#include "stack_storage.h" #include "stack_utils.h" namespace NCoro::NStack { template<typename TGuard> TPool<TGuard>::TPool(size_t stackSize, const TPoolAllocatorSettings& settings, const TGuard& guard) : StackSize_(stackSize) , RssPagesToKeep_(IsSmallStack() ? settings.SmallStackRssPagesToKeep : settings.RssPagesToKeep) , Guard_(guard) , ChunkSize_(Guard_.GetPageAlignedSize() + StackSize_ * settings.StacksPerChunk) { Y_ASSERT(RssPagesToKeep_); if (!RssPagesToKeep_) { RssPagesToKeep_ = 1; // at least guard should be kept } const size_t stackSizeInPages = stackSize / PageSize; Y_ASSERT(stackSizeInPages >= RssPagesToKeep_); if (stackSizeInPages < RssPagesToKeep_) { RssPagesToKeep_ = stackSizeInPages; // keep all stack pages } Y_ASSERT(StackSize_ && !(StackSize_ & PageSizeMask)); // stack size is not zero and page aligned Y_ASSERT(Guard_.GetSize() < StackSize_); // stack has enough space to place guard Y_ASSERT(stackSizeInPages >= RssPagesToKeep_); Storage_ = MakeHolder<TStorage>(StackSize_, RssPagesToKeep_, settings.ReleaseRate); AllocNewMemoryChunk(); } template<typename TGuard> TPool<TGuard>::TPool(TPool&& other) noexcept = default; template<typename TGuard> TPool<TGuard>::~TPool() { if (!Memory_.empty()) { Y_ASSERT(NextToAlloc_ && StackSize_); for (const auto& chunk : Memory_) { Y_ASSERT(chunk.Raw && chunk.Aligned); if (Guard_.ShouldRemoveProtectionBeforeFree()) { Guard_.RemoveProtection(chunk.Aligned, Guard_.GetPageAlignedSize()); // first page in chunk const char* endOfStacksMemory = chunk.Aligned + ChunkSize_; for (char* i = chunk.Aligned + Guard_.GetPageAlignedSize(); i < endOfStacksMemory; i += StackSize_) { Guard_.RemoveProtection(i, StackSize_); } } free(chunk.Raw); } } } template<typename TGuard> NDetails::TStack TPool<TGuard>::AllocStack(const char* name) { Y_ASSERT(!Memory_.empty()); if (!Storage_->IsEmpty()) { return Storage_->GetStack(Guard_, name); } else { ++NumOfAllocated_; return AllocNewStack(name); } } template<typename TGuard> void TPool<TGuard>::FreeStack(NDetails::TStack& stack) { Y_ASSERT(Storage_->Size() < ((ChunkSize_ - Guard_.GetPageAlignedSize()) / StackSize_) * Memory_.size()); Y_ASSERT(IsStackFromThisPool(stack)); Storage_->ReturnStack(stack); } template<typename TGuard> size_t TPool<TGuard>::GetReleasedSize() const noexcept { return Storage_->GetReleasedSize(); } template<typename TGuard> size_t TPool<TGuard>::GetFullSize() const noexcept { return Storage_->GetFullSize(); } template<typename TGuard> void TPool<TGuard>::AllocNewMemoryChunk() { const size_t totalSizeInPages = ChunkSize_ / PageSize; TMemory memory; const auto res = GetAlignedMemory(totalSizeInPages, memory.Raw, memory.Aligned); Y_VERIFY(res, "Failed to allocate memory for coro stack pool"); NextToAlloc_ = memory.Aligned + Guard_.GetPageAlignedSize(); // skip first guard page Guard_.Protect(memory.Aligned, Guard_.GetPageAlignedSize(), false); // protect first guard page Memory_.push_back(std::move(memory)); } template<typename TGuard> bool TPool<TGuard>::IsSmallStack() const noexcept { return StackSize_ / PageSize <= SmallStackMaxSizeInPages; } template<typename TGuard> bool TPool<TGuard>::IsStackFromThisPool(const NDetails::TStack& stack) const noexcept { for (const auto& chunk : Memory_) { const char* endOfStacksMemory = chunk.Aligned + ChunkSize_; if (chunk.Raw <= stack.GetRawMemory() && stack.GetRawMemory() < endOfStacksMemory) { return true; } } return false; } template<typename TGuard> NDetails::TStack TPool<TGuard>::AllocNewStack(const char* name) { if (NextToAlloc_ + StackSize_ > Memory_.rbegin()->Aligned + ChunkSize_) { AllocNewMemoryChunk(); // also sets NextToAlloc_ to first stack position in new allocated chunk of memory } Y_ASSERT(NextToAlloc_ + StackSize_ <= Memory_.rbegin()->Aligned + ChunkSize_); char* newStack = NextToAlloc_; NextToAlloc_ += StackSize_; Guard_.Protect(newStack, StackSize_, true); return NDetails::TStack{newStack, newStack, StackSize_, name}; } }