TThis::operator&(TThis(c)); } TThis operator|(const TEnum c) const { return TThis::operator|(TThis(c)); } TThis operator^(const TEnum c) const { return TThis::operator^(TThis(c)); } auto operator[] (TEnum e) { return TParent::operator[](this->Pos(e)); } auto operator[] (TEnum e) const { return TParent::operator[](this->Pos(e)); } using TParent::Count; using TParent::Empty; explicit operator bool() const { return !Empty(); } void Swap(TThis& bitmap) { TParent::Swap(bitmap); } size_t GetHash() const { return this->Hash(); } bool HasAny(const TThis& mask) const { return TParent::HasAny(mask); } template <class... R> bool HasAny(TEnum c1, R... r) const { return Test(c1) || HasAny(r...); } bool HasAll(const TThis& mask) const { return TParent::HasAll(mask); } template <class... R> bool HasAll(TEnum c1, R... r) const { return Test(c1) && HasAll(r...); } //serialization to/from stream void Save(IOutputStream* buffer) const { ::Save(buffer, (ui32)Count()); for (TEnum bit : *this) { ::Save(buffer, (ui32)bit); } } void Load(IInputStream* buffer) { Reset(); ui32 sz = 0; ::Load(buffer, sz); for (ui32 t = 0; t < sz; t++) { ui32 bit = 0; ::Load(buffer, bit); Set((TEnum)bit); } } ui64 Low() const { ui64 t = 0; this->Export(0, t); return t; } TString ToString() const { static_assert(sizeof(typename TParent::TChunk) <= sizeof(ui64), "expect sizeof(typename TParent::TChunk) <= sizeof(ui64)"); static const size_t chunkSize = sizeof(typename TParent::TChunk) * 8; static const size_t numDig = chunkSize / 4; static const TString templ = Sprintf("%%0%lulX", numDig); static const size_t numOfChunks = (BitsetSize + chunkSize - 1) / chunkSize; TString ret; for (int pos = numOfChunks * chunkSize; pos >= 0; pos -= chunkSize) { ui64 t = 0; this->Export(pos, t); ret += Sprintf(templ.data(), t); } size_t n = 0; while (n + 1 < ret.length() && ret[n] == '0') ++n; ret.remove(0, n); return ret; } void FromString(TStringBuf s) { static const size_t chunkSize = sizeof(typename TParent::TChunk) * 8; static const size_t numDig = chunkSize / 4; static const size_t highChunkBits = (BitsetSize + chunkSize - 1) % chunkSize + 1; static const typename TParent::TChunk highChunkBitsMask = (typename TParent::TChunk(1) << highChunkBits) - 1; Reset(); for (size_t prev = s.length(), n = s.length() - numDig, pos = 0; prev; n -= numDig, pos += chunkSize) { if (pos >= BitsetSize) ythrow yexception() << "too many digits"; if (n > prev) n = 0; typename TParent::TChunk t = IntFromString<typename TParent::TChunk, 16, TStringBuf>(s.substr(n, prev - n)); if (BitsetSize < pos + chunkSize && t > highChunkBitsMask) ythrow yexception() << "digit is too big"; this->Or(TParent(t), pos); prev = n; } } // TODO: Get rid of exceptions at all bool TryFromString(TStringBuf s) { try { FromString(s); } catch (...) { Reset(); return false; } return true; } bool any() const { // obsolete return !Empty(); } bool none() const { // obsolete return Empty(); } size_t count() const { // obsolete return Count(); } class TIterator { public: TIterator(TEnum value, const TThis* bitmap) noexcept : Value(static_cast<int>(value)) , BitMap(bitmap) { } TIterator(const TThis* bitmap) noexcept : Value(EndIndex) , BitMap(bitmap) { } TEnum operator*() const noexcept { Y_ASSERT(Value < EndIndex); return static_cast<TEnum>(Value); } bool operator!=(const TIterator& other) const noexcept { return Value != other.Value; } TIterator& operator++() noexcept { Y_ASSERT(Value < EndIndex); TEnum res; if (BitMap->FindNext(static_cast<TEnum>(Value), res)) { Value = static_cast<int>(res); } else { Value = EndIndex; } return *this; } private: int Value; const TThis* BitMap; }; TIterator begin() const { TEnum res; return FindFirst(res) ? TIterator(res, this) : TIterator(this); } TIterator end() const { return TIterator(this); } private: static size_t Pos(TEnum c) { Y_ASSERT(IsValid(c)); return static_cast<size_t>(int(c) - BeginIndex); } bool HasAny(TEnum c) const { return Test(c); } bool HasAll(TEnum c) const { return Test(c); } bool FindFirst(TEnum& result) const { // finds first set item in bitset (or End if bitset is empty) const int index = int(this->FirstNonZeroBit()) + BeginIndex; if (index < EndIndex) { result = static_cast<TEnum>(index); return true; } return false; } bool FindNext(TEnum current, TEnum& result) const { // finds first set item in bitset (or End if bitset is empty) const int index = int(this->NextNonZeroBit(int(current) - BeginIndex)) + BeginIndex; if (index < EndIndex) { result = static_cast<TEnum>(index); return true; } return false; } }; template <typename TEnum, TEnum mbegin, int mend> class TSfEnumBitSet: public TEnumBitSet<TEnum, mbegin, mend> { public: typedef TEnumBitSet<TEnum, mbegin, mend> TParent; TSfEnumBitSet() : TParent() { } TSfEnumBitSet(const TParent& p) : TParent(p) { } //! unsafe initialization from ui64, value must be shifted according to TParent::Begin explicit TSfEnumBitSet(ui64 val) : TParent(typename TParent::TParent(val)) { //static_assert(TParent::BitsetSize <= 64, "expect TParent::BitsetSize <= 64"); } void Init(TEnum c) { this->SafeSet(c); } template <class... R> void Init(TEnum c1, TEnum c2, R... r) { this->SafeSet(c1); Init(c2, r...); } TSfEnumBitSet(TEnum c) { Init(c); } template <class... R> TSfEnumBitSet(TEnum c1, TEnum c2, R... r) { Init(c1, c2, r...); } static TSfEnumBitSet GetFromString(const TString& s) { TSfEnumBitSet ebs; ebs.FromString(s); return ebs; } static TSfEnumBitSet TryGetFromString(const TString& s) { TSfEnumBitSet ebs; ebs.TryFromString(s); return ebs; } }; /* For Enums with GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER */ template <typename TEnum> class TGeneratedEnumBitSet : public TEnumBitSet<TEnum, 0, GetEnumItemsCount<TEnum>()> { public: using TParent = TEnumBitSet<TEnum, 0, GetEnumItemsCount<TEnum>()>; TGeneratedEnumBitSet() : TParent() { } explicit TGeneratedEnumBitSet(const TParent& p) : TParent(p) { } explicit TGeneratedEnumBitSet(TEnum c1) : TParent(c1) { } template <class... R> TGeneratedEnumBitSet(TEnum c1, TEnum c2, R... r) : TParent(c1, c2, r...) { } };