#include "delim_string_iter.h" #include <util/generic/vector.h> #include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h> /// Test that TDelimStringIter build on top of given string and delimeter will produce expected sequence static void AssertStringSplit(const TString& str, const TString& delim, const TVector<TString>& expected) { TDelimStringIter it(str, delim); // test iterator invariants for (const auto& expectedString : expected) { UNIT_ASSERT(it.Valid()); UNIT_ASSERT(bool(it)); UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(*it, expectedString); ++it; } UNIT_ASSERT(!it.Valid()); } Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TDelimStrokaIterTestSuite) { Y_UNIT_TEST(SingleCharacterAsDelimiter) { AssertStringSplit( "Hello words!", " ", {"Hello", "words!"}); } Y_UNIT_TEST(MultipleCharactersAsDelimiter) { AssertStringSplit( "0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34", "1, ", {"0, ", "", "2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 2", "34"}); } Y_UNIT_TEST(NoDelimitersPresent) { AssertStringSplit("This string could be yours", "\t", {"This string could be yours"}); } Y_UNIT_TEST(Cdr) { TDelimStringIter it("a\tc\t", "\t"); UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(*it, "a"); UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(it.Cdr(), "c\t"); ++it; UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(it.Cdr(), ""); } Y_UNIT_TEST(ForIter) { TVector<TStringBuf> expected = {"1", "", "3@4", ""}; TVector<TStringBuf> got; for (TStringBuf x : TDelimStroka("1@@@@3@4@@", "@@")) { got.push_back(x); } UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(got, expected); } } static void AssertKeyValueStringSplit( const TStringBuf str, const TStringBuf delim, const TVector<std::pair<TStringBuf, TStringBuf>>& expected) { TKeyValueDelimStringIter it(str, delim); for (const auto& expectedKeyValue : expected) { UNIT_ASSERT(it.Valid()); UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(it.Key(), expectedKeyValue.first); UNIT_ASSERT_STRINGS_EQUAL(it.Value(), expectedKeyValue.second); ++it; } UNIT_ASSERT(!it.Valid()); } Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TKeyValueDelimStringIterTestSuite) { Y_UNIT_TEST(SingleCharacterAsDelimiter) { AssertKeyValueStringSplit( "abc=123,cde=qwer", ",", {{"abc", "123"}, {"cde", "qwer"}}); } Y_UNIT_TEST(MultipleCharactersAsDelimiter) { AssertKeyValueStringSplit( "abc=xyz@@qwerty=zxcv", "@@", {{"abc", "xyz"}, {"qwerty", "zxcv"}}); } Y_UNIT_TEST(NoDelimiters) { AssertKeyValueStringSplit( "abc=zz", ",", {{"abc", "zz"}}); } Y_UNIT_TEST(EmptyElements) { AssertKeyValueStringSplit( "@@abc=zxy@@@@qwerty=y@@", "@@", {{"", ""}, {"abc", "zxy"}, {"", ""}, {"qwerty", "y"}, {"", ""}}); } }