#pragma once #include "callbacks.h" #include "cont_poller.h" #include "iostatus.h" #include "poller.h" #include "stack/stack_common.h" #include "trampoline.h" #include "custom_time.h" #include <library/cpp/containers/intrusive_rb_tree/rb_tree.h> #include <util/system/error.h> #include <util/generic/ptr.h> #include <util/generic/intrlist.h> #include <util/datetime/base.h> #include <util/generic/maybe.h> #include <util/generic/function.h> #define EWAKEDUP 34567 class TCont; struct TContRep; class TContExecutor; class TContPollEvent; namespace NCoro::NStack { class IAllocator; } class TCont : private TIntrusiveListItem<TCont> { friend class TContExecutor; friend class TIntrusiveListItem<TCont>; friend class NCoro::TEventWaitQueue; friend class NCoro::TTrampoline; public: struct TJoinWait: public TIntrusiveListItem<TJoinWait> { TJoinWait(TCont& c) noexcept; void Wake() noexcept; public: TCont& Cont_; }; private: TCont( NCoro::NStack::IAllocator& allocator, uint32_t stackSize, TContExecutor& executor, NCoro::TTrampoline::TFunc func, const char* name ) noexcept; public: TContExecutor* Executor() noexcept { return &Executor_; } const TContExecutor* Executor() const noexcept { return &Executor_; } const char* Name() const noexcept { return Name_; } void PrintMe(IOutputStream& out) const noexcept; void Yield() noexcept; void ReScheduleAndSwitch() noexcept; /// @return ETIMEDOUT on success int SleepD(TInstant deadline) noexcept; int SleepT(TDuration timeout) noexcept { return SleepD(timeout.ToDeadLine()); } int SleepI() noexcept { return SleepD(TInstant::Max()); } bool IAmRunning() const noexcept; void Cancel() noexcept; void Cancel(THolder<std::exception> exception) noexcept; bool Cancelled() const noexcept { return Cancelled_; } bool Scheduled() const noexcept { return Scheduled_; } /// \param this корутина, которая будет ждать /// \param c корутина, которую будем ждать /// \param deadLine максимальное время ожидания /// \param forceStop кастомный обработчик ситуации, когда завершается время ожидания или отменяется ожидающая корутина (this) /// дефолтное поведение - отменить ожидаемую корутину (c->Cancel()) bool Join(TCont* c, TInstant deadLine = TInstant::Max(), std::function<void(TJoinWait&, TCont*)> forceStop = {}) noexcept; void ReSchedule() noexcept; void Switch() noexcept; void SwitchTo(TExceptionSafeContext* ctx) { Trampoline_.SwitchTo(ctx); } THolder<std::exception> TakeException() noexcept { return std::move(Exception_); } void SetException(THolder<std::exception> exception) noexcept { Exception_ = std::move(exception); } private: void Terminate(); private: TContExecutor& Executor_; // TODO(velavokr): allow name storage owning (for generated names backed by TString) const char* Name_ = nullptr; NCoro::TTrampoline Trampoline_; TIntrusiveList<TJoinWait> Waiters_; bool Cancelled_ = false; bool Scheduled_ = false; THolder<std::exception> Exception_; }; TCont* RunningCont(); template <class Functor> static void ContHelperFunc(TCont* cont, void* arg) { (*((Functor*)(arg)))(cont); } template <typename T, void (T::*M)(TCont*)> static void ContHelperMemberFunc(TCont* c, void* arg) { ((reinterpret_cast<T*>(arg))->*M)(c); } class IUserEvent : public TIntrusiveListItem<IUserEvent> { public: virtual ~IUserEvent() = default; virtual void Execute() = 0; }; /// Central coroutine class. /// Note, coroutines are single-threaded, and all methods must be called from the single thread class TContExecutor { friend class TCont; using TContList = TIntrusiveList<TCont>; public: TContExecutor( uint32_t defaultStackSize, THolder<IPollerFace> poller = IPollerFace::Default(), NCoro::IScheduleCallback* = nullptr, NCoro::IEnterPollerCallback* = nullptr, NCoro::NStack::EGuard stackGuard = NCoro::NStack::EGuard::Canary, TMaybe<NCoro::NStack::TPoolAllocatorSettings> poolSettings = Nothing(), NCoro::ITime* time = nullptr ); ~TContExecutor(); // if we already have a coroutine to run void Execute() noexcept; void Execute(TContFunc func, void* arg = nullptr) noexcept; template <class Functor> void Execute(Functor& f) noexcept { Execute((TContFunc)ContHelperFunc<Functor>, (void*)&f); } template <typename T, void (T::*M)(TCont*)> void Execute(T* obj) noexcept { Execute(ContHelperMemberFunc<T, M>, obj); } template <class Functor> TCont* Create( Functor& f, const char* name, TMaybe<ui32> customStackSize = Nothing() ) noexcept { return Create((TContFunc)ContHelperFunc<Functor>, (void*)&f, name, customStackSize); } template <typename T, void (T::*M)(TCont*)> TCont* Create( T* obj, const char* name, TMaybe<ui32> customStackSize = Nothing() ) noexcept { return Create(ContHelperMemberFunc<T, M>, obj, name, customStackSize); } TCont* Create( TContFunc func, void* arg, const char* name, TMaybe<ui32> customStackSize = Nothing() ) noexcept; TCont* CreateOwned( NCoro::TTrampoline::TFunc func, const char* name, TMaybe<ui32> customStackSize = Nothing() ) noexcept; NCoro::TContPoller* Poller() noexcept { return &Poller_; } TCont* Running() noexcept { return Current_; } const TCont* Running() const noexcept { return Current_; } size_t TotalReadyConts() const noexcept { return Ready_.Size() + TotalScheduledConts(); } size_t TotalScheduledConts() const noexcept { return ReadyNext_.Size(); } size_t TotalConts() const noexcept { return Allocated_; } size_t TotalWaitingConts() const noexcept { return TotalConts() - TotalReadyConts(); } NCoro::NStack::TAllocatorStats GetAllocatorStats() const noexcept; // TODO(velavokr): rename, it is just CancelAll actually void Abort() noexcept; void SetFailOnError(bool fail) noexcept { FailOnError_ = fail; } bool FailOnError() const noexcept { return FailOnError_; } void RegisterInWaitQueue(NCoro::TContPollEvent* event) { WaitQueue_.Register(event); } void ScheduleIoWait(TFdEvent* event) { RegisterInWaitQueue(event); Poller_.Schedule(event); } void ScheduleIoWait(TTimerEvent* event) noexcept { RegisterInWaitQueue(event); } void ScheduleUserEvent(IUserEvent* event) { UserEvents_.PushBack(event); } void Pause(); TInstant Now(); private: void Release(TCont* cont) noexcept; void Exit(TCont* cont) noexcept; void RunScheduler() noexcept; void ScheduleToDelete(TCont* cont) noexcept; void ScheduleExecution(TCont* cont) noexcept; void ScheduleExecutionNow(TCont* cont) noexcept; void DeleteScheduled() noexcept; void WaitForIO(); void Poll(TInstant deadline); private: NCoro::IScheduleCallback* const ScheduleCallback_ = nullptr; NCoro::IEnterPollerCallback* const EnterPollerCallback_ = nullptr; const uint32_t DefaultStackSize_; THolder<NCoro::NStack::IAllocator> StackAllocator_; TExceptionSafeContext SchedContext_; TContList ToDelete_; TContList Ready_; TContList ReadyNext_; NCoro::TEventWaitQueue WaitQueue_; NCoro::TContPoller Poller_; NCoro::TContPoller::TEvents PollerEvents_; TInstant LastPoll_; TIntrusiveList<IUserEvent> UserEvents_; size_t Allocated_ = 0; TCont* Current_ = nullptr; bool FailOnError_ = false; bool Paused_ = false; NCoro::ITime* Time_ = nullptr; };